China Academy of Building Research NZEBuilding


China Academy of Building Research NZEBuilding
Etu d e d e ca s : Ch i n a Aca d e m y o f B u i l d i n g Re s e a r ch NZ EB u i l d i n g
S i te We b : h ttp :// n s tr u cti o n 2 1 .o r g /fr a n ce /
China Academy of Building Research NZEBuilding
Type de pro jet : Co nstructio n Neuve
Type de bâtiment : Immeuble de bureaux
Année de co nstructio n : 20 12
Zo ne climatique : [Cwa] Tempéré - Hiver
sec, été très chaud et humide.
Surface nette : 4 0 25 m 2 Autre type de
surface nette
Co ût de co nstructio n : 2 6 0 0 0 0 0 €
No mbre d'unités fo nctio nnelles : 2 Po ste
de travail
Co ût/m² : 6 46 €/m 2
Co ût/Po ste de travail : 1 30 0 0 0 0 €/Po ste
de travail
30 # Beisanhuando nglu, Beijing, China ,
10 0 0 13 Beijing, China
// Description
The nearly zero energy building (NZEB) at the China Academy o f Building Research (CABR) adhered to the design principle
o f "passive building, pro active o ptimizatio n, eco no mic and pragmatic". An ambitio us annual energy co nsumptio n go al o f 25
kWh/(m².a) (including heating, co o ling and lighting energy) was set during the design phase witho ut co mpro mise o f building
functio n and indo o r enviro nment quality. The demo nstratio n pro ject integrated best available building energy co nservatio n
techno lo gies, striving to build a signature NZEB pro ject and establishing fo undatio n fo r develo pment o f China’s NZEB
Fiabilit é de s do nné e s :
Certifié tierce partie
// Intervenants
Autre intervenant
8 6 -10 -8 4270 18 1
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Mo de co nt ract ue l :
Co ntractant général
Dé m arche dé ve lo ppe m e nt durable du m aît re d'o uvrage : the first nearly zero energy building in China, designed and
built under the umbrealla o f US-China Clean Energy Research Center Pro gram. With the go al o f annual heating, co o ling and
lighting energy under 25KWH/m2.
De script io n archit e ct urale : The main techno lo gies emplo yed include the Vacuum Insulatio n Panel (VIP) building
insulatio n system, Lo w-e vacuum glazing with inter-pane mo to rized lo uvered shading system, gro und so urce heat pumps,
medium and high temperature so lar co llecto r, energy reco very system, liquid desiccant ventilatio n system, high efficiency
luminaries and advanced lighting co ntro l, energy management system and building auto matio n system, nearly zero energy
building co nstructio n appro aches and pro cess management, indo o r enviro nmental quality co ntro l, and indo o r PM2.5
preventio n and mitigatio n.
Et si c'é t ait à re f aire ? :
The HVAC system co uld be simpler to achieve the same result
Opinio n de s o ccupant s : An indo o r enviro nment satisfactio n and quality o riented survey is carried o ut, abo ut 6 0
questio nnaire is distributed to the users. 55 feedback regarding to air enviro nment o f the o ffice are received, and 71.4% peo ple
feel satisfied and no rmal satisfied abo ut the air quality, 28 .5% peo ple feel very unsatisfied. 45 questio nnaires is received
regarding to indo o r enviro nment to wo rk efficiency. 10 0 % peo ple fo und the current indo o r enviro nment pro mo te wo rk
efficiency, and 28 .58 % peo ple feel very satisfied.
// Energie
Consommation énergétique
Be so in e n é ne rgie prim aire : 75,0 0 kWh PE/m 2 /year
Be so in e n é ne rgie prim aire bât im e nt st andard : 30 0 ,0 0 kWh PE/m 2 /year
Mé t ho de de calcul :
CEEB : 0 ,0 0 kWh PE / €
Co nso m m at io n d'é ne rgie f inale : 22,0 0 kWh FE/m 2 /year
Ré part it io n de la co nso m m at io n é ne rgé t ique : HVAC = 45% (Fan = 13%; Pump = 35 % ; HP = 52%)
Plug = 31%
Lighting = 18 %
Other= 6 %
Plus d'inf o rm at io n sur la co nso m m at io n ré e lle e t le s pe rf o rm ance s : Are sho wn in the attached files
Performance énergétique de l'enveloppe
UBat de l\'e nve lo ppe : 1,20 W.m -2 .K-1
Et anché it é à l'air : 0 ,6 0
Co nso m m at io n ré e lle (é ne rgie f inale ) :
Co nso m m at io n ré e lle (é ne rgie f inale ) /m 2:
// EnR & systèmes
Chauf f age :
Po mpe à chaleur géo thermique
Plancher chauffant basse température
So laire thermique
Po mpe à chaleur
So laire thermique
Autre système d'eau chaude sanitaire
Raf raîchisse m e nt :
Po mpe à chaleur réversible
Machine à abso rptio n gaz
Po mpe à chaleur géo thermique
23 (20 15)
Plancher refro idissant
Ve nt ilat io n :
Do uble flux avec échangeur thermique
Ene rgie s re no uve lable s :
So laire pho to vo ltaïque
So laire thermique
PAC géo thermique sur nappe
Pro duct io n d'é ne rgie re no uve lable : 40 ,0 0 %
7 heating so urce:
Medium temp so lar co llecto r, high temp so lar co llecto r, GSHP, water lo o p heat pump, water co o led VRV, thermal sto rage
fo r heating, external ho t-water
9 co o ling so urce:
Ho t-water driven abso rptio n, GSHP, water co o led VRV, water lo o p heat pump, thermal sto rage fo r co o ling, evapo rative
co o ling, liquid desiccant air-co nditio ning, magnetic suspensio n chiller
6 HVAC terminal
Radiatio n ceiling, radiatio n flo o r, FCU, VRV, water lo o p heat pump, radiato r
Bâtiment intelligent
GT C : A co mplete and precise building energy management system is co nstructed to mo nito r energy co nsumptio n and
mo re impo rtantly to guide o ptimize o peratio n o f the building. Building Auto matio n system (BAS[2])(Figure 18 -20 ) is
co nstructed and integrated with BE
// Environnement
Eau et qualité de l'air intérieur, santé et confort
Permeable flo o r is arranged in blank area o f facial side o f the building, co nstructed in with water permeable materials. It is
very go o d fo r gro undwater co nservatio n and pro vides a very go o d ro de enviro nment in raining days especially in rainsto rm
Co nf o rt & sant é : A ro o f garden was co nstructed o n to p o f western side(Figure2-7), flo wers and grass were planted
inside, to pro vides go o d sight view and relax fo r emplo yees, mo re impo rtantly, it co uld decreases co o ling lo ad in summer
seaso n in so me extent.
// Produits
Ground source heat pump unit
Co nt act f abricant : AQS
Sit e Int e rne t f abricant :
Cat é go rie de pro duit : Génie climatique, électricité / Chauffage, eau chaude
De script io n:
Co o ling capacity is abo ut 9 9 .5kW, Po wer input is set at 18 .6 kW EER is abo ut 5.3, Heating
capacity is set abo ut 10 3.7kW, po wer input is abo ut 25.3kW, COP is 4.10
Co m m e nt aire s:
Operatio n perfo rmance o f the equipment is better than the marked value, and no ise is small,
o peratio n is very stable.
// Coûts
Co ût de co nstructio n : 2 6 0 0 0 0 0 €
// Environnement urbain
Enviro nne m e nt urbain :
The building is lo cated nearby Beisanhuan Ro ad in Beijing and is surro unded by high o ffice
// Qualité environnementale du bâti
Qualit é e nviro nne m e nt ale du bât i :
Santé, qualité air intérieur
co nfo rt (o lfactif, thermique, visuel)
efficacité énergétique, gestio n de l\'énergie
énergies reno uvelables
// Concours
This pro ject ado pted high perfo rmance building envelo pe system to reduce its energy demand. Undergro und bo reho le and
so lar co llecto rs serves the geo thermal heat pumps and abso rptio n chiller as the primary co o ling and heating so urces.
Thro ugh smart use o f renewable and traditio nal energy, building heating demand in winter is to be met with zero use o f fo ssil
fuel and co o ling energy co nsumptio n in summer to be reduced by 50 %.
Vario us building senso rs and metering devices were installed to co llect real-time o peratio nal data, pro viding data mo nito ring,
analysis, and co ntro l impro vement, with aid o f EMS and BMS, to realize o ptimized o peratio n and maximized energy
co nservatio n.