Agenzia Servizi Editoriali


Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
And the Case for Debt Refusal
ORBooks 2014
220 pages
"Andrew Ross is the very model for a scholar-activist, and
Creditocracy, his latest book, is as compelling as it is important.
Let's hope this makes a difference in the world. It really should."
—David Graeber
"In this lucid and accessible book, Andrew Ross argues that we are increasingly oppressed by
the rule of credit and that ever more people must go into debt just to access life’s necessities.
But Ross not only names the problem; more importantly, he points toward solutions. Read this
book and join a debt resistors movement." —Michael Hardt
It seems like pretty much everybody – homeowners, students, those who are ill and
without health insurance, and, of course, credit card holders – is up to their neck in debt
that can never be repaid. 77% of US households are seriously indebted and one in seven
Americans has been pursued by debt collectors. The major banks are bigger and more
profitable than before the 2008 crash, and legislators are all but powerless to bring them
to heel.
In this forceful, eye-opening survey, Andrew Ross contends that we are in the cruel grip
of a creditocracy – where the finance industry commandeers our elected governments
and where the citizenry have to take out loans to meet their basic needs. The
implications of mass indebtedness for any democracy are profound, and history shows
that whenever a creditor class becomes as powerful as Wall Street, the result has been
debt bondage for the bulk of the population.
Following in the ancient tradition of the jubilee, activists have had some success in
repudiating the debts of developing countries. The time is ripe, Ross argues, for a
debtors’ movement to use the same kinds of moral and legal arguments to bring relief
to household debtors in the North. After examining the varieties of lending that have
contributed to the crisis, Ross suggests ways of lifting the burden of illegitimate debts
from our backs. Just as important, Creditocracy outlines the kind of alternative economy
we need to replace a predatory debt-money system that only benefits the 1%.
Andrew Ross is Professor of Social and Cultural Analysis at New
York University, and a social activist. A contributor to The Nation,
the Village Voice, New York Times, and Artforum, he is the author of
many books, including, most recently, Bird on Fire: Lessons from the
World’s Least Sustainable City and Nice Work if You Can Get It: Life and
Labor in Precarious Times.
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
The Big Disconnect
ORBooks 2014
224 pages
Now that communication can be as quick as thought, why hasn’t our ability to organize
politically—to establish gains and beyond that, to maintain them—kept pace? The web
has given us both capacity and speed: but progressive change seems to be something
perpetually in the air, rarely manifesting, even more rarely staying with us.
Micah L. Sifry, a longtime analyst of democracy and its role on the net, examines what
he calls “The Big Disconnect.” In his usual pithy, to-the-point style, he explores why
data-driven politics and our digital overlords have failed or misled us, and how they can
be made to serve us instead, in a real balance between citizens and state, independent of
The web and social media have enabled an explosive increase in participation in the
public arena—but not much else has changed. For the next step beyond connectivity,
writes Sifry, “we need a real digital public square, not one hosted by Facebook, shaped
by Google and snooped on by the National Security Agency. If we don’t build one, then
any notion of democracy as ‘rule by the people’ will no longer be meaningful. We will be
a nation of Big Data, by Big Email, for the powers that be.”
Micah L. Sifry is a writer, editor, and democracy activist. As co-founder and
editorial director of Personal Democracy Media, he helps run the annual PDF
conference and daily news-site, which focus on the ways
technology is changing politics, government and civil society. He is also a senior
adviser to the Sunlight Foundation, which he helped found in 2006, and serves
on the boards of Consumer Reports and the Public Laboratory for Open
Technology and Science. He is the author or editor of six previous books, most
recently WikiLeaks and the Age of Transparency. In the spring of 2012 he taught
“The Politics of the Internet” at Harvard’s Kennedy School. His personal blog is
at and you can follow him on Twitter at @mlsif.
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
OR books 2014
100 pp
"A truly inspiring voice…" —PopMatters
"The most powerful and provocative philosopher now writing…" —Cornel
Simon Critchley first encountered David Bowie in the early seventies, when the singer
appeared on Britain’s most-watched music show, Top of the Pops. His performance of
“Starman” mesmerized Critchley: it was “so sexual, so knowing, so strange.” Two days
later Critchley’s mum bought a copy of the single; she liked both the song and the
performer’s bright orange hair (she had previously been a hairdresser). The seed of a
lifelong love affair was thus planted in the mind of her son, aged 12.
In this concise and engaging excursion through the songs of one of the world’s greatest
pop stars, Critchley, whose writings on philosophy have garnered widespread praise,
melds personal narratives of how Bowie lit up his dull life in southern England’s
suburbs with philosophical forays into the way concepts of authenticity and identity are
turned inside out in Bowie’s work. The result is nearly as provocative and mindexpanding as the artist it portrays.
Simon Critchley is Hans Jonas Professor of Philosophy at the New
School for Social Research in New York. His previous books
include On Humour, The Book of Dead Philosophers, How to Stop Living and
Start Worrying, Impossible Objects, The Mattering of Matter (with Tom
McCarthy), The Faith of the Faithless, and Stay, Illusion!: The Hamlet
Doctrine (with Jamieson Webster). An experimental new work, Memory
Theatre, is forthcoming. He is series moderator of “The Stone,” a
philosophy column in The New York Times, to which he is a frequent
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali Via Livorno 515/c, I-20099, Sesto S. Giovanni (Mi), tel. + 39 02 2408204 [email protected] - Gay Propaganda
Russian Love Stories
Publication February 2014 • 224 pages
"This project comes at a really important time.
There’s nothing like putting a human face on
the struggle for acceptance and equality. Love
conquers all."
Greg Louganis, quadruple Olympic gold
"The most potent weapon in the fight against
anti-LGBT prejudice is the reality of who we are
instead of the caricatures presented by our
—Barney Frank
Gay Propaganda brings together original stories, interviews and testimonial, presented in
both English and Russian, to capture the lives and loves of LGBT Russians living both
in Russia and in exile today. Timed for publication in February 2014, on the eve of the
Winter Olympics in Sochi, the book is a provocative riposte to Russia’s recently passed
and ill-defined ban on “homosexual propaganda.”
As the world’s media turns its attention to the host country of the Winter Olympics, the
stories gathered in Gay Propaganda offer a timely and intimate window into the hardships
faced by Russians on the receiving end of state-sanctioned homophobia. Here are tales
of of men and women in long-term committed relationships as well as those still
looking for love; of those trying to raise kids or taking care of parents; of those facing
the challenges of continuing to live in Russia or joining an exodus that is rapidly
becoming a flood.
Masha Gessen is an award-winning journalist and author of many books, most recently
Words Will Break Cement: The Passion of Pussy Riot (Riverhead, February 2014). She is a
lesbian mother who is abandoning her home in Russia because of the anti-gay laws.
Joseph Huff-Hannon is a celebrated campaigner and writer who has been published in
The New York Times, The Guardian, Salon, and elsewhere. He works with the international
advocacy group He is one of the founding campaigners of global LGBT
rights group, All Out.
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Filming a Poet in Her Village
OR Books
Publication June 2013 • 160 pages • 20 black and white illustrations
"Master documentarian Kim Longinotto trains her camera on an
iconoclastic woman. Salma's extraordinary story is one of courage
and resilience, and Longinotto follows her on an eye-opening trip
back to her village." —from the program of the 2013 Sundance
Film Festival
The outpouring of anger and solidarity that swept India in the wake of the Delhi rape case is the
culmination of a long, slow-boiling resistance to the victimization of women that stretches across the
sub-continent. Among those at the front of this wave is the Tamil poet Salma, who, through her
writing and by her own example, has shown how courage and creativity can triumph against a backward
and often endemic misogyny.
In this powerful, moving book, Salma and the acclaimed film maker Kim Longinotto come together to
portray Salma’s extraordinary life and the challenges of capturing it in a documentary film.
When Salma, a young Muslim girl growing up in a South Indian village, was 13 years old, her family
shut her away in a small, dark room for eight years, forbidding her to study and forcing her into
marriage. After her wedding, her husband insisted she continue to stay indoors. All told, Salma was
unable to venture outside for nearly two and a half decades. During that time, words became Salma’s
salvation. She began covertly composing poems on scraps of paper and, through an intricate system,
was able to sneak them out of the house.
The poems are direct and powerful, searing portrayals of the dreadful depredations Salma and
countless women like her have to deal with on a daily basis. Eventually they reached the hands of a
publisher in Chennai who put them into print. Against all odds, and in a direct challenge to the
stultifying traditions of her village, Salma has gone on to become one of the most renowned Tamil
poets and an influential political leader. Her story is vital reading (and viewing), not just because of the
singularity of her own courage, but also because the immiseration of women that it enabled her to
escape remains so widespread.
These pages interleave Salma’s story, told in her own words, with Longinotto’s account of making her
film, a brooding, meditative study that premiered at the Sundance and Berlin film festivals in the spring
of 2013. The book also includes a selection of Salma’s poems and is illustrated with stills from the film.
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Via Livorno 515/c, I-20099, Sesto S. Giovanni (Mi), tel. + 39 02 2408204
[email protected] -
The art of Craft and
Arsenal Pulp 2014
219 pp
Craftivism is a worldwide movement that operates at the intersection of craft
and activism; Craftivism the book is full of inspiration for crafters who want to
create works that add to the greater good. In these essays, interviews, and
images, craftivists from four continents reveal how they are changing the world
with their art. Through examples that range from community embroidery
projects, stitching in prisons, revolutionary ceramics, AIDS activism, yarn
bombing, and crafts that facilitate personal growth, Craftivism provides
imaginative examples of how crafters can be creative and altruistic at the same
Artists profiled in the book are from the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, and
Asia, and their crafts include knitting, crocheting, sewing, textiles, pottery, and
ceramics. There's the Brooklyn writer who creates large-scale site-specific
knitted installations; the British woman who runs sewing and quilting
workshops for community building and therapy; the Indonesian book maker
and organizer of a DIY craft center; and the Oxford, UK, cultural theorist and
designer dressmaker. A wonderful sense of optimism and possibility pervades
the book: the inspiring notion that being crafty can really make the world a
better place.
Betsy Greer is a writer, a maker, and a researcher, and the author
of Knitting for Good!: A Guide to Creating Personal, Social, and Political
Change Stitch by Stitch. She runs the blog and
believes that creativity and positive activism can save not only the
soul, but also the world.
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali Via Livorno 515/c, I-20099, Sesto S. Giovanni (Mi), tel. + 39 02 2408204 [email protected] - Mandy Moore and Leanne Prain
The Art of Crochet and Knit Graffiti
Arsenal Pulp 231 pp Excerpted in The National Post and Geist magazine
Featured in The New York Times on The New Yorker's book blog
Now in its third printing
On city street corners, around telephone posts, through barbed wire fences, and over
abandoned cars, a quiet revolution is brewing. "Knit graffiti" is an international guerrilla
movement that started underground and is now embraced by crochet and knitting artists of all
ages, nationalities, and genders. Its practitioners create stunning works of art out of yarn, then
"donate" them to public spaces as part of a covert plan for world yarn domination.
Yarn Bombing: The Art of Crochet and Knit Graffiti is the definitive guidebook to covert textile
street art. This full-color DIY book features 20 kick-ass patterns that range from hanging shoes
and knitted picture frames to balaclavas and gauntlets, teaching readers how to create fuzzy
adornments for lonely street furniture. Along the way, it provides tips on how to be as stealthy
as a ninja, demonstrates how to orchestrate a large-scale textile project, and offers revealing
information necessary to design your own yarn graffiti tags. The book also includes interviews
with members of the international community of textile artists and yarn bombers, and provides
resources to help readers join the movement; it's also chock full of beautiful photographs and
easy step-by-step instructions for knit and crochet installations and garments.
Join the yarn bombing revolution!
German-language rights sold to Verlagsgruppe Droemer Knaur
Mandy Moore (left, with co-author Leanne Prain) is the technical editrix of popular online
knitting magazine, and of various other knitting and crochet books and
publications. She blogs about her life at and blogs with Leanne at She lives in Vancouver, BC.
Leanne Prain is the author of Hoopla: The Art of Unexpected Embroidery (2011). Her third
book, Strange Material: Storytelling through Textiles, will be published in fall 2014. She co-founded
a stitch and bitch called Knitting and Beer in order to expand her skills while knitting at the
pub. A professional graphic designer, Leanne holds degrees in creative writing, art history,
in Vancouver.
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali Via Livorno 515/c, I-20099, Sesto S. Giovanni (Mi), tel. + 39 02 2408204 [email protected] - CARLA KELLY
al fresco
Happy & Healthy Recipes for Picnics,
Barbecues & Outdoor Dining
Arsenal Pulp 2014
266 pp
In spring and summer, there's nothing better than enjoying a meal outdoors with friends
and family; today, al fresco dining has never been more popular, given the rise in popularity
of gourmet takeout and prepared picnic baskets. For those who eschew all animal products,
though, outdoor vegan meals usually consist of mundane veggie sandwiches and a fruit
salad. But no more!
Carla Kelly is an accomplished vegan cook and baker with two previous cookbooks under
her belt; she also loves to prepare delicious, casually elegant vegan meals for backyard
barbecues, picnics in the park, or a party at the beach.Vegan al Fresco is loaded with beautiful
appetizers such as Peanut Potato Salad and Tomato & Olive Tarts, inventive sandwiches
including the Pita Po'Boys, and amazing grilled dishes like Sweet Chipotle Tempeh with
Berries, and Cedar Planked Rosemary & Lemon Tofu; finish off your meal with Strawberry
& Basil Scones, Maple & Walnut Cheesecake, or some crazy good vegan ice creams.
The book includes prep and cooking times for each recipe, as well as advice on portability,
food safety issues, and menu suggestions for special occasions. For those with allergies,
recipes that contain known allergens such as soy, nuts, and gluten are clearly marked. Fullcolour throughout, Vegan al Fresco offers delectable and sophisticated ways for vegans to
enjoy the great outdoors.
Carla Kelly, a vegan for almost ten years, has cooked at hotels
around the world. She is the author of two previous
cookbooks, Quick and Easy Bake Sale and Quick and Easy Vegan Slow
Cooking and operates the food website The Year of the Vegan.
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali Via Livorno 515/c, I-20099, Sesto S. Giovanni (Mi), tel. + 39 02 2408204 [email protected] - David L. Chapman e Douglas
THE WORLD, 1895–1975
Arsenal Pulp 2013 303 pp A lively, wide-ranging visual history of muscular men from
around the world.
Over the last 100 years, the image of the muscular man has known no
boundaries; it has been the object of envy, admiration, and desire, and used
to convey optimal health and fitness, product appeal, political power, and
military might. Universal Hunks, David L. Chapman's follow-up to American
Hunks, is a captivating collection of historical images of muscular men from
around the world beginning in the 19th century up until the 1970s, including
photographs, posters, advertisements, magazine and comic book covers, and
product packaging. The book considers the eroticized, politicized, and
commercialized male image through history, and evaluates its fascinating
cultural context by country and continent; culled from the author's personal
collections, it includes materials never published before, including images of
Asian bodybuilders, European comic-book superheroes, African tribesmen,
and muscleman posters from the Soviet Union. The book also includes a
foreword by cultural and sports historian Douglas Brown.
Full-color throughout, Universal Hunks is a thought-provoking and sexy
visual tour of musclemen from all parts of the globe.
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali Via Livorno 515/c, I-20099, Sesto S. Giovanni (Mi), tel. + 39 02 2408204 [email protected] - The Atlas of Migration in Europe
Author: Olivier Clochard, Migreurop
The New Internationalist 2013
296 x 210mm
Page extent: 152
The Atlas of Migration in Europe is a committed Atlas that underlines the
inconsistencies and the consequences of migration management in the European Union.
To understand the evolution of the European migration policy, Migreurop gathered
information on a reality that is elusive, because of its geographical scale, but also of a
desire for concealment by European governments.
A text enriched with unedited maps, charts and photographs.
For each of these themes, the Atlas brings together more than one hundred maps,
graphics, photographs : documents that allow to understand how borders shift and
"outsource", to see the infrastructures at the service control policies and to illustrate the
focus on security characterizing the development of migration in Europe and beyond.
A critical assessment of European policies on immigration and asylum in place
since the 1980s
Increasingly problematic release of visa "Schengen" ;
Relocation of border controls in neighboring countries (Libya, Turkey and Ukraine)
Frontex Operations to intercept "illegal" migrants
Strengthening of walls as in Ceuta and Melilla.
A long-fieldwork with migrants and people held in detention centers
An update edition that presents the current situation of migration policies and
analyzes the most recent events
The situation of migrants in the aftermath of the Arab Springs
The questioning of the Schengen area
The legal and spatial evolution of detention camps
Published by New Internationalist, the Atlas is the work of Migreurop, a network of
researchers and activists across Europe and Africa, supported by the European
Programme for Integration and Migration (EPIM). - See more at:
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
World Scientific Publishing Co.
Top Titles
Time, Space, Stars and Man. The Story of the Big Bang
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Medical Philosophy. Conceptual Issues in Medicine
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Clinical Handbook of Chinese Medicine
- Bob Xu (American Chinese Medicine Association, USA) & Chun-Su Yuan (University of
Chicago, USA)
Nobel Prizes and Nature's Surprises
- Erling Norrby (The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Sweden)
Aristotle's Laptop The Discovery of our Informational Mind
- Igor Aleksander (Imperial College London, UK) - Helen Morton (Imperial College
London, UK)
Nobel Prizes that Changed Medicine
edited by: Gilbert Thompson (Imperial College, London, UK)
Take A Deep Breath. Clear the Air for the Health of Your Child
- Nina L Shapiro (Mattel Children's Hospital UCLA, USA)
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The Making of Economics. (4th Edition) Volume I: The Foundation
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Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Hans-Christian Dany
Morgen werde ich Idiot
Kybernetik und Kontrollgesellschaft
(Tomorrow I will become an idiot.
Cybernetics and the Society of Control)
Edition Nautilus 2013
160 Pages
€ 14,90
This book is a cheerfully vitriolic promenade through the intricacies, the history and the
nightmares of our society obsessed with self-optimisation and exercising its control no
longer by power, but by feedback and self-regulation.
Dany shows how cybernetics, as a model for self-regulating systems, became a matrix of
permanent optimisation of everyone as well as the society. From the cyberneticsinspired social psychology of the fifties, Wiener’s and Lewin’s feedback-theory moved
into self-awareness groups and further on to kitchen tables in shared flats. At the same
time, these methods entered management – as Social Engineering – and social networks,
where the communication - panopticon can be found again in a new form.
Everyone is now everyone else’s observer and is observed by everyone else. Control no
longer means adjusting the controlled to a target value, but to start an interminable
process of self-optimisation. Feedback and transparency are central tools in
kindergardens and schools, in consumption and entertainment today. The only
possibility for escape seems to simply refuse the prescribed communication. To extract
oneself from regulation by speechlessness. To let grow, on the glassy surface of
transparency, a thicket of obscure islands...
Hans-Christian Dany, born 1966 in Hamburg. Artist, author, curator,
consultant. Lives in Hamburg.
Also published: Speed. Eine Gesellschaft auf Droge (2008)
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Via Livorno 515/c, I-20099, Sesto S. Giovanni (Mi), tel. + 39 02 2408204
Viale Vigliani 17, I/20148, Milano (Mi), tel. + 39 02 84962853
[email protected] -
Srecko Horvat
Nach dem Ende der Geschichte
Vom Arabischen Frühling zur Occupy-Bewegung
Laika Verlag 2013
264 Seiten,
22 Euro
Raramente si trovano in uno stesso volume autori come Francis Fukuyama e Slavoj
Žižek, Stéphane Hessel e Amos Oz, Michael Hardt e Gayatri Spivak, Terry Eagleton e
Zygmunt Bauman, Tariq Ali e Gianni Vattimo. È altrettanto raro che qualcuno che
dialoghi con noti intellettuali faccia emergere non solo le loro tesi, ma anche le
contraddizioni. Il libro di Horvat discute degli ultimi movimenti sociali, dalla Primavera
araba a Occupy Wall Street, mettendo in luce i cambiamenti in corso e i punti deboli del
sistema attuale, e propone strategie di lotta.
Il libro non vuole essere un manuale di self-help c per il capitalismo, né un benevolo
compagno critico della democrazia liberale o una proposta di una "terza via". È
piuttosto una ricerca intellettuale per una alternativa autentica al capitalismo liberale.
Dove la sinistra fallisce, si spalancano le porte alla variante fascista del capitalismo.
Grande è la confusione sotto il cielo, ma le condizioni per contrastarla sono eccellenti.
Srecko Horvat è uno dei più importanti filosofi e intellettuali della giovane
generazione in Croazia. È nato nel 1983 a Osijek, ha vissuto i primi sette anni
della sua vita in esilio in Germania ed è tornato in Croazia nel 1990. Oggi
abita a Zagabria, ma il più delle volte è in viaggio e pubblica reportage dal
Mali, Senegal, Egitto, Israele, Libano, Cina. Ha pubblicato otto libri, Nach dem
Ende der Geschichte è il suo primo libro pubblicato in traduzione tedesca.
È co-fondatore e organizzatore del “Forum sovversivo” che si tiene ogni anno, uno degli
eventi più importanti per la teoria critica della società, al quale partecipano regolarmente Slavoj
Zizek, Antonio Negri, David Harvey, Chantal Mouffe e Saskia Sassen.
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Via Livorno 515/c, I-20099, Sesto S. Giovanni (Mi), tel. + 39 02 2408204
[email protected] -
à la philosophie
pour les
Presses Universitaires de France
392 pp
21 euro
En 1975, au milieu de la période la plus intensément politique de son
œuvre et de sa vie, Louis Althusser décide de rédiger un manuel de
philosophie qui serait accessible à tous. Initiation à la philosophie pour les nonphilosophes en est le résultat. Bien loin toutefois du simple ouvrage de
vulgarisation, c’est en réalité un véritable précipité des thèses les plus
fondamentales de sa propre pensée qu’offre ici le philosophe, tant sur
l’idéologie, la science et la religion, que sur le concept de pratique, central
dans sa réflexion et développé ici comme jamais. Moment de synthèse
dans son œuvre, instantané fulgurant d’une des plus influentes
philo&shysophies de la seconde moitié du XXe siècle et introduction
cristalline à ses principales catégories, il s’agit donc aussi d’un manifeste
pour la pensée à venir. Une pensée dont le succès contemporain des
enfants d’Althusser, de Jacques Rancière à Alain Badiou et de Slavoj
Žižek à Étienne Balibar, témoigne de la brûlante pertinence.
Louis Althusser a été l’une des figures capitales de la pensée
française de la seconde moitié du XXe siècle. Parmi ses
œuvres les plus célèbres : Montesquieu, la politique et l’histoire
(Puf, 4e éd. 2003), Lire Le Capital (Puf, 2e éd. 2008), Sur la
reproduction (Puf, 2e éd. 2011).
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali Via Livorno 515/c, I-20099, Sesto S. Giovanni (Mi), tel. + 39 02 2408204 [email protected] - Milad Douehi
Qu’est-ce que
le numérique?
Presses Universitaires de France 2013
64 pp
7 euro
Le numérique est un mot qui est passé rapidement dans notre
vocabulaire. Mais que désigne-t-il proprement ?
Le numérique est un mot qui est passé rapidement dans notre
vocabulaire. Mais que désigne-t-il à proprement parler ? Comment
comprendre et définir cet objet, ce phénomène qui semble destiné à
transformer notre quotidien ? Les dictionnaires restent un peu
perplexes devant le numérique leurs définitions ne renvoient souvent
qu’à l’aspect étymologique et technique – un secteur associé au
calcul, au nombre –, et surtout aux dispositifs opposés à
l’analogique. Dans notre usage, le numérique désigne bien autre
chose. C’est pourquoi la question de sa définition mérite d’être
posée, car elle soulève une difficulté particulière. Une difficulté à la
fois épistémologique, institutionnelle et sociale, voire économique et
politique, mais qui permet précisément de cerner la complexité du
numérique dans son déploiement actuel.
Milad Doueihi est l’auteur de plusieurs essais dont Pour un
humanisme numérique (Seuil, « La Librairie du XXIe siècle »,
2011) et La Grande Conversion numérique suivi de Rêveries d’un
promeneur numérique (Points, 2011).
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali Via Livorno 515/c, I-20099, Sesto S. Giovanni (Mi), tel. + 39 02 2408204 [email protected] - Stéphane Vial
Comment le numérique change
la perception
Préface de Pierre Lévy
Presses Universitaires de France 2013
336 pp
20 euro
La révolution numérique est un événement philosophique majeur qui
modifie nos structures perceptives et reconfigure notre sens du réel.
Les techniques ne sont pas seulement des outils, ce sont des structures de la
perception. Elles condi-tionnent la manière dont le monde nous apparaît et
dont les phénomènes nous sont donnés. Depuis près d’un demi-siècle, les
technologies numériques nous apportent des perceptions d’un monde
inconnu. Ces êtres qui émergent de nos écrans et de nos interfaces
bouleversent l’idée que nous nous faisons de ce qui est réel et nous
réapprennent à percevoir. Quel est l’être des êtres numériques ? Que devient
notre être-dans-le-monde à l’heure des êtres numériques ? Le temps est venu
d’analyser l’« ontophanie numé-rique » dans toute sa complexité. La
prétendue différence entre le réel et le virtuel n’existe pas et n’a jamais existé.
Nous vivons dans un environnement hybride, à la fois numérique et non
numérique, en ligne et hors ligne, qu’il appartient aux designers de rendre
Stéphane Vial est docteur en philosophie, maître de conférences en
design à l’université de Nîmes, fondateur et directeur de création de
LEKTUM, agence de design interactif. Il est l’auteur, aux Puf, du Court
traité du design (2010), traduit en suédois, coréen et chinois.
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali Via Livorno 515/c, I-20099, Sesto S. Giovanni (Mi), tel. + 39 02 2408204 [email protected] - Anne Muxel
Vie privée des convictions
Politique, affectivité, intimité
SciencePo 2014
200 pp.
20 €
È necessario avere le stesse idee per amarsi o apprezzarsi? Che ruolo hanno le
convinzioni e le scelte politiche all'interno della coppia, nella vita familiare, tra amici o, in
senso lato nelle relazioni con il prossimo?
Questo libro evidenzia un costante intreccio tra privato e politico e cerca di
superare la reticenza della scienza politica a integrare il ruolo degli affetti individuali
nelle proprie analisi. Più liberi che in passato dalle ideologie e dalle fedi politiche, gli
individui tendono a elaborare le proprie scelte in base a criteri più fondati su criteri di
somiglianza e di identità, e così facendo rendono la sfera privata un territorio importante
dell'avventura democratica.
Anne Mixel esamina l'intimo quale luogo di esperienza politica e di
coinvolgimento, decrittando le costanti negoziazioni che si svolgono nel corso delle
discussioni familiari, tra partner con opinioni divergenti; prende a esempio una coppia
fuori norma, quella dei Thorez, per i quali impegno politico e affettivo si identificavano,
si interessa dei movimenti rivoluzionari del dopo Sessantotto, portatori di stati d'animo
dei loro militanti, o ancora analizza le forme di amicizia indotte dalle convinzioni
È un testo affascinante e innovativo, che permette di esplorare nuove vie di
interpretazione e comprensione della politicizzazione degli individui.
Anne Muxel è Directeur de recherche del CNRS presso il Centre
d'étude de la vie politique française (dal 1993).
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Via Livorno 515/c, I-20099, Sesto S. Giovanni (Mi), tel. + 39 02 2408204
[email protected] -
Catherine Wihtol de Wenden
Faut-il ouvrir les frontières ?
Presses de Sciences Po 2014
Bibliothèque du citoyen
200 pp.
Mentre si riconosce che la mobilità è un fattore essenziale dello sviluppo umano, a due
terzi degli abitanti del pianeta è impedita la libera circolazione. I paesi tradizionali di
immigrazione hanno sbarrato le porte, costruito muri e impiantato campi di detenzione.
Gli effetti perveri della chiusura delle frontiere sono innumerevoli. Alle vittime, a chi è
privo di documenti e di diritti, si aggiungono i campi profughi, l'economia mafiosa dei
passatori, i deficit economici e demografici legati all'assenza di mobilità, per non parlare
dei costi esorbitanti delle politiche di chiusura e di espulsione.
Davanti a tali paradossi, non sarebbe meglio ribaltare la logica? Considerare che la libertà
di circolazione delle persone sia un diritto universale, pur lasciando agli tati la facoltà di
limitare l'accesso al proprio territorio?
Comincia a sorgere un diritto all'emigrazione, che viene fatto oggetto di colloqui
multilaterali. Colloqui che spesso si svolgono ai margini delle autorità statali e che
rivelano le lampanti ingiustizie del regime delle frontiere in funzione della provenienza e
della destinazione dei migranti.
Un'apologia mobilità e per l'avvento di una diplomazia internazionale dell'emigrazione.
Catherine de Wenden è Dottore in Scienze Politiche presso
Sciences Po; è stata consulente per diverse organizzazioni tra cui
l’OCSE, la Commissione europea, l’UNHCR, il Consiglio
d’Europa. Dal 2002 presiede il Comitato di Ricerca "Migrations"
dell'Association Internationale de Sociologie. Avvocato e studioso
di scienze politiche ha condotto sul campo ampi studi sul rapporto
tra immigrazione e politica in Francia
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Via Livorno 515/c, I-20099, Sesto S. Giovanni (Mi), tel. + 39 02 2408204
[email protected] -
Patrick Pharo
Ethica erotica
Mariage et prostitution
SciencesPo. 2013
Livre broché
288 p.
24 €
Peut-on offrir du sexe pour d'autres motifs que l'amour ou le désir ?La réponse allait de
soi à l'époque des mariages arrangés à des fins de reproduction et pour toute la vie,
quand, par ailleurs, la prostitution féminine offrait aux hommes mariés la volupté qu'ils
ne trouvaient pas dans les unions officielles.
Dans le contexte contemporain de liberté sexuelle, de couples égalitaires à durée limitée
et de mariage pour tous, la prostitution devrait plutôt offrir un modèle de soin et
d’attention érotique dont n’importe qui, homme ou femme, pourrait s’inspirer pour
satisfaire son partenaire amoureux. Or, paradoxalement, cette contribution essentielle
des travailleurs du sexe à l’éthique du plaisir leur est farouchement déniée, et la
promotion, voire la sacralisation, de la libido sert au contraire à justifier la répression à
leur encontre.
Réflexion iconoclaste sur l’éthique du plaisir, cette sociologie morale contemporaine
s’appuie sur des entretiens, des autobiographies et des documents littéraires et
cinématographiques et, faisant appel à l’anthropologie comparée et aux neurosciences,
explore les rapports ambigus du mariage et de la prostitution, entre devoir conjugal ou
professionnel, vocation amoureuse ou libertine, réciprocité émotionnelle ou marchande.
Patrick Pharo (né en 1947) est un sociologue français. Il est directeur de
recherche au Centre national de recherche scientifique (CNRS) et membre du
Centre de recherche Sens Éthique Société (CERSES). Représentant en
France de l'ethnométhodologie avec Louis Quéré ou Bernard Conein, il a
développé une sociologie de la morale, de la justice et du « lien civil ». Il
s'intéresse en particulier à l'éthique de la dépendance, à partir de recherches
sur le plaisir et l'addiction et sur les politiques publiques de la drogue.
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Via Livorno 515/c, I-20099, Sesto S. Giovanni (Mi), tel. + 39 02 2408204
[email protected] -
Fabrice Midal
Presses Universitaires de France 2014
128 pp
9 euro
La méditation : d’où vient-elle, que propose-t-elle et pourquoi
a-t-elle un succès aussi grandissant dans nos sociétés ?
La méditation fait, depuis quelques années, une entrée remarquée en
Occident. Son succès grandissant interroge. Faut-il n’y voir qu’une
réponse au stress généré par nos sociétés contemporaines?
En revenant aux sources de cette pratique, en particulier aux textes
du Bouddha, des moines du nord de la Thaïlande, des maîtres
chinois ou japonais ou encore aux écrits des grandes universités
monastiques du Tibet, Fabrice Midal nous invite à comprendre la
richesse de la pratique méditative. Il explore aussi ses liens avec les
différentes spiritualités. Il interroge surtout l’intérêt que lui portent la
psychologie, la philosophie, les arts ou encore les neurosciences. Il
montre enfin en quoi, parce qu’elle incarne une autre entente de
l’être humain, la méditation est une réponse à la crise des temps
Fabrice Midal est philosophe et écrivain. Fondateur de l’École
occidentale de méditation, il est l’auteur de nombreux ouvrages,
dont Méditations. 12 méditations guidées pour s’ouvrir aux autres et à soimême (Pocket/audiolib, 2011), Pratique de la méditation. Un regard plus clair sur
votre vie et sur le monde (Le Livre de poche, 2012) et Frappe le ciel et écoute le
bruit (Les arènes, 2014).
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali Via Livorno 515/c, I-20099, Sesto S. Giovanni (Mi), tel. + 39 02 2408204 [email protected] - Méryem Hani
véhicule des fantasmes
Non Lieu 2013
240 pp
20 euro
Cette étude originale porte sur la construction idéologique de la modernité sous l’angle
ferroviaire, elle montre comment la création et le développement de l’Orient-Express a
bouleversé notre façon de voir le monde à la fin du XIXe siècle, l’aiguillant vers des
représentations qui sont encore en partie les nôtres aujourd’hui. En franchissant les
frontières, le train a rapproché l’Orient des Français.
L’Orient-Express, singulière entreprise moderne trans-européenne, permit les premiers
contacts entre Occident et Orient et encouragea, certes pour une minorité de nantis,
sinon la connaissance du continent et de ses habitants, du moins sa première perception
et la constitution des premiers lieux communs.
En outre, cette entreprise industrielle titanesque exacerba les clivages de classes, à travers
une presse populiste qui ne manqua pas de stigmatiser le luxe, le lucre et l’oisiveté d’une
bourgeoisie corrompue, dont l’Orient-Express aurait été l’outil des turpitudes.
Et l’intérêt, essentiel, de cet ouvrage, est de montrer comment, autour de ce train, se
forgent alors les représentations de la bonne société sur les femmes. À l’époque, en effet,
s’amorce en Occident un mouvement d’émancipation, certes encore timide en France, qui
permet à certaines femmes de se libérer du carcan du mariage, du père et de l’Église ;
l’Orient-Express est perçu comme un instrument de cette libération, et celles qui
voyagent seules comme des dévergondées.
En contrepoint de l’image d’une Lilith occidentale, réellement mais encore partiellement
débarrassée des hommes, se forge un autre fantasme, celui d’une femme orientale
soumise, voilée, prête à réaliser tous les désirs masculins.
Méryem Hani est historienne et enseignante.
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali Via Livorno 515/c, I-20099, Sesto S. Giovanni (Mi), tel. + 39 02 2408204 [email protected] - Smaïl Goumeziane
Ibn Khaldoun
Un génie maghrébin
Non Lieu 2006 (20012)
192 pp
15 euro
L’œuvre d’Ibn Khaldoun, dont sa désormais célèbre Al Muqaddima, introduction à
l’Histoire universelle, ne fut connue en Occident qu’au milieu du XXe siècle. On découvrit
alors un prodigieux savant, dont les travaux, réalisés au XIVe siècle, faisaient de lui un
précurseur de génie de plusieurs disciplines scientifiques.
Au cours d’une vie tumultueuse, Ibn Khaldoun parcourut les royaumes berbères du
Maghreb et séjourna en Andalousie. Acteur clé de son temps, il y fut tour à tour ministre,
professeur, juge, diplomate et savant.
Smaïl Goumeziane analyse, sous un angle inédit, et sur fonds d’histoire du Maghreb, les
apports essentiels d’Ibn Khaldoun aux sciences humaines. Approfondissant les causes du
déclin du Maghreb depuis la chute de Grenade, l’auteur remonte jusqu’au XVIIIe siècle et
renoue les fils de la pensée khaldounienne et ceux du siècle des Lumières.
Smaïl Goumeziane, ancien ministre du Commerce d’Algérie (1989-1991), docteur
ès Sciences économiques, est spécialiste de l’économie du développement,
notamment en Méditerranée. Il a déjà publié : Le Mal algérien (Fayard, 1994) ; Le
pouvoir des rentiers (Paris-Méditerranée, 2003) ; Fils de Novembre (Paris-Méditerranée,
2004) ; La Tiers Mondialisation (Corlet, 2005).
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali Via Livorno 515/c, I-20099, Sesto S. Giovanni (Mi), tel. + 39 02 2408204 [email protected] - J.-B. Jeangène Vilmer et F. Gouéry
Les Afars d’Éthiopie
Dans l’enfer du Danakil
Non Lieu 2011
168 pp
29 euro
Dans ce désert volcanique, rongé par le sel et gorgé d’acide, le déchaînement
de couleurs et de matières donne parfois l’impression étrange d’être sur une
autre planète. La dépression du Danakil est le lieu le plus chaud du monde et
le plus bas d’Afrique, sous le niveau de la mer.
Cette région d’Éthiopie est dangereuse. Sa proximité avec l’Érythrée la place
sous la menace permanente d’une reprise du conflit armé entre les deux États.
Une prise d’otages en 2007 et l’explosion meurtrière d’une mine en 2009 ont
achevé de dresser de cet « enfer Danakil » le portrait d’une zone extrême.
Il y a peu d’endroits plus hostiles à la vie sur terre et pourtant un peuple y
subsiste et s’est adapté à un monde de la rareté : les Afars. Ils dépendent en
grande partie du commerce millénaire du sel, l’or blanc du désert, extrait
manuellement de la croûte terrestre et transporté sur des centaines de
kilomètres par des caravanes de dromadaires.
Cet ouvrage est la première monographie et le premier livre de photographies
sur le Danakil éthiopien et les Afars, leur histoire, leurs luttes politiques, leur
économie et leur culture.
Jean-Baptiste Jeangène Vilmer,
philosophe et juriste, est chercheur
en droit international à l’Université
McGill (Canada). Il est l’auteur
d’une dizaine d’ouvrages, dont un
livre de photographies (Turkménistan,
Non Lieu, 2009).
Franck Gouéry, ingénieur
et diplômé de Sciences Po
Paris, est administrateur à la
Commission européenne et
maître de conférences en
questions européennes à
Sciences Po Paris. Ce livre
est issu d’un voyage de
plusieurs semaines dans la
dépression du Danakil en
2010 et 2011.
[email protected]!!-!!!
Politics and Contemporary History
Thomas Kunze · Thomas Vogel (Ed.)
Oh, My Beloved Leader
Cult of personality in the twentieth and twenty-first century
Thomas Kunze, Thomas Vogel (Hg.)
Oh Du, geliebter Führer
Personenkult im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert
“Honey of the World,” “Son of the Sun,” “Star of
Peace,” “Hero of Heroes” – this is what dictators
like Stalin, Mao Zedong, Ceauşescu, and the Kims
of North Korea have called themselves. On the one
hand this absurd personality cult amuses us; on the
other hand it allows us to peer into the abysses of
criminal regimes. The ousting and rapid fall of
Arab rulers such as Hosni Mubarak, Ben Ali or
Muammar al-Gaddafi in recent months have given
us glimpses into the courts of these dictators. These­
fallen potentates not only lived like gods, but
seemed­to feel like gods as well. Poets wrote eulogies to please them, musicians composed hymns to
praise them. Taking about twenty individuals from
contemporary history, this book shows how cults
of personality emerge and how they work, and
which dynamics begin to unfold when rule becomes total rule.
336 pages, 79 illustrations
ISBN 978-3-86153-734-2
Distribution in October 2013
Thomas Kunze
Thomas Vogel
Born in 1963; studied history, German
literature and education; has worked for
the Konrad Adenauer Foundation since
2002, among other things as its Moscow representative and as head of the
Europe/North America Department at
foundation headquarters in Berlin; since
2010 foundation representative in Central Asia (headquarters: Tashkent); numerous publications.
Born in 1959; studied German literature, political science and journalism;
from 2003 to 2009 correspondent for
Schweizer Fernsehen (Swiss Television)
in Berlin; currently an editor of the
“Rundschau” political program on
Schweizer Fernsehen. Recent publications with Ch. Links Verlag: From the
Soviet Union to Independence (in collaboration with Thomas Kunze), 2011.
Ch. Links Verlag ∙ Schönhauser Allee 36 ∙ 10435 Berlin ∙ [email protected]
Milosz Matuschek
Das romantische Manifest
Schluss mit der Suche nach der perfekten Liebe
Discorso sulla liberazione dell'amore moderno dalle scelte
perfezioniste e dal calcolo.
Links Verlag 2014
160 pagine – 12,5x20,5 cm
Il modo contemporaneo di amare si basa su una contraddizione: anche se abbiamo
sempre programmato e calcolato il metodo più efficiente per la ricerca del partner, ci
innamoriamo raro, cambiamo partner più spesso di prima, ci sposiamo più tardi, ci
separiamo più spesso e in tanti viviamo da soli come mai prima. Può essere che
abbiamo dimenticato come amare?
Milosz Matuschek lancia un appello per la liberazione dell'amore dal perfezionismo e dal
calcolo con il suo manifesto romantico: auspica un ritorno al romanticismo, e ci chiede
di reinventare l'amore.
Nato nel 1980, Milosz Matuschek è avvocato, giornalista
freelance e autore. Nel corso di una ricerca di due anni ha avuto
scambi on-line con oltre 2.000 donne. È coautore con Alexandra
Kilian nel libro Mann mit Grill sucht Frau mit Kohle (Uomo con
barbecue cerca donna con il carbone - 2012) ha descritto le
esperienze bizzarre di questi incontri virtuali. Matuschek
collabora con Cicero online, Focus Süddeutsche Zeitung e Die Welt.
Vive a Parigi e Berlino
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Elisabeth Pfister
When Women Love Criminals
Elisabeth Pfister
Wenn Frauen
Verbrecher lieben
Serial killers are inundated with love letters from
female admirers, and men in prison trying to meet
women through Internet dating services receive
plenty of mail. It is not a rare occurrence that wedding bells toll in the prison chapel. Convicted murderers, killers or sex offenders are the men these
women fall in love with.
Elisabeth Pfister investigates this phenomenon and
inquires into who these women are and what motivates them. Their motives seem as puzzling as they
are abysmal. Can they not find a man on the “free
market”? Do they suffer from helper syndrome? Or
are they sometimes seeking to unconsciously
reenact earlier experiences of violence and abuse?
The fascination with violence these women succumb to has different causes. Pfister’s aim is not a
representative study, but to find answers to these
questions using authentic, sometimes highly dramatic and tragic stories.
240 pages
ISBN 978-3-86153-717-5
Published: September 2013
Elisabeth Pfister
Born in 1952; studied English, German and politics; freelance television
journalist for ARD and ARTE, many
years as a staff editor at ARTE, advisor to numerous television documentaries; lives and works in Frankfurt am
Main as a freelance journalist and
author. Radio play and book publications, including Operation Romeo.
The Stasi Love Commandos, Berlin
Ch. Links Verlag ∙ Schönhauser Allee 36 ∙ 10435 Berlin ∙ [email protected]
Novità Libretto
Bernadette Costa Prades
Niki de Saint Phalle
Pubblicazione: settembre 2014
12x18,2 cm
120 Pagine circa
Nata Catherine Marie-Agnés Fal de Saint Phalle a Neuilly-sur-Seine, un ricco sobborgo di
Parigi, nel mese di ottobre del1930, morta a San Diego, in California, il 21 maggio 2002.
Modella per Vogue, Life, Elle, e altre riviste di moda ; artista poliedrica, pittrice, scultrice e
regista, Niki de Saint Phalle aveva esordito come cantante. Senza nessuna formazione
artistica formale, ma aveva cominciato a dipingere nel 1952. Nel 1961, entrò a far parte del
gruppo dei Nouveaux Réalistes, e nel 1971 sposò l'artista Jean Tinguely. È soprattuto
conosciuta per le sue opere seriali, come ad esempio Les Tirs, e le Nanas, la Fontana Igor
Stravinsky vicino al Centro Pompidou, e il Giardino dei Tarocchi, a Capalbio.
Bernadette Costa-Prades è una giornalista specializzata in psicologia e formazione. È autrice
di varie biografie e per Libretto ha già pubblicato quelle di Frida Kahlo (Settembre 2013) e
Simone de Beauvoir(Aprile 2014).
Una retrospettiva delle opere di Niki de Saint Phalle si terrà al Grand Palais di Parigi dall'8 ottobre 2014 al
18 gennaio 2015.
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Via Livorno 515/c, I-20099, Sesto S. Giovanni (Mi), tel. + 39 02 2408204
cell. +39 340 1570558 -