
Cercle des Nations Américaines
a le plaisir de vous inviter à une conférence-débat autour de:
Avocat au Barreau de New-York
Avocat Associé, Cabinet ARNOLD & PORTER LLP
sur le thème:
Vous avez le projet d’une implantation, ou vous souhaitez développer vos parts de marché aux USA.
Vous avez été confrontés au marché américain sans le succès attendu.
Vous êtes convaincu du bien-fondé de votre positionnement futur aux USA,
et vous recherchez un éclairage pragmatique pour éviter les écueils et optimiser votre approche.
Cette conférence-débat, destinée aux entreprises se tournant vers le marché américain, vous offrira
par des cas pratiques les secrets à connaître pour saisir les opportunités illimitées outre-atlantique.
Lundi 6 juin 2005 à 19h00
dans les salons de France-Amériques, 9-11 avenue Franklin Roosevelt, 75008 – Paris
La conférence sera suivie d’un cocktail.
---------------------------------------------------------------Bulletin de Participation
Conférence-débat avec Richard E. ANDERSEN : « À l’assaut du marché américain », lundi 6 juin 2005 à 19h00
Mr, Mme, Melle :…………...……………………………… Accompagné(e) de :……………………………………………………
Société : …………………………………………………….. Fonction :……………….…………………………………………….
Adresse : .................................................................................................………………………………………………………………
E-mail: ...............................................................................………………… Tél. : ………………………………………………….
Participation aux frais par personne:
Membre FA / Associations membres : 25 euros
Non-membre : 35 euros
Coupon à retourner avec votre chèque à l’ordre de France-Amériques avant le 03 juin 2005
à France Amériques, 9-11 avenue Franklin Roosevelt, 75008 – Paris
01 43 59 51 00 – FAX 01 40 75 00 97 - [email protected]
Richard E. Andersen
New York Office
212.715.1399 fax
[email protected]
Area of Expertise:
Tax & Estates
Richard Andersen practices in the area of federal income taxation, with a concentration in
international tax matters, both for foreign enterprises and individuals investing and doing business in
the United States and for U.S. companies’ and investors’ overseas activities. He has extensive
experience in cross-border mergers and acquisitions, securities offerings and financings, and in the
formation and operation of cross-border joint ventures. Mr. Andersen regularly advises on the
establishment or acquisition of overseas branches or subsidiaries by U.S. multinationals; foreign
business, real estate and portfolio investment in the United States; cross-border licensing matters;
the organization and operation of domestic and global investment funds; the design of tax-efficient
financial products; cross-border financing and leasing transactions; foreign tax credit planning;
international transfer pricing issues; tax issues in multinational securities offerings; and the impact of
tax treaties on U.S. and foreign individuals and companies. He is also regularly engaged in general
corporate and partnership tax matters.
Mr. Andersen is a member of the American Bar Association (Taxation, International Law and Practice,
and Business Law Sections), the New York State Bar Association (Tax Section and former chair of the
Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States of the International Law Practice Section), the
International Tax Institute, the International Tax Association (President, 2000-), and the
International Fiscal Association (USA Branch Council and New York Region Executive Committee). He
has written or co-authored numerous articles on international tax matters, a treatise on the foreign
tax credit and a portfolio on the U.S. withholding tax on foreign persons, and is a frequent speaker,
panelist and moderator on international topics at seminars and institutes sponsored by New York
University, the International Fiscal Association, the Council for International Tax Education, and other
leading professional conference sponsors in the United States and overseas. Mr. Andersen is an
adjunct professor of law at New York University. He is a member of the advisory boards of the
Journal of International Taxation, Tax Management Inc. and World Trade Executive Inc., and is listed
in Who’s Who in American Law and Who’s Who in the World.
New York
Published Articles
OECD Initiatives Focus on Treatment of E-Commerce Transactions Under Income Tax
Treaties, Richard E. Andersen - appeared in the Fall 2001 issue of Journal of Taxation of Global
IRS Provides Guidance on 'Liable to Tax' Standard in U.S. Income Tax Treaties, Richard E.
Andersen - appeared in the April, 2001 issue of Journal of Taxation of Financial Institutions.
LL.M. in Taxation, New York University School of Law, 1987
J.D., Columbia Law School, 1981
B.A., Columbia University, 1978, magna cum laude