Performance through the Lens of Data


Performance through the Lens of Data
Volume 8, Issue 1, Winter 2012
Inside this Issue
Featured Stories - p. 1
Publica ons - p. 6
Financement de la recherche - p. 2
Research in Ac on - p. 9
Collabora ve Research - p. 3
Ethics Insights - p. 10
Nos professeurs en vede e - p. 4
À vos calendriers - p. 11
Spotlight on Our MSc Students - p. 5
The Management Library - p. 12
Performance through the Lens of Data
Jacomo Corbo examines how informa on flows The workflows provide a rich soil for the study of produc vity
affect organiza onal performance.
and innova on management, highligh ng factors that detract
from or improve performance in those areas,” he says. “That will
Problems such as organiza onal produc vity
be valuable not only to researchers, but to those responsible for
and innova on management tradi onally have
innova on projects, like the F1 engineering managers who have
not been tackled in a very data-intensive way,
responsibility for key ques ons about who should talk to whom, in
because of a paucity of data. That gap has been what measure, and about what interfaces.”
hard to fill because a strong case for collec ng
and scru nizing data has not been made.
The team will create econometric models and iden fy rela onships
in the data using machine-learning methods. From there, models of
But that’s changing in important ways, argues
workflow pa erns on the F1 teams will be developed. The project
Jacomo Corbo, Canada Research Chair in Informa on and
will culminate in the development of theory, and ul mately, tools
Performance Management at the Telfer School of Management.
that can be used within companies.
Companies like Google have turned to big data collec on, showing
how it can strengthen teams by illustra ng, for example, the
Analysis of the F1 data has already begun to bear fruit. “A totally
traits workers value most in managers. The infrastructure for data unexpected, and perhaps one of the most interes ng parts of the
analysis is also improving drama cally, thanks in part to university- research,” Corbo says, “is an understanding of how communica on
industry collabora ons such as the IBM Centre for Business
dynamics and collabora on dynamics between engineers impacts
Analy cs and Performance (CBAP). Finally, and most importantly,
the output, impacts individual organiza onal produc vity, and even
researchers can now study dynamic workflow environments in
the success or failure of innova on projects.”
depth as rich industry data sets become available.
Corbo was appointed Canada Research Chair ten years a er
“What is an op mal team composi on, and how much turnover
receiving his B.Eng. in Electrical Engineering from McGill University.
is advisable in teams? Who should work on what projects, and
In the interim came Harvard (Ph.D. in Computer Science) and a
how should communica on be structured within a department?
postdoctoral research fellowship at the Wharton School of Business
What drives produc vity in a team? Those ques ons can now be
at the University of Pennsylvania, where he is currently a Senior
analyzed in a very data-intensive, scien fic way.”
The answers, in the context of innova on in advanced industries,
Since arriving in September 2011, the University of O awa “has
may provide an early warning capability about projects that
surprised me a great deal – it’s absolutely excellent,” he says. “I am
are notoriously difficult to manage. Corbo and his colleagues at
enthusias c about the many opportuni es available to leverage
Harvard University and the University of O awa are examining
the Canadian Research Chair within dynamic research areas at
a rich, unique dataset from an environment where successful
the university, and to advance Telfer’s experience in collabora ve
innova on is rare: product development at Formula One.
Among 100 aerodynamic components designed for F1 cars,
typically less than five are frui ul designs, explains Corbo, who was In that vein, the CBAP provides “pivotal” support to his research
the head of race strategy for the Renault F1 Team Ltd. from 2006 to agenda, he says. “Given that a lot of my research agenda is
2008. Study of the informa on flows between the design engineers predicated on this idea of big data, working with very large data
highlights factors that are going to yield good performance or
sets, having the backing of a company like IBM, and all of the
bad performance – knowledge that managers can use to halt
infrastructure they provide, helps us immeasurably.”
unpromising projects earlier and redeploy resources towards
projects that have a higher likelihood of success.
Un géographe réécrit les règles de l’innova on
David Doloreux étudie les condi ons menant
à la mise en œuvre de stratégies d’innova on
L’innova on est en quelque sorte une ques on
de géographie; ce n’est simplement pas celle sur
laquelle les chercheurs et les décideurs ont mis
l’accent jusqu’à maintenant. Les plus récentes études
de David Doloreux viennent me re en doute l’idée
que différents lieux perme ent différents niveaux
d’accès aux sources de renseignements, à la recherche et au
développement, aux collaborateurs et aux marchés qui favorisent
l’innova on.
« Dans notre étude des services aux entreprises à forte intensité de
savoir au Québec, nous avons découvert que l’innova on varie tant
à dans l’espace con nu que dans des territoires dis ncts, et ces
varia ons ne peuvent pas être expliquées par les différences entre
la capacité des sociétés à accéder aux renseignements, au savoir
et aux partenaires » men onne M. Doloreux, Chaire de recherche
sur la francophonie canadienne - innova on, entrepreneuriat et
développement régional à l’École de ges on Telfer.
Étonnamment, on a observé que dans de nombreux cas, les
sociétés se montraient plus novatrices dans les régions éloignées
que dans les villes, ce qui reflète non seulement le fait que
certaines sociétés cherchent des lieux éloignés pour des raisons
stratégiques, mais aussi en raison de leur nature différente et des
marchés des régions éloignées. M. Doloreux indique que certains
facteurs d’innova on peuvent varier con nuellement dans l’espace,
comme une diminu on de la propension des firmes à se spécialiser
dans un créneau par culier et une plus grande interna onalisa on
des processus d’innova on au fur et à mesure que l’on s’éloigne
des grands centres urbains.
des facteurs qui ne sont pas uniquement locaux, mais qui ont
également des structures spa ales plus élargies. »
Ce n’est pas la première fois que M. Doloreux présente un point
de vue de géographe concernant le problème des différences
dans l’innova on en révélant des résultats ina endus.
Chercheur prolifique, M. Doloreux étudie les hypothèses liant
l’entrepreneuriat, la créa vité et l’innova on au concept de région,
et ce, depuis plus de 10 ans. Au niveau interna onal, il a par cipé
à différents réseaux de recherche dans des pays d’Europe du
Nord, comme la Suède, où il a achevé son travail postdoctoral à
l’université de Lund, l’Allemagne, où il était professeur invité au
département de géographie à l’Université de Kiel, et la France
(collabora on scien fique avec l’Université de Toulouse).
L’Agence universitaire de la francophonie a récemment reconnu
les contribu ons de M. Doloreux en lui reme ant le prix de la
Francophonie pour jeunes chercheurs 2010-2011 dans le domaine
des sciences humaines, un prix pres gieux remis aux deux ans pour
récompenser un chercheur « ayant réalisé une percée significa ve
à l’interna onal, en par culier dans le cadre de la Francophonie ».
On peut également noter, parmi ses récentes contribu ons, des
découvertes clés qui lancent la ques on de savoir en quoi consiste
un système novateur régional efficace. En u lisant une bourse
importante du Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines, M.
Doloreux et ses collaborateurs-chercheurs ont récemment étudié
les condi ons pour le développement de grappes industrielles et la
manière dont elles ont été intégrées à l’économie régionale.
Les résultats ont permis d’obtenir une image plus complexe des
mécanismes que l’on croit les plus propices pour l’innova on.
D’ailleurs, comme M. Doloreux et M. Richard Shearmur, de
l’Université du Québec l’ont conclu dans un ar cle publié dans le
Journal of Economic Geography : « Une fois que l’on se penche
sérieusement sur la géographie de l’innova on, on découvre la
Les résultats sont probants; il serait important d’examiner si les
mesure dans laquelle on n’en savait peu et combien d’éléments
modèles d’innova on observés « peuvent être expliqués par des
facteurs culturels, organisa onnels ou ins tu onnels non mesurés, étaient simplement tenus pour acquis. »
Financement de la recherche | Research Funding
Telfer-Spro Research Forum 2012
Telfer-Spro Research Fund
On Thursday, April 26, 2012, the Telfer School of Management will
host the third edi on of the Telfer-Spro Research Forum. The
goal of this event is to provide a venue for con nuous exchange of
research knowledge and to allow faculty to form new linkages that
will lead to ongoing collabora ons.
The Telfer School of Management and the Spro School of Business
have created a research fund to support joint research ac vi es
involving Telfer and Spro professors (minimum one professor per
school, no maximum) that lead to external grants and publica ons
in high quality, peer-reviewed journals. Teams can also include
researchers from other ins tu ons and partners from government,
industry, or not-for-profit sectors.
This year, the theme chosen is “Sustainable Management”.
Historically, businesses have been primarily focused on their
profit mo ve, discoun ng the long-term cost of trea ng natural
and human resources as unlimited and expendable. Many private
sector organiza ons have begun to realize that a triple bo om
line focus (i.e, on people, profits, and the environment) can help
to sustain long-term profit, but there is an urgent socioeconomic
need for research that can guide organiza ons in the direc on of
sustainability. Management researchers have the poten al to be
the systemic thread that pulls these diverse academic communi es
together in pursuit of the triple bo om line.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Telfer School of Management
Desmarais Building
DMS 4101
We hope to see you there to make this annual mee ng a success!!!
Applicants can request up to $10,000 ($5,000 donated by each
School) for projects las ng up to two years. Applica ons must be
submi ed by April 2nd 2012 to the Research Offices at:
• the Telfer School ([email protected]; or
• the Spro School ([email protected]).
Only ONE project will be selected every year and this year’s results
will be announced at the Telfer-Spro Research Forum 2012!
For the complete guidelines and forms for the Telfer-Spro
Research Fund, please visit the Research sec on of the Telfer
website under Resources Login.
Volume 8, Issue 1, Winter 2012
Measuring the Impact of Investments in Higher Educa on R&D
Margaret Dalziel will examine the state of
knowledge and interna onal best prac ces on
measuring the impact of investments in higher
educa on R&D in a compara ve review funded by
the Social Sciences and Humani es Research Council
(SSHRC) and Industry Canada.
“A combina on of high performance in higher
educa on R&D on one hand, and low levels of
business expenditures on R&D and waning produc vity on the
other, is driving interest in leveraging investments in higher
educa on R&D to s mulate innova on and economic growth,” says
Dalziel, associate professor of innova on and entrepreneurship at
the Telfer School.
“To date Canada has limited experience in assessing the impact of
university-industry knowledge transfer. The focus on developing
valid and reliable measures of that impact comes in response to
limited government resources and ever-increasing concerns for
Dalziel will use a $17,500 SSHRC Knowledge Synthesis Grant
to examine the outcomes of various jurisdic ons in terms of
measuring the impact of investments in higher educa on R&D in
innova on-related and economic terms. She will report her findings
at the Congress of the Humani es and Social Sciences this summer.
Telfer School of Management Research Fund (SMRF) - Fall 2011
We are pleased to announce that nine research projects have been
SMRF Matching
funded by the Telfer School of Management Research Fund (SMRF)
last Fall. The purpose of this fund is to promote research ac vi es Leila Hamzaoui-Essoussi & Mehdi Zahaf ($4,000) – Ontarian
that lead to external grants and publica ons in high quality peerOrganic Food Market: Assessing the Market Poten al and the
reviewed journals.
Understanding of, and Confidence in, the Organic Food System
SMRF Research
Margaret Dalziel ($6,000) – Understanding the Architecture of the
Tiemei Sarah Li ($6,000) – Execu ve Stock Compensa on of
Offshore Firms: Interna onal Evidence
Philip McIlkenny ($6,000) – Intangible Assets and Insider Trading
Mar ne Spence ($6,000) – PME et développement durable :
Déterminants et mesures d’engagement
Mehdi Zahaf ($5,500) – Assessing Organic Foods Pricing Strategies
SMRF Graduate Students
Tracey O’Sullivan, Dan Lane (Supervisors) & MSc in Health Systems
candidate Chris ne Fahim ($2,000) – Exploring the Supports
Available for Health and Social Services Providers Responding to the
Disaster in Hai
Craig Kuziemsky, Tracey O’Sullivan (Supervisors) & MSc in Health
Systems candidate Andrea Ghazzawi ($945) – Naviga ng the Stroke
Rehabilita on System: A Family Caregiver’s Perspec ve
Samia Chreim (Supervisor) & Msc in Health Systems candidate
Kate MacNaughton ($2,000) – Role Construc on in
Interprofessional Healthcare Se ngs
Recherche en collabora on | Collabora ve Research
Dan Lane presented the C-Change project at two conferences:
the 8th Annual Canadian Risk and Hazards Network Symposium
in O awa (October 19-21, 2011) and the Adaptability of Human
Socie es to Perturba on Conference in Sendai, Japan (November
16-18, 2011). The sociological and economic effects of climate
change on coastal communi es were front and center at this
conference, which included a tour of areas ravaged by the tsunami
in 2011.
C-Change 3rd Newsle er - March 2012
The publica on will focus on the C-Change communi es of
Georgetown, Guyana and Charlo etown (PEI) as well as upcoming
events. It will be posted to the C-Change website (www.
Upcoming Conferences
C-Change Canada members will be travelling to Georgetown,
Grand Cayman for the UCCI/UWI/ICCI Caribbean Conference 50-50:
Surveying the Past, Mapping the Future (March 21–24, 2012).
In November 2011, C-Change Canada held the inaugural gathering
of its Advisory Board. The discussion was centered around the topic
of “Curriculum” for Sustainability. The C-Change ICURA Mid Term
C-Change members Sue Nichols, Colleen Mercer Clarke and Don
Report was submi ed to the sponsors SSHRC and IDRC in January
Forbes will be involved in an ini al scoping workshop for Natural
Resource Canada’s Canadian Coastal Climate Change Sensi vity,
Risk and Adapta on Assessment at the Bedford Ins tute of
C-Change Researcher Dr. Michael Sutherland (UWI, St. Augus ne
Campus) was awarded TT$44,225.00 (approximately $6,900 CDN) Oceanography in Dartmouth, NS (March 7-8, 2012).
from the UWI Campus Research and Publica on Grant 2011 to
support the transfer of knowledge to UWI of Titus Tienaah’s PPGIS C-Change ICURA Researcher Don Forbes will be a ending the
Climate Change: Ge ng Ready Conference (March 5-6, 2012). This
(technical construc on), Research Associate who has studied
discusses the results of the Atlan c Climate Adapta on
at UNB under C-Change Researcher Sue Nichols. This award
demonstrates Canada-Caribbean team collabora on, and efforts by
our team to secure addi onal funding for our project.
Ges on des pêches, des océans et de
l’aquaculture du Canada (C-FOAM)
Réseau de recherche sur la ges on des
océans (RRGO)
Les membres du groupe C-FOAM se sont réunis en février 2012
pour discuter d’une demande de comparu on devant le Sénat à
propos du Grey Seals Business Plan et pour formuler une réponse
à propos du document de travail de Pêches et Océans Canada,
in tulé L’avenir des pêches commerciales canadiennes, qui propose
une refonte des poli ques de ges on de la pêche au Canada.
Le second volume de la série OCN-Canada Policy Briefs, publiée par
Oceans and Coasts Networks (OCN), est paru en février 2012. Ce e
série a vu le jour lors du Congrès na onal 2009 du RRGO et se veut
un forum pour publier des opinions sur des ques ons d’élabora on
des poli ques, pour livrer des commentaires sur les sujets
d’actualité et pour encourager les échanges d’idées par rapport à
nos régions cô ères et nos océans (h p://
IBM Centre for Business Analy cs and Performance (CBAP)
The Healthcare Performance Improvement Program was recently
created, focusing on the applica on of analy cs to improve hospital
performance. Alan Forster, Execu ve in Residence at Telfer and
Scien fic Director Performance Measurement at The O awa
Hospital (TOH) will provide advice and direc on as to what are the
high impact research projects at TOH, and will also help to create
a two-way flow of informa on and collabora on between CBAP
researchers and TOH. Dr. Forster is Associate Professor of Medicine
at the University of O awa and Senior Scien st at TOH Research
Ins tute. New projects include:
• Understanding the Causes of Hospital Absenteeism (Craig
Kuziemsky and Michelle Morley);
• Crea ng Healthcare Process Flow Models which Support Flow
Ini a ves within the Orthopaedic Surgery Division (Jonathan
Patrick, Bijan Raahemi, and Alain Mou ham), and;
• Improving Performance Assessment of Emergency Department
Physicians (Wojtek Michalowski and Jonathan Patrick).
business analy cs skills. The website (available online on April 1st
2012) will include case studies that contain data in the form of an
IBM Cognos Cube, a short case descrip on, and teaching notes.
These cases will be used in pre-exis ng courses to augment student
learning related to the use of BI and analy cs.
CBAP was very involved during the 21st Annual Interna onal Centre
for Advanced Research Conference (CASCON) held in Toronto in
November 2011. Greg Richards and Bijan Raahemi organized
the Workshop on Informa on Management for Situa onal
Analy cs, addressing this concept through 3 separate but related
presenta ons: 1) A Framework for Situa onal Analy cs; 2) Service
Oriented Virtual Organiza on Architecture; 3) Social Media
Analy cs.
The first CBAP Research Café was held on October 6, 2011. This
event is an interac ve session to s mulate dialogue among industry
par cipants, professors and researchers. Innova ve research
projects were introduced and discussed through a series of short
presenta ons followed by a poster session.
A team including IBM execu ves Stephen Perelgut, Marcellus
Mindel, Jennifer Collins, Shahin Kahriz, and Angela Tyler (CBAP)
CBAP will be hos ng the 2nd Annual Research Café, October 11,
have created the Analy cs Connec on (h p://analy csconnec on. 2012. Interested par cipants are welcome to contact Angela Tyler
org) to promote the sharing of analy cs training to improve
([email protected] for further informa on.
Nos professeurs en vede e | Spotlight on Our Professors
Cérémonie de remise des prix de recherche de Tefler
La cinquième édi on de la Cérémonie de remise des prix de
Professeurs :
recherche de Telfer, qui vise à souligner l’excellence de la recherche
Morad Benyoucef
menée par nos professeurs et étudiants diplômés en 2011, a eu lieu
Kevin Brand
le 19 janvier 2012. Vingt-deux professeurs ont été honorés pour la
Jonathan Calof
publica on d’ouvrages, pour l’obten on d’importantes subven ons
et contrats de recherche et pour des nomina ons majeures. Sept
Tyler Chamberlin
étudiants diplômés ont reçu un prix pour avoir obtenu une bourse
Jacomo Corbo
d’études pres gieuse ou une subven on de stage. Toutes nos
Shujun Ding
félicita ons aux étoiles 2011!
David Doloreux
Sylvain Durocher
Leila Hamzaoui-Essoussi
Mirou Jaana
Craig Kuziemsky
Pranlal Manga
Cheryl Susan McWa ers
Laurent Mirabeau
Barbara Orser
Jonathan Patrick
Rhonda Pyper
Bijan Raahemi
Gregory Richards
Allan Riding
Mar ne Spence
Mehdi Zahaf
Étudiants diplômés :
Mohammad Hossein Danesh
Davood Astaraky
Chris ne Fahim
Andrea Ghazzawi
Seyed Izadshenas
Amin Kamali
Amir Afrasiabi Rad
Rendez-vous en janvier 2013 pour honorer les accomplissements
en recherche de 2012!
Volume 8,
7, Issue 1, February
Winter 2012
Swee C. Goh, Ph.D. named Emeritus Professor
Following a dedicated 30 year career at the Telfer
School of Management, Professor Swee Goh has
decided to re re. Although he will not be teaching
anymore, Professor Goh will con nue to contribute
to the Telfer School through his new posi on as
Emeritus Professor. Professor Goh has been an
excellent mentor to his students over the years and
a dedicated researcher. We wish him happiness and
success in his “new career”!
Jacomo Corbo Named Senior Fellow
Member of the Strategic Planning Leadership
Commi ee
Doug Angus was appointed as member of the
Strategic Planning Leadership Commi ee, from
January through April, 2012, the goal of which
is to assist in the development of the 2013-2016
Champlain Cardiovascular Disease Preven on
Strategy that will “mobilize and integrate partners in
community, academia, public health, primary care,
and ins tu onal sectors to eliminate dispari es in
cardiovascular disease risk and ensure the ci zens of
the Champlain District are the most heart healthy and stroke-free in
Canada.” (Source: h p://
In December 2011, Jacomo Corbo has been named a Senior Fellow
at Wharton’s Mack Center for Technological Innova on. “The
Membre d’un groupe cadre d’experts sur
senior fellows are a group of business and academic leaders with
extensive experience and knowledge in the field of technological
l’océanographie au Canada
innova on. They par cipate in a variety of Mack Center ac vi es,
including research projects and ini a ves, and insight-building
Dan Lane est membre du groupe cadre d’experts
events”. (Source: h p://
sur les ques ons de recherche prioritaires en
océanographie canadienne qui se penchera sur
les occasions environnementales, économiques et
Axés sur le biologique
sociales, de même que sur les défis sociétaux liés
aux océans du Canada. Vingt experts canadiens
Les professeurs Mehdi Zahaf et Leila Hamzaouien océanographie par ciperont à ce e première
Essoussi ont lancé un nouveau site web pour leur
phase et détermineront les ques ons de recherche
projet de recherche sur les aliments organiques : Le prioritaires en océanographie canadienne. (Source:
Biologique: Opportunités et Défis.
h p://« Organics » est un nouveau site web
de l’École Telfer sur le marke ng des
produits biologiques. Les chercheurs
travaillent sur ce thème depuis
Telfer Professors on Editorial Advisory Board
plusieurs années et ont pris l’ini a ve
de créer ce site afin de partager des informa ons
Cheryl McWa ers has been recently appointed
avec les publics académiques, d’affaires et le public
the Editorial Advisory Board of the Accoun ng,
en général. Visitez le h p://www.telfer.uO
ng & Accountability Journal (AAAJ). Another
Telfer Professor, Sylvain Durocher, is also serving on
the Board.
Expert Panel on Innova on
AAAJ is a leading interna onal
interdisciplinary accoun ng research
Margaret Dalziel is serving on the Council of Canadian Academies’
journal that “focuses on research
Expert Panel on the Socio-economic Impact of Innova on
into the interac on between accoun ng/audi ng
Investments. It will examine best prac ces for policy-makers to
evaluate and measure the impact of their investments in innova on and their socio-economic, ins tu onal, and poli cal
in terms of socio-economic effects such as output, employment,
tax, crea on of new ventures, development of entrepreneurship
and social impacts. (Source: h p://
Nos étudiants M.Sc. en vede e | Spotlight on Our MSc Students
Thesis Proposals | Thesis Defences
Ira Grover (MSc in Management) - October 2011
Thesis Proposal: Exploring the Rela onship between Leadership,
Organiza onal Learning Capability and the Media ng Role of Trust
Sushil Dahiya (MSc in Management) - September 2011
Thesis Proposal: SME U liza on of Innova on Intermediary Services (Supervisor: Swee Goh)
(Supervisors: Samia Chreim and Tom Brzustowski)
Alex Corne (MSc in Health Systems) - October 2011
Thesis Proposal: Iden fying Communica on Precursors to Medical
Weiwei Wu (MSc in Management) - September 2011
Thesis Defence: Innova on Intermedia on Ac vi es and the Actors Error in a In-Pa ent Clinical Environment: A Pallia ve Seda on
Therapy Case Study (Supervisor: Craig Kuziemsky)
that Perform Them (Supervisor: Margaret Dalziel)
Evelyne Lord-Tarte (MSc in Management) - September 2011
Thesis Proposal: Innova on Dynamics and the Development of the
Canadian Wine Industry, A Regional Perspec ve (Supervisor: David
Boushra El Haj Hassan (MSc in Management) - February 2012
Thesis Defence: Assessment of the Commercializa on Capabili es
of Canadian Technology Firms (Supervisor: Ajax Persaud)
Publica ons
Post-Internship Presenta ons
Kate MacNaughton - Internship: Pallia ve Care Research Team at
the Elisabeth Bruyère Research Ins tute, where she conducted
analyses of qualita ve and quan ta ve Interprofessional Educa on
data under the supervision of Dr. Pippa Hall and Pam Grassau.
Andrea Ghazzawi - Internship: Health Services and Policy Research
(IHSPR) at the Canadian Ins tutes of Health Research (CIHR), where
she gained a breadth of knowledge about health research under
the mentorship of Erik Landriault.
Jennifer McKenzie - Internship: North East Local Health Integra on
Network, where she par cipated in and observed the change
process of the integra on of Addic ons and Mental Health services
within the Algoma District under the supervision of Mike O’Shea
Aaron Gordon.
Chris ne Fahim - Internship: World Health Organiza on Regional
Branch of Europe (Copenhagen, Denmark), where she was involved
in the Country Emergency Preparedness and Interna onal Health
Regula ons Programs. Through her involvement in the IHR
program, she traveled to Tbilisi, Georgia to assist in an assessment
of the IHR implementa on in the country, under the supervision of
Dr. Thomas Hofmann and Dr. Gerald Rockenschaub.
O’Sullivan, T., Fahim, C., Kuziemsky, C. and Corneil, W. (2011).
Enhancing Resilience and Disaster Preparedness through
Community Development and the Social Determinants of Health
(The EnRiCH Project: 2009-2013, Canada). Abstract published in the
European Journal of Public Health, 21(S1): p. 25.
MSc student in Health Systems Javier Fiallos, and professors Wojtek
Michalowski and Jonathan Patrick received $5,000 through the IBM
Centre for Business Analy cs and Performance Internal Funding
Program for their research project Development of a Quan ta ve
Evalua on Model to Assess the Performance of Emergency
Department Physicians.
Scholarships 2011-2012
Admission Scholarships:
Élizabeth Gagnon (MSc in Health Systems)
Suman Deep Kaur (MSc in Health Systems)
Vicki Sabourin Sabourin (MSc in Health Systems)
Tanita Noor Tahmina (MSc in Management)
John de la Mothe Scholarship:
Other Presenta ons
Falconi, M., Fahim, C. and O’Sullivan, T. (October 2011). Protec ng
and Suppor ng High Risk Popula ons in Pandemic: Drawing from
Experiences with Influenza A (H1N1). Oral presenta on at the
Canadian Risks and Hazards Network Conference in O awa.
Tanita Noor Tahmina (MSc in Management)
Telfer Research Scholarships:
Javier Fiallos (MSc in Health Systems)
Asha Gajaria (MSc in Health Systems)
Elliot Bourgeois (MSc in Management)
Xiao Zhao (MSc in Management)
Publica ons
F. Adjaoud
D. Angus
J. Barre e
W. Ben Amar S. Ben Amor M. Benyoucef
Livres | Books
Angus, D. and Boutsioli, Z. (Eds.). (2011). Health Studies: Economic,
Management and Policy. Athens Ins tute for Educa on and
Research (ATINER): Athens, Greece, 312 p.
Bozec, R. (2012). La consolida on des états financiers selon les
IFRS : Une approche visuelle, 2e édi on. Parmitech: O awa, 412 p.
Bozec, R. (2012). Comptabilité avancée : Manuel de l’étudiant.
Parmitech: O awa, 600 p.
Grewal, D., Levy, M., Persaud, A. and Lich , I. (2012). Marke ng,
2nd Cdn Ed. With Connect Access Card. McGraw-Hill Ryerson Higher
Educa on, 582 pages.
Chapitres de livres | Book Chapters
Dalziel, M. and Parjanen, S. (2012). Measuring the Impact of
Innova on Intermediaries: A Case Study of Tekes. In Harmaakorpi,
V. and Melkas, H. (Eds.), Prac ce-Based Innova on: Insights,
Applica ons, and Policy Implica ons, Springer, Chapter 7, p. 117134.
Hamzaoui-Essoussi, L. and Zahaf, M. (2012). The Organic Food
Market: Opportuni es and Challenges. In Reed, M. (Ed.), Organic
Food and Agriculture - New Trends and Developments in the Social
Sciences, In Tech, Chapter 4, p. 63-88.
Stephenson, R.L. et Lane, D.E. (2011). L’évolu on de la ges on
intégrée de la zone cô ère au Canada atlan que : Études de cas.
Dans Chouinard, O., Baztan, J. et Vanderlinden, J.-P. (Éds.), Zones
cô ères et changement clima que : Le défi de la ges on intégrée,
S. Bonaccio
R. Bozec
A. Boujenoui
M. Bujaki
J. Calof
Collec on Géographie contemporaine, Presses de l’Université du
Québec, Chapitre 6., p. 119-134.
Spence. M. (2011). Distribu on interna onale. Le cas Misslyn. Dans
Marchesnay, M. et Messeghem, K. (Éds.), Cas de stratégie de PME
et d’entrepreneuriat, Édi ons EMS, Chapitre 7, p. 159-184.
Ar cles dans des revues avec comité de lecture |
Refereed Journal Ar cles
Barre e, J., Lemyre, L., Corneil, W. and Beauregard, N. (January
2012). Organiza onal Learning Facilitators in the Public Sector.
Interna onal Journal of Public Administra on, 35(2): 137-149.
Ben Amar, W., Boujenoui, A. and Francoeur, C. (December 2011).
CEO A ributes, Board Composi on, and Acquirer Value Crea on: A
Canadian Study. Canadian Journal of Administra ve Sciences/Revue
canadienne des sciences administra ves, 28(4): 480-492.
Ben Amar, W., Boujenoui, A. et Smaili, N. (Juillet-Octobre
2011). Contrôle familial et qualité de l’informa on au sujet de la
rémunéra on des dirigeants au Canada. La Revue du Financier,
190-191: 23-39.
Afrasiabi Rad, A. and Benyoucef, M. (January 2012). Measuring
Propaga on in Online Social Networks: The Case of YouTube.
Journal of Informa on Systems Applied Research, 5(1): 26-35.
Reeve, C.L. and Bonaccio, S. (September-October 2011). On the
Myth and the Reality of the Temporal Validity Degrada on of
General Mental Ability Test Scores. Intelligence, 39(5): 255-272.
Volume 8, Issue 1, Winter 2012
J. Carrière
T. Chamberlin
I. Chkir
M. Dalziel
S. Ding
D. Doloreux
Bozec, Y. and Bozec, R. (July-December 2011). Corporate
Governance Quality and the Cost of Capital. Interna onal Journal of
Corporate Governance, 2(3/4): 217-236.
Calof, J. and Smith, J.E., Guest Editors. (January 2012). Foresight
Impacts from around the World: A Special Issue. Foresight, 14(1):
Calof, J., Miller, R. and Jackson, M. (January 2012). Towards
Impac ul Foresight: Viewpoints from Foresight Consultants and
Academics. Foresight, 14(1): 82-97.
Chkir, I. and Saadi, S. (2011). Dividends and Corporate Governance:
The Effect of Canadian Tax Reforms. Canadian Tax Journal, 59(3):
Ding, S., Qu, B. and Zhuang, Z. (October 2011). Accoun ng
Proper es of Chinese Family Firms. Journal of Accoun ng Audi ng
and Finance, 26(4): 623-640.
Ding, S. and Beaulieu, P. (December 2011). The Role of Financial
Incen ves in Balanced Scorecard-Based Performance Evalua ons:
Correc ng Mood Congruency Biases. Journal of Accoun ng
Research, 49(5): 1223-1247.
Doloreux, D., Tremblay, D.-G., Klein, J.-L., Dionne, S. et Ben
Hassen, T. (Hiver 2011). Interven on publique sur le
développement de grappes industrielles au Québec. The Canadian
Geographer/Le Géographe canadien, 55(4): 426-438.
Guillaume, R. and Doloreux, D. (November 2011). Produc on
Systems and Innova on in ‘Satellite’ Regions: Lessons from a
Comparison between Mechanic Valley (France) and Beauce
(Québec). Interna onal Journal of Urban and Regional Research,
35(6): 1133-1153.
Therrien, P., Doloreux, D. and Chamberlin, T. (December 2011).
Innova on Novelty and (Commercial) Performance in the Service
Sector: A Canadian Firm-Level Analysis. Technova on, 31(12): 655665.
Doloreux, D. and Shearmur, R. (January 2012). Collabora on,
Informa on and the Geography of Innova on in Knowledge
Intensive Business Services. Journal of Economic Geography, 12(1):
Landry, R., Amara, N. and Doloreux, D. (February 2012). Knowledge
Exchange Strategies between KIBS Firms and Their Clients. The
Service Industries Journal, 32(2): 291-320.
Smith-Lacroix, J.-H., Durocher, S. and Gendron, Y. (January 2012).
The Erosion of Jurisdic on: Audi ng in a Market Value Accoun ng
Regime. Cri cal Perspec ves on Accoun ng, 23(1): 36-53.
Goh, S.C., Ellio , C. and Quon, T. (2012). The Rela onship between
Learning Capability and Organiza onal Performance: A MetaAnaly c Examina on. The Learning Organiza on, 19(2): 92-108.
Hamzaoui-Essoussi, L. and Zahaf, M. (January 2012). Canadian
Organic Food Consumers’ Profile and Their Willingness to Pay
Premium Prices. Journal of Interna onal Food and Agribusiness
Marke ng, 24(1): 1-21.
Jaana, M., Tamim, H., Paré, G. and Teitelbaum, M. (December
2011). Key IT Management Issues in Hospitals: Results of a Delphi
Study in Canada. Interna onal Journal of Medical Informa cs,
80(12): 828-840.
Jaana, M., Ward, M.M. and Bahensky, J.A. (Winter 2012). EMRs and
Clinical IS Implementa on in Hospitals: A Statewide Survey. The
Journal of Rural Health, 28(1): 34-43.
Khoroshilov, Y. (January 2012). Momentum Trading Strategy and
Investment Horizon: An Experimental Study. Journal of Economic
Studies, 39(1): 4-12.
S. Durocher
C. Ellio
M. Freel
S. Goh
L. Hamzaoui
Kuziemsky, C., Jewers, H., Appleby, B., Foshay, N., MacCaull,
W., Miller, K. and MacDonald, M. (January 2012). Informa on
Technology and Hospice Pallia ve Care: Social, Cultural, Ethical and
Technical Implica ons in a Rural Se ng. Informa cs for Health and
Social Care, 37(1): 37-50.
Williams, J. and Kuziemsky, C. (November 2011). Ins tu onal
Liability in the E-Health Era. Canadian Journal of Law and
Technology, 9(2): 277-309.
Dobler, M., Lajili, K. and Zéghal, D. (Fall 2011). A ributes of
Corporate Risk Disclosure: An Interna onal Inves ga on in the
Manufacturing Sector. The Journal of Interna onal Accoun ng
Research, 10(2): 1-22.
Masuda, A.D., Poelmans, S.A.Y., Allen, T.D., Spector, P.E.,
Lapierre, L.M. et al. (January 2012). Flexible Work Arrangements
Availability and their Rela onship with Work-to-Family Conflict,
Job Sa sfac on and Turnover Inten ons: A Comparison of Three
Country Clusters. Applied Psychology: An Interna onal Review,
61(1): 1-29.
Linton, J.D. (September 2011). How Influen al Are Technology
Innova on Management Journals – Technology Innova on
Management Journal 2010 Impact Factors in Comparison with
Financial Times 45. Technova on, 31(9): 425-426.
Linton, J.D. (December 2011). What Does Journal Fit and Focus
Look Like: A Visual Representa on. Technova on, 31(12): 613-614.
Linton, J.D., Tierney, R. and Walsh, S.T. (December 2011). Publish or
Perish: How Are Research and Reputa on Related? Serials Review,
37(4): 244-257.
« On peut bien sûr mettre en place des politiques
favorisant les échanges et le développement d’une grappe,
mais on ne peut assurer que les échanges d’information
et de connaissances se produiront effectivement, encore
moins qu’ils produiront de l’innovation. »
David Doloreux et al., Le Géographe canadien
Linton, J.D. (January 2012). Business School Research and Rankings:
Where Do the Schools Really Stand? Technova on, 32(1): 1-5.
Linton, J.D. (January 2012). How to Get Your Papers Rejected (or
Not). Technova on, 32(1): 6-8.
Goldenberg, D.H. and Linton, J.D. (January 2012). The Patent
Paradox - New Insights through Decision Support Using Compound
Op ons. Technological Forecas ng and Social Change, 79(1): 180185.
Orser, B.J., Ellio , C. and Leck, J. (2011). Feminist A ributes and
Entrepreneurial Iden ty. Gender in Management: An Interna onal
Journal, 26(8): 561-589.
Orser, B., Riding, A. and Stanley, J. (January 2012). Perceived Career
Challenges and Response Strategies of Women in the Advanced
Technology Sector. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development,
24(1/2): 73-93.
Izderda, L., Adams, O., Patrick, J., Schrecker, T. and Tugwell, P.
(2011). Access to Primary Healthcare Services for the Roma
Popula on in Serbia: A Secondary Data Analysis. BMC Interna onal
Health and Human Rights, 11(10): 14 pages.
Riding, A.L., Orser, B.J., Spence, M. and Belanger, B. (February
2012). Financing New Venture Exporters. Small Business Economics,
38(2): 147-163.
Spence, M. (2011). Ferronnerie d’art. Revue interna onale de cas
en ges on, 9(3): 1-9.
M. Jaana
Y. Khoroshilov C. Kuziemsky
K. Lajili
D. Lane
L. Lapierre
Zéghal, D. and Maaloul, A. (December 2011). The Accoun ng
Treatment of Intangibles: A Cri cal Review of the Literature.
Accoun ng Forum, 35(4): 262-274.
Ar cles en actes de colloque |
Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings
Adjaoud, F. and Sellami, M. (January 2012). Real Earnings
Management: The Case of French Firms. Proceedings –
Interna onal Academy of Business and Public Administra on
Disciplines, Orlando, FL, USA.
Afrasiabi Rad, A. and Benyoucef, M. (November 2011). Measuring
Propaga on in Online Social Networks: The Case of YouTube.
Proceedings – 4th Conference on Informa on Systems Applied
Research (CONISAR 2011), Wilmington, NC, USA, v4, n1834.
Sadeghi, P., Benyoucef, M. and Kuziemsky, C. (November 2011).
Towards a Readiness Model for Health 2.0. Proceedings – The
Interna onal Conference on Management of Emergent Digital
EcoSystems (MEDES’11), San Franscico, CA, USA.
Calof, J.L. (November 2011). Foresight and Intelligence Equals
Insight. Proceedings – The Ins tute of Environmental Management
and Assessment Conference (IEMA 2011), London, United Kingdom.
Carrière, J. et Bremner, N. (octobre 2011). Les effets des
caractéris ques du travail sur l’épuisement professionnel dans un
contexte hospitalier et l’effet médiateur du sens du travail. Actes de
colloque – 22e congrès de l’Associa on francophone de Ges on des
Ressources Humaines (AGRH), Marrackech, Maroc, 25 pages.
Smith-Lacroix, J.-H., Durocher, S. and Gendron, Y. (January 2012).
The Erosion of Jurisdic on: Audi ng in a Market Value Accoun ng
Regime. Proceedings – American Accoun ng Associa on Midyear
Conference, Savannah, GA, USA.
Jaana, M., Teitelbaum, M. and Roffey, T. (January 2012). IT Strategic
Planning in a Pediatric Hospital: Overview of the Process and
Outcomes. Proceedings – 45th Hawaii Interna onal Conference on
System Sciences, Wailea, Maui, HI, USA.
Ga , C., Embrechts and M., Linton, J.D. (October 2011).
Reinforcement Learning and the Effects of Parameter Se ngs in
the Game of Chung Toi. Proceedings – 2011 IEEE Interna onal
Conference on Systems, Man, and Cyberne cs (IEEE SMC 2011),
Anchorate, AK, USA.
Elmawazini, K., Manga, P. (October 2011). Export Success and
Interna onal Technology Spillovers: Empirical Evidence using Panel
Data Models. Proceedings – 7th Interna onal Conference of Global
Academy of Business & Economic Research, New York, NY, USA.
O’Sullivan, D., Doyle, J., Michalowski, W., Wilk, S., Farion, K. and
Kuziemsky, C. (October 2011). Assessing the Mo va on of MDs to
use Computer-based Support at the Point-of-Care in the Emergency
Department. Proceedings – American Medical Informa cs
Associa on 2011 Annual Symposium (AMIA 2011), Washington, DC,
Wilk, Sz., Michalowski, M., Michalowski, W., Mainegra Hing, M. and
Farion, K. (October 2011). Reconciling Pairs of Concurrently Used
Clinical Prac ce Guidelines Using Constraint Logic Programming.
Proceedings – American Medical Informa cs Associa on 2011
Annual Symposium (AMIA 2011), Washington, DC, USA.
Neville, F., Orser, B. and Riding, A. (September 2011). Export
Propensity, Enterprise Growth and Immigrant-Owned Businesses.
Proceedings – 14th McGill Interna onal Entrepreneurship
Conference, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark.
Danesh, M. H., Raahemi, B. and Kamali, M.A. (October 2011). A
Framework for Process Management in Service Oriented Virtual
Organiza ons. Proceedings – 7th Interna onal Conference on Next
Genera on Web Services Prac ces 2011, Salamanca, Spain.
J. Leck
J. Linton
P. Manga W. Michalowski
M. Miles
Murillo M. and Wright D.J. (October 2011). Experiences in
Volunteer Dynamics, Inter-Organiza onal Collabora on and
Management for the Purpose of Deploying Telemedicine Solu ons
in Remote Areas in Developing Na ons. Proceedings – IEEE Global
Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC 2011), Sea le, WA,
Zéghal, D., Dobler, M. and Lajili, K. (November 2011). An Empirical
Inves ga on of Business and Opera onal Risk Disclosures.
Proceedings – 11th Interna onal Academy of Management and
Business Conference (IAMB 2011), San Fransciso, CA, USA.
Présenta ons | Presenta ons
Adjaoud, F. (January 2012). Corporate Governance and
Performance: The Weakest Link? The Interna onal Academy of
Business and Public Administra on Disciplines (IABPAD) 2012
Conference, Orlando, FL, USA.
Ben Amor, S. (2011). Informa on Imperfec ons in MCDA: Modeling
and Processing Issues - Impact of Addi onal Informa on in such a
Context. Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland.
Bujaki, M. (September 2011). What Lieutenant-Colonel John By
Should Have Known in Prepara on for the Construc on of the
Rideau Canal. 23rd Accoun ng History Review Conference 2011,
Cardiff, Wales.
Calof, J. (February 2012). Where Compe ve Intelligence Is Going
in North America – New Frameworks and Approaches. Keynote
presenta on, 5th Interna onal Conference on Informa on Systems
and Economic Intelligence (SIIE 2012), Djerba, Tunisia.
Calof, J. (February 2012). Compe ve Intelligence – Trends and
Challenges / Intelligence compé ve – Tendances et Challenges.
Panel Member, 5th Interna onal Conference on Informa on Systems
and Economic Intelligence (SIIE 2012), Djerba, Tunisia.
Start-up exporter firms may be relatively disadvantaged
with respect to financing, which potentially limits their
ability to engage in market development and to compete
Alan Riding et al., Small Business Economics
Dalziel, M. (November 2011). Innova on Intermediary Impact
Assessment: Why It’s Difficult and What We Should Do About It.
Canadian Science Policy Conference 2011, O awa, Canada.
Doloreux, D. and Shearmur, R. (September 2011). Innova on,
Clusters and KIBS. Exploring Knowledge Intensive Business Services
Conference, Padua, Italy.
Doloreux, D. and Shearmur, R. (Septembre 2011). The Spa al
Varia on of Innova on in KIBS. Regional Studies Associa on
Research Network Seminar Series, Birkbeck University of London,
United Kingdom.
Doloreux, D. (Novembre 2011). La dimension spa ale de
l’innova on. Séminaire de recherche IREGE, Annecy, France.
Doloreux, D. and Shearmur, R. (November 2011). Innova on and
Service in Canadda. KIET Interna onal Conference, Seoul, S. Korea.
Doloreux, D. (Décembre 2011). Les territoires de l’innova on.
Séminaire de recherche Toulouse-Le Mirail, Toulouse, France.
Freel, M. and Robson P. (November 2011). Understanding the
Pricing of Risk in Small Firm Loans. 34th Ins tute for Small Business
and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) 2011 Conference, Sheffield, United
Goh, S., Ellio , C. and Richards, G. (November 2011). Performance
Management in Canadian Public Organiza ons: A Mul -Case Study.
2011 American Evalua on Associa on Conference, Anaheim, FL,
Volume 8, Issue 1, Winter 2012
B. Orser
J. Patrick
A. Persaud
T. Quon
B. Raahemi
G. Richards
Hamzaoui-Essoussi, L., Sirieix, L. and Zahaf, M. (February
2012). What Would Make Consumers Trust Organic Products?
A Qualita ve Study Based on the Distributors’ Perspec ve. The
Second Annual Conference of Economic Forum of Entrepreneurship
& Interna onal Business, University of O awa, ON, Canada.
Khoroshilov, Y. (October 2011). Signalling in Takeover Auc ons with
Flexible Reserve Price. Research Seminar held by the Interna onal
College of Economics and Finance, Moscow, Russia.
Linton, J.D. (September 2011). Project versus Por olio: What Are
the Implica ons? Atlanta Conference on Science and Innova on
Policy 2011, Atlanta, GA, USA.
Linton, J.D. (October 2011). Social Entrepreneurship. Annual
INSCOPE Conference 2011, Enschede, Netherlands.
Linton, J.D. (October 2011). Technology Innova on Management
in the Process Industries. Invited Lecture, Bao Steel, Enschede,
Linton, J.D. (November 2011). Technology Innova on Management:
An Editor’s Perspec ve. Keynote Speaker, Interna onal Conference
on Informa on Management, Innova on Management, and
Industrial Engineering, Shenzhen, China.
Linton, J.D. and Karadag, M.O. (November 2011). Is Supply Chain
Integra on Worthwhile for Manufacturing Control? Invited Lecture,
Faculty of Engineering, City University Hong Kong, Hong Kong,
Linton, J.D. (December 2011). Technology Innova on Management:
An Editor’s Perspec ve. Workshop, IEEE Conference on Industrial
Engineering and Engineering Management, Singapore, Singapore.
Linton, J.D., Liu, X. and Cheng, X. (December 2011). Modeling
the Patent as a Compound Op on. Invited Lecture, Na onal Law
University, Delhi, India.
Linton, J.D. (December 2011). Technology Innova on Management:
An Editor’s Perspec ve. Invited Lecture, Na onal Ins tute of
Science, Technology and Development Studies, Delhi, India.
Linton, J.D. and Karadag, M.O. (December 2011). Is Supply Chain
Integra on Worthwhile for Manufacturing Control? Invited Lecture,
School of Mathema cal Science, Universi Sains Malaysia, Penang,
Linton, J.D. (February 2012). Por olios of R&D: What Is Currently
Known about Selec ng Projects as a Group? American Associa on
for the Advancement of Science, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Casault, S., Groen, A.J. and Linton, J.D. (February 2012). Assessing
the Value of High-Risk High Return Science. Poster session,
American Associa on for the Advancement of Science, Vancouver,
BC, Canada.
A. Riding
M. Spence
D. Wright
M. Zahaf
D. Zéghal
Miles, M. (October 2011). Conflict Management in High
Performance Environments. Presenta on to Vodafone Romania
Execu ve Team, Bucharest, Romania.
Miles, M. (November 2011). Change Management in a Chinese
Organiza onal Se ng. Conference keynote address, Nordic
Ins tute of Management, Chengdu, China.
Miles, M. (December 2011). So You Want to Start a Business.
Workshop presenta on, O awa YMCA Entrepreneur Associa on,
O awa, ON, Canada.
Patrick, J. (November 2011). A Markov Decision Model for Op mal
Outpa ent Scheduling. INFORMS 2011 Annual Mee ng, Charlo e,
Spence, M., Courrent, J.-M. et Gherib, J. (Octobre 2011).
Orienta ons entrepreneuriales et développement durable en PME:
Une comparaison France-Canada. Discours-programme, Colloque
Interna onal du Réseau Entreprises et Développement Durable,
Montréal, QC, Canada.
In the new economy, intangible assets have become the
main value creators for a large number of companies and
economic sectors. However, the valuation of these assets
within the accounting framework raises several problems
with regard to their identification, measurement, and
Daniel Zéghal et al., Accounting Forum
Gherib, J. et Spence, M. (Octobre 2011). Sustainable Development
in Small Firms: Construct Development. Colloque Interna onal
du Réseau Entreprises et Développement Durable, Montréal, QC,
Wright D.J. (September 2011). Green Energy Technology Trends.
Risk Management Society Conference (RIMS), O awa, ON, Canada.
Wright D.J. (December 2011). Technology and Business Model
for TeleMedicine in Rural Peru. IEEE, Technology Management
Council (TMC), Society on Social Implica ons of Technology
(SSIT) and Professional Communica on Society (PCS) mee ng
on Humanitarian Telecommunica ons Challenges, O awa, ON,
The next Avant-Garde issue will include publica ons
from mid-February to mid-September 2012.
Send your references at
[email protected]
Recherche en Ac on | Research in Ac on
• Doug Angus was interviewed for the ar cle Healthcare Expert
Calls Opposi on Leaders Shortsighted ( He was also
interviewed in three radio broadcasts at Radio Première Chaîne
( Le conseil de la Fédéra on à Victoria (Phare
Ouest), L’avenir des soins de santé au Canada (Au cœur du
monde), and La santé: plus de poids sur les épaules des
provinces? (Point du Jour).
• In October 2011, Margaret Dalziel, M. presented Measuring
the Impact of Investments in Innova on to the Na onal Research
Council at the Ontario Industrial Research Assistance Program
Mee ng in Markham, Ontario.
• In October 2011, Mark Freel gave a presenta on at Industry
Canada en tled Open Innova on in Small Firms.
• Morad Benyoucef was interviewed for the ar cle “Experts Differ • Laurent Lapierre was interviewed for the ar cle Stepping into
Another Manager’s Shoes? (
on Klout’s Clout” (
• In December 2011, Jonathan Linton introduced the ques on
Want to Reject Uncertainty – Always Use Net Present Value
(NPV) to the Telfer Innova on Policy Seminar Series held at
the Telfer School. He also presented Constrait Technology
Diffusion in MSMEs and Large Industries: Similari es and
Differences at the Technology Informa on Forecas ng
Assessment Council in Delhi, India.
• In October 2011, Michael Mulvey was an invited expert witness
to the Senate Commi ee on Na onal Finance: Mee ng No.
12 in O awa where he presented A Consumer View of CanadaUnited States Cross-Border Shopping. He was also interviewed
for the ar cles Canada CEO Compensa on: Companies Hesitant
to Debate Execu ve Pay (; Clean Up with
Conscious Consumers (; Consumer Confidence
Falls to Lowest Level in 2 Years (; and, Kodak et Yahoo L’insoutenable concurrence (
• In September 2011, Michael Miles presented Effec ve
Integra on of a Canadian Business into a Chinese Environment
to the Bombardier Aerospace Execu ve Management Team in
• Barbara Orser was interviewed about the Taskforce for Women’s
Business Growth’s report, en tled Ac on Strategies to Support
Women’s Enterprise Development in the ar cle Canada
Urged to Support Its Female Entrepreneurs (theglobeandmail.
com). The report was also cited in Few Women, Minori es on
Corporate Boards: Report ( In September
2011, she was with the Canadian delega on led by the Hon.
Rona Ambrose at the APEC Women and the Economy Summit
in San Francisco, where she presented Gender Dividend: Driving
Prosperity Through Entrepreneurship and Financial Inclusion. In
November 2011, she presented the Taskforce before the Senate
Standing Commi ee on Banking, Finance and Trade in O awa.
• In October 2011, Greg Richards and Raili Pollanen (Carleton
University) presented Performance Management and
Connectedness in Public Sector Organiza ons at the Government
Technology and Educa on Conference in O awa.
Ethics Insights: Use of Online Surveys
Help With Ethics Submissions
Any research project involving human subjects, whether funded or
not, must receive the approval of one of the University of O awa
Research Ethics boards (REB) prior to the start of the project. Below The Research Office has a new staff person responsible for ethics
are frequently asked ques ons related to the use of online surveys. submissions, Conrad McCallum. Please contact him should you
have ques ons on ethics submissions (613-562-5800 ext. 2448 or
[email protected]
My research project will consist of an online survey. Will it be
sufficient for me to complete the ethics applica on form and
In addi on, Prof. Cheryl McWa ers can provide early feedback
a ach the survey?
to colleagues before submission. She is the Telfer School’s
representa ve on the Social Sciences and Humani es Research
No. You will need a le er of recruitment and a consent form, just
Ethics Board.
as you would when applying for ethics approval of other types of
research involving human subjects.
Faculty and graduate students are invited to a end a lunch-hour
session by Catherine Paquet, Director of the Office of Research
What should be included in the consent form and recruitment
Ethics and Integrity (April 16 @ 11:45 a.m. - DMS 7170). This
le er?
presenta on will focus on preparing an effec ve ethics submission
The consent form must include no less than the following
and avoiding common pi alls, annual status report and the new
informa on:
on-line form.
• Name and ins tu onal link of any person seeking consent.
How should the methodology for conduc ng an online survey be
• Name, subject and goal of the research project, as well as the
wri en out?
names of the agencies or individuals financing the research.
Describe what happens once the poten al par cipant receives the
• A clear, simple, non-technical explana on of what the
email – for example, they will receive an email from you with a
par cipant’s role involves.
le er of introduc on that explains the study goals and the benefits,
and what their par cipa on will involve. Indicate that if they decide
• The rights of the research par cipant.
to do the survey, there will be a link in the mail which will take
• A descrip on of the compensa on to be provided, where
them to the first page of the survey.
The first page will consist of the consent form. If they consent, they
• Publica on of research results.
will click on the consent bu on which will take them directly to the
• The informa on the research par cipants need in order to file
online survey. They will need to know that data from the surveys
any complaint.
will be stored in a secure database at the University O awa, and
only the principal inves gator will have access to the data.
• The signature of the par cipant.
What other informa on should be included in my descrip on of
The consent form must be wri en in clear, easily understandable
and accessible language. Consent form templates can be found
online: h p://www.research.uo
Your response should address these ques ons:
• How will you ensure that the same person will not able to redo
If my research project will consist of an online survey, will it be
the survey over and over?
sufficient to say that par cipants will be emailed a survey and
asked to complete it?
• Will you provide the par cipants the op on of receiving the
results of the study?
No. Sec on 2.3 of the applica on form requires the researcher
to list ALL methods and procedures he/she will use to obtain the
• How and when will you do so?
data. The steps involved in conduc ng the online survey should be
• Will they provide their email address at the end of the survey?
described in detail, preferably in a step-by-step format.
• Or will you be pos ng the results on a website and therefore
you will provide the web address to the par cipants at the end
of the survey?
Volume 8, Issue 1, Winter 2012
For an online survey, will it be sufficient to indicate (in Sec on 3 - When describing the recruitment process, be it by mail, email,
recruitment of par cipants), that they will be contacted by email? phone, in person or a combina on of the above, outline the
process in detail.
No. You need to provide details on who is being recruited, the
ra onale for including them in the study, the selec on criteria, and What type of informa on do I need to include in Sec on 7
the recruitment process.
When recrui ng par cipants from a company or ins tu on, the
REB prefers that the researcher, and not the manager (or other
person of supervisory authority) of the company, be responsible
for the recruitment. The reason for this is that if a manager were to
carry out the recruitment on behalf of the researcher, there could
be a risk that the employees would feel compelled to par cipate.
What other methods of recruitment are preferred by the REB?
An REB-approved method for seeking par cipants from a company
is to ask the company to let its employees know about the
research project and to advise the employees to pass their contact
informa on on directly to the researcher if they are interested in
par cipa ng.
Another REB-approved method is for the researcher to contact the
employees directly if the employees’ contact informa on is in the
public domain. While in this case the researcher is not required to
obtain permission from the company to contact the employees,
the ethics boards recommends that the researcher obtain it
Describe how the iden ty of the individuals will be safeguarded. If
anonymity cannot be guaranteed completely, this should be stated
in the consent form. If par cipants will not be anonymous, this
must be clearly states in the recruitment material and the consent
form. If anonymity cannot be guaranteed, this should be stated
clearly (for example, there may be the risk that colleagues may
know about individual par cipa on or may recognize response
despite the anonymity of the data). This informa on should also be
included in the consent form.
You must also address the manner in which the data will be
iden fied. For example, if codes are used to replace names, the
REB will want to know that the document containing the names
and codes will be kept separately from the data with the codes.
This informa on should be repeated in the sec on pertaining to
Confiden ality of Data (8).
Forms, Deadlines and Ethics Guidelines:
visit uO awa’s Office of Research Ethics and Integrity at
h p://www.research.uo
À vos calendriers! | Mark Your Calendars!
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Telfer Innova on Policy Seminar Series
Michael Geist, University of O awa
DMS 7170, from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Telfer Innova on Policy Seminar Series
David Doloreux, Telfer School
DMS 7170, from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Management Research Seminar Series
Alexander McKelvie, Syracuse University
DMS 7170, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Management Research Seminar Series
Chaffik Bakkali, Montpellier
DMS 7170, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Health Systems Research Seminar Series
Vimla Patel, New York Academy of Medicine
DMS 7170, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Telfer-Spro Research Forum
DMS 4101, from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Management Research Seminar Series
Halla Thorsteinsdo r, University of Toronto
DMS 7170, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Raymond Bouchard Memorial Lecture 2012
Sasha Grujicic, Aegis Media North America
Time and place TBD.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Health Systems Research Seminar Series
Adam Wright, Partners Healthcare
DMS 7170, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Informa on Session on Research Ethics
Catherine Paquet, Office of the Research Ethics and Integrity
DMS 7170, from 11:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Management Research Seminar Series
Sofy Carayannopoulos, Wilfrid Laurier
DMS 7170, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Research Challenges Seminar Series
Shujun Ding, Telfer School
DMS 6160, from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Health Systems Research Seminars Series
John Burns, Canada Health Infoway
DMS 7170, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Research Challenges Seminar Series
Magda Donia, Telfer School
DMS 6160, from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m.
Monday, May 14, 2012
D. Allan Bromley Memorial Event 2012
William B. Bonvillian, MIT (Washington)
DMS 4101, 5:00 p.m.
Pour plus de renseignements sur nos événements à
venir, consultez notre site web à l’adresse :
La Bibliothèque de ges on | The Management Library
Quoi de neuf?
Interna onal Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small
La Bibliothèque de ges on souhaite la bienvenue à une étudiante
• Publishes and fosters discussion on interna onal, cross-cultural
coop qui nous aidera dans la poursuite du développement de
and compara ve academic research about entrepreneurs,
programmes de maîtrise de l’informa on, la mise à jour et la
including corporate ‘’intrapreneurs’’ and founders of domes c
créa on des guides de recherche et la promo on de nos collec ons
new ventures.
et services. Katherine Skidmore, une étudiante très brillante et
enthousiaste de l’École des sciences de l’informa on à l’Université
Print Measurement Bureau (PMB)
d’O awa, débutera un stage de 8 mois en mai prochain.
• Provides survey data on Canadian print readership, non-print
Explorez ces nouvelles ressources!
media exposure, product usage and lifestyles.
Bloomberg Professional
Spring into Research!
• The Telfer School of Management generously provided two new
computers that will feature Bloomberg Professional, providing
access to up-to-date news, analy cs, communica ons, charts,
liquidity, func onali es and execu on services. These computers
will reside in the Management Library. Stay tuned for further
details on training workshops and access.
Will you be working on major projects or ar cles over the spring
and summer months? If so, don’t hesitate to contact us for any
assistance in acquiring resources for your research needs. We’re
also happy to meet with you and/or your research assistants to
provide customized training.
Sustainaly cs
• Provides environmental, social, and governance performance
research and analysis, sustainability benchmarks, and
responsible investment services. Access is to the Canadian ESG
pla orm.
Cecilia Tellis, Chef intérimaire
Téléphone : poste 4103
[email protected]
Lexis-Nexis Academic
• A mul disciplinary database covering the fields of business,
news, and law.
La Direc on de la recherche | The Research Office
Research Office
Welcomes New Staff Member
Conrad McCallum is the new Research
Communica ons Officer at Telfer. Bringing
experience from the field of journalism and
communica on, he will work with researchers
to advance the knowledge dissemina on goals.
Conrad will strive to showcase the contribu ons
of Telfer research in the business community
and stakeholders audiences; will provide
support for research graduate students; and aid
faculty and graduate students in obtaining ethics approval for
research projects.
Dates limites à venir
facilement les dates limites des programmes de financement
internes et externes. Vous trouverez ce e page sous l’onglet
Direc on de la recherche – Dates limites à venir.
Qualtrics is a web-based survey service that allows students,
faculty and staff to easily create surveys, collect and store
data, and produce reports. Qualtrics is now available to
all Telfer faculty, staff and students at no cost. The Telfer
School of Management has acquired a school-wide licence
that includes: unlimited user accounts for faculty, staff, and
students; unlimited usage (surveys, responses, etc.); free,
live phone and email support; and, unlimited web training.
Please direct your ques ons about Qualtrics to Denis Pellerin
([email protected] or Michael Mulvey (mulvey@
Nous avons créé une nouvelle page dans la sec on Recherche
du site web de l’École Telfer pour que vous puissiez retrouver
Direc on de la recherche | Research Office
École de ges on Telfer | Telfer School of Management
Université d’O awa | University of O awa
Pavillon Desmarais, 6e étage | Desmarais Building, 6th floor
55 Laurier E.
O awa (Ontario) K1N 6N5
Tél. | Tel.: (613) 562-5800 extension 2986
Télec. | Fax: (613) 562-5164
Courriel | Email: [email protected]
Site Internet | Website: www.telfer.uO