insurance certificate


insurance certificate
We undersigned, AIG Europe Ltd, Tour CB21 16 place de l’Iris – 92400 Courbevoie, certify
DAL Zeitarbeit GmbH
And its subsidiaries
WIM work in motion Betriebshaftpflicht & WSES Wind & Sun Energy Services
are beneficiaries of the General and completed operations liability policy n° 7 109 708 issued to
DERICHEBOURG which undertakes to indemnify all the sums they become obligated to pay by
reason of damages sustained by third parties and due to their activities and/or their products.
Combined single limit
(Property damage, bodily injury, financial loss)
EUR 5,000,000.00 each and every loss
EUR 5,000,000.00 per year aggregate
This insurance certificate is issued in the scope of all temporary employment activities performed
by DAL Zeitarbeit GmbH in Germany and Europe, in particular under the specific regulations of the
German law on temporary employment (“Arbeitnehmerüberlassungsgesetz”). This certificate also
covers all temporary employment activities of DAL Zeitarbeit GmbH based on so-called workpackages-contracts (“Werkvertragsleistungen”). This insurance certificate embraces all temporary
employment activities of DAL Zeitarbeit GmbH performed under the German law on temporary
employment as follows:
production, repair, maintenance, line maintenance and overhaul of any kind of aircrafts in
Germany and Europe
ii) erection, repair, maintenance and overhaul of offshore wind turbines and their components in
Germany and Europe
This insurance certificate, which cannot bind the insurance Company beyond the conditions and
limits of the policy to which it refers, is valid for the period December 1st 2015 to
November 30th, 2016 and constitutes only an assumption of coverage.
Paris-La Défense, December 11th 2015
Les données à caractère personnel qui nous sont transmises font l'objet d'un traitement automatisé destiné à assurer la bonne gestion de nos activités.
Les personnes concernées peuvent exercer leur droit d'accès, de modification, de rectification ou d'opposition en nous contactant à l'adresse postale
mentionnée ci-dessous. Notre Politique de Protection des Données Personnelles est disponible sur notre site à l'adresse suivante :
AIG Europe Limited - Société au capital de 197 118 478 livres sterling, enregistrée au registre des sociétés d'Angleterre et du Pays de Galles sous le n°01486260
Siege social: The AIG Building, 58 Fenchurch Street, London EC3M 4AB, Royaume-Uni.
Succursale pour la France : Tour CB21-16 Place de l'Iris, 92400 Courbevoie. Adresse Postale : Tour CB21-16 Place de l'Iris, 92040 Paris La Défense Cedex.
Téléphone : +33 - Facsimile : +33 - RCS Nanterre 752 862 540