`:` `aarnh


`:` `aarnh
To Whom
MaY Concern,
I would like to recommand Elsie G. Pinkihan, who worked for my family as a helper since
2013. Therefore, she completed her contract during one year and 2 months.
Ms Elsie G. pinkihan has been great with our 3 children including a 7 years old girl, a 3
years old girl and she extremeiy well took care of my little baby (now 3-month baby
boy); She is gentle, smiley and really someone you can trust'
Qrra rerirr stay with us
Therefore, I strongiy support ElSi€ G.Pinkihan in hor iah 'aarnh
until end of October.
lou need further
Do not hesitate to contact her directl'
Je souhaiterais recommander ma helper Elsie G. Pinkihan. Nous quittons Hong-Kong fin
octobre. Elsie a travaille pour nous pendant notre courte dur6e d Hong Kong c'est i dire
1 an. Elle a 6t6 extra avec nos 3 enfants, qui ont B ans, 4 ans et 3 mois I Elle s'est
extr€mement bien occup6e de mon petit dernier qu'elle a vu naitre' C'est unep€-L5ennedouce, souriante et de corrfiance. N h6sitez pas i la cqntact€r directement au
(Ou voici mon t6l6Phone
-lulie Carrez

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