Francesco Guardi


Francesco Guardi
Francesco Guardi
Il crocifisso con le tre Marie e S. Giovanni, ca. 1740/50
Oil on canvas, 72.5 x 55.5 cm
Morassi no. 177
Liselotte Leuner, Chaumercenne (Haut-Saône, by 1952) (1) ▪ Art market, Paris (1952) (2) ▪ Dr. Hans
Wendland, Paris (3) ▪ Emil Bührle, Zurich (10 October 1956 until [d.] 28 November 1956) (4) ▪ Given
by the heirs of Emil Bührle to the Foundation E.G. Bührle Collection, Zurich, no. 143 (1960).
(1) Jean-Petit-Matile, "Découverte d'un chef- d'œuvre de Francesco Guardi", in Vie, Art, Cité (15/3) 1952, p. 36–
37 (ill.).
(2) Tiepolo et Guardi, Galerie Cailleux, Paris 1952, not in catalogue; Giuseppe Fiocco, "Il problema di Francesco
Guardi", in Arte Veneta (6) 1952, p. 118, fig. 125**.
(3) AStEGB, Correspondence between H. F. Fankhauser, Basel, acting on behalf of his brother-in-law, Dr. Hans
Wendland, and Emil Bührle/Peter Dietschi [curator of the Bührle collection], 4 September–16 October 1956.
(4) Acquired through the medium of H. F. Fankhauser, Basel, from the above for CHF 62.000, Invoice from H. F.
Fankhauser, Basel, made out to Emil Bührle, 4 September 1956; Letter from H. F. Fankhauser, Basel, to Emil
Bührle, 28 September 1956, with regard to the payment of the above sum and handwritten note by Emil
Bührle: "10. X. 56. via Ihag p. Scheck bez.". See also Letter from H. F. Fankhauser, Basel, to Emil Bührle, 13
September 1956, accompanying 3 expert's reports by Giuseppe Fiocco, Hermann Voss and Rodolfo Pallucchini
(now lost).
Tiepolo et Guardi, Galerie Cailleux, Paris 1952, not in cat.
Giuseppe Fiocco, "Il problema di Francesco Guardi", in: Arte Veneta (6) 1952, p. 118, fig. 125. ▪
Jean-Petit-Matile, "Découverte d'un chef-d'œuvre de Francesco Guardi", in Vie, Art, Cité (15/3) 1952,
p. 36–37 (ill.). ▪ Antonio Morassi, Antonio e Francesco Guardi, Venice 1973, vol. 1, no. 177; vol. 2,
fig. 202. ▪ "Repertorium venezianischer Gemälde in öffentlichem Schweizer Besitz", in Venezianische
Kunst in der Schweiz und in Liechtenstein, (exh. cat.) Seedamm-Kulturzentrum, Pfäffikon (Schwyz)
1978, no. R32 (ill.; French edition: "Répertoire des peintures vénitiennes appartenant aux collections
publiques de Suisse", in Art vénitien en Suisse et au Liechtenstein, Musée d'art et d'histoire,
Catalogues of the Bührle Collection: 1966 & 1971, no. 143; 1973/86, no. 145; 1994/95, p. 27;
2004/05, no. 10. ▪ Exhibitions of the Bührle Collection: Zurich 1958, no. 89; Zurich 2010, no. 143.
Catalogues, exhibitions and articles cited in full see
AStEGB = Archive of the Foundation E.G. Bührle Collection, Zurich
Status as per January 2016 / [email protected]
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