
Associate Professor of Ottoman History,
Department of Turkish Studies and Modern Asian Studies,
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens,
E-mail: [email protected]
Dr Emilia Themopoulou is associate professor of Ottoman History in the Department of
Turkish and Modern Asian Studies of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
She graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She
was awarded a Diplôme d’Études Approfondies (DEA) by the University of Paris III
Sorbonne Nouvelle. She pursued her studies in the University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne
and she was awarded a Diplôme d’Études Approfondies (DEA). She holds a Diplome of
Turkish Studies from Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO) in
Paris. She was awarded a PhD in Οttoman History from the University Paris-I PanthéonSorbοnne (1994).
Professional Experience
1992-1993: Teacher of Turkish language « Institut of European Languages», Paris.
1994-1999 Teacher of Turkish language, Association des Edutes du Sud-Est Européen, Greek
Comitte, Athens.
1996-1999 Lecturer of Ottoman History, (P.D 407/80), Department of History and
Archeology, University of Crete.
1999-2003 Lecturer of Ottoman History, Department of History and Archeology, University
of Ioannina.
2003-2008 Assistant Professor of Ottoman History, Department of History and Archeology,
University of Ioannina.
2008-2012 Assistant Professor of Ottoman History, (P.D 407/80), Department of Turkish
Studies and Modern Asian Studies, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
2012- to date Associate Professor of Ottoman History, Department of Turkish Studies and
Modern Asian Studies, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
Courses taught
Selected undergraduate courses
The Economic structure and the development of the urban centers in the
Ottoman Empire.
Central administration and society in the Ottoman Empire (16 th-19th centuries)
The development of trade relations between the Ottoman Empire and the West
(18 th-beginning of 20 th century)
Reforms in the in the Ottoman Empire in the 19th century.
Greek-Orthodox Communities in the Ottoman Empire.
Introduction in the History of the Ottoman Empire
History of the Ottoman Empire I
History of the Ottoman Empire II
Ethnics groups and communities in the Ottoman Empire
Economic History of the Ottoman Empire.
Topics in Greek and Turkish Historiography.
Divan Literature.
Ottoman Language.
Ottoman Paleography.
Selected postgraduate courses
From millet to nation: From the communities to the ethnics groups in the Ottoman
Ideological currants in Muslims in the Ottoman Empire (19th beginning of the 20th
Westernization and laicization in the Ottoman Empire (19 th-beginning of the 20
th centuries).
Social transformations and evolution from the ottoman to the modern Turkish
Aspects of transition from the Ottoman Empire to the modern Turkey.
The evolution of urban centers in the Ottoman Empire in the 18 th –beginning of
the 20 th centuries.
The Ottoman Empire between East and West. Political and economic conjuncture
in the beginning of the 20th century.
Turkish Language
Ottoman Paleography
Research Interests
 Economy and trade in the Ottoman Empire 18 th 19 th centuries
Ottoman society and evolution of ottoman urban centers, Salonica and Smyrna
Ottoman institutions
Ethnic groups and communities in the Ottoman society
Formation of ideological movements in the 19th century in the Ottoman Empire.
Research Projects
« Anthemion » Research Program. Responsible for the research with the postgraduate students of the University of Crete in collaboration with the Institute of
Mediterranean Studies to detect, record and the microfilm of the Archives of the Greek
Orthodox Community in Constantinople in the 19th and 20th centuries (1996-1998).
«“Shared History”: The Burning of Smyrna/Izmir» Research Program. Research and
study of Smyrna’s history in 19th century up to 1922 from the greek and turkish view
point. This project has been carried out by Panteion University, and University of
Sabancı (1998-2002).
Selected publications
«Les foires dans les Balkans au XIXe siècle. Mutations observées et évolution des
foires», Südost-Forschungen, 59/60 (2000-2001), σ. 253-271.
«Les kürekçi de la flotte ottomane au XVIIe siècle»,, Proceedings of the
International Congress Alcyon Days, IV in Rethymnon, 7-9 January 2000, The
Kapudan Pacha His Office and his Domain, Elizabeth Zachariadou (edit.), Crete
University Press, 2002, σ. 165-180.
«Les échanges commerciaux et leur impact sur le développement des rapports dans
les provinces du Sud-Est européen (18ème début 20èmesiècles)», Actes du Colloque de
l’Association Internationale d’Etudes du Sud-Est Européen: Processus historique et
développement de la communication au service de la paix: Le cas du Sud-Est
Européen des origines à nos jours, 1-3 March 2002, Bucarest,2004, σ. 18.
«Les élites urbaines pendant l’époque de Tanzimat: Le cas de Salonique»,
Proceedings of the International Congress Alcyon Days,V in Rethymnon,10-12
January 2003, Provincial elites in the Ottoman Empire, Antonis Anastasopoulos
(edit.), Crete University Press, 2005, p. 343-348.
«From Preveza to the naval battle of Preveza», Proceedings of the Second
International Congress on the History and Civilization of the city of Preveza, Preveza
16-20 September 2009, Preveza, 2010, p. 475-481.
«Aspects des villes en transition dans l’Empire Ottoman: La gestion et l’organisation
de l’espace publique»,, Actes du Colloque de l’Association Internationale d’Etudes
du Sud-Est Européen: L’homme et son environnement dans le Sud-Est Européen, (2426 September 2009, Paris) éditions Pierre Belon, Paris, 2012, p. 212-220.
«The institution of the devsirme in the Ottoman state: Formation and evolution»,
Anichtosini, Studies in Honor of Vassiliki Papoulia, Vanias Press, Thessaloniki, 2012,
p. 353-365.
«Balkanlarda Turkiye» Proceedings, Uluslararası Ortadogu, Balkanlar ve Kafkasya
Ucgeninde Turkiye Politik ve Kulturel Perspektivler., Koc Bekir (edit.) Dil ve Tarih
Cografya Fakultesi, Ankara Universitesi , 2-4 March 2011, Ankara Universitesi Dil
ve Tarih Cografya Fakultesi, Ankara, 2013, p.125-131.
«L’islam comme idéologie politique dans l’Empire Ottoman», Proceedings of the
International Congress The Uprisings in the Arab-Muslim World:Peace and Stability
Issues in the Mediterranean 10-12 December 2012, University of Athens, Leimon
editions, Athens, 2013, p.851-862.