Cyclones that produce high impact weather in the Mediterranean


Cyclones that produce high impact weather in the Mediterranean
Base de données de projets de recherche
Changement climatique : impacts, vulnérabilité et adaptation
MEDEX - MEDiterranean EXperiment on "Cyclones that produce high impact weather in the
Carte d’identité du projet
Site du projet :
Date de lancement : 2000
Date d’achèvement :
Programme de recherche : THORPEX
Coordinateur(s) : Agustí Jansà
Entité(s) de recherche :
Instituto Nacional de Meteorología (Espagne)
CNRM-GAME - Centre national de recherches météorologiques
CNR, ISAO (Italie)
Tel Aviv University jointly with Israel Meteorological Service
Naval Research Laboratory, US Navy
DLR (Allemagne)
INM (Espagne)
Nat. Obs. of Athens (Grèce)
Balearic Islands University (Espagne)
Lab. d ?Aerology, Toulouse University (France)DSTN-PCM and Camerino University (Italie)
Accès aux documents
Site Web du projet :
Résumé :
MEDEX (Mediterranean Experiment on Cyclones
that produce High Impact Weather in the
Mediterranean) is designed to contribute to the better
understanding and short-range forecasting of high
impact weather events in the Mediterranean, mainly
heavy rain and strong winds. Due to the supposed
close relationship between high impact weather and
cyclones, MEDEX will be focused to Mediterranean
cyclones that produce high impact weather.
A <em>dynamically oriented climatology of
cyclones and high impact events</em> is the
first milestone of MEDEX. A second milestone
will be the <em>determination of sensitive
areas</em> where an observing effort will provide
a more accurate prediction of Mediterranean
cyclones, followed by <em>impact analyses
of additional data</em> in these areas. From
both, <em>recommendations</em> about the
observing systems, data assimilation procedures
and modelling and refined <em>conceptual
models</em> for forecasters will arise.
In parallel, an <em>evaluation of the societal impacts
of the phenomena and of the benefits of forecasting
accuracy improvements</em> will be done.
The climatology of cyclones and high impact events
performance requires a continuous and systematic
effort and will require one or two permanent MEDEX
Projet extrait de la base de données des projets de l’Onerc référençant 261 projets à la date du 30/09/2016
Pour modifier, compléter ou ajouter un projet de recherche : [email protected]
is intended in order to provide facilities for numerical
experiments and sensitive studies.
The establishment of a Data Assimilation
Mediterranean-oriented Centre (DAMC), including
a data base centre and a data assimilation centre,
Source : Extrait du site du projet
Lieu géographique :
Domaine thématique :
Secteur :
Milieu :
Type de recherche :
Evènements extrêmes
Océan et Mer
Projet extrait de la base de données des projets de l’Onerc référençant 261 projets à la date du 30/09/2016
Pour modifier, compléter ou ajouter un projet de recherche : [email protected]

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