Sheffield Hallam University


Sheffield Hallam University
LLB (Hons) MAÎTRISE EN DROIT FRANÇAIS - a dual degree in partnership between
Sheffield Hallam University and the University of Paris XII
The LLB Maîtrise en droit français was first validated in May 1997. It comprises a dual degree in a
partnership between Sheffield Hallam University (UK) and the University of Paris XII (France). The
partnership developed from a well established Erasmus student exchange programme which began in 1992.
The degree is now in its 12th year of operation and approximately 130 students have graduated from the
Graduates from this course have an outstanding employment record, many securing positions in prestigious
legal firms both in Europe and internationally. Many pursue further studies gaining entry onto courses in high
ranking universities in France and the US. A number of French graduates have trained as solicitors in
England, where they are currently in practice.
Students study at Sheffield Hallam University in years 1 and 3 and at the University of Paris XII in years 2
and 4. Students will graduate with LLB (Hons) and a Maîtrise in French law.
A maximum of 20 students are recruited onto the degree in year 1: 10 from Sheffield Hallam University and
10 from the University of Paris XII. All students begin the course together in year 1 in Sheffield and progress
through the four years as a single cohort.
Students on the degree graduate with a qualifying degree in English Law and a Maîtrise in French Law. This
enables the students who wish to qualify in the English legal profession to undertake further studies to
become a solicitor or a barrister. Those who wish to qualify in the French legal system can continue their
academic studies to qualify within the French system. Graduates with this degree will have a high level of
fluency in French which will enhance their employment potential particularly with firms who operate offices
overseas. In an increasingly competitive employment environment these students have a great deal to offer:
fluency in French, dual qualification in two education systems, extensive knowledge of both common law
and civil law systems and the experience of two years living, (often working) and studying in France.
The course provides exemptions from the professional body examinations of the English Law Society and
the English Bar.
The programme seeks to
develop the students' intellectual and cognitive powers, generally applicable problem solving skills and
ability to assess independently, creatively and critically issues of a subject specific nature as well as
those relating to the broader economic, political and social environment
produce graduates with the knowledge, legal skills and transferable skills to enable them to make a
positive contribution to their chosen field of specialisation and thus enhance their employment potential
comply fully with the Law Benchmarking Statement
develop the students' intellectual abilities and analytical skills through an academically rigorous course of
through coursework, examinations and seminars, develop skills in problem solving and communication
and the application of information technology
foster attitudes of self-reliance, teamwork and co-operation as a means to career development and
personal fulfilment
provide the student with an understanding of the fundamental relationships which exist between the law
and the society in which the law operates
to provide students with a knowledge of the fundamental principles underpinning French and English
Law and an appreciation of the operation of both civil and common law systems
to provide students with fluency in both French and English enabling them to study law in both countries
upon graduation to provide students with the opportunity to pursue further legal or non legal careers in
either the UK or France or in an international context
La double maîtrise franco-anglaise entre l’université de Sheffield Hallam (200 km au
nord de Londres) et l’université de Paris 12 a été créée en mai 1997. Il s’agit d’un
double diplôme ouvert aux étudiants en droit, français et anglais. Un maximum de 20
étudiants peut être recruté : 10 pour la Grande-Bretagne et 10 pour la France.
Les étudiants suivent deux années d’études juridiques à Sheffield : la première et
troisième année et deux années à Paris 12 : la seconde et quatrième année. Les
programmes de ces différentes années sont aménagés aussi bien en ce qui
concerne les matières étudiées qu’en ce qui concerne la langue.
Cette double formation est originale. Elle n’existe que dans deux autres universités
de l’Ile de France. Elle permet aux étudiants d’obtenir un diplôme de maîtrise en
droit français et anglais des affaires reconnu dans les deux pays et le diplôme de
LLB en Grande Bretagne. Ils acquièrent également une excellente connaissance de
la langue anglaise et française. Le taux de réussite est élevé.
Les étudiants obtiennent la maîtrise en droit en France (équivalente au M 1) et le
diplôme de LLB en Grande-Bretagne ainsi qu’une parfaite maîtrise des deux langues.
Ceci permet aux uns comme aux autres de poursuivre des études dans le pays de
leur choix. La double maîtrise franco-anglaise permet aux étudiants d’accéder à un
MASTER 2 de Paris 12, en Droit des affaires, Droit public des activités économiques,
Juristes européens, Juristes d’affaires ou d’accéder directement à des professions
Des juristes formés en droit français et anglais, parlant les deux langues sont
recherchés dans de nombreuses entreprises du secteur privé ou public, par les
cabinets d’avocats internationaux ou par les institutions européennes et
internationales. La Law Society (organisme professionnel des Solicitors) a exprimé
son soutien à cette formation.