cdc news-issue 3-18 mars-1 - Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board


cdc news-issue 3-18 mars-1 - Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board
Vimont CDC News
MARCH 19,2008
Vimont Competency Development Centre
Une levée de fonds qui va droit au coeur
Inside this
Levée de fonds pour 2
la Fondation des
maladies du coeur
Adult Learners
Gigantik Tour 2008
Concert Review
Pictures and more
from the Winter
Camping Trip
Results from the
A recipe for your
Cegep Fever
Comment devenir
un bon étudiant
Quelques énigmes
Rien n’est
Sweet Moment from
Valentines Day
CDC News next
Bye Bye Janou
Pendant le mois de févier,
mois des maladies du cœur, le
groupe de français niveaux 4
et 5 de Sonja Côté a décidé
d’organiser une levée de fonds
au profit de cette cause
pendant la semaine de la
Nous avons eu cette idée
parce que c'est une cause qui
nous tient à coeur. Plusieurs
élèves du groupe connaissent
des proches atteints d’une
maladie cardiaque.
C’est ainsi que nous avons fait
des affiches, décoré des boîtes
pour recueillir les dons et
acheté des bonbons pour
encourager les gens à nous
donner de l'argent.
Pour montrer notre esprit
d'équipe, nous avons porté
quelque chose de rouge et des
petits rubans avec des coeurs .
Les élèves de notre classe ont
travaillé très fort pour
recueillir ces dons et nous en
sommes très fiers!!
total de 444.13 dollars et nous
tenons à vous remercier du
fonds du
Suite en page 2
Nous avons amassé un grand
Winter Camping Trip
On February 22-23,
2008, twelve students and two
teachers from CDC Vimont
went on the second annual
Winter Camping trip. We
travelled by bus to the
Arundel Nature Centre.
We built eight quinzees
(shelters made from snow),
and equipped them with
sleeping bags and blankets.
We played soccer and football
in the snow. We did a lot of
tobogganing, and some of us
went for a hike on snowshoes.
A huge amount of hot dogs
and hot chocolate was
Twelve of the people who
took part attempted to sleep
in the quinzees. This was very
difficult due to the cold
temperature, and in the end
only two people slept through
the night outdoors.
Overall, the trip was a success.
Everybody had fun, the
evening students and day
students had a chance to
spend time together, and
many new friendships were
formed. We learned a lot
about survival, and the next
time each of us tries to sleep
outside in cold weather, we
will do much better.
Soon the DVD will be ready,
and everybody will be able to
see how it all happened.
Filomena Persechino
Pictures and more on page 3
Une levée de fonds qui va droit au coeur
Nous voulons aussi remercier
Madame Gaëlle Absolonne, la
direction, tous les membres du
personnel enseignant ainsi que les
élèves de notre classe: Lidet, Sam,
George, Chad, Melanie, Celena,
Jeannette, Brandie, Anastasia, Itisha,
Aaron, Jessica, Pierre, Justin, Moira et
projet, et à notre enseignante Sonja
Côté pour son support et sa confiance
en nous.
Les élèves de la classe de Sonja
FLS, niveaux 4, 5 et 6
Merci également à tous les élèves du
soir qui ont généreusement contribué
à notre levée de fonds.
Finalement, un merci bien particulier à
Brandie notre coordinatrice pour ce
Signature officielle du don de 444.13$ par Brandie en présence de madame Carol Pincox de la
Fondation des maladies du Coeur
Pour en savoir un peu plus sur les maladies du Coeur...
Chaque année approximativement
16 000 canadiens meurent d'une
attaque cardio-vasculaire. C’est la
quatrième principale cause de
mortalité au Canada.
Le coût des soins nécessaires suite à
une attaque cardio-vasculaire est de 27
500$. Selon une étude menée en 1994
par la Fondation des maladies du cœur
du Canada, les maladies cardio-
vasculaires coûtent plus de 18 milliards
de dollars par année aux Canadiens et
Plusieurs facteurs augmentent les
risques de maladies cardiaques: l’excès
de poids, la sédentarité, le tabagisme,
le stress et la consommation excessive
À vous d’y voir!
Pour plus d’information
sur les maladies du
coeur, consultez le site
de la Fondation des maladies du cœur au
Adult Learners Week: March 31st to April 4th
together! You may also win some
Dear Adult Learners,
Our five Centres and committed
staff members are always
available to offer you the best
possible services. We are here to
help you achieve your goal in
furthering your education and/or
acquiring gainful employment.
We know it takes courage,
determination and strength to
pursue your goals and challenges.
During the “Adult Learners
Week” the CDC Laurier staff will
celebrate your success toward lifelong
Furthermore, our two newest
Centres will be holding their first
“Open House”:
April 2nd, 2008
4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
We hope to see many of you in our
Vimont and Pont-Viau Centres to
celebrate Adult Learners Week
April 23rd, 2008
1:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Mark those dates on your calendar!
Gaëlle Absolonne,
Assistant Director
GIGANTOUR 2008 Musical Festival
Ladies and gentle head bangers, one of
the greatest musical scenes to travel
the planet since Woodstock and
Ozzfest is back! Gigantour is the
name of an annual six week heavy
metal music festival organized by the
controversial lyricist Dave Mustaine.
The tour was first founded in 2005
which included North American tour
dates. This is a full dose of pure hard
steel metal. For the weak, I suggest
you bring ear plugs because it’s going
to be loud!
prowl again with front man Dave
Mustaine who has been exposing the
abyss of the American National
defense and the United Nations. The
album is in no way at all a political
view of the American government but
a way to reach out to the world to
expose the possibilities of war. No
reason to be frightened it’s just a band.
Head lining the
show will be
none other than
band that has
always stuck to
their guts and
never backed down. With their recent
album release of “United
Abominations”, Megadeth is on the
Also performing is Finland’s Children
of Bodom led by Alexi Laiho lead
v o c a l i s t a nd g u it a r i s t w h i c h
unfortunately have not released any
new material since 2006’s Are You
Dead Yet? Formed in 1993 by Alexi
Laiho Children of Bodom’s music
category is the cross of death metal
and power metal. Their music is
mostly concerned with death and the
notorious grim reaper.
Other bands in the lineup include In
Flames a group from Sweden formed
in 1990. Their music falls in the line of
a melodic musical genre. In perfect
timing they will also be giving a dose
of their up coming ninth album called
“A Sense of
which will be
April 4th 2008.
So come out
these talented
groups of artists and encourage the
Montreal Metal scene. The show will
be presented at the Bell Center on
April 29 2008. Get your tickets today.
Vincenzo Malnati
Concert Review
On December 1st 2007, at
Pub Jacques Cartier in
Montreal, I came across a
talented artist. J.P.Mortier, a
musician whose upcoming
album is due very soon, was
performing alone on stage
with his guitar.
He played tracks off his first
album, “The English house”
which was written in Japan
and new tunes from the
upcoming CD which will
be called “Backpacker.”
“California” and “Superblack”
brought down the house. It was a
brilliant performance.
His lyrics take you on a
journey beyond borders
with pro-environment
songs like ‘Hawaiian Blight’
and ballads like “Lilies” and
“The Traveler” which
earned him a standing ovation. Rocking songs such as
For more info about him, go to
CDC Vimont Student Special
5$ tax included
6" sub, 16 oz drink and chips
Lunch time only: 11h30 - 14h30
Bring your schedule to prove you’re a
student of the CDC Vimont
Lily Desnoyers
Spécial étudiant: CDC Vimont
5$ taxes incluses
Sandwich aubaine craquante de 6" , boisson
de 16 oz et un sac de croustilles
Dîner seulement: 11h30 - 14h30
3000, boul. des Laurentides
Apportez votre horaire comme preuve étudiante
Why Go Winter Camping?
Some of the students at CDC Vimont
just experienced the second annual
Winter Camping trip. Many of you
might ask... why go camping in the
First we should answer the question:
why should we as students want to go
camping in the summer? The reason is
that for people in our age group,
camping is a good choice. Students
usually do not make very much
money, and camping is a very
inexpensive way to have fun. Students
are young and strong and healthy, and
can handle the physical challenges
associated with being in the outdoors.
Camping also gets us out in an open
space where we can burn energy, and
make as much noise as we want.
If we find a really good camping spot,
we often have to deal with crowds of
other people who also want to use
that good spot. We might not be able
to predict whether we will get that
great campsite right on the lakeshore.
And that is one of the benefits of
winter camping. There are no crowds,
and that perfect campsite will be
available every time.
can survive twenty-four hours
outdoors in the roughest weather of
the year, we can survive anything!
Then we are ready for the next
Camping in cold weather is difficult,
but when we make it through the
night, it leaves us with a feeling of
accomplishment. We know that if we
Winter Camping Trip - The Great Outdoors
Winter Camping At Arundel
The Arundel Nature Centre, a facility
belonging to the Sir Wilfrid Laurier
School Board, is located in Arundel,
Quebec, roughly in between Mont
Tremblant and Morin Heights. It has
nature trails, a natural history museum,
and several buildings designed to
accommodate groups of students
participating in all sorts of outdoor
The students who participated at this
year’s CDC Vimont winter camping
trip were as follows: Anastasia
Bassenden, Concezio Cappallucci,
Chad DeSa-Wilken, Mathieu Di
Genova, Rebecca MacGregor,
Jonathan Maier, Vincenzo Malnati,
Giovanni Marabella, Filomena
Persechino, David Pires, Igor
Samsonov and Corey Syvret.
Teachers Ian Cavanagh and Doug
Simms relaxed and enjoyed the fresh
winter air while the students started to
build eight quinzees. This can be an
exhausting task, but the students
showed that when you always have
several people willing to help out,
building a large mound of snow can
be done in an astonishingly short time.
In less that an hour and a half, all
eights snow mounds were ready. The
mounds were left undisturbed for an
hour, in order for new crystals to form
in the snow. During this time, the
workers fueled themselves with juice,
snacks and water.
The digging out of the snow mounds
is the hardest work, and is also the
scary moment when a quinzee might
collapse, which would mean a lot of
wasted effort and no place to sleep!
But under the supervision of master
quinzee-builder David, none of the
quinzees collapsed, and teamwork
again made the task seem easy. At this
point the students expressed their
individual styles of engineering and
design. Ask those who were there
about who had the most elaborate
doorway, who made the largest
quinzee, or who had the most efficient
floor covering (the prize for floors
definitely goes to Filomena and
From dusk until bedtime, the activities
were eating, campfire and sports. Jon
was the chef at the barbecue, and it
turns out 14 people CAN eat seven
dozen hot dogs! A frozen football
makes for spectacular catches as well
as dropped passes, and the soccer
game included several clips for the
highlight reel, including Ian’s amazing
deflection goal and Corey’s own goal.
The weather was fine – during the day!
But what some did not expect was
how much colder the air temperature
close to the ground becomes with
each hour after the sun sets. At this
time, if your clothes are damp you are
going to feel it, and it is surprising
how little warmth comes from a
campfire under these conditions. Add
to that the feeling of crawling into
what is essentially a refrigerator, and
trying to conserve enough body heat
to sleep comfortably. This takes will
By the time Doug awoke at about 4:00
AM and emerged from his quinzee to
check on everybody, the only four
people still in their quinzees were
Anastasia, Mathieu, Vincenzo and
Doug himself. Everybody else had
retreated to the heated dormitory
building. Chad and Corey went back
out to their quinzee after warming up
for a while, but in the end Anastasia
was the only student who slept the
entire night outside.
The next morning, bagels, coffee and
clothes warm from the dryer found
everybody outside again, and
tobogganing was the activity. It is hard
to decide on the highlight – was it Igor
tobogganing while standing up,
Giovanni tobogganing in reverse, or
was it the inimitable sportsannouncing style of play-by-play man
Ian and colour-man David?
We ended the outing by smashing
down the quinzees, and this was very
educational. They are stronger than
you would think! Twelve people were
able to stand on top of Rebecca and
Anastasia’s quinzee at one time. The
longer a quinzee stands, the more
firmly the ice crystals form, and
having a person breathing all night
inside makes the snow turn to ice.
This year’s winter camping trip was a
rousing success. Last year we had five
participants, and this year that number
rose to fourteen. Last year we built
one quinzee, and this year we had
eight. But the most important thing is
that all of the people involved worked
together to attempt something very
difficult, and nobody will forget this
experience for a very long time.
Remember the Math Trivia from the last issue:
How can 2036 divided by 4 equal 10?
Answer : 2036/4= 509 → DIX in roman numbers
(dix means ten in french)
Rappelez-vous le Défi Mathématique du dernier numéro: Comment 2036
divisé par 4 peut donner 10?
Réponse: 2036/4= 509 soit DIX en chiffre romain
Working your Way Out of CDC Vimont: Results of the Survey
Do you currently have
a part time job?
How many hours per
week do you work?
43 %
25 %
25 %
Less then
10 hrs
11-20 hrs 21-30 hrs More then
30 hrs
Jeremy Pilotte
A Recipe for a Future in the Food Industry
We have come a long way since cooking was a task left to women in order
to feed her family. There is now a new
wave of Chefs, that sell millions of
cookbooks all around the
world. Television has developed this market, creating
channels dedicated to food
and cooking. People don’t eat
anymore only to satisfy basic
needs but also for the pleasure
of tasting new recipes from
various countries.
There are a lot of jobs related to the
food industry. You can work in a hotel, a restaurant, a hospital, a school
and much more. Some chefs travel to
different countries to discover new
dishes and techniques. .
I am personally planning to register in
a program to get a DEP in professional cooking. What started as a
hobby for me has become something
much greater than a mere pastime.
What made me realize that I really
wanted to embark on this career path
was my part time job. I presently work
at Metro Martel in St. Eustache in the
bakery. Everyday for me is exciting
seeing the pastry chef work on her
cakes and making them really beauti-
ful. Seeing the delicious goods that she
bakes, makes me want to do that also;
to make people happy by eating what I
cook. Seeing the eyes of children light
up just at sight of a fabulous
birthday cake is something I
really look forward to do.
Now here is a list of some
schools that provide DEPS in
culinary arts of all sorts:
The St. Pius X Culinary Institute.
Located at; 9955 Papineau Avenue in the Ahuntsic area of Montreal.
They offer professional cooking and
more. They will have a new group
starting in January 2009. For more
information on the courses offered at
St. Pius X Culinary Institute, you can
visit their web site at:
Also, there is PACC, Pearson Adult
Career Center. They start their courses
August 2008 and finish June 2009.
There are day and night courses. They
also have courses starting January 8 to
December 1 2009, and again they have
day and night classes. PACC is situated at 8300, rue Georges in LaSalle.
Visit their web site at:
Cowansville Vocational Education
Training Centre and College Lasalle
also offer professional cooking classes.
Visit their web site for more information on locations, schedules and fees.
Their websites are:
vocationalcowansville and
Finally there is École Hôtelière de
Laval were the DEP is offered in
French. The dates differ for the different programs. This school is concentrates only in the culinary department.
They have day and night classes that
you can register for. They are situated
at 190, rue Roseval in Laval (Québec).
For more information, their website is:
To conclude this article, I am happy to
say that for those of you who are interested in a job in the culinary world
it is fortunate enough that the demand
for cooks and chefs in Quebec is
high !!!
Kimberly Boudreau
Visit for
precious information on Vocational
and Technical Studies in Quebec
Cegep Fever
For those who wish to go to college and have not already applied, here is a little bit of information to help you through the
First of all, in order to be admitted to a program leading to a Diploma of College Studies (DEC), candidates must meet the
following three requirements:
The person has a Secondary School Diploma and is in one of the following situations:
• The candidate holds a Secondary School Diploma (DES)
NOTE: A DES holder that has not succeeded the following course:
⇒ Secondary V Language of Instruction
⇒ Secondary V Second Language
⇒ Secondary IV Mathematics
⇒ Secondary IV Physical Science
⇒ Secondary IV History of Quebec & Canada
May or may not be accepted. They will be required to complete remedial
• The candidate holds a Diploma of Vocational Studies (DVS) and has successfully
completed the following subjects:
⇒ Secondary V Language of Instruction
⇒ Secondary V Second Language
⇒ Secondary IV Mathematics
• The candidate received instruction deemed equivalent by the college.
Satisfy, if need be, the special conditions for admission established by the minister which specify the program prerequisites.
Satisfy, if need be, any special conditions for admission established by the college for each of its programs.
As we all have access to a computer (either at home or at school) the most efficient way to apply is online at:
Gina Auray
The Three-round System
The three-round system effectively
manages admission applications and
ensures that the greatest possible
number of students be admitted to
available places to establish a third
program choice and cegep in the 3rd
Rates of Admission
Number of applications: 67 627
• Time between each round to reflect
and consult.
Number admitted: 57113
% admitted to 1st choice programs: 91%
How it Works:
• In the 2nd and 3rd round, applicants
are neither required to resubmit a
file nor to pay fees related to the
admission application.
• Only one program and cegep
choice in the 1st round.
• Applicants need only to submit
their new choice online.
• Applicants who are refused in the
2nd round will receive a Table of
Gina Auray
1st round - March 1st, 2008
2nd round - April 17th, 2008
3rd round - May 22nd, 2008
% admitted: 84%
Number of applicants completing
all the steps: 59 119
% Admitted: 96%
* source:
Comment devenir un bon étudiant
Respectez le temps
C’est important parce que quand vous
aurez un travail, l’employeur voudra
un employé sur qui il peut compter.
Ne prenez pas de pause plus longue
quu prévue. Dans la classe, vous avez
beaucoup de travail et avec un emploi,
c’est la même chose.
Si vous arrivez à temps, mais que
vous ne vous concentrez pas pendant
la classe, vous n’aurez pas compris la
leçon. Puis, quand vous voudrez
trouver un emploi, vous ne saurez pas
ce que l’employeur vous demandera.
Faites les devoirs
L’enseignant a beaucoup de raisons de
vous donner des devoirs. Les devoirs
renforcent les leçons du cours. Aussi,
ils vous donnent la chance de trouver
vos erreurs et de poser des questions.
C’est une bonne préparation pour
l’entrevue avec un employeur
Posez des questions et participez
Il faut que vous posiez des questions
si vous n’êtes pas certain de
comprendre. Quand on vous donnera
des tâches qui susciteront des
questions, vous devrez poser des
questions et écouter les réponses.
Réutilizez ce que vous avez appris et
participez aux activités.
Tammy Day
Quelques énigmes pour vous taquiner l’esprit
Où est-ce que samedi arrive avant vendredi?
Qu’est-ce qui fait le tour de la terre tout en restant dans son coin?
Qu’est-ce qui commence par « e », termine par « e » et contient une lettre?
Qu’est-ce qui commence la nuit, termine le matin et arrive deux fois dans l’année?
* Les réponses dans la prochaine édition du Vimont CDC News
Rien n’est impossible...
Ceci est l'histoire de Ranjeet Kaur
Ranhawa. Immigrante de l'Inde,
Ranjeet et sa famille se sont installés
ici il y a environ 15 ans.
Ne parlant que sa langue d'origine, le
Punjabi, et l'anglais, elle réussissait à
trouver du travail seulement dans des
Le plus récent, étant dans une
entreprise à Montréal, Ranjeet l'a gardé
pendant deux ans avant que la
compagnie ferme ses portes.
Ranjeet se retrouva alors de nouveau
sur le marché du travail. Elle avait déjà
de l'expérience ici au Canada, mais
cette fois-ci, sa démarche s’avérera
beaucoup plus difficile. Elle se rendit
vite compte que le français était de
plus en plus nécessaire. La
compréhension de cette langue n'était
plus une qualité ou un atout mais bien
une nécessité.
Des tâches simples, comme faire
l'épicerie et aller à la banque se
résumaient à des frustrations. Elle
avait même de la difficulté à
communiquer avec les professeurs de
son garçon.
C'est à ce moment là que Ranjeet a
demandé de l'aide. Elle a eu recours a
Emploi Québec pour qu'elle puisse
acquérir cette langue si essentielle.
Les trois premières semaines furent
l'enfer. Elle écrivait le peu qu'elle
comprenait dans sa langue et relisait le
tout à la maison. Avec un dictionnaire
en main, elle faisait de son mieux
pour traduire et comprendre.
Aujourd’hui, Ranjeet est fière de dire
qu'elle comprend et parle le français.
Elle peut maintenant faire ce que l'on
fait tous, quotidiennement,
sans vraiment l'apprécier; elle peut
communiquer et se faire comprendre.
Elle est maintenant capable d'aller
seule à l'épicerie . Elle peut interagir
avec les professeurs de son garçon
sans difficulté.
J'espère que cette histoire vous
démontre que l'être humain est
capable de bien des choses. Ranjeet
faisait face à une grande épreuve , et
elle l’a surmontée avec courage!
Ranjeet poursuit maintenant ses
études afin de perfectionner son
apprentissage du français écrit pour
éventuellement s’inscrire dans un
programme de formation
professionnelle et se trouver un bon
Bravo Ranjeet et bonne chance dans
vos projets futurs!!
Gina Auray
Sweet Moments from Valentines Day
My memorable Valentines Day moment was when I was approached by
a guy and asked out on a date. It was
my first time being asked out on that
CDC Vimont News’
Christopher Abraham
I’ve known him since the beginning of
the school year; but we never really
spoke, until the month of December.
After having had a few bad experience , I find myself very lucky to have
to found a guy that treats me like a
princess, with respect, that and loves
me for who I am.
Right now, I’m currently dating the
guy I love and we both feel really
happy together.
So good luck to all you lonely hearts, I
hope love will find you soon.
By a loving heart
Gina Auray
Kimberly Boudreau
Jeremy Pilotte
Corey Syvret
Under the supervision of MarieChantale Sabourin
Do you recognize
our CDC Vimont
Santa Claus?
Vimont CDC News...Next Issue
Spring is coming, and our next issue of the Vimont CDC News will reflect the change of seasons, as well as the
optimism and hope that the upcoming warm weather puts into the hearts of staff and students alike.
We need stories—news, reviews, sports and surveys, and we need them from you!
If you would like to submit an article or contribute in any other way to the next issue of Vimont CDC News,
please come and see Doug in Room 203.
Our daytime janitor, Janou Champagne-Bélanger, has returned to her regular evening post at our
Centre. On behalf of the entire CDC Vimont team (staff and students) we thank you for all of
your hard work & dedication. We will miss your smiling face! At the same time, we would like
to welcome our new daytime janitor to the team, Mr. Raymond Tétreault.
Notre concierge de jour, Janou Champagne-Bélanger est retournée à son poste régulier de soir à
notre centre. De la part de toute l’équipe du centre Vimont CDC (soutien et élèves), nous voulons te remercier pour tout le bon travail et ton dévouement. Tu nous manqueras beaucoup!
Nous voulons profiter de l’occasion pour souhaiter la bienvenue à M. Raymond Tétreault, notre
nouveau concierge de jour.