Pressking - Unique en Europe: reservez votre hébergement et


Pressking - Unique en Europe: reservez votre hébergement et
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Communiqué de presse - publié le 01/03/11
Unique en Europe: reservez votre
hébergement et plantez un arbre
Permettre a tout un chacun de pouvoir participer à la reforestation
à travers un service gratuit.
Contact : ATC
Partir en vacances ou louer un logement en reboisant la planète : un
concept innovant développé par la société de location de biens immobiliers
ATC. D’abord mise en pratique pour son propre compte, l’entreprise a
voulu élargir l’idée en s’associant avec deux partenaires de renommée
internationale et en regroupant l’ensemble de leurs offres sur le portail
ATC Concept : Le portail ATC Concept offre un très large
choix de locations résidentielles, de maisons de vacances et d’hôtels en
Europe et dans le monde. ATC Concept permet aussi d’accomplir un geste
simple pour la protection de l’environnement et de contribuer à la
reforestation de la planète. Grâce au soutien de plusieurs associations
environnementales, chaque réservation effectuée sur le Portail est liée à la
plantation gratuite d’un arbre. ATC CONCEPT est aujourd’hui le seul en
Europe à offrir gratuitement cette action citoyenne à l’ensemble des
bénéficiaires de ses services et à leur permettre de contribuer ainsi à la
lutte contre le réchauffement planétaire.
L'equipe ATC international
, Service commerciale
09 70 40 78 75 - [Envoyer un email]
AROLD TEPLIER, Responsable
de projet
09 70 40 78 75 - [Envoyer un email]
Liens utiles
À propos de ATC
Notre espace presse
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ATC is a company which is working in property-development and services
by concentrating its activities in promoting a new concept of ecological
housing in Europe and worldwide since 2006. Housing: The commitment of
ATC for sustainable property is as follows: Corporate Citizenship and
property-development, ATC believes that today’s world needs to prepare
for tomorrow. It strives to act as a sustainable business in all its
dimensions. responsible for its products, it organizes around sustainable
development synergies. Sustainable in its internal operations, it mobilizes
its staff to act responsible both on the development of their activities and in
their daily life. Online services: Through the ATC portal , we allow
everyone to take a step forward for the environment by planting a tree for
each purchases and each reservation at no extra cost via our sustainable
concept . This ecological service is completely free of charge and only
managed by ATC. ATC concept, how does it work: With ATC concept, we
offer the best selection of online services including our 1 purchase = 1 tree
planted program in order to make changes in our consumer life by
protecting our environment. This allows everyone wanting to make a
simple gesture, to have the opportunity to participate in protecting the
environment and reduce global warming through reforestation. Important:
our sustainable service is free, unlike many other companies , we do not
charge our service and we do not add any extra costs to the partners
prices: More on News@ATC page We didn’t invent the wheel, but we did
create a pretty concept of life that has some unique points. At heart, ATC
is simply a conscious business. We search and match services to find the
best way to integrate a sustainable way to act and protect our lovely planet.
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