se loger a paris


se loger a paris
Student Housing Service
April 2010
The Reims campus is excited to open its doors this coming academic year.
Several solutions are currently offered by the Student Housing Service at Sciences Po. We
recommend that you visit the Reims campus website on a regular basis to follow the latest news
regarding housing possibilities.
The main housing arrangements envisaged for the 2010-2011 year are as follows:
(French students only)
- CROUS : housing granted with priority to scholarship recipients, but non-scholarship
holders with French nationality can submit their candidacy.
Démarche à suivre : remplir le DSE (Dossier Social Etudiant) sur le site du CROUS de l’académie
dont vous dépendez actuellement. Attention : date limite d’inscription : 30 avril 2010 .
1-Vœu : choisir Reims
2- si vous êtes boursier et demandez un logement, cocher bourse et logement ; si vous n’êtes pas
boursier mais demandez un logement, cocher logement.
3- cursus envisagé pour votre scolarité : aller sur autre type de cursus/Supérieur conduisant à un
niveau master ou équivalent/IEP : cocher Bac+1.
4- choix de la résidence : compte tenu du choix des résidences et de leur localisation, nous vous
conseillons de demander la Cité Gérard Philippe, située au centre ville et proche du campus de
Sciences Po ou la Cité Teilhard de Chardin (chambre rénovée), un peu plus éloignée du campus
de Sciences Po (environ 15 minutes à pied) mais située à proximité immédiate d’un restaurant
Liste des résidences universitaires pour information :
Attention : pour les boursiers CROUS admis à Reims, une demande de transfert de dossier sur Paris
devra être faite, la bourse étant versée par le CROUS de Paris et non par le CROUS de Reims.
Les étudiants boursiers auront une réponse lors du premier tour, soit mi-juin ; les non boursiers
auront une réponse soit au 1ertour, soit au 2nd tour, qui aura lieu mi-juillet (soit avant les résultats
d’admission du 30 juillet).
For international students, we are currently looking into an agreement with the CROUS to open
these residences to them as well.
For those international students who wish to seek housing with the CROUS, any request for
housing in these facilities will be conducted with Sciences Po serving as intermediary and according
to the total number of places available.
Reims is home to several private university residences, and the Student Housing Service proposes
certain addresses having taken into consideration various criteria such as location and distance
from the campus, costs, etc.
For example: STUDEA, an out-lying student residence situated just a few minutes by bus (R Line)
from campus.
Sciences Po Reims is also looking into an agreement that would allow us to reserve a certain
number of apartments and waive the standard processing fees for our incoming students.
- Public/Private Housing and Rental Agencies that are members of the FNAIM network
are currently in talks with our Reims team to offer our students a selection of different types of
housing, from T1 to T3.
These lodgings would be both pre-furnished and would come with preferential pricing with regards
to agency fees (in the case of private housing). We also expect there to be other advantages such as
fee management services, free electricity hook-up, etc.
Whenever possible, these lodgings would be grouped together in a few residences located close to
both the city center and the Reims campus.
- Other Sources of Housing Offered By Individual Landlords:
Housing Ads Database Managed by the Reims CROUS Office
Individual Housing Ads Database Run by Sciences Po
Should we directly receive housing announcements, we will create a database to connect landlords
with potential renters. This database will be offered exclusively to admitted students (log-in and
password necessary).
Attention: Sciences Po will only act as intermediary between landlords and renters. Each of the
parties concerned must respect the charter as it is agreed beforehand. Sciences Po will not act as
guarantor for its students.
Housing Aid Administered by the CAF (Caisse d’Allocations Familiales)
Conditions for Allocation:
- To be the renter “en titre” (the lease must be established in the name of the student or his or her legal
representative if the student is a minor),
- Students from outside of the European Economic Space must posses a Long Stay Visa serving as a Titre de
Séjour (VLSTS) for the first year of residence in France and then a titre de séjour for the remaining time.
These students must:
- pay rent directly,
- live in an apartment at least 9m2 with a basic minimum comfort.
The assistance offered by CAF varies according to rent, the renter’s financial resources, the type of housing
and its location. There is no payment granted for the month during which the student moves in.
Attention: once housing aid is granted to a student, parents no longer benefit from any additional family
allowances concerning that student.
2009 CAF Rates
Students WITH Scholarship
Students WITHOUT Scholarship
Resource Base:5700E
Resource Base:7100E
Paris/Paris Region
Agglo + 100 000 hts
211,52 E
The Rest of France
Resource Base : 4700E
Resource Base: 5500E
Rental Sector
University Residences
Renovated CROUS Room or Other Residence
The request is made on the CAF’s website after having signed a lease.
The “Rental Guarantee Loca-Pass,” which should be obtained by the student, has been eliminated since
Jauary 1, 2010 for private housing. This pass guarantees the landlord rental payments should the tenant fail
to pay. This pass is offered uniquely for socially-sponsored housing and only concerns French government
scholarship holders.
The “Advance Loca-Pass” is available to all students. This pass amounts to a free advance of the security
deposit required by the landlord, which can then be reimbursed by the student each month (15€ monthly
minimum) over the course of 36 months maximum.
The GRL (Rental Risks Guarantee)
The GRL is an “unpaid rent” guarantee put into place by the State and “le 1% logement.” This applies only
for private housing. It is the landlord who subscribes to the GRL, and students, either with or without
scholarships, can benefit.
There are 2 conditions: Rent must be less than 2000€ per month, and the total rent must equal less than 50%
of the renter’s revenues. The security deposit is waived. The GRL protects unpaid rents, rental damage, and
contentious costs.
Attention: This is a newly-created program (December 2009) and insurance is the landlord’s responsibility.

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