Le plan d`Anne Hidalgo pour les quartiers pauvres


Le plan d`Anne Hidalgo pour les quartiers pauvres
Le plan d’Anne Hidalgo pour les quartiers pauvres de Paris
LE MONDE | 16.03.2015 à 10h58 • Mis à jour le 16.03.2015 à 11h20 |
Pour Anne Hidalgo, les quartiers populaires doivent devenir des « we go zones », en référence
aux fameuses « no-go zones », les soi-disant « zones interdites » évoquées par la chaîne
américaine Fox News après les attentats de janvier. La maire de Paris veut rendre ces quartiers
plus « attractifs », en investissant de nouveaux moyens pour lutter contre le chômage, l’échec
scolaire et la marginalisation des jeunes qui y vivent
►Anne Hidalgo: Anne (Ana) Hidalgo (born 19 June 1959) is a Spanish-French politician
who is the current Mayor of Paris, the first woman to hold the office. She has been a member
of the Socialist Party (PS) since 1994, previously serving as former National Secretary for
Culture and Media. She was the First Deputy Mayor of Paris, under Bertrand Delanoë (March
2001–March 2014).
►(un) quartier populaire: working-class area. Remember that “populaire” can also mean
“famous” in other contexts.
►En reference à: with reference to
►No-go zones: An early usage of the term regarding Europe was in a 2002 opinion piece by
David Ignatius in The New York Times, where he wrote about France, "Arab gangs regularly
vandalize synagogues here, the North African suburbs have become no-go zones at night, and
the French continue to shrug their shoulders.”
American magazines Newsweek and The New Republic have also used the term to describe parts
of France.
In January 2015, after the Charlie Hebdo shooting in Paris, various American media, including
the news cable channels Fox News and CNN, described the existence of no-go zones across
Europe and in France in particular, or featured guests that referred to them. In some cases, the
French areas termed "sensitive urban zones" were described as uniformly being no-go zones.
Both networks were criticized for these statements, and anchors on both networks later
apologized for the characterizations. The mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, said that she intended
to sue Fox News for its statements.
Authors in The Atlantic and Business Week magazines, Media Matters for America
organization, and Snopes.com have criticized the use of the term "no-go zone" regarding
locations in Europe, calling it a "myth" or falsehood.
►les soi-disant: the so-called
►évoquer: to mention
►(une) chaîne (de television): a TV channel
►(un) attentat: an attack/a bombing
►rendre: in this context - to make
►(un) moyen: a means
►lutter: to fight
►contre: against
►l’échec scolaire: underperforming at school
►marginalisation: marginalization
Face à « la menace de radicalisation communautaire », il faut « davantage d’écoute, de soutien
et d’entraide », a-t-elle affirmé le mardi 16 Mars au Conseil de Paris.
►(une) menace: a threat
►davantage: more =/= d’avantage which means advantage(s).
En voulez-vous davantage ?- Would you like some more?
Ce poste manque d'avantages - This job doesn't have (many) advantages
►l’écoute: the listening
►soutien: support
►entraide: mutual aid/assistance
►Conseil de Paris: The Council of Paris (Conseil de Paris) is the deliberative body
responsible for the governing of Paris, the capital of France. It possesses simultaneously the
powers of a Paris City Council (Conseil municipal) and those of a General Council for the
Département de Paris, as defined by the so-called PLM Law (Loi PLM) of 1982 that redefined
the governance of Paris, Lyon, and Marseille. Paris is, in effect, the only city in France to be,
at one time, a commune (city or town) and a département (county, shire, or state), and this
arrangement has been a fact even longer, since the passage of the law of 10 July 1964 which
totally reorganized the Paris region. The mayor of Paris presides over the Council of Paris and
therefore holds in her hands the powers of mayor and of president of the departmental council.
There are presently 163 councillors for Paris.
Les maux des banlieues existent aussi à Paris. Dans le cadre de ce nouveau contrat de ville signé
avec la mairie, le gouvernement injectera des moyens spécifiques dans vingt quartiers dont les
150 460 habitants ont un revenu médian inférieur à 12 800 euros par an.
La loi Lamy de février 2014 a divisé par deux la population parisienne éligible à cette politique,
en modifiant les critères de pauvreté. Jusqu’en 2014, Paris comptait 339 221 habitants dans la
géographie prioritaire. Mais le gouvernement a prévu la même enveloppe budgétaire que par le
passé, 26 millions d’euros par an pour les vingt quartiers. « Au moins en 2015 », souffle-t-on à
la mairie de Paris.
►Les maux: plural for « le mal » , but in this context it means the problems.
►dans le cadre de: as part of
►Le contrat de ville: A city contract allows urban modification and improvement by making
sure that the state, the cities and their partners agree on these modifications. For instance, among
other city contracts one could find social mixity whose aim is to make rich and poorer people
live in the same areas, or prevention of delinquency, making sure that areas are quiet at night,
the integration of immigrants etc.
►(une) mairie: town hall
►injecter des moyens spécifiques: it means that the government will invest different amounts
of money depending on the area.
►150 460 habitants: this is the total number of inhabitants that live in the 20 areas of Paris that
will receive funds from the state.
►le revenu médian: the average income
►12.800 euros par an: £9129 per year
►politique: in this context – policy
►critères de pauvreté: poverty criteria
►Jusqu’en: until
►compter: to count, but here comptait could just be translated by “had”
►la géographie prioritaire: areas of Paris which were supposed to receive extra funds from
the state.
►prévoir une enveloppe budgétaire: to plan a spending. « prévoir = to predict, in most
cases ».
►par le passé: in the past
►26 millions d’euros par an: a bit more than £1850.000 per year
►Au moins: at least
►souffle-t-on: souffler has many different meanings among which to breathe out. In this
context, it means to whisper. Notice the particular construction ending with “-t-on”, that is often
used in literature after a dialogue for instance. In newspaper articles these constructions can be
translated as follows:
Dit-elle: she says // disent-ils: they say // raconte-t-on: people say // explique-t-il: he explains
De son côté, la ville maintiendra son effort à 26 millions d’euros par an jusqu’en 2020. Elle les
consacrera y compris aux quartiers exclus du nouveau zonage. « Nous voulons éviter un effet
de couperet sur des projets engagés », explique Colombe Brossel, adjointe à la politique de la
►maintenir: to maintain
►consacrer: here the article talks about “consacrer un budget” which means to allocate a
►y compris: including
►zonage: zoning
►éviter: to avoid
►l’effet de couperet: un couperet is a cleaver, a chopper. What Colombe Brossel says is that
they don’t want the projects that have already started to be stopped all of a sudden – hence the
use of the cleaver analogy - because of the new zoning decided by the government. However
the new zoning will impact some areas of Paris that won’t be considered as “poor” anymore
and therefore will receive less funding.
►adjoint(e): deputy
Le contrat de ville vise à favoriser l’insertion des populations les plus fragiles. Il poursuit le
même objectif que l’ancien « contrat urbain de cohésion sociale » (2007-2014). Mais les
recettes ont changé : la ville sort de son tête-à-tête avec l’Etat pour impliquer d’autres acteurs
publics et privés. Pôle emploi s’engage ainsi à ouvrir « un point de contact physique » dans les
vingt quartiers. Les entreprises seront incitées à recruter davantage de jeunes de ces quartiers et
à s’y implanter. Pour les exclus du système scolaire, des bénévoles seront enrôlés pour offrir
du soutien dans les écoles le samedi.
►Viser: to aim
►favoriser: in this context – to encourage
►l’insertion: the integration
►poursuivre: in this context – to follow
►ancien: old but in this context it means the previous one.
►la cohésion sociale: According to the government-commissioned, State of the English Cities
thematic reports, there are five different dimensions of social cohesion: material conditions,
passive relationships, active relationships, solidarity, inclusion and equality.
The report shows that material conditions are fundamental to social cohesion,
particularly employment, income, health, education and housing. Relations between and
within communities suffer when people lack work and endure hardship, debt, anxiety,
low self-esteem, ill-health, poor skills and bad living conditions. These basic necessities
of life are the foundations of a strong social fabric and important indicators of social
The second basic tenet of cohesion is social order, safety and freedom from fear, or
"passive social relationships". Tolerance and respect for other people, along with peace
and security, are hallmarks of a stable and harmonious urban society.
The third dimension refers to the positive interactions, exchanges and networks between
individuals and communities, or "active social relationships". Such contacts and
connections are potential resources for places since they offer people and organisations
mutual support, information, trust and credit of various kinds.
The fourth dimension is about the extent of social inclusion or integration of people into
the mainstream institutions of civil society. It also includes people's sense of belonging
to a city and the strength of shared experiences, identities and values between those
from different backgrounds.
Lastly, social equality refers to the level of fairness or disparity in access to
opportunities or material circumstances, such as income, health or quality of life, or in
future life chances.
Source: Wikipedia
►les recettes ont changé: methods have changed
►(un) tête à tête: one-to-one discussion.
►impliquer: to involve
►acteur: an actor – but in this context it means stakeholders.
►Pôle Emploi: Pôle emploi (in English employment centre) is a French governmental agency
which registers unemployed people, helps them find jobs and provides them with financial aid.
The agency was created in 2009.
►s’engager à + infinitive: to comit to (do something)
►un point de contact physique: basically a job centre agency or at least a place where the
unemployed could meet someone that could help them somehow. One can notice that Pôle
Emploi representatives haven’t said the words “job centre” but “physical contact place” which
could mean everything from a real job centre to a single counter with a single worker that won’t
help the unemployed very much…
►inciter (quelqu’un) (à faire) (quelque chose): encourage somebody to do something
►s’implanter (quelque part): to set up/to establish – in this context to open companies in
those areas.
►(un)(une) bénévole: a volunteer
►enrôler (quelqu’un): to recruit. In the context of the army it would mean to enlist.
►le soutien (scolaire): tutoring
Mme Hidalgo entend surtout trouver la parade pour qu’une frange des jeunes n’échappe plus à
l’accompagnement social au risque d’être tentée par une « radicalisation ». « Plus que jamais
depuis les attentats, nous avons le devoir d’aller vers les jeunes dans la rue », confie Bruno
Julliard, premier adjoint de la maire de Paris. Il faut, dit-il, leur proposer des activités « hors les
murs », organiser « des expositions ou spectacles à l’extérieur des musées ou des théâtres, dans
les espaces publics ».
►entendre: in this context it doesn’t mean to hear but to want/to intend or to wish something.
►trouver une parade: to find a parry
►une frange: in this context it means a minority, a marginal group.
►échapper: to escape
►l’accompagnement social: social support
►au risque de: at the risk of
►être tenté par: to be tempted by
►plus que jamais: more than ever
►(un) devoir: in this context – the duty/the moral obligation
►confier: to confide
►proposer: to offer
►hors: outside/beyond
►(une) exposition: an exhibition
Malgré les mesures annoncées par la mairie, les responsables des structures de prévention
observent que trois antennes jeunes sur treize vont fermer, sur décision de la ville. Et que quatre
points d’accueil écoute jeunes (PAEJ) ont été supprimés depuis 2001. « La ville pense que
certaines de ces structures sont dépassées, alors qu’elles ont une grande expérience dans
l’accompagnement des jeunes passés par la prison ou des circuits d’économie parallèle dont
personne d’autre ne veut s’occuper », regrette Elisabeth Monnerat, ancienne directrice du PAEJ
du 18e arrondissement, fermé en décembre 2014 faute de moyens.
►malgré: despite
►(un) responsable: supervisor/manager
►(une) structure de prévention: an organization that deals with preventing marginal people
(mainly teenagers) from dropping school, or following the path of religious extremism for
►observer: in this context – to notice
►(une) antenne jeune or antenne jeunesse: a branch of these organizations dedicated to
young people
►un point d’accueil écoute jeunes: It might sound a bit strange without the articles « de »
and « les » as in – un point d’accueil d’écoute pour les jeunes. But it means the same thing ; a
place where young people are welcome to walk in and talk about their problems with social
►supprimer: to remove – in this context to close.
►certain(e)s de ces: some of these
►dépassé : out of date
►l’accompagnement (social): social support
►passer par la prison: to go to prison. You can also say “aller en prison” of course.
►passer par (un) circuit d’économie parallèle: to use or to be involved in grey economy.
L’économie parallèle is also called l’économie souterraine (underground economy).
►dont: in this context – of which
►personne d’autre: nobody else. Remember that une personne is a person, whereas personne
without the article une means nobody.
►ancienne directrice: former director
►18e arrondissement: The city of Paris is divided into twenty arrondissements municipaux,
administrative districts, more simply referred to as arrondissements.
►faute de moyens: for lack of means/funding
Population density of each arrondissement in Paris. If you compare this map to the one at the
beginning of the document, you’ll notice that the state will provide more money for the areas
with the most population. An arrondissement such as the eighth doesn’t need any particular
help from the state since it’s one of Paris's main business districts. According to the 1999
census, it was the place of employment of more people than any other single arrondissement of
the capital. It is also the area where the “Grande bourgeoisie” – the upper class – lives. Bear in
mind that this article doesn’t talk about the “banlieues” – the suburbs- as they are located
outside of any of these arrondissements.
This is a map showing the average income per person and per year in Paris and in the suburbs.
Notice how many suburbs are around Paris and how many of them have an average income of
less than £11,400 (16,000€) per year and per person. This gives an average salary of £950 per
month – 1,350€ per month. I have recently calculated the average price of a rent in 57 suburban
areas around Paris, the result was 20,01€ per sq/meter. If one would like to rent a 40 square
meters flat, which is quite small, he would have to pay 800€ per month. Now if we calculate
the amount of money one would have to spend for its rent per year, we would get 9600€. The
person would have to live with 6000-7000€ per year (£4,660) without taking into account any
expenses related to petrol, insurance, taxes etc. This is just an average that doesn’t take into
consideration social benefits provided by the state. Its mere purpose is to show the student that
with such low income, and such high rents, living in the suburbs forces a lot of people to rely
on the money provided by the state.