Brochure web francophonie curve2 - Journée internationale de la


Brochure web francophonie curve2 - Journée internationale de la
Message du Secrétaire général de la Francophonie
SE M. Abdou Diouf
Le français est une chance !
Pour nous toutes et nous tous qui avons choisi de nous
rassembler au sein de la Francophonie, le français, c’est en effet
cette chance insigne qui nous est offerte de pouvoir entrer en
contact par-delà les frontières et les océans, non pas seulement
pour communiquer entre nous avec l’assurance de nous
comprendre, mais aussi et surtout pour agir solidairement, pour
réfléchir, ensemble, aux défis du présent et du futur, pour
partager nos craintes, nos espoirs et nos ambitions, dans la
détresse comme dans l’allégresse.
C’est la chance de pouvoir expérimenter, concrètement, à travers la littérature, la chanson, les arts
vivants, ce que la diversité des expressions culturelles a de stimulant, d’enrichissant, de fécondant,
C’est la chance de pouvoir former des réseaux performants d’universitaires, de chercheurs,
d’experts, de professionnels, de maires, de parlementaires, pour que le dialogue et la coopération
au service du développement durable ne relèvent plus de la décision des seuls États, mais de
l’engagement militant des peuples, de la société civile, des citoyens,
C’est la chance de pouvoir confronter nos expériences et de mutualiser nos expertises pour que
prospère l’État de droit, pour que s’enracine la culture de la démocratie et des droits de l’Homme,
pour que progresse la paix, tant au sein des nations que dans les relations entre États,
C’est la chance de pouvoir nous concerter pour faire prévaloir les intérêts de tous, et
singulièrement de ceux que l’on a pris l’habitude de ne plus entendre. Alors en cette période de
crises profondes et multiformes, de mutations violentes et déstabilisatrices, en cette période où
les liens de solidarité tendent à se déliter au profit du chacun pour soi, en cette période où grandit
la tentation de stigmatiser ce qui nous différencie les uns des autres au lieu de retourner aux
sources de notre humanité commune, en cette période où la détresse et l’indignation de la
jeunesse contre ce qui a été et ce qui est, ne suffisent pas à concrétiser ce qui devrait être, ce qui
pourrait être,
Savourons cette chance, non pas comme un acquis, mais comme un défi à relever jour après jour,
comme un puissant moyen d’action, comme un formidable levier pour faire émerger une autre
vision du monde et du destin qui nous lie, une vision acceptable par tous, équitable pour tous.
Cette chance, offrons-la surtout, en gage d’amitié et en signe de ralliement, à toutes celles et tous
ceux, toujours plus nombreux, qui choisissent d’apprendre le français pour s’ouvrir au monde.
Que cette journée internationale de la Francophonie soit donc l’occasion de célébrer, dans la joie et
l’espérance, notre chance, notre volonté et notre fierté de parler le français !
Abdou Diouf
As part of the International Day of Francophonie, the French Embassy
in South Africa and its cooperation and cultural network invite all
francophiles to celebrate the francophone culture and the French language.
The Embassy of France in South Africa is launching the 2012
edition of the Francophonie Competitions. There are 10
fabulous touristic and Linguistic trips to France to win
(Paris, La Rochelle, Perpignan...) to practice your French in
France! Whether you are in Grade 8, doing your Masters’ or
studying French in one of the Alliance Française centres of
South Africa and Lesotho, there is a contest for you. Download
rules and register online on before 20/04/2012.
Free entrance to all events
Sat. 17 March
12pm: Official opening, 20 stalls from francophone Embassies and organisations
with food tasting and local exhibits. Come and enjoy the atmosphere, music, dances,
from Burundi and DRC, story telling and French spelling games.
Sun. 18 March, SWITZERLAND
5pm : Film screening ‘Titeuf’ (87 min. 2010)
Titeuf has just learned that all the boys in his class have been invited to
Nadia’s birthday party – except for him! But an even greater upheaval will
shake Titeuf's life and tip it into chaos, that same evening, when his parents
inform him that they are going to separate…
6.30pm: Swiss Cocktail party
7.30pm: Film screening ‘ Les Déchaînées’ (90 min. 2009) by R. Vouillamoz
Lucy discovers that her look-alike was an infamous feminist and abortion
activist who could be her real grandmother. Despite her family’s resistance,
she sets out to find the woman and to unearth dark family secrets.
6pm: Congolese Cocktail party
7pm: Film screening and dances (TBC)
Tues. 20 March, BURKINA FASO
6pm: Burkina Faso Cocktail party
6.30pm: Conference ‘Le patrimoine mondial de l'Afrique Francophone’
7pm: Film screening ‘Le foulard noir’ by Boubacar Diallo in French only
(83 min. 2012 )
Based on the shocking and tragic events of 2011 in Burkina Faso, “The
Black Scarf” (Le foulard noir) revolves around the lead caracter Mariama,
whose shop is pillaged and burned buring a night of rioting. Her sister-in-law who is
alone in the shop, while Mariama is away on an errand, is raped by soldiers. And
then, Mariama’s brother, who is also in the military, is killed by the very men who
raped his wife. A violent and brutally honest portrayal of atrocities commited on a
civilian population.
Wed. 21 March, BELGIUM
6pm: Belgium Cocktail party
7pm: Film screening “Formidable” (82 min. 2008) by D.Standaert
Mathieu fills his days as a lollypop man, helping children cross the road
and trying not to be drunk on the job. One day, fate snaps its fingers and
Mathieu stupidly causes an accident. This may well make him lose his
job... An epic tale of love lost and friendship won.
Thurs. 22 March, CANADA
6pm: Canadian Cocktail party
7pm: Film screening “Starbuck”’ by Ken Scott (109 min. 2011)
David Wozniak is a perpetual adolescent who discovers that, as a sperm
donor, he has fathered 533 children. Next, he is advised that 142 of his
offspring are trying to force the fertility clinic to reveal the true identity of
"Starbuck", the pseudonym he used when donating sperm. David will
have to choose between living a normal life with his pregnant girlfriend
Valérie or accepting to be the father of 533 children. A sparkling comedy.
Fri. 23 March, FRANCE
6pm: Closing ceremony
6.20pm: Dance by Fana Tshabalala
Up-and-coming South African choreographer and performer,
Fana Tshabalala, will perform his solo 'Une Rupture', which
premiered at the New Dance Festival in September 2011, as part
of a tour in the French cultural network in Southern Africa. In this
work, Tshabalala reflects on the discrepancies between reality and our perceptions.
7pm: Jazz concert by “Alice et Cécile” and French cocktail
With their undeniable charm, the two young singers reinvent
a French-style vocal jazz which combines jazz standards and
French or international songs, swing and clever lyrics,
flavours of Brazilian music and cross chord adaptations, with
both lightness and voluptuousness.
Charly Lesquelin exhibition “Couleurs de Mémoires I&II”
Alliance Française de Durban / 5 -31 March
Charly Lesquelin is a painter from Reunion Island. Since 1992, Charly
has painted his island and his Creole identity. His childhood
memories are tinted in a Creole atmosphere and influenced by
Modernity, resulting in a unique unmistakable style. Through his
paintings, Charly Lesquelin shows Reunion in all its complexity.
Open Air Cinema in the garden of Alliance
Française de Durban / Wed. 14 March 7pm
“Un homme qui crie” by Mahamat-Saleh Haroun, 2010
(See more info on page 9)
Francofête! Sutton Park - Alliance française de Durban
Wed. 21 March 12pm
- Poetic stroll with the French poet Philippe Guinet
- Cup O'Thought with TeaCup
- Music with various francophone bands
- Dance “La Rupture” by Fana Tshabalala
- Live music, French vocal jazz singers “Alice et Cécile”
- Francophonie Quiz
- Craft market, gastronomy, games, kids’ entertainment
and more…
Philippe Guinet: A French Poet in Durban
- Mon. 19, 6pm- 8pm: Workshop with Teachers of French of KZN
- Tue. 20, 9am-5pm: Poetry workshop with students of the
University of KwaZulu-Natal Durban
- Wed. 21, 2pm: Promenade littéraire / Poetic stroll for all
- Thu. 22, 9.30-11.30: Gastronomy readings with students of AF
- Thu. 22, 5.30pm to 7.30 pm: Poetry workshop with AF students
Time of the Writer: Coffee Conversation with Leila Marouane Lounge of Alliance
Française de Durban / Sat. 24 March 11am-12.30pm
Leila Marouane is the author of five novels and one collection of
short stories. All her works are about the oppression of women
in her native country and the slow decay of Algeria's once
blossoming cities, where Western modernity and Islamic
fundamentalism collide.
Film screening of “Coco Chanel” by Christian Duguay (118 min. 2008) at Hilton
College, Mon. 19 March 6.30pm. Event organised by the Alliance Française of PMB.
“Concours de poèmes” poetry contest for French students from 1-16 March.
At the Alliance, at the NMMU and at Rhodes University. Handing over of prizes on
Thurs. 22 March at the NMMU and Rhodes, on Fri. 23 March at the Alliance.
Tour de France : Wed. 7 March (Special International Women's day) & 14 March
(Annecy) from 12pm to 1pm Every week we take you on a trip to a Frenchspeaking city. This interactive presentation is an excellent occasion to come and
share your experience in French or English. It's free and open to everyone!
Francophonie evening : quiz, public readings with Philippe Guinet of the
Association “Les passeurs de mots”, live French music with Philippe Foucault,
handing over of prizes for the poetry contest, cocktail party. On Fri. 23 March
7pm. R20 for members, R30 for non-members.
Opening of the newly renovated library
At the Alliance française on Sat. 24 March.
Story telling and songs in the new children's corner from 9.30 to 10.15.
Public readings of extracts of French literature with the participation
of Philippe Guinet from 10.30 to 11.30.
Modern dancer Fana Tschabalala will perform the One Blood music
Festival at St George's park. Sat. 24 March from 1pm (info on page 4)
Workshop on « speech related skills », with Philippe Guinet and 2 year
students of the French Department at NMMU. On Tues. 27 and Thurs. 29 March
French market, Wed. 14 March from 5pm to 8pm,
37 Ryneveld Street. Enjoy a wide range of products from
France and French-speaking countries. For more
info, call Alliance Française 021 883 81 19.
French movie “Les petits mouchoirs”, with English subtitles.
37 Ryneveld Street, Mon. 19 March 7pm.
Free entrance. Booking essential.
Have dinner, dance, and celebrate the Festival of French speaking
countries with us in the beautiful Slaley wine estate! Tues. 20 March 7pm. For
more info and for bookings please call Alliance Française.
French movie “Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis”, with English subtitles.
37 Ryneveld Street, Mon. 26 March 7pm. Free entrance. Booking essential.
Exhibition, "Landscapes and seasons" by Pierre Dabancourt / 5-23 March
P. Dabancourt, Franc-Comtois artist, is president of the
association of painters and sculptors of Ornans and its regions,
as well as a member of the society of fine arts of Clamart,
France. He will present his oil on canvas paintings, with a focus
on the landscapes of France-Comté.
French Cinema, “Tout ce qui brille" by Geraldine Nakache with English
subtitles, 2010, 100 min. / Tues. 6 March 7pm
Ely and Lila are like two sisters. They have always lived in the same suburb,
just ten minutes from Paris. Today, they no longer want to be ten minutes
from their dream life. From little mix-ups to big lies, they will do
everything to try and enter a world that is not theirs. But all that glitters...
Art talk, "Cole Porter - A Passion for Paris" by Desmond Colborne / Wed. 7 March 7pm
For the last 20 years Desmond Colborne has been lecturing at the University of Cape
Town Summer School. “Cole Porter - a passion for Paris” “I love Paris" is just one of many
songs about "la ville lumière" composed by Cole Porter. He lived in the rue Monsieur for
many years, during the 1920s, “les Années Folles”, while his career took off.
French-Senegalese Cinema, "The Price of Forgiveness" by Mansour Sora Wade
Original version in Wolof with English subtitles, 90 min. 2001 / Tues. 13 March 7pm
In the coastal fishing village of Timberling, the powerful village
healer and magician, Baay Sogi, lies dying. The village itself
seems afflicted. A mythical story about a fishing village on the
south coast of Senegal where two men in the village are both in
love with the same beautiful girl.
Concert by Danièle Pascal / Wed. 14 March 8:30pm
It is French with a sparkle. Danièle Pascal’s repertoire is filled with
magical melodies and lustrous lyrics from the pens of Cole Porter,
Charles Aznavour, Eartha Kitt, Jacques Brel, Nana Mouskouri,
Michel Legrand as well as French ballads, jazz standards and some
of her own compositions, all interspersed with humorous
anecdotes drawn from her colourful career.
French-Swiss cinema, "Home" by Ursula Meier (French with
English subtitles, 90 min. 2008) in collaboration with the
Consulate of Switzerland / Thurs. 15 March 7pm
Marthe (Isabelle Huppert) and Michel (Olivier Gourmet) live
with their three children in a house next to an abandoned
highway. They use the deserted road as an extension to their
property. One day without warning, construction workers begin
to upgrade the road.
French-Swiss cinema, in collaboration with the Consulate of Switzerland,
"Titeuf" by Zep (French with English subtitles, 90 min. 2011) Thurs. 22 March 7pm
(info on page 3)
Jazz concert, in collaboration with the French Institute of South Africa (IFAS), “Alice
et Cécile Duo” / Thurs. 29 March 8.30pm (info on page 4)
Congolese fashion evening / Friday 30 March 6:30pm -11:30pm
The finger supper will be followed by a short documentary by
Robyn Rorke about the “Sapeurs”. Two fashion shows will be
presented by the TV show “Decor de la Diaspora” and Liliane
School of Fashion.
Alliance française / Sat. 31 March
Walk on the word side / 12.30pm - 2.30pm
The organisation Les Passeurs de Mots will take its audience
on a literary journey through a unique and creative approach.
Set in a public environment, the audience will also be the
actor of this interesting experience. One, two or more people
will read aloud a chosen text, poem or story giving a new
voice to literature.
Surprise Francophone Band (RSA) / 3.15pm - 3.45pm
Fana Tshabalala (RSA) / 4pm - 4.30pm (info on page 4)
Sia Tolno (Guinea) / 4:30pm - 5:30pm
For the celebration, Guinean Afrostar and 2011 RFI Discoveries
Award Winner will take centre stage of the celebrations. Sia
Tolno’s vocal talents are extraordinary. She has been compared
to Miriam Makeba, Nina Simone and Tina Turner due to her
unquestionable energy, the depth of her voice as well as her
pan-African musical vision.
Les Fantastiques Guys (DRC/RSA) 5.45pm - 6.30pm
Born into a musical family in Kinshasa, (D.R.C.), Nseka
Bienvenu became a full-time musician at the age of 18. He
came to South Africa in 1995 and formed the band Les
Fantastiques Guys with whom he has been performing
Congolese flavoured music ever since. The band plays
throughout Southern Africa.
Open air screening Titeuf' (France/Switzerland) 7pm - 9pm (info on page 3)
Dibuka Ciné-club
“Un homme qui crie” 1h32 2010 - By Mahamat-Saleh Haroun
Thurs. 8 March 6:15pm
Chad today. Adam is in his sixties. A former swimming champion,
he is the swimming teacher in a luxury hotel in N'Djamena.
When the hotel is taken over by Chinese businessmen, Adam is
asked to become a hotel guard and to let his son take over his
swimming teacher's job.
For him, this is social downgrading, at a time when the country is
prey to civil war. Armed rebels threaten the government in power
and the latter decides to call on its citizens to supply money and
young soldiers. Adam is harassed by the community leader. He has
no money, only a son…
“Viva Riva” 96 min. 2011 - By Djo Tunda Wa Munga (DRC)
Thurs. 15 March 6:15pm
Kinshasa, where the busy night life always seems to fly by. A few
privileged live it up, without giving a single thought to society's
rejects. Those with nothing, envy those who have everything and
aspire to one thing only: to become the new masters of the night.
Riva, one of the privileged few, has just come back in the country
after ten years. Filthy rich, he is determined to become a master of
the night…
“Complices” 93 min. 2010 - By Frederic Mermoud (France and Switzerland)
Thurs. 22 March 6:15pm
Presentation in partnership with the Embassy of Switzerland in
South Africa.
Vincent and Rebecca are barely 18 and love each other
passionately. Yet, two months after they met, Vincent's corpse was
found in a river and Rebecca disappeared. Inspector Hervé Cagan
and his assistant Karine Mangin are investigating. As they retrace
the love story of the two lovers, they are confronted with their own
"La Fête de la Francophonie" 20 March
The Alliance Francaise is organising a gourmet French dinner
at the Lesotho Sun, which will feature a dance show by Fana
Tshabalala, RSA Choreographer, and a jazz concert by the
French band “Alice and Cécile ”.
( more info on page 4)
Photos credit: Sia Tolno © N'Krumah Lawson-Daku / Lusafrica; Fana Tshabalala © John Hogg