We are Family! - Zion Lutheran Church


We are Family! - Zion Lutheran Church
P.O. BOX 125
PHONE 715-698-2707
“We are Family!”
U.S. Postage Paid
Woodville, WI
Sunday, May 6th
Thursday, Friday & Saturday—May 17, 18, & 19
Sunday, May 13
Begins Sunday, May 13th
1 service at 9:00 a.m.
Church office closed
Zion Lu
Benson Campbell, Wendy Eggen, Bridget Oleson, Addison
Paige Doornink, Axel Mahoney
*Betty Helgeson
Camryn Margelofsky
Brenna Iverson, *Ovila Stang,
Ken Weiske
Madison Campbell, Christy
Gregg, Lyla Larson
We will have only ONE church newsletter for the
months of JUNE & JULY. Please keep your calendars for the two months and if you have articles for
either newsletter, please have them in to the
church office by FRIDAY, MAY 18th.
Thank you for getting your information in early.
Committees may need to look ahead to prepare
for this change.
8 *Ramona Dittman, Hunter Kastel
9 Jim Gunderson
10 Trevor Anderson, Heather Koenning, Lillian Palmer
11 Russell Halderson, Bre Hanson,
Cindy Krager, Jean Peavey,
Claudia Pomasl
12 Thomas Huenink, Annette
Michaud, Jacki Rykal
13 Jeff Lorentz
14 Austin Freeland, *Elton Johnson,
Tiffany Neely
15 Jon Tollefson
19 Benita Gregg, Jessica Stark
20 Tricia Britton, Cody Hemenway,
Bob Sell, Kevin Tollefson
21 Kari Gregg
22 Anne Mandehr, Carol Preston,
Cindy Wipijewski
23 Matt McGee, Deb Monicken
24 Jed Hopp
25 Karissa Danielson, Cassidy Hemenway, Tim Hemenway, Doug
Henry, Paul Hofland, Nathan
26 Aaron Peterson, Jeff Schneider,
Jodi Wagner
27 Bill Butler, Kristen Hofland
28 Bob Eicher, Tim Gregg, Don
29 Lori Hadley
30 Deb Benson
31 *Vernon Lund, Bob Terpstra
*Seniors of the Week
Sunday, May 13th at the 9:00 am worship will
be the public recognition of our members who
are graduating from High School.
We will take a moment to hear about their
plans for the future and will keep them in our
prayers as they use the gifts that God has given
Names of graduates will be published in the
Sunday bulletin.
Sunday, May 13 the educational
scholarship from Zion Lutheran Church
will be awarded to 2 Zion members who
wish to pursue a continued education.
Former recipients of Zion’s Scholarship are: Laura Handrahan, Dana Ducklow, Scott Rademaker, Sarah Dodge,
Sarah Peavey, Dan Zielinski, Tara
Monicken, Kyle Anderson, Robyn
Donahoe, Greg Lund, Julia Monicken
and Kelsey Ducklow, Jolissa Doornink,
Kerry Danielson, Leah Veenendaal,
Nathan Stone, Sarah Gaustad, Aaron
Hovde, Stephanie Larson, Derek Boldt,
Bailey Larson and Jordan Lorenz.
Congratulations to all who apply and
best wishes on their continued education.
Anyone who would like to make a
donation to the Scholarship Fund,
please call the church office and direct
your special gift to “Zion Lutheran
Church Scholarship Fund.” We are glad
to be able to further the education of
our young men and women.
Keith Anderson – Pastor
Andy Boe - Part-time Associate Pastor
Jill Boston – Secretary
Sarah Dodge – Ministry Coordinator
John & Rachel Terkelsen and LeAnn Storm – Custodial Staff
Laura Ramlow – Chime Choir Director
Elizabeth Weingarten— Sr. Choir Director
Officers of the Congregation
Paul Hofland – President
Sarah Veenendall – Vice-President
Sue Stene – Secretary
Dick Rademaker – Treasurer
Paul Hofland-688-2928; Sarah Veenendall—688-4676; Sue Stene-698-2621
Brian Bergquist-698-3062; Gloria Bunnell-698-3014; Carol Hajicek– 684-4871;
Tim Holldorf—772-4648; Michele Jarosch –715-563-1440;
Larry Knegendorf—698-2321; Nik Ramlow—688-3508;
Tom Vandeberg– 698-2901
PHONE – 715-698-2707
FAX – 698-3419
Website— www.zionlutheranwoodville.com
Zion e-mail—[email protected]
Pastor Keith e-mail—[email protected]
May 6
8:30 Ushers—Dave, Wendy, Colton Sander, &
10:45 Ushers—Bradley McGee & Benita Gregg
8:30 Reader—Susan Randall
10:45 Reader—Kathy Handrahan
8:30 Greeters—Dan & Cheryl Slind
Communion Prep—Sylvia Sandvig
8:30 Communion helper—Lisa Lovestrand
10:45 Communion helper—Kelly DeGross
Coffee servers—Sunday School
8:30 Acolytes— Brock Orton, Brett Anderson
10:45 Acolytes—Abby Anderson, Hannah Addyman
Wheelchair—Dennis Russett & Terry Larson
Videographer—David Leon
9:00 Ushers— same as the 6th
9:00 Reader—Telford Norvold
9:00 Greeters—Terry & Judy Stone
Coffee servers—Jason & Amy Anderson & Ron & Jan Anderson
9:00 Acolytes—Grace Holldorf, Megan Jacobson
Wheelchair—same as the 6th
Videographer-same as the 6th
May 20
9:00 Ushers—Dale & Joann Nelson & Ai & Joan Cronk
9:00 Reader—Elaine Carlson
9:00 Greeter—Wes & Karen Swanson
Communion Prep—Sandra Anderson
9:00 Communion Helpers—Elaine Albrightson, Doug Albrigtson, Barb
Coffee servers—Relay for Life
9:00 Acolytes—Joe Jelen, Eric Bergquist
Wheelchair—Jerry & Marilyn Hovde
Videographer—Kyle Howard
May 27
9:00 Ushers— same as the 20th
9:00 Reader—Bonnie Haas
9:00 Greeters—Wally & Carolyn Nelson
Coffee servers—Greg & Mary Jacobson, Walt & Dorene Jacobson
9:00 Acolytes—Derek DeGross, Ethan DeWitt
Wheelchair—same as the 20th
Videographer—same as the 20th
The acolyte schedule is posted on Pastor Keith’s office door.
Altar Guild for May—Dorene Jacobson & Judy Veenendaal
As part of the March national food drive event, the AgStar
Fund for Rural America put out a challenge to its employees to
participate in a month long food drive event. The employees of
the AgStar Baldwin, Wisconsin office are very much aware of the
current demands being made on the local food shelves. The
employees eagerly took on this challenge and donated $2086 to
the pantry of their choice.
The funds raised of $2,086 were donated to 13 different food
shelves within the Pierce, St. Croix, Polk, and Dunn counties of
Wisconsin. All of the funds donated by the employees received
matching funds from the AgStar Fund for Rural America, for a
total donation of $4,172.
Heide Bishop and Pam Herink
“Sunday morning texts” is a discussion oriented course that
will focus on the following Sundays Bible readings. Led by Pastor Keith meets in the church Library from 9:00—10:30 a.m.
Led by Ralph Bader at the Woodville Café from 6:30–7:30
a.m. the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays each month.
Circles 1 & 3 – Thurs. May 24 —9:30 am
Hostess: Rachel Terkelsen
Leader: Mary Anderson
Circle 2-Thurs., May 10—7 pm
Hostess: Karen Swanson
Leader: Annette Sabol
Circle 4-Thurs., May 23—noon
Hostess: Potluck
Leader: Nancy Larson
Circles 5 & 6 -Thurs.,May 17—1:30 pm
Hostesses: Circle 5
Leader: Jerry Knippenberg
Mark your calendars to attend the annual salad bar
luncheon at Zion on Thursday, June 14th. Circles 1, 3, & 5 will
Joseph’s square is a unique men’s group that meets on Saturday mornings beginning with Bible Study that leads us into a
Men’s Woodworking group. If you are interested in working with
wood or just gathering in the shop for some fun and creativity,
give the church office a call. Meet at Ron Weikum’s shop. Saturday’s from 8:30—11:00 a.m.
With garage sales right around the corner, remember our
mission projects. We can always use sleepers or gowns up to
24 months (no feet), receiving blankets, small t-shirts, sweaters
with hoods, and infant socks. No onesies, please!
Date: March 6, 2012
Number of people: 205
Donations: $120.00
Church dues: 0
Checkbook balance: $1742.57
May God give you a humble attitude like that of Jesus, and
bless you as a servant.
Joann C. Nelson
Plans are under way for Zion’s 125th
Anniversary celebration. We are hoping
to unite the generations to have a great
party and times for fellowship, worship,
feasting, and all around good fun.
The weekend for the celebration will be
Saturday and Sunday, September 8 & 9,
Tentative plans include:
Saturday, Sept. 8
Afternoon—Softball FUN tournament at
Steven Park
Pigroast at Zion
Later afternoon—Music group at Church
Carnival for kids
Sunday, Sept. 9
9:00 a.m.—Worship
10:30—large group photo on church
steps and lawn
10:30—brunch in Fellowship Hall
There are MANY details to pursue, but
we are hoping to connect with close
friends of the church including church
members who have gone into the ministry, Zion’s Interns, former pastors, and
Synod Staff.
We also want to connect with former
choir members and recruit new choir
members for some kind of mass choral
Worship will be a centerpiece for our
celebrations. We have been talking
throughout Lent and Easter about what it
means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.
Part of that is to draw nearer to God so
that we can extend a life of faith to the
communities in which we live. Part of
discipleship is to invite others into a
closer relationship with Jesus Christ.
Sooooooo… as we party… and celebrate… and play… and pray… we remember that we are doing all of this to
bring honor to God.
As we do this, we also seek to honor one
another, so many hands, many gifts,
many hearts dedicated to this task will do
a great deal to continue bringing the family of Christ here at Zion closer together.
This will be a wonderful time, so I encourage everyone to put these dates on
your calendar, to be part of your Fall
Blessings to our family in Christ here at
Pastor Keith
Z.A.P. is right around the corner! The
first day of Z.A.P. will be Wednesday,
June 13th. We will still be meeting
from 8 am to noon, with lunch and
snacks included in the free program.
Registration is available online at
www.zionlutheranwoodville.com or by
picking up a brochure at church. Children ages 4 to 5th grade are encouraged to join us. Volunteers are always needed for all areas, one day or
many days. Please let me know if
you would like to interact with our
fantastic youth during our summer
College Care Packages will be going
out the beginning of May. Donations
will be accepted until May 1st. If you
know a college student who is a
member at Zion, please email me
([email protected]) or call me
(715-688-9190) with the name, address, and date of finals (if known).
This ministry is always very appreciated by our college students and
helps them know that we are thinking
about them and praying for their success.
Youth Gathering group is counting
down the days until New Orleans!
We have 2 fundraisers left. We are
selling carnations for Mother’s Day.
Orders are due by Wednesday, May
2nd. Carnations are $2 each and can
be picked up after 9:00 am worship
on Sunday, May 13th. The other
fundraiser will be at Nilssen’s in Baldwin on Friday, June 1st and Saturday,
June 2nd. We will be serving hot ham
and cheese sandwiches, chips, soda,
and bars. We will also have a bake
sale. Free-will offering will be accepted. Watch the bulletin for more
details. Hope to see you there!
Last Day of School Party for middle
school students will be on Thursday,
June 7th from 11:30 am to 2:00 pm.
We will serve walking tacos and have
activities planned. All middle school
youth are welcome to join us! There
is no cost for this party!
Cherish Our Children offers a
weekly devotional e-mail. If you are
interested in receiving the e-mail,
please let me know. Keep praying for
our kids!
Sarah Dodge
It has never ceased to amaze me that the
followers of Jesus, beginning with those who
were eye witnesses to the resurrection, and
spreading to those “… who have not seen
and yet believe … (The words at the end of
John’s Gospel) were able to move forward in
a positive and loving way after the post
Easter resurrection appearances of Jesus, his
ascension to the Father, and then the gift of
the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. The growth of
Christianity from Jerusalem into the Roman
Empire and further was simply amazing.
This growth, empowered by the Holy Spirit
and individuals and small groups of committed believers, took place despite great opposition. The traditional Jewish community did
not want the “followers of the way” to become
a successful reforming group for the Jewish
community and synagogues. The political
situation in the “Holy Land” was in continues
chaos as the Jews chafed under the rule of
the Roman Empire. The Roman Emperor
ruled most of the Mediterranean world and
was fearful of, and repressive to, “subversive”
groups that formed anywhere in its boarders.
St Paul and other early Christian evangelists,
and ordinary every day Christians, were able
to be examples of God’s love, forgiveness,
and hope in their every day lives. The Christian community grew larger and more prominent in society.
In our time we, too, are the recipients of the
Good News (the Gospel) of Jesus Christ in
our lives and in the culture around us. As we
move ahead in our concern for our families,
our communities, and our world we need to
remember the example of the early church
members who, as we still do today, brought
God’s love, forgiveness (reconciliation) and
hope into their daily lives. God has always
loved us where we are in life. Jesus was
God’s own son in the midst of God’s people
living their daily lives. We are not “called out
of this life,” to serve God in heaven, but we
are “called into this life” to bring the good
news (Gospel) to all we encounter daily.
Thank your for being an example of God’s
care and love each day as you go about your
daily tasks in and out of church at home,
school, work, and play, in our community and
in our world! Someone will continue to see
and hear the good news through you today
and tomorrow!
Pastor Andy Boe
On Wednesday, May 2 this is our Confirmation plan:
7:00 p.m. – GRADE 7 – Students and parents meet in fellowship hall to get “the
scoop” on Confirmation and what to expect
for next fall.
7:00 p.m. – GRADES 8 & 9 – regular small
group meetings with guides… PARTY!
8:10—8:30—ALL TOGETHER for announcements and closing devotions.
We hope that this will be a valuable time
of transition for the newer and older students and that the parents will be able to
share thoughts for the future faith building
for our families here at Zion.
Thank you for your financial gift to Feed My
Starving Children. Your contribution will
provide 1,136 life saving meals to God’s
hungry children around the world. We stand
in awe of the blessings showered by you
and our Lord on FMSC. Your prayerful support and financial donations allow us to
answer the cry of starving children and give
hope to struggling communities around the
world. Last year, volunteers packed nearly
127 million meals to feed His hungriest
children. “Blessed are those who are generous, because they feed the poor.” Proverbs 22:9
Mark Crea—Executive Director
Thank you for your gift to the Family Resource Center St. Croix Valley. Your support will help us provide programs and services that grow healthy, strong kids and
families right here in Western Wisconsin.
Together we can build a better community.
We appreciate your help!
We wish to thank all who thought of Leona
during her battle with cancer. Thanks to
everyone for the prayers, cards, food, and
wonderful visits. A very special thanks to
all the nieces, nephews, family members,
and friends who helped take such loving
care of her during her journey home. Special thanks to Adoray Hospice, Pastor Keith
Anderson, Pastor Andy Boe and members
of the Zion Church. A huge thank you to
Ross Keehr for his knowledge and kindness to the family after our loss. Leona is
loved and missed by all who knew her.
Bless all your heartsThe Family of Leona Wang
Thanks to Darcy Almquist and area Boy
Scouts and Cub Scouts. Their Scouting For
Food drive on April 14th provided a great
deal of food to area food pantries. Zion’s
Food Pantry received so many great items.
Thanks to the Scouts and to the Baldwin
and Woodville Communities for their generous support.
Zion’s Food Pantry
Thank you for all your support during my
sister’s illness. You were so good to her
and helpful.
God Bless you,
Vicky Benson
The quilters met on April 5th and with
7 workers, they made 8 quilts, 14 personal care kits and 6 baby care kits.
They meet next on May 3rd.
For their mission projects they could
still use new or gently usedHand towels
Sleepers up to 18 months
Receiving blankets
Cloth diapers
Thank you!
In Memory of:
Genevieve Knippenberg and June Rogier
from Jerry Knippenberg
Roy Traynor from Arlene Traynor and family
Skip Larson and Grand-daughter Alyssa
Hagen from Carole Larson
Tom Lund from Russ Lund family
Delores Terpstra from Ralph & Darlene
Andy Tollefson from Kelly & Scott
DeGross and family
Bill & Bernice Metcalf and Gladys Aaby
from Steve and Janet Aaby
Roy Nadeau and Dorothy Frey from Mary
Glenn Roycraft from Joyce Knippenberg
Shereen Beaulieu from Hanley & Marie
Kathleen Lund with all my love from your
hubby Vern Lund
Kathleen Lund, Leo & Aileen Robbins,
Sharon Nuessmeier, Amy Rademaker
from Kevin & Bunny Lund and Kevin
and Greg
Robert & Lillian Hajicek from Carol Hajicek
Mae Shefland from Wally Shefland, Doug
& Debbie Monicken, Gary & Sherry
Boldt and their families
George Peterson from Mary Norton
John Terkelsen Jr. from John & Rachel
Diane Collins, Lawny & Verna Hansen,
George Sabol and Oscar & Bertha
Krogh from Annette Sabol & Alex
In Honor of:
Our family from Wally & Carolyn Nelson
Doris Peterson from Mary Norton
Our beautiful children; Dylan, Janessa and
Trinity from Karl & Sarah Karau
Carol Sabol, Steve Sabol and Chuck
Collins from Annette Sabol & Alex
Our risen Lord to my children and grandchildren from Larry Knegendorf
In Memory of………
Vaughn Jensen
General Fund: Duane & Judy Veenendaal
Roof: Sandra Anderson, Judy Jensen
Leona Wang
General Fund: Duane & Judy Veenendaal,
Carole Larson, Hugh & Diane Lockerby, Terrie
& Michael Ferber, Tom & Kathleen Vandeberg, Don & MaryAnn Iverson, Ai & Joan
Cronk, Virginia Helgeson, Margaret Nelson,
Vanita Olson, Jerry & Marilyn Hovde, Lorraine
Achterhof, Doug & Jackie Mathison
Food Pantry: Bob & Ruth Hard, Irma Mohn
Youth Gathering: Steve & Janet Aaby, Greg &
Mary Jacobson
Cemetery Road: Keith & Judy Albrightson
Quilters: Don & Darlene Olson
Window Fund: Nancy Johnson, Ralph & Darlene Bader, Gloria Bunnell
Roof: Sharon Wynveen, Allen & Barb DeLander, Wally & Carolyn Nelson, John & Rachel Terkelsen, Hanley & Marie Terkelsen,
Mary Ellen, Elizabeth, Kari, & David Leon,
Leone Osborne, Janice Helgeson, Walt &
Dorene Jacobson, Ron & Marilyn Zillmer,
John & Evelyn Wallesverd
Building & Repair: Ron & Janice Anderson
Sunday School: Craig & Kelly Albrightson, Les
& Dorothy Holm
Scholarship: Russ & Lucille Lund, Betty Helgeson, Keith & Mary Anderson
Cemetery: Arlene Traynor, Harold & Arlene
Halverson, Shirley Holerud, George Helgeson
Social Concerns: Milo & Elaine Carlson
Z.A.P. Adam & Sarah Dodge
Jeannie Gunderson
Food Pantry: Tim & Sylvia Sandvig
Melody Muffet
Scholarship: Robert & Mary Sell
ZLCW: Warren & Vicky Benson
General: Jerry & Marilyn Hovde
Verlyn Newton
General: Jerry & Marilyn Hovde
Josh Gokey
Scholarship: Jerry & Marilyn Hovde
Howard Helgeson
Cemetery Arch: Tom & Linda Solum
Roof: Robert & Karen Eicher
George Peterson
Roof: Robert & Karen Eicher
In Honor of…….
Nancy Weikum’s birthday
Food Pantry: Dale & Joann Nelson
Joseph’s Square: Adam & Sarah Dodge, John
& Evelyn Wallesverd
Ron Weikum’s birthday
Joseph’s Square: Dale & Joann Nelson, Adam
& Sarah Dodge, John & Evelyn Wallesverd
Zion Congregation Council Minutes
March 20, 2012
Minutes approved April 17, 2012
2012 Council Members:
Paul Hofland, Sue Stene, Brian Bergquist,
Pastor Keith Anderson, Carol Hajicek, Gloria
Bunnell, Tom Vandeberg, Sarah Veenendall,
Pastor Andy Boe, Tim Holldorf, Michele
Jarosch, Larry Knegendorf, Nik Ramlow, Dick
Rademaker, Treasurer. *Denotes members
President Hofland opened the meeting at
7:00 p.m. Devotions were led by Gloria Bunnell
Guests: none
Correspondence Received/Forwarded:
nothing received
Secretary’s Report: Motion by Vandeberg,
seconded by Bunnell, to accept the Council
Minutes for February 21, 2012; motion carried
Treasurer’s Report: Motion by Veenendall,
seconded by Hajicek, to approve the February 2012, Treasurer’s Report; motion carried.
Pastor’s Report: “Beyond our Doors” Bible
Study 1
Wedding: Ron Riek and Lori Saari (March
Funerals: Gladys Ellefson (March 1)
Transferred: Brenda, Suzanne, Rebecca &
Reuben Riek
Committee Reports:
Minutes of committee meetings were included
in the packet.
Resources: Discussion about creating a Sexual Misconduct policy at the recommendation
of the church’s insurance company. A small
committee was created to look into this, the
members are: Sarah Dodge, Carol Hajicek,
Tom Vandeberg and Pastor Anderson.
Looking into the possibility of sprucing up the
hallways to the Fellowship Hall, for the 125th
Faith & Life: nothing for council
Fellowship/Serving & Missions: nothing for
Old Business:
AED Training –Sandy Reed did some training
with the Confirmation kids and Boy Scouts. In
the future a training in the Fellowship Hall at
coffee hour with Sandy Reed.
New Business:
Council Retreat – April 14th from 8am –
11:30am at Park View
Endowment Committee needs a council
member as a representative, Pastor will talk
with Larry Knegendorf.
Agenda Items for April Meeting:
Sexual Misconduct policy committee
Ideas on how to spruce up the hallways
Devotions for April will be given by Nik Ramlow.
There being no further business, motion by
Vandeberg, seconded by Ramlow to adjourn;
motion carried and the meeting closed with
the Lord’s Prayer.
Respectfully submitted in Christ,
Susan Stene
On Saturday, March 17th, 5 people from
Zion attended Walking Together in Chippewa Falls, sponsored by the Northwest
Synod of Wisconsin. We were able to
attend many interesting workshops and
wanted to share some of the fantastic
things we learned!
Blended Worship - Worship as if God
This workshop was about getting
away from the consumer mentality of our
culture that tends to extend into our worship services. How often do we talk
about the service in terms of what we
liked or didn't like about it
and make it all about US instead of all
about GOD! It's not that what we do in
worship doesn't matter or that how we
worship doesn't matter, but the focus
should be on proclaiming and honoring
God, not pleasing people. Every service
should have profound respect and honor
for the holiness of God and for the love
and accessibility of Jesus and in doing so
we can both honor our traditions and be
open to innovation and newness. What
we personally like or dislike is irrelevant we can engage with and rejoice in what
touches us and thank God for what
touches someone else.
Safeguarding God's Children:
As much as we would like to think it
couldn't happen in our congregation, we
need be aware of situations where there
is potential for
sexual abuse of children. Abusers look
like everyone else and are experts at
targeting their victims while staying under
the radar. While policies have their place,
the best prevention is to run our programs and activities
in such a way as to minimize the
chances for an abuser to act. As the presenter put it, "light and air" need to be
present in every situation.
Many resources are available for educating church leaders, staff and volunteers.
Forming Faith in a multi-media world:
6th grade Bible year:
This workshop tied in nicely with both
Z.A.P. and our new Sunday School rotation system. The themes covered included ways to use videos so that children are not just watching, but interacting
with the story. Handouts were given that
provided specific examples. I am looking
forward to utilizing some of the information shared in the handouts!
Faith Formation and Youth with Autism
Children with autism are unique individuals. Sometimes people in our congregations don’t always know or understand
how to work with this individuals. The
workshop covered what autism is and
how we can include people with autism
into our congregation life. One of my
biggest take-aways personally was to
use social stories to get through a church
service. Sometimes church is difficult for
people with autism because they like to
know what is happening. It is also difficult to be in a room with many people
that the individual doesn’t know. She
also talked about how God is relational.
Children with autism often have a difficult
time with relationships. We often think in
the church of our relationships with God
and with others in our faith community.
How can we start to involve people with
autism into our relationships and how
does God seek to engage individuals
with autism?
Connections Matter: Building Relationships One Person at a Time
The main point I got from this workshop
was that anytime we draw a line between
ourselves and someone else, Jesus is
always on the other side. While we will
never be best friends with every single
person, we all need to accept the differences in others and learn to find ways to
get along. It isn’t always easy, but Jesus
wants us to use our unique qualities and
find unique qualities in others.
“Living Inside Out”
Pastor Lesher talked about finding time
to pray and ask for comments, as to
when and where we pray. He showed us
several books for different ages to find
our spirituality. He seemed to get lost in
his thoughts several times and so I did
not learn much from this class.
“I Was Hungry…”
These two ladies gave a good presentation on community suppers. They or a
community organization serve a meal
every week. With just free will donations
plus financial help from the community,
they have covered their expenses, help
purchase a new stove and refrigerator
and sent $2000 to ELCA Hunger Missions. The handouts covered several
items in making the meals a success.

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