Fall 2015 Federation Focus


Fall 2015 Federation Focus
Federation Focus
NEWSLETTER FOR MEMBERS OF THE Federation of Alliances Françaises USA|FALL 2015
Federation AF USA
Board of Directors
Josette MARSH
AF Hawaii
Vice President
Danielle BADLER
AF Denver
Vice President
AF Greenwich
Vice President
AF Chicago
Marie-Laure ARNAUD
AF Charleston
President’s Message
Autumn has arrived
along with the sights
and scents of the
favorite season of the
year for many of us.
As you’ll see from the
news and reports from
chapters throughout
the Federation, after a busy and very productive
summer, their harvest is rich and plentiful!
The Planning Committee for the Federation’s
upcoming annual meeting in San Francisco has
also had a busy summer preparing for what we
hope to be a productive and valuable convention.
We’re looking forward to seeing many of you at
the end of the month to celebrate a great year for
the Federation.
Merci beaucoup to all who have contributed
articles and photos of their activities and
programs, and special thanks to Directors
Renée Ketcham and Danielle Badler for another
fabulous edition of Federation Focus!
© Roger Farrington
AF Grosse Pointe
AF Milwaukee
AF Boston
Katharine BRANNING
French Institute
Alliance Française
New York
AF Toledo
Marie-France HILGAR
AF Southern Nevada
AF San Francisco
© AF Chicago
© AF Portland
Some of the highlights from this summer's events across the nation. See the Cultural Events section for more.
Cynthia RUOFF
AF Kalamazoo
Barbara TUCKER
AF Pittsburgh
Larissa Rolley
Directrice des
[email protected]
or 312-431-1880 (tel)
In this issue...
Cultural Events
Arts, Music, and Media
Convention & Annual Meeting
Educational Programs
Video Links
Cultural Events
Bastille Day Celebration
Alliance Française de Jackson
The Alliance Française de Jackson returned
to the Jackson Yacht Club for its annual
Bastille Day Celebration on July 19.
© AF Jackson
© AF Jackson
© AF Jackson
Bastille Day Celebrations
Alliance Française of Greenwich, CT
The Alliance Française of Greenwich, CT celebrated le 14 juillet
on the steps of Greenwich Town Hall in the presence of The
Deputy Consulate Général in New York, Yann Yochum. The raising
of the French and American flags was followed by a chorus of
the Marseillaise and the Star Spangled Banner. Bistro Versaille
welcomed 100 guests for a “petit déjeuner” following the reception.
© AF Greenwich
© AF Greenwich
© AF Greenwich
© AF Greenwich
© AF Greenwich
© AF Greenwich
© AF Greenwich
© AF Greenwich
© AF Greenwich
© AF Greenwich
© AF Greenwich
© AF Greenwich
Bastille Day
Alliance Française de Portland
This year’s event was held in partnership
with the Portland Art Museum.
© AF Portland
© AF Portland
© AF Portland
© AF Portland
Bastille Day
Alliance Française de Kansas City
Kansas City members celebrated at
Californos in Westport where the band Made
in France performed live.
© AF Kansas City
© AF Kansas City
© AF Kansas City
© AF Kansas City
© AF Kansas City
© AF Kansas City
© AF Kansas City
© AF Kansas City
Annual Bastille Day Street Party
The French Cultural Center/Alliance Française de Boston et Cambridge
© Roger Farrington
Nathalie Tabor, Alliance Française de Boston et
Cambridge board member Jean-Paul Valette, and
Mary Ann Sorel
© RussMezikofsky
The Hot Sardines delighted the sold-out crowd
© RussMezikofsky
Partygoers enjoyed delicious food, beautiful weather,
and a vibrant Francophone and Francophile crowd
Bostonians of all ages
showed their French spirit
(and sense of style) at the
SnapBooth photo booth
© RussMezikofsky
More than 150 major supporters, partners, and
elected officials gathered in the garden of the French
Cultural Center/Alliance Française de Boston et
Cambridge for a special champagne reception during
the Bastille Day festivities
© Roger Farrington
© RussMezikofsky
© Roger Farrington
© RussMezikofsky
Catheline van den Branden, President, Executive
Director of the French Cultural Center and Secretary
of the Alliance Française de Boston et Cambridge
poses with hot-jazz sensation the Hot Sardines
Lucy and Peter Sprayregen, President and Treasurer
(respectively) of the Alliance Française de Boston et
Paris Combo showed Boston Francophiles how to
party in true French style
© RussMezikofsky
© RussMezikofsky
© SydneySheehan
Nearly 2000 people gathered to enjoy food, drinks,
and dancing in the street on July 11
Chanteuse Belle du Berry and the gentlemen of Paris
Combo roused the crowd to sing along in the grande
The street party featured food from eight local
restaurants, showcasing a range of flavors from
around the Francophone world
Bastille Day at Larkinville, NY
Alliance Française de Buffalo
Alliance Française de Buffalo teamed up
with Food Truck Tuesday at Larkin Square
to put on a Buffalo Bastille Day. Because of
this partnership, the AFB was able to take
advantage of a free venue, free live musical
entertainment, and had access to thousands
of Western New Yorkers who regularly
attend the weekly event.
© AF Buffa
© AF Buffalo
© AF Buffalo
© AF Buffalo
We invited Butter Block pastry chefs to set up shop in
our tent. They sold out all their supplies of croissants,
pains au chocolat, and éclairs. These delectable treats
served as a great draw to bring people into our tent.
hammed it up
in our Mardi
Gras themed
“photo booth”
provided by AFB
© AF Buffalo
© AF Buffalo
© AF Buffalo
© AF Buffalo
Time Warner Cable’s news affiliate YNN showed up to
interview AFB President Evelyne Harris
Samantha Epps, Larkin Square Events Manager, won
our Bicyclette Raffle. Quelle bonne chance!
Professional actor Lenny Ziolkowski (left, above)
played a genie which could “fly” throughout the
crowd on his magical carpet, entertaining children
and attracting the public to our tent
La Rentrée
Alliance Française Doylestown, PA
Members of Alliance Française de Doylestown celebrated La Rentrée
with a relaxing garden party.
© AF Doylestown
© AF Doylestown
© AF Doylestown
© AF Doylestown
© AF Doylestown
© AF Doylestown
© AF Doylestown
© AF Doylestown
AF Chicago
Visitors were welcome to practice
everything in French: have a conversation,
take up to four specialized classes, enjoy
cultural events, play games, have lunch, and
shop for wares in the Le Petit Marché.
© AF Chicago
© AF Chicago
© AF Chicago
© AF Chicago
© AF Chicago
© AF Chicago
Annual Ethnic Enrichment Festival
AF Kansas City
AF Kansas City had a record-breaking
fundraiser this year. Over a three day period,
they sold more than 2,700 crepes!
© AF Kansas City
© AF Kansas City
© AF Kansas City
© AF Kansas City
© AF Kansas City
L’Hermione, le retour de la
frégate qui amena le Marquis de
La Fayette aux Etats-Unis
Like the Statue of7
Liberty, this expedition
is a tribute to the FrancoAmerican
Indeed, the history of
Hermione starts with
a well-known figure
in American history:
Gilbert Motier aka the
Marquis de La Fayette.
He arrived for the first
time in America in
1777 to lend a hand
supporters. He returned
to France in 1779 and
petitioned Louis XVI
to support America in
its war against Great
Le 18 juillet dernier, le petit port de pêche
de Lunenburg en Nouvelle-Ecosse accueillait
pour son unique escale canadienne, l’exacte
reproduction du navire de guerre qui
amena La Fayette aux Etats-Unis : la frégate
Quelques centaines de personnes étaient
venus admirer cet imposant vaisseau qui
s’était annoncé par 20 coups de canon et a
été accueilli en chanson par les habitants
de la petite bourgade de Lunenburg.
Contrairement à ses 10 précédentes étapes
à New York (pour le 4 Juillet), Baltimore,
Boston etc… l’ambiance était moins
solennelle. De nombreuses personnes
ont pu visiter le bateau en compagnie de
l’Ambassadeur de France au Canada et de
politiciens locaux pour rendre hommage
à cette fabuleuse aventure qui a conduit
a l’ancrage de ce géant de bois pour 24
heures, à environ une heure trente, au nord
de Halifax.
La construction de ce navire a débuté en
1997 dans les chantiers navals de Rochefort
sous l’égide de l'Association Hermione-La
Fayette créée dans ce but, en 1992. Il faudra
17 ans pour que la réplique soit réalisée à
partir des plans d’un bateau identique saisi
par la Marine britannique, qui avait décidé
de s’en inspirer. Les bateaux militaires
français étaient considérés à l’époque
comme bien meilleurs que les bateaux
© AF Buffalo
d‘officiers, quelques marins professionnels
et quelques artisans capables de réaliser les
réparations les plus urgentes (couture des
voiles, menuiserie…).
Comme la Statue de la Liberté, cette
expédition est un hommage à l’amitié
franco-américaine. En effet, l’histoire de
l’Hermione commence avec un personnage
bien connu de l’histoire américaine : Gilbert
Motier alias le Marquis de La Fayette. Il arrive
pour la première fois en Amérique en 1777
pour prêter main forte aux partisans de
l’Indépendance. Il rentre en France en 1779,
âgé de 21 ans pour obtenir le soutien de
Louis XVI et de l’armée française pour venir à
bout des « Réguliers » anglais.
Quelques mois plus tôt dans le port de
Rochefort, en Charente Maritime quatre
frégates ont été mises en chantier.
L’Hermione, est l’une d’elle. C’est un navire
La reproduction comporte quelques
de guerre équipé de 26 canons lançant des
adaptations pour être conforme aux
boulets de 12 livres. Longue d’environs 45
normes de navigation d’aujourd’hui. Outre
m, il aura fallu 11 mois pour sa fabrication.
l’électronique embarquée obligatoire (GPS,
Radars..) et un moteur a l’arrière, le vaisseau Le 21 mars 1780, le major général de La
Fayette s’embarque pour une traversée
autrefois tenu par un équipage de 330
de 38 jours pour débarquer à Boston.
marins devait pouvoir être manœuvré par
Il vient renforcer les forces du général
un équipage de 73 personnes. En effet, les
conditions de voyage des marins du 18ème Washington et annoncer l’arrivée imminente
des renforts français qui conduiront à la
siècle n’ont plus grand chose à voir avec
victoire des patriotes face à la Grande
celles acceptables aujourd’hui.
Bretagne, première puissance militaire
La majorité des marins embarqués dans
du 18eme siècle. Le vaisseau participera
cette aventure sont volontaires et bénévoles. victorieusement à plusieurs batailles au
L’équipage mixte s’appuie sur une poignée
large de la côte Est.
The author, Françoise
Barthelmé Trapp, takes
the helm at Hermione's
last docking in
North America at
Lunenberg N.S. before
crossing the Atlantic
to return to France
© AF Buffalo
Ce qui impressionne d’abord lorsque l’on
voit ce navire majestueux, ce sont les
centaines de poulies et les cordages, plus
de 25 km de chanvres, et bien sûr les 17
voiles en Lin épais (d’une couleur un peu
jaunâtre) réalisées à la main. Il a fallu le bois
de plus de 2000 chênes pour réaliser ce
trois-mâts de plus de 1200 tonnes. Le pont
© AF Buffalo
Hundreds of pulleys and ropes, over 25 km of hemp,
17 handmade sails, and more than 2,000 oaks were
used to make this three-masted ship that weighs over
1,200 tons.
est aussi impressionnant. Contrairement aux
voiliers actuels aux ponts en parquet fin, ce
sont d’énormes poutres qui constituent le
plancher du bateau.
Nous avons pu discuter avec quelques
marins très fiers de leur aventure mais aussi
un peu tristes, car cette avant-dernière étape
annonçait le retour vers la France et avec lui
de grandes questions sur le futur du navire
et les possibilités financières de poursuivre
sa navigation (la reconstruction et la
traversée ont couté 34 millions de dollars).
Le 19 juillet, vers midi, les marins de
l’Hermione ont salué une dernière fois les
visiteurs de Lunenburg d’un triple « Hourrah
». Mais, en voyant ce magnifique vaisseau
disparaître dans le brouillard, comme tous
les autres visiteurs rassemblés sur le port de
Lunenburg, j’avais les larmes aux yeux en
espérant que cette formidable aventure ne
s’arrête pas après une seule traversée.
Vous pouvez continuer de suivre les
aventures de l’Hermione sur le site qui lui est
dédié : www.hermione.com
Submitted by Françoise Barthelmé Trapp – le 5 août
2015-- Alliance Française de Buffalo
Art · Music · Media
Fête de la Musique
Alliance Française de Buffalo
On the Summer Solstice, what do you
traditionally do? If you live in France, or any
of over 100 countries around the world that
celebrate Fête de la Musique, you would be
engaged in performing music, listening to
music, or both. This year you didn’t have to
leave Western New York to enjoy Fête de la
Musique, because it was celebrated here, in
The Colored Musicians Club also offered
tours of their interactive museum
highlighting Buffalo’s historic importance on
the Jazz Scene.
Buffalo joined the nearly 700 cities
worldwide that celebrate the Festival of
Music. Originating in Paris in 1982, Fête de
la Musique is celebrated on the 21st of June,
with a mission of igniting music interest
in amateurs and professionals alike. Make
Music Day not only encourages music for
all, but all the music is provided for free.
This festival is typically celebrated outdoors,
due to summer’s warm temperatures, but
it can be inside as well. This festival honors
an overall mission of connecting people to
music. What’s not to love!
Submitted by Paula Hinz
Buffalo’s second year celebrating la Fête
de la Musique was organized by Katharina
DeVos with a great assist from Maggie
Roston, and held at The Colored Musicians
Club. The Club was packed with young and
old, to ‘Standing Room Only’ capacity. The
crowd was dancing, drinking and devouring
all the good music and food. We are grateful
for the great welcome offered by George
Scott, president of the Colored Musicians
Next year’s challenge is to get a French
singing group organized to perform at the
Fête. Start practicing now, so that in 2016,
we can all join in. Now that sounds like fun!
© AF Buffalo
Le Quatuor Guignols with Marc Cousins, bass, Andy
Peruzzini, trumpet, Andreas Mathieu Kunz, soprano
saxophone and Bernard Kunz, on guitar
Wrapping up
Sunday’s concert was
Walter Kemp, piano,
Bernard Kunz, guitar,
James Benders, bass,
and David Teaspoon
Hulett on drums.
© AF Buffa
© AF Buffalo
© AF Bu
© AF Buffalo
© AF Buffalo
© AF Buffalo
© AF Buffalo
The show kicked-off with ‘Buffalo Belles Jazz Quartet’ which featured Maggie
La Rentrée
Alliance Française of Greenwich
The Alliance Française of Greenwich celebrated La Rentrée with an
"exposition" of artwork by AFG Board member Fereshteh Priou at
the Beaux Arts Gallery in Greenwich, CT.
Fereshteh's philosophy "L'essentiel se révèle là où l' artifice
s'estompe" is evident in her art that is very popular with collectors
For more information on Fereshteh Priou and her artwork , please
visit www.priouart.com.
Priou explains her art as an elegant expression of the human essence stating,
“I believe simplicity is the essence of beauty and purity. I express my creativity
by giving form to things with the force and value of pure, subtle but bold, simple
lines. My work mostly depicts faces and bodies conveying the peace, tranquility,
and serenity that we can evoke from deep within us despite the fear, anguish, and
anxiety surrounding us.”
"Nue 2"
Camille Pissarro – Members Only Event
AF de Chicago
On September 16, The Alliance Française de Chicago held an
exclusive, members-only event showing Camille Pissarro's works on
paper from a private midwestern collection.
Pissarro's importance is quite unique in that, in addition to
being classified as a father figure for the Impressionists, he was
also a father figure for the Post-Impressionists including Seurat,
Cézanne, Van Gogh and Gauguin. Almost all of Pissarro's works, as
a printmaker, watercolorist, and painter, are now in museums, and
have therefore become exceedingly rare. In this exhibit, we saw
Pissarro in the intimacy of his works on paper.
© Larissa Rolley
© Larissa Rolley
© Larissa Rolley
Fête de la Musique
Alliance Française de Jackson
The Alliance Française de Jackson hosted its
seventh annual Immersion Day on Saturday,
June 20, with the theme “Célébrons la
Fête de la Musique.” This year’s theme was
inspired by the Fête de la Musique held in
cities across France to celebrate summer
solstice through street performances of
amateur and professional musicians.
Instructors Jeanne Cook, Max Garriott, and
Valerie Abraham kept students engaged
with singing, dancing, and testing their
knowledge of French singers, along with
© AF Jackson
other exercises. Immersion Day has become
a popular event of the chapter and one that
members anticipate each year. Past years
© AF Jackson
have focused on various regions of France
and also Belgium, Quebec, and Louisiana.
Great War Moving Memories
Alliance Française Kansas City
The Centenary of the Great War is an
opportunity to revisit this major event in our
history through nine acclaimed animated
French-related short films.
At the front, in the trenches and under fire,
in the rear, lived particularly through female
correspondence, and even into the memory
of the elders or in the collective memory,
discover captivating films, sensitive and
poignant, signed by directors who revisit,
with their contemporary look, at this great
disaster. In 3D, cartoon, paper cutting,
painting or clay, these films take us into their
imagination and once again demonstrate
the richness and vivacity of the current
animated creations.
Films included: La Détente, 1916, Poppy, Fire
Waltz, La Tranchée, Lettres De Femmes, Le
Jour De Gloire, De Si Prés, and Trois Petits
Points. Presented in partnership with the
Cultural Service at the Consulate General of
France in Chicago, the Institut Français and
the Mission Centennaire 14-18 in Paris and
The Alliance Française de Kansas City.
© AF Kansas City
© AF Kansas City
© AF Kansas City
© AF Kansas City
On the evening of
June 11, the Alliance
Française de Kansas
City partnered with the
National WWI Museum
and Memorial in Kansas
City to present Great
War Moving Memories.
© AF Kansas City
© AF Kansas City
© AF Kansas City
© AF Kansas City
© AF Kansas City
Educational Programs
Classes at AF Kansas City's new Language Center
Julien Galliot
teaches the intensive
French class French
for Travelers
Alliance Française Kansas City
Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced classes are available for
adults and a class for children. A popular class taught at Kansas
City's new language center is French for Travelers.
© AF Kansas City
French Culture Class
Alliance Française de Cincinnati
Doriane Le Bourse gave a wonderful presentation about Le Champagne to the French
Culture class at the Alliance Française de Cincinnati.
© AF Cincinnati
© AF Cincinnati
© AF Cincinnati
Summer in French Program
French Cultural Center/Alliance Française de Boston
et Cambridge
© FCC/AF Boston et Cambridge
As part of the science-themed week of the Summer in
French program, students were treated to a live reptile
© FCC/AF Boston et Cambridge
© FCC/AF Boston et Cambridge
© FCC/AF Boston et Cambridge
The teens in the Summer in French program got upclose and personal with some French masterpieces at
the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.
Students in the Summer in French teen program
enjoyed a field trip to PAUL Restaurant to sample some
pâtisseries and practice their conversation skills.
Several students from Accent on Success—the
French Cultural Center/Alliance Française de Boston
et Cambridge’s free after-school French program in
underserved Boston Area Schools—also attended the
Summer in French program, which included a soccer
workshop with Sidekick Soccer Academy.
Opening of AF Kansas City's new Language Center
Alliance Française Kansas City
AF Kansas City opened the first language center in their 50+ year history!
@ AF Kansas City
@ AF Kansas City
@ AF Kansas City
Fall Open House
French Cultural Center/Alliance Française de Boston et Cambridge
© FCC/AF Boston et Cambridge
© FCC/AF Boston et Cambridge
© FCC/AF Boston et Cambridge
Guests enjoyed live music, samples of chocolate
and cheese, wine, and plenty of information about
cultural and educational offerings
French virtuoso violinist and Berklee College of Music
student Antoine Beux, along with Gabriel Majou,
performed live at the Open House on September 9
For prospective students at their Fall Open House, the
French Cultural Center/Alliance Française de Boston
et Cambridge offered free placement tests, free crash
courses and personalized advice from teachers and
Alliance Française de Jackson Celebrates 20th Anniversary
Alliance Française de Jackson
© AF Jackson
The Alliance Française de Jackson celebrated
its 20th Anniversary on September 14 with
a Wine & Cheese reception. Attendees –
including several who have been members
of the chapter since its beginning - enjoyed
visiting with each other and recalling special
events of the past 20 years.
© FCC/AF Boston et Cambridge
Head Librarian Marie Lalevée gave personalized
recommendations and tours of the médiathèque
during the Open House
© AF Jackson
© AF Jackson
language and cultural media items and has
an online catalog. Items are in both French
and English and appeal to all ages. The
Alliance also has hosted a diverse group of
guests: from presidents, ambassadors, and
royalty to authors, film directors, and fashion
Alliance Française de Chicago is proud to
announce its membership with Chicago
Collections. Chicago Collections is a
consortium of libraries, museums, and other
institutions with archives that collaborate to
preserve and share the history and culture of
the Chicago region.
Historical documents dating from 1908 –
such as brochures, leaflets, photographs,
and other items – related to the Alliance
Française de Chicago, its connection to the
cultural history of Chicago and with France.
This Fall, Chicago Collection is launching
Explore Chicago Collections — an online
tool for locating or accessing over 100,000
maps, photos, and letters. This central access
point for online digital material, archival
collections, and manuscript collections will
be freely accessible to everyone — including
researchers, teachers, students, and the
general public.
The Chicago Alliance’s Médiathèque – the
largest private French library in the Midwest
– houses a collection of 18,000 French
Alliance Française Institutional Archives:
1908 to present.
AF Chicago's Médiathèque
Author Doni Belau Available for Special Events
Girls’ Guide to Paris founder Doni Belau has just released a beautiful
and comprehensive gift book called Paris Cocktails, exploring the
exploding Paris artisanal drink scene. This book is the first of its kind
and includes 100 classic and craft cocktail recipes and takes you
inside quintessential French bars in Paris and around the world.
The author is available for special events where she can speak about
this emerging cocktail culture and mix and pour drinks for guests.
It has all the makings for a lovely evening of French fun and can be
a great fundraising activity for your chapter. The Alliance Française
of Greenwich is looking forward to their
event with Paris Cocktails on November 20.
Contact [email protected] for more
information on planning your own event.
Receive a free 80-page e-guide book EAT in
Paris and 10% off when you purchase Paris
Cocktails online at the Girls' Guide to Paris
website. $17.95 plus shipping and handling.
Olive Hulbert scrapbook collection: Artifacts
dating from 1918 to 1923, organized by
past Alliance president, Olive Hubert. The
scrapbooks contain documents from various
dinners, events, and projects, and are related
to individuals connected with the Alliance.
They also chronicle the Alliance’s wartime
and post-war reconstruction efforts.
Desmond Colborne Available for Speaking Engagements
From Capetown to
Boston, Desmond
Colborne has
captivated sold-out
Alliance Française
audiences with
engaging anecdotes
of the legendary
giants who chose
Paris as the place to
leave their mark on
musical history.
Invite him to take your members and guests
on an entertaining and educational journey
accompanied by film clips and recorded
music. You can chose to either evoke Paris
as a Musical Feast through Cole Porter’s
captivating lyrics, or take a Promenade
Musicale through the streets of the City of
Light, underscored by the dazzling songs of
great Parisians including Edith Piaf, Charles
Aznavour, and Zaz.
About Desmond
Desmond Colborne is a much-loved
lecturer. With homes in Paris and South
Africa and a diverse career (including tour
guide, business leader, lecturer, journalist,
and author), he possesses encyclopedic
knowledge delivered ina witty and
informative lecturing style.
Cole Porter In Paris: Life and Music
Cole Porter’s life was very much a “moveable
feast” with scandalous and tragic episodes.
In recounting his life, this lecture will focus
on revisiting some of his favorite places—
notably Paris—and relating them to his
words and music. It will be illustrated with
musical video clips featuring Cole Porter
himself as well as performers such as Fred
Astaire, Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, Gene
Autry, Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong,
Marilyn Monroe, the Beatles, and more
recent musicians.
Une Flanerie Musicale à Paris
This visual, musical and evocative lecture
will take the form of a flânerie, a walk
down musical memory lanes, following in
the footsteps of composers and singers
and tuning in to their music. This includes
classical composers like Mozart, Chopin and
Liszt; popular music by Broadway composers
such as George Gershwin and Cole Porter;
and songs popularized by internationally
acclaimed musical stars like Edith Piaf,
Josephine Baker, Maurice Chevalier, Yves
Montand and Charles Aznavour.
Desmond’s Lectures
Summaries of Desmond’s past lectures can
be found on Verso.
Lecture length can be tailored from 1 ½ to 2
Availability – April 15- May 2, 2016
Approximately, $300-350, depending on
the number of participating AF chapters.
Lodging and per diem supplementary.
Deadline for reservation with deposit:
February 8, 2016.
Consider sharing Desmond’s services
between neighboring Alliances, or using the
theme as a fundraiser!
The French Cultural Center/Alliance
Française de Boston et Cambridge has on
two occasions held a successful cocktail
dinatoire the following evening, that netted
each time over $12,000 for their cultural
fund, Mosaique.
Contact Desmond
Tel: +33142338303 or+2721483103, or
[email protected]
In addition to his lectures for the Alliances
Françaises of Boston and of Capetown, he
frequently speaks onboard the Seabourne
cruise lines.
Cole Porter
Edith Piaf
Charles Aznavour
HD Performances from World-Class Venues in
Your Local Cinema
French Immersion Program in Morocco
Rising Alternative is a leading international
distributor of content for exhibition in
digital format in cinemas, cultural centers,
and other public venues. They provide
operas and ballets filmed in high definition
at the world's most prestigious performing
arts institutions such as Gran Teatre del
Liceu in Barcelona, Zürich Opera House,
and Opéra de Paris.
AF Tallahassee has designed a 10-day
French language and cultural immersion
program is for a small group of adult
learners (6 to 10) who want to discover
or rediscover Morocco and its historical
© tripadvisor.com
and cultural heritage while strengthening
and enhancing their knowledge of the French language. French is
widely spoken by Moroccans of all ages throughout much of the
country. French will be spoken at all times.
Opera House to your
AF Tallahassee
In 2015-2016, six new productions of the National Opera of Paris
will be released. With major stars of opera and ballet - Benjamin
Millepied, Jonas Kaufmann, Anna Netrebko - this is a great
program for the French Alliances, including L'Histoire de Manon,
Balanchine | Millepied | Robbins, The Damnation of Faust, Ballets
Russes, Il Trovatore, and Rigoletto.
Two programs to select from: May 11- May 21, 2016 and May 25 June 04, 2016.
If you are interested, please contact Sarah Means at
[email protected] or (718) 360-5589.
Note: Registration, payments, and forms must be in by 02/25/2016. A
minimum of $500 is required to reserve your trip. Any remaining balance is
due by April 5, 2016.
The cost for this immersion experience is $2,450 for AF members.
More information can be found on AF Tallahassee's website.
Please view the itinerary for details about this voyage.
Soirée Edith Piaf
Mimi Hafele at (808) 265-8424 or mimi@
kulanuiconstruction.com to schedule.
Alliance Française Hawaii
On Friday, September 18, Alliance Française
Hawaii partnered with the Honolulu
Museum of Art to put on Soirée Edith
Piaf. Performing a selection of Piaf's most
famous songs, the concert was successful
beyond expectation. The chapter raised
$2500 net profit with ticket prices at $25
and $30 for members/non-members.
Proceeds will benefit AF Hawaii's Cultural
Events fund.
Pierre Grill and his group L'Escargot, who
performed this event, are available for
a tournée to present their Piaf concert
to chapters on the west coast. Contact
© AF Hawaii
L'Escargot features Myriam "Mimi" Hafele (middle
in above photo) on vocals, Duane Padilla (left in
picture to the right) on violin and guitar, and Pierre
Grill (left in above photo) on piano, keyboards, and
© AF Hawaii
What better way to celebrate Edith Piaf's 100th
birthday (December 19) than with a show!
Soirée d’Été 2015
Alliance Française de Denver
Check out the video of the soirée on the Video Link page (p. 18) of this issue.
© AF Denver
© AF Denver
© AF Denver
© AF Denv
© AF Denver
© AF Denver
2015 Convention and Annual Meeting
We have an exciting lineup of workshops on Friday and Saturday with a lot of practical information and take-home value.
Nous attendons avec impatience votre arrivée à San Francisco.
We look forward to having you join us!
Thursday, 29 October
Friday, 30 October
Metropolitan Club
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Délégation/Fondation Meeting of AF USA Directors
8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Welcome and Registration Desk Open
9:00 AM – 9:15 AM Opening Remarks and Introductions
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Workshop #1A: Culturethèque
Workshop #1B: Teaching French to Children Ages 1-5
10:45 AM – 11:45 PM
Workshop #2A: Panel discussion: Educational Outreach
Workshop #2B: The Role of the Board in Identifying and Soliciting Major Gifts
11:45 PM
Cravates and Foulards photo session
12:00 PM – 2:00 PM Prix Charbonnier Lunch
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Workshop #3A: Leveraging the Internet
3:30 PM – 5:00 PM
Federation Board of Directors Meeting - Metropolitan Club
Workshop #3B: French and Francophone Cinéma
5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Welcome Reception (registration required)
3:30 PM – 4:30 PM Workshop #4A and #4B: Chapter Communications
Alliance Française de San Francisco
1345 Bush Street, San Francisco 94109
Tel 415.775.7755
For more information please contact Jean-François Hans,
[email protected]
2:30 PM – 6:00 PM
Welcome and Registration for Federation Convention
Metropolitan Club
640 Sutter Street, San Francisco 94102
Tel 415.673.0600
(Please note that the Club observes a dress code policy. For
more information visit www.metropolitanclubsf.org)
Rouge et Blanc Wine Bar
334 Grant Avenue, San Francisco 94108
Tel 415.391.0207
4:30 PM – 5:30 PM
Culturethèque 101 Panel Discussion
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM rougeetblancsf.com
Welcome to San Francisco
Rouge et Blanc Wine Bar
Patrons’ Reception – Consul Général de France Residence
Rouge et Blanc Wine Bar
Saturday, 31 October Metropolitan Club
8:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Welcome and Registration Desk open
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Assemblée Générale
San Francisco Marriott Union Square
480 Sutter Street
San Francisco, CA 94108
10:00 AM – 10:45 AM
Presentations by:
Délégation Générale: Jean François Hans, Délégué Général
Fondation AF: Isabelle Morieux, Déléguée Amérique du
Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie: Paul
Robert Tiendrebéogo
Cavilam: Christine Busson-Camara, Directrice du
Département des Langues Etrangères
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
P ost - M e e tin g S o c ia l
For those of you lingering in San Francisco on Sunday, Nov 1, join
us for the wine tasting luncheon:
11:30 AM
$60 per person
JAX Vineyards Wine Bar
Workshop #5A: Fundraising: The Gala is 326 Brannan Street
San Francisco
a Still a Major Event
12:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Workshop #5B: Panel Discussion: Board Sign up for the wine tasting luncheon with this link:
Recruitment and Development
Lunch (on your own)
12:00 PM – 2:00 PM Federation Board of Directors Meeting
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Workshop #6A: How to Build Social Media Presence
Workshop #6B: Fundraising with Online Auctions
3:15 PM – 4:15 PM
Workshop #7A: Strategies and Best Practices for Email newletters
Workshop #7B: Federation Grants: Criteria and Results
4:30 PM – 5:00 PM
Closing Remarks
6:30 PM
Closing Reception – Halloween at Alliance Française de San Francisco
Metropolitan Club
Metropolitan Club
Jax Vineyards Wine Bar
Video Links
Alliance Française
Soirée d’Été 2015
About Us
This year’s event was in partnership with
the Portland Art Museum. At the time of
our Bastille Day event the museum had an
exhibit from Paris (Gods and Heroes).
AF Denver also has a couple of fun videos
about their organization on their YouTube
Alliance Française de Portland
Alliance Française de Denver
Click the image above to watch video on Denver's
annual Soirée Benefit or go to
Bastille Day
Alliance Française de Denver
Click the image above to watch the video or go to
Come Say, "Bonjour” is a short and playful
introduction to the Alliance Française de Denver.
Click the above image or go to
We love videos!
If your chapter has videos to share, send us your URL links.
We'd be glad to feature them in the Video Links section of Federation Focus.
Bienvenue gives a more comprehensive overview
of our programs. Click the above image or visit
Exclusive subscription offers for Federation of Alliances Françaises USA
chapters and members available only until the end of 2015.
For AF Chapters
($21.45 savings)
For Individual
AF Members
$59.50/yr plus free gif t
(vs the regular newsstand rate of $75)
o r $99/t wo years
From the subscription rate paid, France Today magazine will
credit $10 to the member’s AF Chapter.
To subscribe, go to www.imsnews.com/
ft-afc and use offer code: FT-AFC.
To subscribe, go to www.imsnews.com/ft-af and use offer
code: FT-AF.
($51 savings)
Or call toll-free 001 800 428 3003 and using offer code FT-AF.
Details about the
offer: Members will be
prompted to include
their Chapter details
during the online and/
or telephone order
process. Unfortunately,
France Today magazine
will not be able to
offer the Chapter’s
$10 credit without
The $10 credit will
be forwarded to the
within 8 weeks of
subscriptionprocessed date, along
with confirmation of
Members’ details.

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