Editorial - Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy


Editorial - Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy
Ed itorial
It is with regret that I must announce my decision to
resign as Editor of CJOT. Although I have been editor
only a short while, due to certain personal obligations,
I cannot continue. The experience has been a rewarding
one, one that has filled me with a deeper sense of
commitment to our profession. It has been exciting to
follow the latest developments in our field through the
finely written articles which have been submitted for
publication. The facts and opinions which are presented
for our review are most enlightening.
There is a lot to be learned from this issue in particular
as it is devoted to the subject of "gerontology." There
is an ' ever increasing geriatric population and we as
professional and compassionate occupational therapists
must concern ourselves with the special expertise, needs
and problems that the elderly bring with them. Most
importantly, the elderly sector of the population should
not be viewed as "a separate society"; a group which
is different from the mainstream of life, but rather as
a continuation of the life cycle. Perhaps in reading this
issue we will gain more knowledge and thus a deeper
insight into the geriatric population.
Annette Rudy
C'est avec regret que je dois annoncer ma décision de
démissionner en tant que rédacteur en chef du C.J.O.T.
Bien que je n'aie été éditeur en chef que pour une courte
période, je dois maintenant, à cause d'engagements
personnels, y renoncer. Je dois dire que cette expérience
fut très enrichissante et qu'elle m'a apporté un sens
profond d'implication pour notre profession. Ce fut très
intéressant de suivre les derniers développements de
notre spécialité, à travers les articles écrits avec subtilité
qui nous étaient soumis pour publication. Les faits et
opinions qui sont présentés au conseil de révision sont
souvent très intéressants.
I1 y a beaucoup de choses à retenir de ce numéro,
puisqu'il est consacré à la «gérontologie». La population
des personnes âgées en est une qui grandit en nombre
de façon incroyable et nous, en tant que professionnels
de la santé et en tant qu'ergothérapeutes concernés,
devons connaître les besoins et problèmes spécifiques
des personnes du troisième âge. Un point de vue important à ne pas oublier, c'est que les personnes du troisième
âge ne font pas partie d'une «société à part»; ils ne
sont pas différents du reste de la population et doivent
être vus comme des personnes qui continuent leur cycle
de vie. Peut-être que ce numéro nous permettra d'agrandir nos connaissances dans ce domaine et en même
temps nous donnera une plus grande compréhension
des personnes âgées.
Annette Rudy
Immediate opening for an occupational therapist to establish and
direct an occupational therapy service in a 64-bed long-term care
unit, with guidance from the Director of Occupational Therapy
at the Frank Eliason Centre.
The unit is affiliated with the Frank Eliason Centre, an accredited
facility with 130 long-term care beds. Both facilities are to be
replaced by a 238 bed long-term care centre proposed to open
in 1984.
The successful applicant will be responsible for:
— Assessment and treatment of patients in various areas of
activities of daily living.
— Supervision of an assistant.
Participation in interdisciplinary program planning.
Participation in inservice programming.
— Assisting with planning occupational therapy services for the
new facility.
Salary is commensurate with qualifications and in accordance with
provincial standards. Applicant must be eligible for registration
with the Saskatchewan Society of Occupational Therapists and
be registered with the Society prior to the commencement of
Two full-time, tenure-track faculty positions are available in the School
of Occupational Therapy, Dalhousie University, July 1, 1983.
QUALIFICATIONS: Occupational Therapist with doctorate (master's
qualification considered), minimum of 3 years clinical experience.
Teaching and research experience desireable. Specialties required
include pediatrics, neurophysiology, biomechanics, mental health
and community practice. Candidates must be eligible for membership in the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists. In
accordance with Canadian Immigration requirements, Canadian
citizens and permanent residents will be given preference.
® Undergraduate teaching.
o Research and scholarly work.
e Pa rt icipation in administrative functions.
® Participate in the development of a new baccalaureate curriculum.
a Develop course content.
0 Work in a multi-disciplinary Faculty of Health Professions.
Apply with resume and references to:
Maureen Blight,
Director of Occupational Therapy
Frank Eliason Centre
2003 Arlington Avenue
SASKATOON, Saskatchewan S7J 2H6
Saskatoon is a university city with excellent educational, recrea-
tional and social facilities.
Salary and rank commensurate with qualifications and experience.
Letter of application, curriculum vitae and the name and address of
3 referees should be sent by January 15, 1983 to:
Prof. Barbara J. O'Shea,
Associate Professor and Director,
School of Occupational Therapy
10th Floor Tupper Building
Faculty of Health Professions
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia 83H 4H7