5QC - The Citizen at the Heart of Public Quality Paris, 20-22


5QC - The Citizen at the Heart of Public Quality Paris, 20-22
23 May 2008
5QC - The Citizen at the Heart of Public Quality
Paris, 20-22 October 2008
CAF Centre - Planning
Mo 20/10 am
1 hour
Room 1
CAF Clinic for Experienced Users
Room 2/3
Presentation of approaches and tools
Room 4-8
CAF in France
Approach and cases
1 h 40
CAF for Starters EN
Networking on CAF at National,
Regional and Local Level
1 h 40
CAF and the New Role of the Citizen
External Feedback
Methodology and pilot project
1 hour
Effective Improvement as a Result of
CAF Self-Assessment
Programme and project management
CAF and Education
Model and case
1 h 40
CAF in Relation to ISO and BSC
CAF for Starters FR
1 hour
CAF Movie - English Subtitles
CAF Movie - French/English Subtitles
Mo 20/10 pm
Mo 17.25-18.15
Tu 21/10 am
Stands/CAF Centre
Tu 21/10 pm
Tu 21/10 pm
Tu 17.25-18.15
We 22/10 am
Stands/CAF Centre
(*) infoshop "customer management" / NTH
CAF Centre - Description of the Sessions
Room 1
CAF Clinic for Experienced Users
Room 2/3
Room 4-8
CAF in France
You are a user of CAF with in-depth questions concerning the
use of CAF.
This session will allow you to meet the CAF experts and to put
forward questions and/or reflections on the CAF model and its
use in public sector organisations.
CAF and EFQM are partners in introducing quality
management in public sector organisations. In this session,
EFQM will present its philosophy, approach and the different
tools it is using (training, award scheme, networking …), as
well as the complementarities with CAF.
This will be an interactive session on the use of the EFQM
Excellence Model in general and how organisations can use it
to improve.
This session will deal with the use of CAF
in France, on the basis of concrete
experiences. The strategy for the further
spreading and implementing of CAF in
France will be discussed.
There will be special attention on the needs
experienced by the participants.
CAF for Starters
Networking on CAF at National, Regional and
Local Level
The aim of this session is to give a first introduction to the
CAF. The CAF model will be placed in a wider TQM context.
Attention will be paid to its main purposes, the scoring system,
the process – with detailed guidelines for implementing CAF and the elaboration of an action plan.
There will be room for your questions.
One of the aims of the CAF community is bench learning and
sharing practices. CAF users’ networking and event(s) at
different levels (national/regional/local) will be presented.
What were the approaches and the objectives, what are the
benefits and concrete outcomes?
CAF and the New Role of the Citizen
External Feedback
How can service users and citizens be enabled to help public
managers to improve the quality of services and the quality of
life of citizens? In particular: how can the CAF be used to
evaluate and improve relations with service users and citizens?
A concrete case will illustrate how this has been achieved in a
public sector organisation.
How can external feedback on the use of CAF and its effects
on the continuous improvement of the organisation and the
culture of excellence help public organisations to reinforce
their efforts? The methodology on external feedback as
developed by the group of national CAF correspondents opens
a new dimension and strengthens the further use of CAF in
Europe and abroad. The application of the new approach in a
few pilot projects will illustrate its merits.
Effective Improvement as a Result of CAF SelfAssessment
CAF and Education
The CAF Self Assessment (SA) e-Tool - developed at the CAF
Resource Centre (RC) – is an easy-to-use application that
supports organisational SA with CAF in view of achieving
consensus on strengths, areas of improvement, scores and
suggestions for improvement. The CAF SA e-Tool is free of
charge and available to individual organisations applying CAF.
At this session we will explain to you the necessary steps that
allow you to use the e-Tool in your organisation.
In some countries, CAF versions for
specific sectors have been developed in
accordance with the common structure of
the model. Recently, on the initiative of
Belgium, a European working group has
begun looking into the adaptation of CAF
to the specificities of the education sector.
It will be presented, together with a
concrete CAF application in this field.
Applying the CAF is not an aim in itself; it should lead to
better results. Doing the self-assessment is a first step. Putting
into place an action plan is next and requires an adequate
programme and project management approach, also involving
staff. Carrying out this action plan should lead to better
performances in the field of citizens, people, society or key
CAF in Relation to ISO and BSC
Initiation au CAF
CAF, ISO and the Balanced Scorecard are complementary to
one another. The specific characteristics of these tools will be
presented as well as the most appropriate way to use and
possibly combine them.
Concrete cases will illustrate how these tools strengthen the
performance of a public-sector organisation.
Cette session vise à donner un premier aperçu du CAF. Le
modèle CAF sera placé dans un contexte plus large de
management par la qualité totale (TQM). L’accent sera mis sur
ses principaux objectifs, son système de notation et le
processus, avec des lignes directrices détaillées pour la mise en
œuvre du CAF.
Un temps de questions sera également prévu.
CAF Movie – English/French Subtitles
Film CAF (sous-titré en français/anglais)
In this half hour movie, seven organisations from six different
European countries tell us how they started and implemented
the quality approach with CAF, which improvements were put
into place and how this was appreciated by both internal and
external users of their services. We invite current and future
CAF users to discover the effectiveness of CAF in improving
public sector organisations through the testimonies of these
seven CAF users and their customers.
Dans ce film d’une demi-heure, sept organisations de six pays
européens différents nous font partager leur expérience du
CAF et nous décrivent comment cette approche qualité a été
adoptée et mise en œuvre, les améliorations qui ont été mises
en place et la manière dont les utilisateurs de services tant au
niveau interne qu’externe ont apprécié ces changements. Nous
invitons tous les utilisateurs du CAF, actuels et futurs, à
découvrir l’efficacité du modèle CAF pour améliorer les
performances des organisations du secteur public à travers les
témoignages d’utilisateurs CAF et de leurs clients.

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