sample - Bright Red Publishing


sample - Bright Red Publishing
The National 5 Course – How this book can help you
How this book can help you
BrightRED Study Guide: National 5 French focuses on your work in the year
leading up to the examination. It offers you a study ‘toolkit’ containing:
• Topic by topic revision of the National 5 course
• Development of language skills
• Progression through contexts and topics
• Effective techniques for handling exam questions
• A range of typical types of questions for practice
• A range of ways to revise, either on your own or with friends
Chapter 2, Society, will teach you all the useful vocabulary and grammar points to do with:
Relationships with family and friends
Healthy lifestyles
You will explore the different problems or advantages you could have in relation to these
topics including healthy and unhealthy relationships and friendships, ways of life and
life-style related illnesses; the media and what impact reality shows and new technology
have on our lives; global languages and the importance of learning foreign languages;
the environment and the differences between town and country life as well as explaining
how you could describe your local area as a tourist centre.
Don’t Forget
You won’t be able to take
this book into the exam so
try to revise all of the topics
in advance and attempt the
practice questions without
your notes.
Chapter 3, Learning, will cover the language connected with:
Education and exam preparation
Different education systems
Responsibility of learners
This will include talking about what learning activities you like and dislike and how you
prepare for exams; discussing different education systems, for example in different
countries and the vocabulary you need to talk about how to improve education systems;
providing you with the vocabulary necessary to talk about the responsibilities that you
have as learners and how you should strive to do well.
Chapter 4, Employability, will show you how to talk about:
Different jobs including part-time work
Letters of application, CVs and job applications
Review of achievements and evaluating experiences
This chapter will cover different jobs, managing part-time jobs whilst studying and
the qualities that you would need to do different types of jobs; how to write letters
of application, CVs, fill in application forms, etc. by reviewing your achievements and
considering your ambitions as well as what language to use when planning and reporting
back on work experience.
FRENCH: sample pages
FRENCH: sample pages
FRENCH: sample pages
the national 5 course
Chapter 5, Culture, allows you to discuss:
Importance of travelling and learning a foreign language
Talking about holidays
Aspects of other countries
Literary Fictions
Films and TV
This will include learning to talk about holidays that you have been on and your own
attitudes to travelling; help you to understand aspects of other countries and give you
the language skills to discuss these and recognise them in the reading and listening
exams; talking about customs and traditions of other countries and will allow you to
compare your own culture with that of other people; you will also gain the skills to
understand literary fiction in the foreign language and analyse simple texts; you will also
be given the vocabulary you need to discuss films and TV in other countries and give
your opinions.
Whilst covering the themes and topics in each chapter, you will develop your language
skills, increase your vocabulary and be given the opportunity to revise the grammatical
Don’t Forget
Make sure that you get your
work corrected, either by
your teacher or by using
an answer key. You should
also go back to the ones
that you got wrong and
work out why you didn’t
get the correct answer.
Check the vocabulary of
the passage, transcript or
audio file and be sure that
you’ve understood why each
answer is what it is.
Remember to visit the
Bright Red Digital Zone for
great tests, links and extra
Beyond the exam
Not only will this book help you to prepare for and do well in National 5 French, it will
also help lay down the skills you need next year to do well if you decide to continue with
Higher French or study a new foreign language Higher or National 5, Modern Languages
for Work Purposes Units, further study, training or simply employment.
Using practice questions
In order to revise effectively for your National 5 exam, it is useful to complete practice
questions in Reading/Writing and Listening.
The Reading questions are straight-forward; you just have to read and answer the
questions with the help of a dictionary. If you have learned the vocabulary from each
section of the book then this should be fairly easy, even without a dictionary.
This book has a section dedicated to the Writing part of the exam with clear guidelines on
how to complete it.
With regards to the Listening paper, it is useful to listen and read the transcript after
doing the questions, to see how well you have done, correct any mistakes and understand
how each word is pronounced.
Now you know:
what is meant by the terms ‘Unit Assessment’ and ‘Course Assessment’
what is involved in your Performance
what is involved in the Reading/Writing paper
what is involved in the Listening paper
what is meant by the Marking Instructions
how to use practice questions
Employability – Part-time Jobs and Studying
Part-time Jobs and Studying
In order to earn extra money while they are studying, many young people have un petit boulot
(a part time job). In this section, we will look at the topic of part-time jobs and studying.
Don’t Forget
Jobs can have different
forms depending on whether
the person doing them is
male or female, for example,
a vendeur would be a
male sales assistant but a
vendeuse would be a female
sales assistant.
Part-time jobs
Let’s brainstorm some
of the jobs you could do.
Can you add any others?
Part-Time Jobs
Sales Assistant
Don’t Forget
When you say your job, you
don’t need to use the article
un or une:
Je suis un serveur ✗
Je suis serveur ✔
Livreur de journaux
Newspaper Delivery Person
Au Pair
How would you start the sentence to say what job you do?
You could start with:
Or simply:
Je travaille comme… – I work as …
Je suis… – I am …
What do you do in your job?
Je dois/Il faut… – I must…
Travailler avec le grand public – Work with
the public
Aider les enfants avec les devoirs – Help
the children with their homework
Livrer les journaux – Deliver the newspapers
Ranger les vêtements – Tidy the clothes
Faire les réservations – Make reservations
Faire du babysitting – Do babysitting
Faire la cuisine – Do the cooking
Servir les clients – Serve the customers
Répondre au téléphone – Answer the phone
Faire le ménage – Do the housework
Quick Revision
Can you match up each of these sentences to the jobs in the mind map?
Some sentences apply to more than one job.
Opinions of Jobs
J’aime/J’adore mon travaille/boulot parce
que… – I like/love my job because…
Je n’aime pas/Je déteste mon travaille/
boulot parce que… – I don’t like/hate my
job because…
C’est – It’s
Intéressant – Interesting
Nul – Rubbish
Très – Very
Ennuyeux – Boring
Facile – Easy
Vraiment – Really
Génial – Great
Difficile – Difficult
Plutôt – Rather
Merveilleux – Amazing
Un peu – A bit
Fantastique – Fantastic
FRENCH: sample pages
FRENCH: sample pages
FRENCH: sample pages
Les clients sont sympas – the customers are nice
J’aime travailler dans une équipe – I like working in a team
Je peux rencontrer des nouveaux gens – I can meet new people
Mes collègues sont énervants – My colleagues are annoying
J’ai beaucoup à faire – I have a lot to do
Je suis très occupé(e) – I’m very busy
Je n’ai pas le temps d’étudier – I don’t have time to study
Je peux gagner de l’argent pour payer mes études – I can earn money to pay for my studies
Je peux gagner de l’expérience – I can gain experience
J’aime avoir de la responsabilité – I like having responsibility
Don’t Forget
Use the correct endings
of the future/conditional
J’ai l’occasion d’apprendre des nouveaux choses – I have the chance to learn new things
Je ne m’ennuie j’amais – I never get bored
Quick Revision
Translate the following paragraphs into English.
1. Je travaille comme serveuse. J’aime mon travail parce que c’est génial. Je suis très
occupée et les clients sont sympas. Je ne m’ennuie j’amais.
2. Je suis au pair pour une famille à Edimbourg. Je déteste mon boulot parce que c’est
nul. Les enfant sont énervants et j’ai beaucoup à faire.
3. Je travaille comme receptionniste dans un hotel a Aberdeen. C’est merveilleux parce
que je peux rencontrer des nouveaux gens et je peux gagner de l’expérience.
Can you write your own paragraph about an imaginary part-time job using the
vocabulary above?
Look at this vocabulary list
online for more professions
Online test
Test how well you have
learned about employment
and studying online at http://
You may be saving money to go to university. Let’s look at some of the
phrases you will need to talk about studying.
Je voudrais aller à l’université – I would like to go to university
Je dois économiser – I need to save
Il faut travailler dur – I have to work hard
Il faut obtenir des bonnes notes – I need to get good marks
Réussir les examens – to pass the exams
Rater les examens – to fail the exams
Je voudrais étudier – I would like to study
Le droit – law
La medecine – medicine
Les sciences – science
Les langues modernes – modern languages
La psychologie – psychology
Je n’ai pas encore décidé ce que je voudrais faire – I don’t yet know what I want to do
J’aimerais habiter loin de chez moi – I’d like to live far away from home
J’aimerais rester à la maison pendant mes études – I’d like to stay at home during my studies
Je voudrais trouver un bon travail – I’d like to find a good job
Je voudrais voyager à l’étranger – I’d like to travel abroad
Using the vocabulary above and previous vocabulary from this book, write a few sentences about your intentions for
the future. You can also use a dictionary for this exercise.