
Marc Lavoie
Publications in sports econonomics only, as of July 2012
M. Lavoie, Désavantage numérique, les francophones dans la LNH, Vents d'Ouest, Hull,
1998, 168 pp.
M. Lavoie, Avantage numérique, l'argent et la Ligue nationale de hockey, Vents d'Ouest,
Hull, 1997, 288 pp.
Chapters in books
M. Lavoie, «Le lockout de la Ligue nationale de hockey de 2004-2005: causes et
retombées», in Jacques Fontanel, Liliane Bensahel et Pierre Chaix (dir), Regards sur
l’économie et le management du sport et des sportifs professionels, L’Harmattan, Paris,
2009, pp. 109-132.
M. Lavoie «The economics of sport and the NHL lockout», in Jane Crossman (ed.),
Canadian Sport Sociology. 2nd edition, Thomson Nelson, Toronto, 2007, pp. 197-219.
M. Lavoie, «Ice hockey», in Wladimir Andreff and Stefan Szymanski (eds), The Edward
Elgar Companion to the Economics of Sport, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2006, pp. 542551.
D. Whitson, J. Harvey, and M. Lavoie, «Government subsidisation of Canadian
professional sport franchises: a risky business», in Trevor Slack (ed), The
Commercialisation of Sport , Routledge, London, 2004, pp. 75-100.
M. Lavoie, «Les taux d’occupation des chambres d’hôtel dans les villes canadiennes:
une autre mesure de l’impact économique des équipes sportives professionnelles», in
Sylvain Lefebvre (dir.), Sport et villes: enjeux économiques et socioculturels, Presses de
l’Université du Québec, Sainte-Foy, 2003, pp. 203-226.
M. Lavoie and D. Whitson, «The economics of sport», in Jane Crossman (ed.), Canadian
Sport Sociology. Thomson Nelson, Toronto, 2003, pp. 139-155.
M. Lavoie, «Economics and Sport», in J. Coakley and E. Dunning (eds), Handbook of
Sports and Society, Sage Publications, London, 2000, pp.157-170.
M. Lavoie, «Sport», in Phil O`Hara (ed.), Encyclopedia of Political Economy,
Routledge, London and New York, 1999, pp. 1082-1085.
M. Lavoie and G. Grenier, «Discrimination and Salary Determination in the National
Hockey League: 1977 and 1989 Compared», in G. Scully (ed.), Advances in the
Economics of Sport, volume 1, JAI Press, Greenwich, 1992, pp. 153-177.
Papers in refereed journals
M. Lavoie and G. Rodríguez, «The economic impact of professional teams on monthly
hotel occupancy rates of Canadian cities: a Box-Jenkins approach», Journal of Sports
Economics, 2005, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 314-324. Reprinted in W. Andreff (ed.), Recent
Developments in the Economics of Sport, Volume 1, The International Library in Critical
Economic Writings, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2011.
M. Lavoie, «Faut-il transposer à l’Europe les instruments de régulation du sport
professionnel nord-américain?», Revue juridique et économique du sport, no. 67, juin
2003, pp. 11-34.
M. Lavoie, «The entry draft in the National Hockey League: Discrimination, Style of
Play and Team Location», American Journal of Economics and Sociology, vol. 62, no 1,
April 2003, pp. 383-405.
M. Lavoie, «The location of pay discrimination in the National Hockey League”, Journal
of Sports Economics, vol. 1, no. 4, November 2000, pp. 401-411.
D. Whitson, J. Harvey and M. Lavoie, «The Mills report, the Manley subsidy proposal,
and the business of major league sport», Canadian Public Administration, vol. 43, no. 2,
Summer 2000, pp. 127-156.
M. Lavoie, «La proposition d’invariance dans un monde où les équipes maximisent la
performance sportive», Reflets et perspectives de la vie économique, vol. 39, no 2-3,
2000, pp. 85-93.
M. Lavoie, «Les équipes sportives professionnelles n’ont pas d’impact économique
significatif: le cas des Expos», Avante, vol. 6, no. 1, 2000, pp. 56-86.
M. Lavoie and W.M. Leonard, «In search of an alternative explanation of stacking in
baseball: The uncertainty hypothesis», Sociology of Sport Journal, Vol. 11, no 2, 1994,
M. Lavoie, G. Grenier et S. Coulombe, «Performance Differentials in the National
Hockey League: Discrimination versus Style-of-play Thesis», Canadian Public
Policy/Analyse de Politiques, Vol. 18, December 1992, pp. 461-469.
M. Lavoie and W.M. Leonard II, «Salaries, Race/Ethnicity and Pitchers in Major League
Baseball: A Correction and Comment», Sociology of Sport Journal, Vol. 7, no. 4, 1990,
pp. 394-398.
M. Lavoie, «The Economic Hypothesis of Positional Segregation: Some Further
Comments», Sociology of Sport Journal, Vol. 6, no. 2, 1989, pp. 163-166.
M. Lavoie, «Stacking, Performance Differentials and Salary Discrimination in
Professional Ice Hockey: A Survey of the Evidence», Sociology of Sport Journal, Vol. 6,
no. 1, 1989, pp. 17-35.
M. Lavoie, G. Grenier and S. Coulombe, «Discrimination Versus English Proficiency in
the National Hockey League: A Reply», Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de politiques,
Vol. 15, mars, 1989, pp. 98-101.
M. Lavoie, G. Grenier and S. Coulombe, «Discrimination and Performance Differentials
in the National Hockey League», Analyse de Politiques/Canadian Public Policy, Vol. 13,
décembre 1987, pp. 407-422.
S. Coulombe et M. Lavoie, «Discrimination à l'embauche et performance supérieure des
franco-québecois dans la LNH: une mise au point», L'Actualité économique, Vol. 61, no.
4, décembre 1985, 527-30.
S. Coulombe et M. Lavoie, «Les francophones dans la Ligue nationale de hockey: Une
analyse économique de la discrimination», L'Actualité économique, Vol. 61, no. 1, mars
1985, pp. 73-92.
Working paper
T. Christie and M. Lavoie, «Entry discrimination in the NHL: Evolution and the KHL
effect”, paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Economic Association,
Boston, March 2012.