Bastille Day Celebration on the Waterfront Bastille Day on the Left


Bastille Day Celebration on the Waterfront Bastille Day on the Left
Summer 2009
1420 Walnut Street, Suite 700,
Philadelphia, PA 19102
FAX 215-735-1181
Bastille Day Celebration on the Waterfront
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Day on the Left Bank!
7:30 to 10:30 pm
Join us for a great evening under the stars at the Water Works
Restaurant. Great food, open bar, dancing, a silent auction and a
chance to win two roundtrip tickets to Paris on Air France.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
6:30 to 9:30pm
$80 for AF members; $90 for non-members.
Look for your invitation in the mail!
Alexandra Pasquier, Marie Huppe, Renata Uzzell
Karl Bortnick, Anna Bortnick and Emmanuel Gee
Daniele Cohen, Dr. Sherman Leis, Susan Gay (winner of
the apartment in Paris)
“Les jeux sont faits!”
Soirée Casino
The big winners
($180,000) Alexandra
Bortnick and Will Quinn
Nancy and Richard Gabel at the gambling table
with daughter Jane Andelman
Janis and Stephen Goodman,
Joan Tropp
Right and below:
Judi Olga
Cahorn talks
about her book
The Incredible
Walk to an
Cecil Jones, Agnes Green, Diana Regan
AF students Elizabeth Mednick,
Barbara Edelstein, Colleen Oczkowski
Activities of
the Alliance
French Table at A la Maison
53 W. Lancaster Avenue, Ardmore
Thursday, June 18, at 12:30p.m. Reservations at $30.00 for members (33.00
if you would like a glass of wine) or $35 and $38 for non-members must be
received in the office by June 16. Kindly use tear off # 1 on page 7
French Table at Ernesto’s Cafe
1521 Spruce Street, Philadelphia.
Tuesday, June 30 at 12:00 noon. Reservations at $30.00 for members (33.00
if you would like a glass of wine) or $35 and $38 for non-members must be
received in the office by June 29th. Kindly use tear off # 2 on page 7
Apéro français!
We hope to see you for our French Happy Hour on Tuesday, June 9, from 5:00
to 7:00 p.m. at Caribou Café, 1126 Walnut Street. You pay only for what you
drink! Please call the Alliance at 215 735-5283 to let us know if you will join
Club de Lecture
Le Club de Lecture prend des vacances. Rendez-vous en septembre pour une
nouvelle année pleine de bonnes lectures.
Alliance Française School
La grande fête annuelle des étudiants de l’Alliance Française
La remise des prix et la
fête de la musique
Come to our annual party in honor of our students.
We will also celebrate la fête de la musique with our
own singers and musicians.
Friday, June 19, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
at the Alliance Française
Prière de réserver avant le 14 juin.
La Remise des prix
Nom_ _____________________________________________________________________________________
Classe________________________________________ Professeur______________________________________ Je vais assister à la Remise de Prix_________; je serai accompagné(e) par_______personnes.
Ma contribution au buffet:
■ fromage
■ dessert
■ vin
■ autre_ _______________________________________
Alliance Française, 1420 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102. 215-735-5283. FAX 215-735-1181
Alliance Française School
Summer Session of Classes: June 1 to August 8
Registration and placement
testing for new students:
Thursday, May 28, and Friday,
May 29, 12-2 & 4-6; Saturday,
May 30, 12-3
General Language Classes
101 introduces the first-time student to
speaking, listening, reading and writing
in French with a strong vocabulary for
talking about oneself and others, asking
questions, responding in the affirmative
and the negative, using a large group of
verbs and a varied vocabulary.
102-106: Continuation of 101 presenting a natural progression of work with
grammar and vocabulary.
201 reviews, refines and expands the
material of 101-106 at the intermediate
202-206 present new material in units
designed to be self-contained with an
emphasis on conversation, reading and
writing skills at the intermediate level.
300 levels are advanced intermediate
conversation courses, with a grammar
review and a text for reading and discussion (literary texts and/or articles from
the media).
350 is an advanced conversation course
for those who wish to continue their review of grammar, while reading a variety
of texts.
400 is an advanced conversation level
using current events as a base for discussion
401 is an advanced conversation level
with literary texts.
$250 + materials
Special Classes:
Remise åa niveau I (refresher basic)
This class is for those who have already
taken the basic levels (101 to 106) and
would like a good review before entering the intermediate level (201). The
10:00 a.m.
12:00 noon
5:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
Litt (5w)
Le Mozart
class will cover all major vocabulary
and grammatical points of these levels.
There will be an emphasis on speaking
French with confidence and natural
flow. The class will be tailored to fit
the speaking needs of the students.
10 Wednesdays 5:30 to 7:30 pm with
Norman Ellman - $270
Remise à niveau II (refresher inter.)
This class will be similar to the Refresher I course but for students who
have finished the Intermediate levels.
10 Tuesdays 12:00 noon – 2:00pm Laure
Collin- $270
Café conversation
Would you like to start the week-end
doing something fun? Join MarieLaure Epaminondas for 5 weeks on
Saturdays during the summer from
10:00 to 11:30 a.m.. Meet new friends,
speak French and have a great time.
$10 per meeting (includes coffee and
something tasty). All levels welcome!!
This is very informal but, please call
the Alliance or send us an email ([email protected]) to let us know you
are coming.
Littérature – Jean-Christophe Rufin
Cet été, nous vous offrons deux cours
de littérature.
Schedules of all
classes may
on enrollment.
• Un cours de 10 semaines de 17h30 à
19h30 les lundis, à partir du 1er juin
$270 + livre
• Un cours de 5 semaines, les mardis de
17h30 à 19h30 du 2 au 30 juin - $140
Rosaline Cousin
Pour les deux cours, nous avons choisi
des œuvres de Jean-Christophe Rufin.
Pour le cours du lundi, nous lirons :
L’Abyssin, Éd. originale Gallimard,
1997/ Gallimard Folio, 1999. (Prix
Goncourt du premier roman)
Pour le cours du mardi, nous lirons
Les Causes perdues, Éd. originale Gallimard, 1999/ Gallimard Folio, 2001.
(Prix interallié 1999)
Docteur en médecine, diplômé de
l’Institut d’études politiques, président
d’Action contre la Faim, ancien administrateur de la Croix Rouge Française,
ancien vice-président de Médecins
Sans Frontières, romancier reconnu
et couronné de gloire littéraire, Jean
Christophe Rufin a passé plus de vingt
ans de sa vie pour les ONG au Nicaragua, en Afghanistan, aux Philippines,
au Rwanda et dans les Balkans. En
juin 2008, il remplace Henri Troyat à
l’Académie Française.
continued on next page
Alliance Française School
Immersion Courses
10:00 a.m. to 4:00.p.m. (Lunch included). Four levels: Beginner, Basic, Intermediate, Advanced. Maximum of 6
students per class. Classes represent 6 hours of intensive work with one subject area and are geared toward conversation with reviews of grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary. The cost is $140. Call now to reserve a space at 215
Next Immersion Courses: June 27 (Les vacances) These classes are very popular. Register early!
Immersion Course
■ June 27
■ Beginner
■ Basic
■ Intermediate ■ Advanced
Telephone (day)____________________ (evening)____________________________________
Amount of check _______________ Please make checks payable to Alliance Française and mail with this tear-off to
Alliance Française, 1420 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102.
■ Visa ■ MC ■ Discover #_ ____________________________ Expiration date_ ___________________
Signature_ _________________________________________________ Sec. Code_ ___________________
Please note: Refunds or credits will be issued only if office is notified of cancellation 24 hours in advance.
Parlez-vous cinéma ?
Take a look at this short… and learn
Laureate of the 2007 Lutins du courtmétrage festival, Oscar and César winner in 2008, “Le Mozart des Pickpockets” by Philippe Pollet-Villard, makes
for an hilarious and tender comedy
about friendship and survival in the
mean streets of Paris. It also provides
an in-depth look at cinematic genius
while offering the basis for a rigourous
coursework in French, designed by
the Délégation générale de l’Alliance
Française USA. This special workshop
will be sure to entertain the movie buff
in you, while enhancing your language
skills. 10 Wednesdays 5:30 – 7:30 pm
- Marie-Laure Epanimondas – Intermediate level. $270
French conversation around a movie
and a book
Faat Kiné, a film by Ousmane Sembène
set in present-day Dakar, Senegal, provides
a critical look at modern, post-colonial
Senegal and the place of women in that
society. It gives a clear glimpse into the
life of the Senegalese middle-class and
presents present-day Dakar in all of its
contradictions of poverty and wealth,
tradition and modernity. 10 Tuesdays 7:30
– 9:30pm. – Norman Ellman - $270 +
Children’s classes
Saturdays 12 noon – 1:00pm (5&6 years
old) ; Saturdays 1:00 - 2:00 pm (8-10
years old) with Delphine Lawrence.
$130 for 10 weeks.
France honors local WWII veterans;
remembers American sacrifices
By Michael E. Scullin
On Friday, February 20, Consul
General of France Michel Schaffhauser
presided over an award ceremony at the
Gwynedd Foulkeways retirement community, as 11 local veterans became
“Chevaliers” in the French Legion of
Honor for their contributions to the liberation of France during World War II.
The Legion of Honor, commissioned
by Napoleon Bonaparte, is the highest
honor France can bestow upon its citizens or select foreign nationals who have
served in support of France. This high
gesture by the Government of France is
the latest acknowledgement of the longstanding tradition of mutual support between the United States and France. Just
as France came to the aide of a fledgling
American republic during the Revolutionary War, the United States came to
the aide of a besieged French republic,
battered by two World Wars.
More than 60 years have passed since
Potsdam officially brokered a peace in
Europe, and we are losing veterans of
this historic conflict an alarming rate.
It is our duty to honor these brave men
and women while they are still in our
midst to ensure the continued mutual
respect between our two states.
In recent years, pundits have suggested that a rift exists between the citizens of our two great nations. However,
this could not be further from the truth.
French citizens of all ages recognize the
enormity of the sacrifices made by members of the U.S. military in both World
Wars, and they truly cherish the special
relationship that our two nations have
shared over the centuries.
Today, citizens young and old place
flowers on the graves of fallen American
troops buried at Brittany, Normandy,
and a host of other American Military
Cemeteries across France, and villages
such as Cantigny continue to gather
each Memorial Day to remember the
American soldiers who helped liberate
their small towns.
This is why the Legion of Honor is
so vitally important and why the government of France chose to bestow this
high honor on our local World War II
veterans. The brave men we honored
this week in Gwynedd have stormed
Utah beach, treated the wounded at
Normandy, built hasty airfields in
France, and trained with the Ritchie
Boys, all to preserve the ideals that
citizens of both our nations cherish. It
was an honor to be present among such
heroic individuals and to welcome them
into the Legion of Honor on behalf of a
grateful French republic.
Michael E. Scullin is Honorary Consul
of France in Philadelphia and Wilmington
and Counsel to the law firm of McElroy,
Deutsch, Mulvaney & Carpenter, LLP,
practicing international, commercial, and
non-profit law.
I. French Table at A la Maison
Thursday, June 18, at 12:30 p.m. Enclosed please find a check payable to Alliance Française for:
________Members @ $30.00 or ___________ @ 33.00 (wine); ___________ Non-members @ $35.00 or ______________@ $38.00 (wine)
Amount of check: ______________________ Telephone:___________________________________________________
Name____________________________________________________________________________________________ Deadline: June 16
II. French Table at Ernesto’s Café
Tuesday, June 30, at 12:00 noon. Enclosed please find a check payable to Alliance Française for:
________Members @ $30.00 or ___________ @ 33.00 (wine); ___________ Non-members @ $35.00 or ______________@ $38.00 (wine)
Amount of check: ______________________ Telephone:___________________________________________________
Name____________________________________________________________________________________________ Deadline: June 19
Registration Form: Center City
Course number: __________
Refresher q I q II
q Littérature
q Cinéma
Summer 2009
Conversation movie/book Enfants
Telephone (day)___________________ (evening)_ __________________e-mail_________________________________
I Prefer to pay with ■ Visa ■ MC Card ■ Discover #____________________________ Exp. Date:______________________Sec. Code__________
Amount of check _______________ Please make checks payable to Alliance Française and mail with this tear-off to Alliance
Française, 1420 Walnut Street, Suite 700, Philadelphia, PA 19102. Reminder: student enrollment is dependent on the Alliance
Française’s receipt of payment for tuition and materials. The Alliance Française is unable to offer refunds after the first week of classes or
credits after the third week of classes.
Many will be delighted with this colorful guide to the French presence in
Philadelphia and the Delaware Valley, both yesterday and today. Visitors
and residents alike will learn much about the culture and history of the
region relating to momentous events and prominent French individuals.
The French presence in Philadelphia has contributed treasures and beauty
to the cityscape, furnishing tangible evidence of the historical and philosophical ties between France and the United States—ties that date from
the birth of our nation and continue to the present day. A gem of a book,
to be treasured and referred to often, featuring 59 color photographs and
illustrations, Philadelphia neighborhood maps, extensive index guide. Also
available in French.
You can order a copy of French Philadelphia or Philadelphie à la française
by going to our web site and downloading the order
Visit our Web Site!
Bastille Day!
July 14
Water Works
Philadelphia, PA 19102
1420 Walnut Street, Suite 700
Alliance Française de Philadelphie

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