
Functional architecture of photosynthetic light harvesting complexes
Mozzo, Milena
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Mozzo, M. (2008). Functional architecture of photosynthetic light harvesting complexes s.n.
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Performing the research for this thesis has been a journey through the photosynthesis
process, around the Europe and inside myself. There are many people who have contributed
to this experience, in different ways. It is difficult to find the best words to express my
gratitude and to thank everyone who has been in the right place at the right moment, but I’ll
First of all I would like to thank my supervisor Dr. Roberta Croce who has led me during
these years. I really appreciate that you have an open mind, which enhances communication
and comparison of ideas both in scientific terms and daily life. I would like to express my
gratitude for being present every time in my training, even if you were sometimes
physically far away. Moreover, I thank you for giving me the opportunity to work in
different European laboratories, which are mentioned below.
I wish to express my gratitude to prof. Dr. Egbert J. Boekema, who is the promoter of this
thesis and welcomed me in the Electron Microscopy group of the University of Groningen.
The tricks you suggested me in writing the PhD thesis were indispensable.
I gratefully acknowledge the fundamental contribution of Prof. Dr. Roberto Bassi in these
years. Your suggestions and ideas gave me a better feeling about the biologicalphysiological implications regarding my research. The periods I spent in your laboratories at
the University of Verona and the University of Marseille were crucial in developing my
I express my gratitude to Dr. Tomas Morosinotto as good example of how to do research
and for the helpful and constructive discussions we had in these years. I thank you for being
a very excellent tutor in the beginning of my research work and for awakening my curiosity
about photosynthesis.
A huge thanks to Dr. Rainer Hienerwadel for teaching me how to do the triplet minus
singlet measurements and data analysis. I appreciate your propensity towards teaching and
your patience and friendship. Your biophysical knowledge introduced me to a new field of
I thank Dr. Stefano Caffarri for very helpful assistance both in the laboratory activities and
with informatics. Your contributions were useful in Verona, Marseille as well as in
I gratefully thank prof. Dr. H. van Amerongen for helpful discussions and reading of my
works during these years.
I appreciate the valuable reading and improving suggestions by the reading committee: H.
van Amerongen, C. Büchel and J. Hille.
University of Groningen
I thank: Marc, Gert, Wilma, Wilko, Jan, Sami, Roman, Ana, Kasia, Natalya, Mihaela, Jelle,
Bauke, Jaap, Andy, Milena, Marcel, Niels, Dejan, André and all the members of the Electron
Microscopy group and X-Ray Crystallography group for the interesting and funny
discussions we had in these years.
Special thanks to Francesca for working together on some projects.
Thanks to Emilie for helping me in the Dutch-English translations.
Thanks to Hilda for the bureaucracy assistance and the nice discussions.
University of Verona
I thank the members of the Photosynthesis group: Luca, Matteo, Sara, Giulia, Chiara,
Stefano, Silvia and Simone for stimulating collaborations and friendship.
Thanks to Matteo and Luca for purifying antenna complexes, which permitted us to obtain
interesting results, as reported in this thesis.
Thanks to Alessandro Romeo for starting the unravelling of the triplet minus singlet spectra.
University of Marseille
All the persons of the Laboratoire de Génétique et Biophysique des Plantes have been
I thank Dr. Cristophe Robaglia for welcoming me in the group.
I thank Elodie L, Rodnay, Alessandro, Manuela, Cécile, Miriam, Patrice for the good
atmosphere and the fun we had both in the laboratory and outside.
A special thanks to Manuela who worked with me during the period I spent in Marseille.
I would like to thank all the people of the Intro2 network for the interesting meetings we
had in different European countries and for the training courses. I thank Jan, Rienk, Alfred,
Claudia, Jacques, Imre, Diana, Peter, Alexander, Gyõzõ, Egbert, Roberta and Stefan for the
familiar and cheerful ambience, which was always present.
A huge thanks for the happy moments I had with the students and post-doc I met during
the network meetings. In particular I thank Elisabet, Sofia, Sami, Ruth, Dario, Cristian,
Sandrine, Alexander, Mariangela, Alessandro, Anett, Petar, Chavdar and José for the crazy
nights we spent together.
I thank the CNR of Trento that partially financed my PhD activity. In particular, I express
my gratitude to Mauro Dalla Serra, Cristina Potrich and Tiziana Martinelli.
I would like to thank all my friends, for the support they gave me. I am lucky because every
time I moved and I started to live in a different place they made me feel at home.
Every time they encouraged me to feel better. Together with them I have been and I still am
discovering new cultures, learning new languages and growing into a more optimistic and
patient person. Of course, I explored new culinary philosophies and that’s great!!
Life in Marseille
Habiter et travailler à Marseille une année m’a permis de découvrir une ville qui représente
une réelle façon de vivre. J’ai cherché tout suite à apprendre le français afin de pouvoir
communiquer facilement. Merci à Mickael de la résidence Sylvabelle pour les premières
discussions en français, autour d’un café.
Je remercie aussi les amis que j’ai rencontré à la résidence: Toni, Juan, Ana pour les dîners
folkloriques, les concerts, les échanges de musique, d’avoir été là pendant les moments
difficiles, et surtout pour la joie de vivre qu’ils n’ont cessé de me transmettre.
Avec eux j’ai rencontré d’autres amis…grâce au ciné soupe…“qu’est-ce que c’est ça? ” On ne
savait pas ce que c’était mais on a voulu essayer. A cette période, nous ne maitrisions pas
encore bien le français mais cela nous a permis de rencontrer Mickael et Manu. Apres nous
avons rencontré Elodie, par hasard. Et voilà l’ambiance était déjà super. Je remercie Janie,
Djef, Francis, Santillane pour les week-end en canoë, le méchoui au milieu de la nature et
pour tous les échanges culturels.
Je remercie Elodie L., Rodnay et Alessandro pour les apéros au Red Lions, la découverte de
la plage secrète, l’aikido, la piscine, la musique française et la bonne ambiance au bureau.
Je remercie Emma et Pierre pour les apéros, tous les moments partagés où nous avons bien
rigolé pendant notre colocation. Et franchement, un salon comme le notre cela ne pouvait
être que à la rue Edmond Rostand.
Je remercie Nicolas pour m’avoir fait sentir chez moi tout de suite, pour tous les moments
magnifiques que nous partageons et la force que notre relation nous donne.
Un remerciement très spécial à Alessandro le grand, Elodie ma chérie et Jean Paul «JP» pour
être ma deuxième famille, maintenant que nous habitons loin les uns des autres. Qui peut
oublier quand vous venez me chercher à l’aéroport à minuit, tous le trois?!! J’en ai encore le
Un grand merci à Jean Paul le graphiste d’avoir appris les bases de la photosynthèse afin de
faire une couverture professionnelle!
Mille merci à Elodie qui encore une fois m’aide avec la langue française.
Life in Groningen
I would like to thank the people I met here in Groningen, in this last and most demanding
period of my PhD.
Thanks to Valerio and Petra who welcomed me at my arrival and let me a nice flat.
A huge thanks to the people I met at the Dutch class, especially Marta, Pedro and Matilda.
Thanks to Sabine, Onur, Milena, Régis, Dorota, Luminita, Tatiana, Roberto, Filippo, Alessio,
Daniele, Primož and the friends I met at the University for the nice dinners, evenings and
barbecues….yes we managed to barbecue in the open air without rain!!
Thanks Milena for your friendship and for all the time you say “Hallo Milena…”.
I really appreciated the contribution that André and you gave me in the acknowledgments
Thanks Francesca for bringing the spirit of Bovolone and Marseille to Groningen, which
made me feel at home.
Sabine, I won’t forget the nice evenings in the “Kult”, speaking, laughing, dreaming…and
the concerts?!
Merci à Sami. Malgré que nous soyons très différents l'un et l'autre nous arrivons à nous
comprendre en permanence, ce qui est une grande chance pour des amis.
Life in Italy
Ringrazio tutti i miei amici in Italia che in questi anni si sono dimostrati vicini e
comprensivi, malgrado i 1500 Km di distanza. Ogni volta che ci sentiamo e vediamo è
sempre con piacere!
Grazie a Michi, Lu, Dejan, Luca riz, Minchi, Elena, Ale, Igor, Valentina, Stefy per i fine
settimana in montagna, le cene, le lunghe serate e le tante risate fatte assieme.
Grazie a Ivan per la nostra insostituibile amicizia.
Grazie a tutti i miei compagni d’università per le cene che si organizzano quando torno a
Grazie ai miei amici di lunga data per essere “cresciuti” assieme e vedersi tuttora: Luca,
Ludovico, Anna, Chiara, Elisea, Maria Luisa: siete nel mio cuore.
Ringrazio i miei genitori Miranda e Valentino e le mie sorelle Nadia e Sara, per essermi
sempre vicini e avermi supportato nelle mie scelte, soprattutto la partenza dall’Italia. Mi
mancate, ma è bello vedere che siamo uniti, in ogni caso. Un grazie anche a Daniele, mio
nipote, per pensarmi quando sono lontana.
Un grazie particolare a Sara e Francesco per la loro disponibilità praticamente illimitata.
Grazie a Nico per essere un meraviglioso compagno di viaggio.