April 14, 2013 April 14, 2013 - Eben


April 14, 2013 April 14, 2013 - Eben
Welcome to EbenEben-Ezer
Mennonite Church
April 14, 2013 - Nr. 15
Worship – Community – Commission
God calls us to glorify His Name and
by the power of the Holy Spirit,
to grow as a discerning community of love,
grace, joy and peace,
anticipating Christ’s return, so that God’s
healing and hope flow through us to the world.
Anbetung – Gemeinschaft – Auftrag
Gott ruft uns seinen Namen zu verherrlichen
und in der Kraft des Heiligen Geistes,
zu wachsen als eine unterscheidende (prüfende)
Gemeinschaft der Liebe, Gnade, Freude und
Friede, wartend auf Christi Wiederkunft,
so daß Gottes Heilung & Hoffnung,
durch uns in die Welt fließen kann.
Pastoral Staff
Lead Pastor: Artur Bergen 604-308-8626 [email protected]
Associate Pastor: Reece Friesen 604-996-8422 [email protected]
Music/Worship: Marion Braun 604-866-8422 [email protected]
EbenEben-Ezer Mennonite Church - www.ebenezermennonite.com
2051 Windsor Street, Abbotsford, B.C. V2T 6L9
604-850-8422 Fax: 604-850-8455 [email protected]
Please pray for our young adults as they enjoy the weekend at Camp Squeah.
Pastor Reece, Caresse, Trevor, Nadja, Emily, Marek, Cessy, Sonja, Ryan, and
Daniela left on Friday and will be returning this afternoon at 3:00 pm.
They’ll be sharing about their trip in 2 weeks
after Pastor Reece has returned from Vancouver FanExpo.
Tuesday - 9:30 am - Women’s Bible Study ‘Singing in the Rain’ @ Eben-Ezer
• 10:00am-2:00pm - MCBC Secretaries Meeting & Lunch at Eben-Ezer
• 7:00 pm - Jubilee committee meeting with Staff & Ministers
Wednesday - 9:30 am - Deutsche Bibelstunde
• 11:00 am - Office Staff meeting
• 7:00 pm - Executive committee meeting
• 7:00 pm - Choir Practice in the Sanctuary
• 7:00-9:00 pm - Youth Night
Thursday - 7:00 pm - Education committee meeting
Friday - 7:00 pm - Kids Club
• 7:00-9:00 pm - Bible Study for Young Couples & Couples with Children
Next Sunday - 9:30 am - Gottesdienst
• 11:00 am - Worship Service & Sunday School classes
Please check your mailboxes for an important questionnaire
to be filled out by April 21, 2013!
Coming Events...
• April 23 - 7:00 pm - Council meeting
• May 4 - 10:00am-4:00pm - MCBC Women’s Inspirational Day ~ ‘Beloved
Before Time’ at Eben-Ezer. Speaker: Carole Smith-Wheaton
• May 12 - 10:00 am - Special Mother’s Day Celebration Service & Child
Dedication at Eben-Ezer
• May 24 - First Aid Course ~ the cost is $57.00 p/person ($28.50 for Eben-Ezer
members). Please sign up ASAP at the info desk!
• June 15 - 12:00noon - 3rd annual Eben-Ezer & King Road Golf
Tournament @ Kinkora Golf Club in Chilliwack. Everyone 16 years
and older is invited to participate! Please pick up a brochure at the info
desk for more info. Cost $40.00 p/participant, deadline to register - June 2!!
LAST WEEK’S GIVING - Sunday, April 7, 2013
Deacons Donation
MDS (Mennonite Disaster Service)
Miscellaneous (chairs)
Youth - Activities
Budget Offering - April 7, 2013
$ 500.00
$ 230.00
$ 300.00
$ 10,964.30
Please Pray for:
Abraham Fast, and Helen Schapansky at Abbotsford Hospital (ARHCC)
Hans Derksen at Home
We will celebrate Child Dedication on Mother’s Day, May 12.
To all the parents who would like to dedicate their children
please hand in the application form before May 5. (Application
forms are available in the office if you didn’t receive one yet.)
Notice from Trustees committee: To get organized for the upcoming Jubilee
Celebrations, we are planning a 'Spring Cleaning' week, which will take place in
the last week of April. We point out that all sorts of unnecessary items will be
disposed of. We request that the responsible committees meet in their
departments to make suitable arrangements, so that we don’t throw out
anything important. We also ask for volunteers during this week.
Bekanntmachung vom Wirtschaftsrat:
Im Blick auf die Jubiläumsfeierlichkeiten und die Frühlingszeit, haben wir eine
‘Spring-Cleaning’ Woche geplant, die in der letzten Woche im April stattfinden soll.
Wir machen darauf aufmerksam, dass allerlei unnötiger Unrat in die Entsorgung
geworfen wird. Wir bitten daher, dass die zuständigen Komitees in ihren
Abteilungen die entsprechenden Vorkehrungen treffen, um nichts Wichtiges in den
Abfallkasten zu werfen. Wir bitten auch für Freiwillige Helfer für diese Woche.
Spirituality and Aging Conference ~ May 25 at Emmanuel MC
Speaker: Dr. Marcus Smucker
Please call the church office at 604-854-3654 to indicate your attendance.
Registration of $20 will be taken at the door. Lunch is included
Hello MCBC Ladies! ~ May 4th is coming up fast and we hope
you are planning to attend the MCBC Women’s Ministry
Inspirational Day at Eben-Ezer MC! We have planned all sorts
of fun for you this year – worship, food, fun and fellowship, which
also includes Ten Thousand Villages shopping (so remember to bring some $ [cash]).
You might just find the perfect Mother’s Day gift! Also, for the first time this year,
we are providing Child-Care, should you need it. But... you absolutely need to
pre-register for your Child-Care needs so that we can prepare accordingly.
You can register on-line at http://mcbc.ca/ai1ec_event/womens-inspirational-day/?
instance_id=88. We will also be gathering all the pennies you have collected for the
“Pennies & Prayer Legacy Fund” with our thanks!
Registration starts at 9:30 am in the Gym Foyer at Eben-Ezer Mennonite Church
Gottesdienst - 9:30 am
Begrüßung, Bibelwort & Gebet
Lobpreis in Liedern: “Stimmt an mit vollem Klang” # 31 R
“Mir nach, spricht Christus, unser Held” # 281 R
Bibellese: Johannes 21:1-19
“Alles will ich, Herr verlassen” # 228 R
“Voran, voran mit Jesus” # 273 R
Bekanntmachungen & Gebet
Kollekte & Lied: “Will ich des Kreuzes Streiter sein?” # 270 R
Predigt: ‘Warum bist Du... Sind Wir ...hier?’ - 1 Mose 12:1-3,
Matt. 28:18-20, Joh. 20:21, Apostelg. 1:8 ~ Artur Bergen
Schlusslied & Segen
“Weiss ich den Weg auch nicht, Du weisst ihn wohl” # 317 R
Dave Wiebe from Youth Unlimited is joining us in the Second Service
to explore what the Bible tells us about God’s mission and also to share
about His work with young people here in Abbotsford.
Dave will also be at the coffee time between services to connect with people
from the First Service, and we encourage everyone to come and meet him
and hear more about opportunities in our own city.
Worship Service ~ 11:00 am
Welcome & Prayer
Song: “We Worship & Adore Thee”
Scripture Reading: Psalm 16:5-11
Songs: “We Will Walk With God” (# 78 SJ)
“If You Believe and I Believe” (# 32 SJ)
“We Will Follow”
“I Have Decided”
Children’s Feature
Prayer for Sunday School / Dismiss Children
Offering Song: “When We Walk With The Lord” # 577 MH
Message: Dave Wiebe from Youth for Christ / Youth Unlimited
Closing Song & Benediction