Veille « Prospective, Ville du futur» du 6 avril 2010


Veille « Prospective, Ville du futur» du 6 avril 2010
Centre de Ressources Documentaires
Aménagement Logement Nature
Veille Internationale du 14 juin 2011
Cette veille, réalisée dans le cadre du Partenariat Français pour la Ville et les Territoires
(PFVT), est diffusée 1 à 2 fois par mois.
Attention : les liens sont valides le jour de la mise en ligne de la veille. Leur pérennité n’est pas
TourMedEau : site web dédié à l`utilisation de l`eau recyclée dans l`agriculture et le tourisme
"L’objectif global du projet est le développement du dialogue et de la coopération entre les
administrations publiques des deux rivages de la Méditerranée pour l’amélioration de la durabilité
de l’environnement dans le contexte urbain à travers de l’amélioration du service publique de
gestion des eaux."
L'Office Internationale de l'Eau a 20 ans !., 23 mai 2011
Climate Change, Disaster Risk, and the Urban Poor. Rapport de la Banque mondiale, mai
"Poor people living in slums are at particularly high risk from the impacts of climate change and
natural hazards. They live on the most vulnerable lands within cities, typically areas that are
deemed undesirable by others and are thus affordable. Residents are exposed to the impacts of
landslides, sea-level rise, flooding, and other hazards. Exposure to risk is exacerbated by
overcrowding living conditions, lack of adequate infrastructure and services, unsafe housing,
inadequate nutrition, and poor health. These conditions can turn a natural hazard or change in
climate into a disaster, and result in the loss of basic services, damage or destruction to homes,
loss of livelihoods, malnutrition, disease, disability, and loss of life.",,con
Climate Compatible Development in the Infrastructure Sector. Lily Ryan-Collins, Karen Ellis
zr Alberto Lemma, Site Engineers Against Porverty, mai 2011
"An overview of the opportunities and challenges at the nexus of climate change, infrastructure
and development."
Atlas of Urban Expansion. Lincoln Institute, 2010
"The Atlas of Urban Expansion provides the geographic and quantitative dimensions of urban
expansion and its key attributes in cities the world over. The data and images are available for free
downloading, for scholars, public officials, planners, those engaged in international development,
and concerned citizens. The global empirical evidence presented here is critical for an intelligent
discussion of plans and policies to manage urban expansion everywhere."
2010 Global Cities Index.
"The Global Cities Index provides a comprehensive ranking of the leading global cities from
around the world. The Index shows how these cities are integrating with the rest of the world as
leaders in globalization. The study was developed by A.T. Kearney, the Chicago Council on
Global Affairs and Foreign Policy magazine."
Eco2 Cities. Ecological cities as economic cities. Banque mondiale, 2010.
L'ouvrage est téléchargeable en ligne (attention le fichier est très lourd), ainsi que le résumé en
How urban societies can adapt to resource shortage and climate change. David Satterthwaite,
Journal of the Royal Society, 13 mai 2011
Extrait du compte rendu du colloque "The sustainable planet: opportunities and challenges for
science, technology and society'"
"With more than half the world’s population now living in urban areas and with much of the
world still urbanizing, there are concerns that urbanization is a key driver of unsustainable
resource demands. Urbanization also appears to contribute to ever-growing levels of greenhouse
gas (GHG) emissions. Meanwhile, in much of Africa and Asia and many nations in Latin America
and the Caribbean, urbanization has long outstripped local governments’ capacities or willingness
to act as can be seen in the high proportion of the urban population living in poor quality,
overcrowded, illegal housing lacking provision for water, sanitation, drainage, healthcare and
schools. "
Voir aussi le sommaire complet de la revue
FIG Working Week 2011 - Bridging the Gap between Cultures Technical programme and
Actes de la semaine organisée à Marrakech du 18 au 22 mai 2011
Amérique latine
Regularization of Informal Settlements in Latin America (Policy Focus Report). Fernandes,
Edésio, mai 2011. Site du Lincoln Institute (téléchargement gratuit sur inscription)
"The report offers recommendations for improving regularization policy and identifies issues that
must be addressed, such as collecting data with baseline figures to get a true evaluation of the
benefit of programs established. Also, it shows that each individual informal settlement must have
a customized plan, as a single approach will not work for each settlement. There is a need to
include both genders for long-term effectiveness and to find ways to make the regularization selfsustaining financially. Any program must be closely monitored to insure the conditions are
improved for the marginalized, as well as be sure it is not causing new informal settlements to be
Le Brésil lance un programme d'éradication de la grande pauvreté. Le, 4 juin 2011
"L'objectif est aussi clair qu'ambitieux : "Un Brésil sans misère". Tel est le nom du plan lancé en
grande pompe jeudi 2 juin à Brasilia par la présidente Dilma Rousseff et qui ne vise pas moins
qu'à éradiquer de son pays la "pauvreté extrême" d'ici 2014."
L’émergence de la Chine : impact économique et implications de politique économique.
Rapport de Patrick Artus, Jacques Mistral et Valérie Plagnol, Conseil d'Analyse Economique, mao
Is this China's building bubble? Clifford Coonan,, 27 mai 2011
"Analysts say fears of collapse in China’s property market are overstated, though one ratings
agency is concerned about bad debts on property loans."
Better Mobility, Better Life. 2011 Award. Lancement de la 2nde session du prix de l'Institut de
la Ville en Mouvement en Chine
"Prize for innovative urban mobility solutions. Following the success of the first award at the 2010
World Expo in Shanghai, the City on the Move Institute and its partners are launching the 2011
Voir les lauréats du prix 2010 :
New Chinese eco-city in Langfang to model cutting edge technologies. Jenny Marusiak, 23 mai 2011
Plans for a new eco-city south of Beijing were unveiled on Thursday by former Australian prime
minister John Howard.
India needs new cities and experts who can build them. Binoy Prabhakar, The Economic
Times, 23 mai 2011
Pays arabes
Printemps arabe : quel impact sur les projets solaires euro-méditerranéens ?. Anne Farthouat
, Novethic, 23 mai 2011
Tunisie, Égypte, Libye, Syrie, Yémen... Les révolutions arabes dessinent un nouveau paysage
politique sur les rives sud et est de la Méditerranée. Or, le potentiel solaire de ces pays, convoité
par l'Union Européenne, fait l'objet de nombreux projets de partenariats industriels entre les deux
rives. Projets qui devront désormais tenir compte des attentes des sociétés civiles arabes.
Sfax : de la ville régionale au projet métropolitain. Bennasr Ali, Habilitation à Diriger les
Recherches en Géographie, Université de Tunis, faculté des sciences humaines et sociales. 2006
(mise en ligne Mai 2011)
« A l'aube de la mondialisation, Sfax donne l'image d'une ville qui n'a cessé de cumuler les retards
: un aménagement urbain déficient sous les effets conjugués de l'absence de politique volontariste
et de l'irréalisme des documents d'urbanisme utilisés jusqu'ici et un tissu économique
principalement industriel et de services en perte de vitesse. Soumise sous diverses mutations
urbaines et économiques, dont une grande partie reste très mal maîtrisée, la ville de Sfax connaît
un essoufflement manifeste et paraît aujourd'hui comme faiblement compétitive…. »
Compte-rendu de lecture d'un ouvrage de Al-Harithy, Howayda :
La reconstruction post-2006 au Liban : un laboratoire pour de nouvelles pratiques de
l’urbanisme. Métropolitiques, 27 mai 2011
"Les reconstructions sont souvent des moments d’accélération de l’évolution des modes
d’intervention urbanistique. Le cas du Liban post-2006 en est un exemple. Cet ouvrage présente
l’analyse par des urbanistes et universitaires de leur propre intervention, dans un contexte marqué
par le retrait de l’État et l’implantation locale forte du Hezbollah."
Masdar City In Abu Dhabi: A Carbon-Neutral Eco City., 23 mai 2011
Photos de la ville écologique de Masdar.
Conférences vidéo (en anglais) organisée par la London School of
Economics :
(Voir toutes les vidéos organisées par la LSE :
revious.aspx )
- Living in the endless city. Conférence de Dr Joan Clos, Dr Gareth Jones, Professor Çaglar
Keyder, Professor Saskia Sassen, Professor Richard Sennett, organisée par la LSE le 6 juin 2011
"Marking the launch of a new book on Mumbai, Sao Paulo and Istanbul -- the outcome of the
Urban Age research programme at LSE -- the event will explore how social and environmental
equity are determined by the spatial and political organisation of some of the world's most
complex cities. Joan Clos is the executive director of UN-HABITAT. Gareth Jones is a senior
lecturer at LSE. Çaglar Keyder is a professor at Bogaziçi University, Istanbul. Suketu Mehta is the
award winning author of Maximum City: Bombay, lost and found. Saskia Sassen is a professor at
Columbia University. Richard Sennett is professor of sociology at the University of Cambridge,
NYU and emeritus professor at LSE."
- African urbanism. Conférence d'Edgar Pieterse, organisée par la LSE le 26 janvier 2011
"Africa is the fastest urbanising region in the world, and has become the focus of increasing
attention from architects and planners, academics, development agencies and urban think-tanks.
Professor Edgar Pieterse argues for a new way of thinking about African cities to accompany this
surge of interest and to replace traditional views of African cities as sites of absence and neglect.
Rapid urbanisation along with impressive economic growth rates for much of the Continent
represents an interesting moment to take stock of how academic discourses capture and animate
African urbanism. Edgar Pieterse is holder of the NRF South African Research Chair in Urban
Policy. He directs the African Centre for Cities at the University of Cape Town. Philipp Rode is
executive director of LSE Cities."
- Lagos: Confronting Change in a Global Megacity Conférence de Babatunde Fashola,
organisée par la LSE le 19 novembre 2010
"Lagos is one the fastest growing cities in Africa, and the seventh fastest growing city in the
world. Governor Babatunde Fashola discusses how his administration is managing rapid
urbanization and growth of this 17.5 million city, the engine of Nigeria's economy. Central to his
strategy is the view that cities must pursue a bottom-up approach to solve the environmental and
social challenges of the contemporary city. Babatunde Fashola is the youngest Governor of Lagos
State in the History of Nigeria and a lawyer by profession."
- Cities at the Speed of Light: Asian experiments of the urban century. Conférence d'Ananya
Roy, organisée par la LSE le 12 mai 2011. Site YouTube.
"The 21st century will be an urban century. It will also be a 'Southern' or even 'Asian' century,
with much of the urban growth taking place in the cities of the global South. This talk highlights
these Asian experiments and the ambitious claims of the making of 'Asian' futures. Ananya Roy is
professor in the Department of City and Regional Planning and co-director of the Global
Metropolitan Studies Center at the University of California, Berkeley."
Séminaire régional "Villes émergentes et urbanisation en Asie du Sud-Est"
du 20 au 21 juin 2011 à Ventiane (Laos)
Concilier lutte contre la pauvreté et qualité de l’environnement : quelles solutions
Conférence organisée à Paris les 27 et 28 juin 2011 par l’Institut Veolia Environnement et l’AFD
5th Asia-Pacific urban forum "Cities of opportunity : partnerships for an inclusive and
sustainable future"
Conférence organise du 22 au 24 juin 2011 à Bangkok, par ONU Habitat et la Commission
économique et sociale pour l'Asie et le Pacifique.

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