Name French II Final Exam Review Vocabulaire. Include the article


Name French II Final Exam Review Vocabulaire. Include the article
Name __________________
French II Final Exam Review
Vocabulaire. Include the article.
1. morning ___________________
2. noon ____________________
3. evening ___________________
4. breakfast _________________
5. lunch _____________________
6. dinner ____________________
7. meal _____________________
8. fork ______________________
9. spoon ____________________
10. knife ____________________
11. glass ____________________
12. napkin ___________________
13. cafeteria _________________
14. kitchen ___________________
15. week ___________________
16. month ____________________
17. alone ___________________
18. summer ___________________
19. winter ___________________
20. spring _____________________
21. chicken ___________________
22. tuna _______________________
23. bread _____________________
24. meat _______________________
25. jam _______________________
26. soup _______________________
27. ham _______________________
28. cake _______________________
29. milk _______________________
30. peas _______________________
31. cherries ____________________
32. strawberry pie ________________
33. grapefruit ___________________
34. potatoes ____________________
35. pears ______________________
36. green beans _________________
37. bananas ____________________
38. coffee _______________________
39. eggs _______________________
40. cereal _______________________
41. cheese ______________________ 42. butter ________________________
43. water _______________________ 44. iced tea ______________________
45. vegetables __________________
46. salt __________________________
47. pepper _____________________
48. fish __________________________
49. windsurfing __________________ 50. swimming ____________________
51. mountain ____________________ 53. water skiing ___________________
54. mountain climbing _____________ 55. biking ________________________
Give the different forms of “ce” and what they mean:
Masc. _________
Fem. ____________
before a vowel ____________
Plural _____________
56. Give the different forms of “quel” and what they mean:
Masc. sing. ________________
masc. pl. _________________
Fem. Sing. _________________
Fem. Pl. __________________
57. Give all forms of the following adjectives:
Fem. pl.
Where do these go in relationship to the noun? ______________________
58. How do you say:
More… than _______________________________
Less… than _______________________________
As….as __________________
59. Give the following expressions and the negative expressions that go
Never _______________________ (how do you construct?)
Someone _______________
No one _________________
Something ________________
Nothing _________________
60. What are partitive articles in French and what do they refer to?
61. What happens to partitive articles in the negative?
62. Translate (p. 323 & 336):
After _____________
at last __________________
Finally ______________
last week _________________
Next week _______________
tonight ___________________
Last night ________________
tomorrow morning ______________
63. Passé composé of most verbs in French is constructed with the:
Present tense of ___________ + ______________________
What is the past participle form of the following verb types:
“er” verbs ____________________
“ir” verbs _________________
“re” verbs ____________________
être _____________________
Avoir ________________________
faire _____________________
Mettre _______________________
voir ______________________
64. Which verbs use être in the passé composé? (hint: verbs of motion). List all
of the DR. and MRS. VANDERTRAMP verbs below—give the meaning and past
participle form
Past participle
D ______________
R ______________
M ______________
R ______________
S ______________
V ______________
A ______________
N ______________
D ______________
E ______________
R ______________
T ______________
R ______________
A ______________
M ______________
P ______________
65. When the verb is conjugated with être in the p.c., the past participle must
agree in gender and number with the subject! What would you add for the
Feminine ______
feminine plural ________
Masculine plural _______
66. Identify the following verbs:
To come ______________
to rent ________________
To want ________________
to go out ________________
67. Conjugate the following verbs below:
68. List meanings for the “ir” verbs (conjugate like finir) and p.c. forms:
Choisir ________________
maigrir ___________________
Grossir ________________
réussir ____________________
Réussir à _________________
69. List meanings for the “re” verbs (conjugate like vendre) and p.c. forms:
Attendre __________________
entendre _________________
Perdre ____________________
rendre visite à ______________
Répondre à _________________
vendre ___________________
70. List the other verbs that work like prendre:____________ ______________
71. What happens with verbs like nettoyer and payer?
Avoir expressions. Identify the following expressions that use avoir in French:
72. avoir chaud ________________
avoir froid _____________________
73. avoir faim __________________
avoir soif ______________________
74. avoir raison _________________
avoir tort ______________________
75. avoir de la chance __________________________
Now use them in a sentence:
76. He is right _______________________.
77. They are lucky. __________________________
78. I’m not thirsty. ___________________________
79. Are you cold? _________________________________
Culture. Explain the following:
80. What is breakfast called in France? ____________________ and what is a
typical French breakfast? ________________________________
81.What is the minimum amount of vacation by law for French workers? _______
82. Where is Morocco located? ____________________________
83. When are les hors-d’oeuvre served in the meal? ______________________
84. How do French kids handle snacking?_______________________________
85. Goûter ________________________________________
86. Hors-d’oeuvre _____________________________________
87. Marché ________________________________________
88. Cantine _________________________________________
89. Grand Restaurants __________________________________
90. Cuisine Créole ______________________________________
Translate the following:
91. Qu’est-ce que tu as fait hier soir? ____________________________
92. Qu’est-ce que vous avez vu? ________________________________
93. D’où viens-tu? __________________ Du centre commercial ____________
94. Tu es allée en ville samedi dernier? _______________________________
95. J’ai lave sa voiture et ensuite j’ai nettoyé le garage.
96. Vous êtes restés à l’hotel? ____________________________________
97. Tu veux quelque chose? ______________________________________
98. Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire avec tes copains? _______________________
99. Quand est-ce que tu as rencontré Jacques? _________________________
100. Qu’est-ce que tu as fait à la mer? _________________________________
101. Pourquoi est-ce que tu ne manges rien? ____________________________

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