

a - has
à - to, at, in
a acheté - bought
ai acheté - bought
acheter - to buy
agis - act, are acting
ai - have
aimais - liked
aimait - liked
aime - like(s)
aimes - like
allaient - were going
allait - was going
est allé(e)(s) - went
aller - to go
allez - go
allons - are going, go, let’s go
alors - so, then
amie - girlfriend
amis - friends
anglais - English
ans - years (old)
appareil dentaire - braces
s’appelait - called him/herself , named
a appelé - called
m’appelle - call myself ,
name is
appellent - call
apporte - brings
apporter - to bring
apportera - will bring
après - after
après-midi - afternoon
argent - money
ont arrêté - arrested
as - has
s’asseoir - to sit down
asseyez - sit down
assieds - sit(s) down
s’est assis(e) - sat down
attendant - waiting
attendez - wait
attendre - to wait
attends - wait
a attendu(e) - waited
attirance - attraction
attire - attracts
attiré par - attracted by
attirer - to attract
au, aux - to the
ne…aucun - not one, not a
aujourd'hui - today
aussi - also
autant - so much
autour - around
autre - other
avaient - had
avais - had
avait - had
avant - before
avec - with
avez - have
avoir - to have
avons - have
bains - bath
beau - handsome
beaucoup - a lot, many
belle - beautiful
besoin - need
bien - well, fine
bientôt - soon
bijouterie - jewelry
bijoux - jewels
boire - to drink
boissons - drinks
bon, bonne - good
bonjour - hello
bouche - mouth
bouge - move
a bougé - moved
bouger - to move
bras - arm(s)
bruit- noise
a bu - drank
c'est - this is, it is
c’était - this was, it was
ça - that, this
cabinet - office
ce - this, that
célibataire - single
centaines - hundreds
cents - hundred
cependant - however
ces - these, those
a cessé - stopped
cet, cette - this, that
chambre(s) - room(s)
chaque - each, every
cher - expensive
cherchaient - were looking
cherchait - was looking for
cherche - looks for, is looking
ont cherché(es) - looked for
cherchent - look for, are
looking for
chercher - to look for
cherchons - look for
cheveux - hair
chez - to, at the house of
choses - things
cinq - five
cœur - heart
colère - anger
collier(s) - necklace(s)
combien - how many, how
comme - like, as
comment - how, what
comprendre - to understand
comprends - understand
a compris - understood
connaissance - acquaintance
contre - against
copine(s) - girlfriend(s)
corps - body
coup (tout d’un coup) - all of
a sudden
courant - running
courir - to run
cours - run
courts - short
a couru - ran
crevettes - shrimp
croix - cross
d'avant - before, previous
d’abord - first of all
d’accord - agreed, ok
d’après - according to
dans - in
de - of, from
découvrez - uncover
a décrite - described
dehors - outside
déjà - already
demain - tomorrow
demi(e) - half
dentifrice - toothpaste
dents - teeth
depuis - since, for
dernière - last
des - some
deux - two
devant - in front of
dire - to say, tell
dis - tell
disait - said, was saying
a dit - said
ont dit - said
dix - ten
donc - so
a donné - gave
donner - to give
dormait - was sleeping, slept
as dormi - slept
ai dormi - slept
avait dormi - had slept
dormir - to sleep
dort - sleeps, is sleeping
douche - shower
drôle - funny
du - of the, from, some
eau - water
s’échappe - escape
s’échapper - to escape
a écouté(e)(s) - listened (to)
ont écouté - listened (to)
écouter - to listen (to)
écrire - to write
écris - write
écrit - writes
elle - she, her
emmène - take
en - while
en train de - in the process of
encore une fois - one more
s’est endormi(e) - fell asleep
se sont endormis - fell asleep
enfants - children
enfin - finally
a enlevé - removed
enlève - remove
enlever - to remove
enlevez - remove
enquête - search
enregistrés - registered
ensuite - then
entendait - heard, was hearing
a entendu(e) - heard
a envahi - invaded
a enveloppé - wrapped
es - are
espagnol - Spanish
essayer - to try
est - is
et - and
étaient - were
était - was
États-Unis - United States
a été - was
êtes - are
être - to be
étudiait - studied
étudiant - student
ai étudié - studied
eux - them
éveillée - awake
fâché - angry
faire - to make, do
fais - make(s) do(es),
faisait - was making, doing
fait - makes, does
fallait - was necessary
il faut - it is necessary
femme(s) - woman, wife,
ferme - close
fête - party
feuille - sheet
fille(s) - girl(s)
fils - son
fin - end
fois - time
folle - crazy
fort(e) - strong
français - French
frappaient - were knocking,
a frappé - knocked
ont frappé - knocked
garcon(s) - boy(s)
gazeuse - sparkling
genre - type
gens - people
grondé - scolded
heure(s) - hour(s)
heureux(se) - happy
hier - yesterday
a hoché - nodded
homme(s) - man, men
huit - eight
ici - here
il - he
ils - they
incroyable - unbelievable
inquiet - worried
jardinier - gardener
je - I
a jeté - threw
jeu - game
jeunes - young, young people
joli(e) - pretty
jour(s) - day(s)
journée - day
juin - June
jusqu'à - until
la - the
là - there
laisse - leave
a laissé - left
laisser - to leave
laisses - leave
langues - languages
s’est lavé(e) - washed
le - the
légumes - vegetables
lendemain - the following
lentement - slowly
les - the
leur(s) - their
se levait - got up
s’est levée - got up
lève-toi - get up
se lever - to get up
lèvres - lips
lit - reads
lui - to him/her
lumière - light
ma - my
magasin - store
maillot de bains - bathing
main(s) - hand(s)
maintenant - now
mais - but
maison - house
mal - bad
malade - sick
a mangé - ate
ont mangé - ate
avait mangé(e) - had eaten
mangeait - were eating, ate
manger - to eat
marchaient - were walking,
marchant - walking
marché - market
a marché - walked
ont marché - walked
marcher - to walk
mari - husband
matin - morning
matinée - morning
mauvaise - bad
méfie - is wary
menottes - handcuffs
menteuse - liar
mer - sea
merci - thank you
mère(s) - mother(s)
mes - my
mets - put
mettait - was putting, put
mettre - to put
meurs - die
midi - noon
minuit - midnight
a mis(e) - put
moi - me
moins - minus
moitié - half
mon - my
monde - world
mondiale - world
monsieur - Mr., sir
mort - death
mot - word
mourir - to die
ne…pas - not
neuf - nine
nez - nose
ni…ni - neither…nor
noire(s) - black
nom - name
notre - our
nous - we, us
nouveau(x) - new
nouvelle - new
nuit - night
on - we, one, they
ont - have
onze - eleven
ou - or
où - where
oui - yes
a ouvert - opened
s’est ouverte - opened
ouvraient - were opening
ouvre - open
ouvrez - open
par terre - on the ground
parce que - because
parlaient - were talking,
parlait - talked, was talking,
parle - speak(s), talk(s)
a parlé - spoke
ont parlé - spoke
se sont parlé - spoke to one
parler - to speak, talk
parles - speak
partait - was leaving
est parti(e)(s) - left
partir - to leave
partout - everywhere
pêcheurs - fishermen
s’est peignée - combed her
pendant - during, while
pensait - was thinking,
pensant - thinking
pense - think
a pensé - thought
ai pensé - thought
ont pensé - thought
penser - to think
penses - think
perdu(e) - lost
père - father
peu - little
peur - fear
peut - can
peuvent - can
peux - can
pièce - room
pied - foot
place - place, spot
plage - beach
plaisir - to please
plaît - pleases, is pleasing
planches - boards
plaque (de contention)- retainer
pleurait - was crying, cried
pleure - cry
a pleuré - cried
ont pleuré - cried
pleurer - to cry
plus - more
ne…plus - no more
plusieurs - several
poils - hairs
policier(s) - detective(s)
portable - cell phone
portait - was wearing
porte(s) - am/are wearing
porter - to wear
pour - in order to, for
pourquoi - why
pouvait- could
pouvez - can
pouvoir - to be able to, can
prendre - to take, to get
(de très) près - closely
prêt(e)(s) - ready
a pris - took, took out
promets- promise
propre - clean
puis - then
puissant - strong
quand - when
quarante - forty
quartier - neighborhood
quatre - four
que - that
quel(le) - what, what a
quelqu’un - someone
quelques - some
qui - who
quinze - fifteen
a quitté - left
quoi - what
ramassant - gathering
a ramassé - gathered
ramasser - to gather
s’est rappelé - remembered
rapportée - brought back, reported
rassemblé - gathered together
ravisseurs - kidnappers
a réagi - reacted
recherche - search
reçoit - receives
regardait - was watching,
looking at
regarde - looks at, watches
a regardé(e)(s) - looked at
s’est regardée - looked at
regarder - to look at
régler - to regulate, to settle
(te) remettre (les menottes)to put you in handcuffs
a remis - put back on
a remué - moved
a rencontré - met
rendre visite - to pay a visit,
to visit
s’est rendu compte - remembered
rentre - return
est rentrée - returned
rentrer - to return
respirait - was breathing
respiration - breath
respirer - to breathe
ressentait - was feeling, felt
a ressenti - felt
reste - rest
est resté(e) - stayed
rester - to stay
sont restés - stayed
retard - late
ont retrouvé - found
retrouver - to find
se réveillant - waking up
réveille - wake up
se reveille - wakes up
s’est réveillé(e) - woke up
t’es réveillée -woke up
se réveiller - to wake up
est revenu(e) - came back
était revenue - had come
suis revenue - came back
reviens - come back
revoir - to see again; au
revoir - good-by
a ri - laughed
rien - nothing
rouge - red
s’amusait - was having fun
s’appelait - was named
s’appellent - names are
s’asseoir - to sit down
s’échappe - escapes
s’échapper - to escape
sa - his/her
sais - know
sait - knows
salle - room
salut - hi
sans - without
sauvetage - rescue
savaient - knew
savait - knew
savoir - to know
seize - sixteen
semaines - weeks
semblaient - seemed
semblait - seemed
semble - seems
se sentait - felt
s’est sentie - felt
sept - seven
serait - would be
serré - tight
serviette - towel
ses - his/her
seul(e)(s) - alone
seulement - only
si ; s’ - if
soif - thirst
soin - care
soir - evening
soit sauvée - was saved, rescued
sommes - are
son - his/her
sont - are
sors - coming out, leaving
sort - coming out, leaving
sorte - type
sortez - come out, leave
a sorti - took out
est sorti(e) - went out
sortir - to go out, to leave
soudain - suddenly
a souri - smiled
souriant - smiling
sourire - to smile
sous - under
stylo - pen
suis - am
suivants - following, next
a suivi - followed
sur - on
surtout - especially
ta - your
tard - late
te/t’ - you
tellement - so much
temps - time
tenait - held
terminée - ended
terrasse - outside patio
par terre - on the
tête - head
tirez - shoot
toc - knock
toi - you
tomber - to fall
sont tombés - fell
ton - your
top-model - top model
tôt - early
toujours - still, always
tous - all
tout(e)(s) - all
tout de suite - quickly
tout le monde - everyone
etre en train de - to be in the
proccess, middle of
a trainée - dragged
treize - thirteen
trente - thirty
très - very
triste - sad
trois - three
trop - too, too much
tropicaux - tropical
trouve - find(s)
a trouvé - found
as trouvé(e)(s) - found
avez trouvé(e) - found
ont trouvé(e)(s) - found
trouvent - find
trouver - to find
trouvera - will find
tu - you
tutoyer - to use the “tu” form
of the verb
un(e) - a, an, one
va - goes, am going
vais - go, am going
valise(s) - suitcase(s)
vas - go, are going
vendait - sold, were selling
venir - to come
venue - came
vérité - truth
verre(s) - glass(es)
vers - towards
vêtements - clothes
veulent - want
veut - wants
veux - want
vie - life
viens - come
vin - wine
vingt - twenty
vite - quickly, fast
vivante - alive
vivre - to live
voir - to see
voit - sees
voitures - cars
voix - voice
vont - go
votre - your
voudrais - would like
voulaient - wanted
voulais - wanted
voulait - wanted
voulez - want
vous - you plural/formel
vrai - true
vraiment - really
a vu(e)(s) - saw
ai vu(e) - saw
as vu - saw
avez vu - saw
(allons) y - (go) there, (going)
yeux - eyes
absurde - absurd
acceptable - acceptable
accepte - accepts
accepter - to accept
accompagne - accompanies
activités - activities
adore - adore, love
admettre - to admit
a admiré - admired
adolescents adolescents/teenagers
aéroport - airport
a affecté - affected
âge- age
agent(s) - agent
agitation - agitation
agitée - agitated
aide - help/aid
a aidé - helped/aided
aider - to help
aideront - will help
air - air
alerte - alert
allô - hello
ambassade - Embassy
américain - American
s’amuser - to amuse oneself,
to have fun
s’amusait - was amusing herself, was having fun
me suis amusé - amused myself, had fun
s’est amusé(e)- s/he amused
oneself, had fun
se sont amusés - amused
themselves, had fun
t’es amusé - amused yourself,
had fun
s’est approché(e) - s/he approached
arabe - Arabic
armes - arms, weapons
arrivant - arriving
arrivée - arrival
est arrivé(e) - arrived
sont arrivés - arrived
arriver - to arrive
arrivera - will arrive
a attachée - attached
attention - attention
attentivement - attentively
autorité(s) - authority, authorities
aventures - adventures
bar - bar
beauté - beauty
bière - beer
bikini - bikini
bleu - blue
brossait - brushed, was
brossant - brushing
brosse - brush
s’est brossé - brushed
brosser - to brush
brosses - brush
café - coffee
calme - calm
s’est calmé - calmed down
canoë(s) - canoe
Caraïbes - Caribbean
cas - case
centre - center
chance - chance, luck
chaos - chaos
chauffeur - chauffeur, driver
chef - head person, chief
choix - choice
clairement - clearly
classe(s) - class(es)
clients - clients
club - club
coïncidence - coincidence
commander - to order, command
a commencé - began, commenced
commencement - beginning
commences - begin
commercial - commercial
communiquer - to communicate
compétition - competition
complètement - completely
complice - accomplice
compulsif - compulsive
concentration - concentration
concentré(e) - concentrated
conférence - conference
conflit - conflict
confusion - confusion
conséquences - consequences
considérait - considered, was
a consolé - consoled
contente - content, happy
continuait - continued, was
continue - continues
a continué - continued
ont continué - continued
contrôle - control
a contrôlé - controlled
conversation - conversation
courageux - courageous
a coûté - cost notice the circumflex
a couvert - covered
couverts - covered
crabes - crabs
créole - creole
criaient - cried out, was
criant - crying out, shouting
a crié - cried out, shouted
crier - to cry out, shout
cris - cries, shouts
crocodile(s) - crocodile(s)
cruelle - cruel
cruellement - cruelly
dangereuse - dangerous
danser - to dance
a décidé - decided
a découvert - discovered
découverte - discovery
définition - definition
délicieuse - delicious
se demandait - was asking
him/herself, wondering
a demandé - asked
s’est demandée - asked herself, wondered
demander - to ask
dentaire - dental
désespérée - desperate
désordre - disorder, mess
déterminée - determind
différents - different
dîne - dine(s), eat(s) dinner
a dîné - ate dinner
dîner - to eat dinner
a disparu - disappeared
se sont divisés - divided
divorce - divorce
avons divorcé - divorced
ont divorcé - divorced
docteur - doctor
document(s) - document(s)
dollars - dollars
drogues - drugs
élégants - elegant
éliminer - to eliminate
embarrassant - embarrassing
embarrassé(e) - embarrassed
émotion - emotion
employé - employee
enchanté(e) - enchanted,
ennemi - enemy
énorme - enormous
enthousiasme - enthusiasm
enthousiaste - enthusiastic
entraient - entered, was entering
entrait - entered, was entering
entrant - entering
entre - enter(s)
est entré(e) - entered
entrée - entrance
entrer - to enter
sont entrés - entered
epilogue - epilogue
erreur - error
évasion - evasion, escape
évident - evident
examinait - examined
examine - examine
a examiné(e) - examined
examiner - to examine
excellent - excellent
s’est exclamé - exclaimed
excuse - excuse
m’excuse - excuse myself ;
I’m sorry
excursion - excursion
exotique(s) - exotic
a expliqué - explained
expliquer - to explain
explorer - to explore
a explosé - exploded
explosion - explosion
extraordinaire - extraordinary
familier - familiar
familles - families
fantastique - fantastic
fascinaient - fascinated
fatigué(e) - fatigued, tired
fausse - false
fiancé - fiancé
finalement - finally
c'est fini!- it is finished
flirter - to flirt
forcé(e) - forced
formel - formal
fruits - fruit
furieuse - furious
furieusement - furiously
furieux - furious
garde(s) - guard(s)
ont gardée - guarded
grand(e)(s) - grand, big
groupe(s) - group(s)
habitants - inhabitants
hébreu - Hebrew
horreur - horror, horrible
horriblement - horribly
hôtels - hotels
hystériquement - hysterically
idée - idea
a identifiée - identified
identifier - to identify
identité - identity
imaginait - imagined
immédiatement - immediately
impatience - impatience
important(e)(s) - important
impressionnante - impressive
impressionnée - impressed
impressionner - to impress
inconsciente - unconscious
inconsolable - unconsolable
inexplicable - unexplainable
inférieur - inferior
informations - information
as informé - informed
informer - to inform
a inspecté - inspected
inspecteurs - inspectors
instant - instant
intact - intact
intelligente - intelligent
intense - intense
intéressant(e) - interesting
interrogatoire - interrogatory
interrompre - to interrupt
a interrompu - interrupted
investigation - investigation
ont invité(e) - invited
isolée - isolated
jus - juice
juste - just
karaté - karate
a kidnappée - kidnapped
ont kidnappé - kidnapped
kidnapper - to kidnap
kidnapping - kidnapping
lampe - lamp
lettres - letters
lion - lion
liste - list
madame - madam
magique(s) - magic
magnifique - magnificent
maman - mom
manière - manner, way
martiniquais(e) - Martiniquan
me - me
message - message
microphone - microphone
minute(s) - minutes
miroir - mirror
top-model - model
moment(s) - moment(s)
moustique - mosquito
mouvement(s) - movement(s)
musclé - muscled
musique - music
mystérieux - mysterious
naturelle - natural
nausées - nausea
nécessaires - necessary
nerveux(se) - nervous
non - no
normal - normal
normalement - normally
a noté - noted
nourriture - nourishment,
numéro - number
obligation - obligation
a observé(e) - observed
observer - to observe
obsessionnel - obsessive
occasion - occasion
océan - ocean
opale(s) - opal(s)
option - option
ordinaire - ordinary
se sont organisés - organized
orthodontiste - orthodontist
palpitait - was palpitating,
panique - panic
a paniqué - panicked
paniquée - panicked
papa - papa
papier - paper
paquet - package
paradis - paradise
paralysie - paralysis
pardon - pardon
parents - parents
parfait(e) - perfect
part - part
participants - participants
participer - to participate
passaient - passing, spending
se passe - pass time, happening
passé - passed time, spent
est passée - passed by
passeport(s) - passport(s)
patiente - patient
a payé - paid
personne(s) - person(s)
petit(e)(s) - petite, small
photo - photo
pizza - pizza
plan(s) - plan
plantes - plants
plastique - plastic
ont pointé - pointed
police - police
politique - politics
posait - was posing, asking
pose - poses, asks questions
poser - to pose, ask questions
possible - possible
a poussé(e) - pushed
précédente - preceding
préférait - preferred
préféré - preferred
se préparait - was preparing
herself, getting ready
ont préparé - prepared
s’est préparée - prepared
herself, got ready
se préparer - to prepare, to
get ready
presse - press, news
probable - probable
problème(s) - problem(s)
prof - professor
professeur(s) - professor(s)
programme - program
publicité - publicity
publique - public
qualité - quality
quart - quarter
questions - questions
rafraichie - refreshed
rapidement - rapidly
rapides - rapid, fast
rassurante - reassuring
réaction - reaction
réalité - reality
a réfléchi - reflected
relaxer - to relax
a remarqué - remarked, noticed
a répété - repeated
répondre - to respond, answer
réponds - responds, answers
a répondu - responded
reporter - reporter
réserve - reserve, preserve
restaurant - restaurant
retour - return
est retourné(e) - returned
retourner - to return
révélations - revelations
revolver(s) - revolver(s)
riche - rich
ridicule - ridiculous
romantique - romantic
rond - round
rose - rose, pink
route - route
a saisi(e) - seized
salade - salad
sandales - sandals
sarcastique - sarcastic
a sauvé(e) - saved
sauver - to save
scotch - scotch tape
secret - secret
section - section
sélection - selection
se sont séparés - separated
sérieuse - serious
sérieusement - seriously
service - service
shampooing - shampoo
silence - silence
silencieux(se) - silent, quiet
simplement - simply
situation(s) - situation(s)
six - six
souffres - suffer
souvenirs - souvenirs
spa - spa
spécial(e) - special
spécialiste(s) - specialist(s)
spectacle - spectacle, show
sports - sports
station - station
stupide - stupid
sujet - subject
supérieur(e) - superior
surf - surf
symbole - symbol
table - table
taxi - taxi
télé - TV
téléphone - telephone
a téléphoné - telephoned
télévision - television
tennis - tennis
territoire - territory
terrorisée - terrorised, terrified
timide - timid, shy
toilettes - toilet, bathroom
total - total
totalement - totally
trafiquant(s) - traffickers
tranquille - tranquil, calm
tranquillité - tranquility
trapèze - trapeze
trouble - trouble
troublée - troubled
unique - unique
urgent - urgent
utiliser - to utilise, use
vacances - vacation
variées - varied
variétés - varieties
vendeurs - vendors
victime - victim
violemment - violently
violent(e) - violent
visière(s) - visor(s)
visite - visit
visiter - to visit
volontaires - volunteers
vomir - to vomit
voyage - voyage, trip

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