Turcica. Revue d`études turques Author guidelines Turcica


Turcica. Revue d`études turques Author guidelines Turcica
Turcica. Revue d’études turques
Author guidelines
Turcica publishes articles in French, English, German and Italian.
Manuscripts shall be submitted:
- by postal mail to: Revue Turcica, Collège de France, Institut d’études turques, arabes et
islamiques, 52 rue du Cardinal-Lemoine, F-75231 Paris cedex 05 ;
- or by email to [email protected].
Manuscripts shall contain an abstract of about 10 lines. The abstract as well as the title shall
be provided both in English and French. At the bottom of the first page, the author shall
provide contact details and professional affiliation, if any.
The submitted version is the final version. The editorial board assigns each article to at least
two peer-reviewers specialised in the article’s field. The editorial board takes its final decision
for each article on the basis of the peer-reviewer reports. It communicates its decision to every
Text formatting
The submitted article shall contain no tab or style-sheet. When necessary, the text shall be set
in italic. Notes shall be put at the bottom of the page and automatically numbered from 1 to n.
The basic structure of the submitted article shall be defined by unnumbered headings. Each
table or illustration shall be provided in a separate digital file. Illustration and table legends
shall include the source, unless the element is published for the first time, the author
(photographer, designer etc.), if any, and his/her affiliation.
Bibliographical references
In the footnotes, bibliographical references shall refer to the bibliography provided at the end
of the article. They shall contain the author’s last name and a short version of the
article/volume’s title.
İnalcık, The Ottoman Empire; Fodor, “Piracy, Ransom Slavery and Trade;” Keyder,
Bibliographic references at the end of the article shall be drafted according to the following:
İnalcık (Halil), The Ottoman Empire: The Classical Age, 1300-1600, London, Weidenfeld
& Nicholson, 1973.
Collective work
Apostolidis (Kosmas Myrtilos), Peev (Aleksandăr) eds., Archives des abadji à Plovdiv,
Plovdiv, Bibliothèque nationale à Plovdiv, 2 vols., 1929-1931.
Book, proceedings
Couto (Dejanirah), “L’espionnage portugais dans l’Empire ottoman au XVIe siècle,” in Jean
Aubin ed., La découverte, le Portugal et l’Europe, Actes du colloque, Paris, 26-28 mai 1988,
Paris, Fondation Calouste-Gulbenkian, 1990, p. 243-267.
Book, exhibition catalogue
Abback (Idriss), Hannoyer (Jean), Mémoire de soie : costumes et parures de Palestine et de
Jordanie, Exhibition catalogue, Institut du monde arabe, 18 Oct. 1988 – 19 Feb. 1989, Paris,
Institut du monde arabe – Édition française pour le monde arabe, 1988.
Fodor (Pal), “Piracy, Ransom Slavery and Trade: French Participation in the Liberation of
Ottoman Slaves from Malta during the 1620s,” Turcica 33 (2001), p. 119-133.
Chapter or article in a collective book
Bacqué-Grammont (Jean-Louis), “L’apogée de l’Empire ottoman : les évènements
(1512-1606),” in Robert Mantran ed., Histoire de l’Empire ottoman, Paris, Fayard, 1989,
p. 139-158.