
Kaitlin Atkinson Family Resource Library
Resource List
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General Information and Resources on Parenting and Special Needs
The boy in the moon: a father's search for his disabled son / Brown, Ian -- Toronto: Random House
Canada, 2009.
Brown describes the life his son, Walker lives and the way he and his family live it, first at home,
and later in a special group house for disabled children.
FAM RB 155.5 .B76 2009
Breakthrough parenting for children with special needs: raising the bar of expectations / Winter,
Judy. -- San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2006.
This book provides detailed information on how to let go of the “perfect-baby” dream, face and
resolve grief, avoid the no-false-hope syndrome, access early intervention services, and avoid the
use of limiting and outdated labels. Also included are specific guidelines for working with
professionals, understanding the law and inclusion, planning for the future, and insightful
FAM HV 888 .W56 2006
Bridging the gap: raising a child with nonverbal learning disorder / Whitney, Rondalyn Varney -New York: Perigree, 2002.
This book focuses on NLD as a unique learning style, rather than a disability, offering a brilliantly
realized account of a day in the life of a child with NLD. Other chapters address specific problems,
including finding the right school, telling your child about the diagnosis, teaching social skills,
negotiating the maze of interventions, and caring for self and spouse. Each chapter balances vivid
case examples with thoughtful strategies.
FAM RJ 496 .L4 W48
Building a joyful life with your child who has special needs / Whiteman, Nancy J -- London: Jessica
Kingsley, 2007.
This book explores practical ways parents can face the challenges of caring for children with
physical, developmental and mental health disorders. Chapters deal with key topics such as
coping with a diagnosis, discussing the child's needs with teachers, explaining a child's
differences to their peers and building support systems for themselves and their children.
FAM HQ 759.913 .W54 2007
Children with complex and continuing health needs: the experiences of children, families and care
staff / Hewitt-Taylor, Jaqui -- London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2008.
The author focuses on the real life experiences of children and their families and provides
valuable insight into living with complex and continuing health needs.
FAM RJ 380 .H49 2008
Children with disabilities -- Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes, 2007.
This comprehensive text covers all of the developmental, clinical, educational, family, and
intervention issues, and also includes student-friendly features: chapter objectives, vivid vignettes,
a glossary of key terms, more than 200 helpful illustrations, and extensive appendices about
cognitive testing and screening, medications, resources, syndromes, and inborn errors of
FAM HV 888 .B38 2007
Children with special needs: applicable standards from: caring for our children: national health
and safety performance standards: guidelines for out-of-home child care / American
Academy of Pediatrics --Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics, 2003.
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Designed for child care providers, government policy makers, health care consultants, and others
who work with children with special needs, this book includes standards for facility staffing,
programming, health promotion, nutrition, medical supplies and equipment, education, and more,
as well as appendices with practical information and tools.
FAM HV 888.5 .C463 2003
Dialogue avec les enfants handicapés / Saint-Pierre, Cecile -- Sherbrooke, QC: Le Productions GGC,
Partant de relations de rencontres avec les enfants handicapés, Cécile Saint-Pierre montre que,
lorsque l'intervenant a retrouvé le dialogue au niveau des personnes, ce qui se passe et se
développe dans la classe de sujets handicapés est comparable à ce qui s'exprime chez les autres
FAM HV 888 .S34
Don't call me special: a first look at disability / Thomas, Pat -- Hauppauge, NY: Barron's Educational
Series, 2002.
This delightful picture book explores questions and concerns about physical disabilities in a simple
and reassuring way. Younger children can find out about individual disabilities, special equipment
that is available to help the disabled, and how people of all ages can deal with disabilities and live
happy and full lives.
FAM HV 888 .T56 2002
Élever un enfant handicapé: tome 1: de la naissance aux premiers acquis scolaires / Della-Courtiade,
Claude -- Paris: EME éditions sociales françaises, 1998.
Ce livre a pour vocation d'aider les parents d'enfants handicapés à reculer les limites du handicap,
depuis la naissance jusqu'aux premiers acquis scolaires. L'auteur, après avoir longuement travaillé
dans des établissements spécialisés pour handicapés, partage son expérience et donne des
conseils clairs et précis pour stimuler les enfants dans les situations concrètes de la vie quotidienne
: alimentation, toilette, habillage, apprentissage du langage, de la lecture.
FAM HV 888 .D44 1998
Un enfant à découvrir: au-delà de la déficience physique et intellectuelle / Ferland, Francine -Montréal: Éditions de l’Hôpital Sainte Justine, 2001.
Destiné aussi bien aux parents qu'aux intervenants, le livre contient des notions sur le
développement, des propositions d'activités pour éveiller la curiosité de l'enfant, lui apprendre à
communiquer et à développer son sens de l'humour.
FAM HV 888 .F47
Les enfants différents: les comprendre pour mieux les aider / Ndayisaba, Joseph -- Montréal: Éditions
Logiques, 1999.
Les auteurs proposent une réflexion en profondeur sur divers aspects de l'enfant différent : les
types de handicaps; la mésadaptation et l'inadaptation, les enfants traumatisés et les troubles de la
communication orale ou écrite ; critères psychoaffectifs et rôle de la scolarisation ; et conseils
pour aider ces enfants à devenir plus autonomes. Les enseignants, les parents, les
psychoéducateurs et tous ceux qui œuvrent auprès des enfants trouveront dans cet ouvrage une
information critique des plus utiles.
FAM HV 888 .N33
Exceptional children - ordinary schools: getting the education you want for your special needs child
/ Forman, Norm -- Markham, ON: Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 2004.
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This book addresses the educational concerns and needs of children with learning disabilities and
other special needs. It’s a comprehensive guide for parents seeking to improve the lives of their
child's education, as well as resources on how to become a successful advocate for their needs.
FAM LC 3969 .F67 2004
Extraordinary friends / Rogers, Fred -- New York: Putnam, 2000.
How do you get to know someone in a wheelchair? Sometimes it's hard to know where to begin. In
his characteristically wise and gentle way, Mister Rogers challenges the stereotypes that often
plague children with special needs and celebrates six children who are extraordinary friends.
FAM HV 888 .R63
Far from the tree: parents, children and the search for identity / Solomon, Andrew. -- New York:
Scribner, 2012.
Solomon's startling proposition is that diversity is what unites us all. He writes about families
coping with deafness, dwarfism, Down syndrome, autism, schizophrenia, multiple severe
disabilities, with children who are prodigies, who are conceived in rape, who become criminals,
who are transgender. While each of these characteristics is potentially isolating, the experience of
difference within families is universal, as are the triumphs of love Solomon documents in every
FAM HV 888.5 .S65 2012
Financial assistance measures for families with disabled child -- Québec: Ministère de la santé et
des services sociaux, 2001.
This guide provides information for families with a disabled child on the eligibility for provincial
and federal tax credits, as well as specific programs for those living in Quebec and for persons
with disabilities and their families.
FAM HV 1559 .C32 Q6413
La grande journée: les enfants polyhandicapés / Fonteneau, Jean-Louis -- Paris: Doin, 1997.
Cette bande dessinée suit Élodie, une jeune fille, qui est polyhandicapée, et sa famille. Comprend
des questions et réponses à la fin. Pour les enfants de 8 à 17 ans.
FAM HV 888 .G72
Head cases: stories of brain injury and its aftermath / Mason, Michael Paul. -- New York: Farrar, Straus
and Giroux, 2008.
In this book, we encounter survivors of brain injuries as they struggle to map and make sense of the
new worlds they inhabit. Underlying each of these survivors’ stories is an exploration of the brain
and its mysteries. When injured, the brain must figure out how to heal itself, reorganizing its
physiology in order to do the job.
FAM RJ 496 .B7 M377 2008
I am beginning my child's service plan: a guide for the overall evaluation of needs, designed for
the parents of a disabled child / Gignac, Michel -- Drummondville, QC: Office des personnes
handicapées du Quebec, 1996.
FAM HV 1559 .C32 G5413
I openers: parents ask questions about sexuality and children with developmental disabilities /
Hingsburger, Dave -- Vancouver, BC: Family Support Institute Press, 1993.
This book offers insightful and intelligent answers to real-life questions from parents, with the goal
of teaching children with developmental disabilities about sexuality. The author has worked
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extensively with people with disabilities and he treats this subject not only with sensitivity but with
good humour.
FAM HQ 57.2 .H56
Keeping Katherine: a mother's journey to acceptance / Zimmermann, Susan -- New York: Three Rivers
Press, 2004.
A story of personal transformation that reminds us that it isn’t what happens to us that shapes our
humanity, but how we react, Keeping Katherine shows the unconditional love that exists in families
and the gifts the profoundly disabled can offer to those who try to understand them.
FAM HQ 759.913 .Z56 2004
Kids in the syndrome mix of ADHD, LD, Asperger's, Tourette’s, Bipolar, & more: the one stop guide
for parents, teachers and other professionals / Kutscher, Martin L -- London: Jessica Kinsley,
This book provides accessible information on causes, symptoms, interactions with other conditions,
and treatments. The author presents effective behavioral strategies for responding to children who
display traits of these disorders - whether at home, at school, or in other settings - along with case
vignettes and practical tips.
FAM RJ 506 .B44 K88 2006
Laying community foundations for your child with a disability: how to establish relationships that
will support our child after you're gone / Stengle, Linda J -- Bethesda, MD: Woodbine House,
This book emphasizes the need to start to build a caring community of people who will provide
emotional support and guidance for your child after your death. Chapters discuss: how to assess
your child's needs; how to foster long-term relationships for your child; where to look for
relationships; how to ask people for a commitment; and independent living arrangements.
FAM HV 888 .S73
Married with special needs children: a couple's guide to keeping connected / Marshak. Laura E -Bethesda, MD: Woodbine House, 2007.
Eases concerns and addresses a broad range of marital and parenting issues that may be present
when a couple has a child with a disability.
FAM HQ 759.913 .M27 2006
More than a mom: living a full and balanced life when your child has special needs / Baskin, Amy -Bethesda, MD: Woodbine House, 2006.
This book is for mothers whose children have developmental or physical disabilities, mental health
or learning issues, or chronic medical conditions. This book is designed to help you cope, adjust,
and find the inspiration to make your daily life easier and more fulfilling.
FAM HQ 759.913 .B37 2006
My journey with Jake: a memoir of parenting and disability / Edelson, Miriam -- Toronto: Between the
Lines, 2000.
Offers hope and practical advice for families and professionals dealing disabled children. This
memoir is of a devoted mother and a hard-hitting, well researched look at health care for Canada's
FAM HQ 759.913 .E33 2000
Nathalie's story: anatomy of a stroke at fifteen / Aubertin, Nathalie -- Victoria, BC: Victoria Bindery,
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A quadriplegic and speech impaired, Nathalie hopes to help others who have also suffered a
debilitating stroke deal with daily life and never give up hope.
FAM RJ 496 .B7 A92 2007
Optimizing care for young children with special health care needs: knowledge and strategies for
navigating the system -- Baltimore, MD: Paul Brookes Publishing, 2007.
Ideal for anyone who directly assists or works with families of children with special health care
needs and for parents themselves, this book explains how to effectively and efficiently manage
the health care system and optimize care for children with any kind of special health care need.
FAM HV 888 .O68 2007
Ordinary families, special children: a systems approach to childhood disability / Seligman, Milton -New York: The Guilford Press, 2007.
This book offers a multi-systems perspective on childhood disability and its effects on family life. It
discusses theory and research as well as practical intervention strategies and techniques.
FAM HV 888.5 S45 2007
Parenting children with health issues: essential tools, tips, and tactics for raising kids with chronic
illness, medical conditions and special healthcare needs / Cline, Foster. -- Golden, CO: Love &
Logic Press, 2007.
Offers parents of children with chronic health issues practical strategies and suggestions to help
them cope with their child's condition and the constant physical and emotional challenges they
may face.
FAM RJ 380 .C62 2007
Parenting your complex child: become a powerful advocate for the autistic, Down syndrome, PDD,
bipolar, and other special-needs child / Morgan, Peggy Lou -- New York, NY: AMACOM,
This guide presents a practical and powerful system for marshalling information and observations
about your child into a cohesive plan for his or her daily life, and for documenting and
communicating the child’s individual needs in a way that guarantees attention and action. The
book offers the professional and personal wisdom the author has gained through a life of
advocating for special needs children, including her own.
FAM RJ 506 .B44 M73 2006
Raising a kid with special needs: the complete Canadian guide / Bendall, Lisa -- Toronto: Key Porter
Books Ltd, 2008.
Guide is a comprehensive and friendly guide for families who are raising a special needs child. In
clear, friendly language, the author presents a step-by-step guide to getting past the ‘special needs’
and on to the business of living. From health advice to school savvy, from financial tips to
advocacy know-how, from focusing on family to facing the future, this book will guide parents
through all aspects of parenting a child who has physical, developmental, sensory, or learning
FAM HV 888 .B46 2008
Raising and educating a deaf child: a comprehensive guide to the choices, controversies, and
decisions faced by parents and educators / Marschark, Marc. -- New York: Oxford University
Press, 2007.
This second edition offers a readable, comprehensive summary of everything a parent or teacher
would want to know about raising and educating a deaf child. It covers topics ranging from what it
means to be deaf to the many ways that the environments of home and school can influence a deaf
child's chances for success in academic and social circles. The new edition provides expanded
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coverage of cochlear implants, spoken language, mental health, and educational issues relating to
deaf children enrolled in integrated and separate settings.
FAM HV 2391 .M26 2007
Raising NLD superstars: what families with nonverbal learning disabilities need to know about
nurturing confident, competent kids / Whitney, Rondalyn Varney -- New York, 2004.
Raising NLD Superstars is essential reading for all those who come in to contact with children with
non-verbal learning disorders (NLD). Instead of insisting upon the one size fits all model of
intervention, the author focuses on the individual nature of NLD children and offers practical,
adaptable advice that will help them find their place both in the family and in wider social groups.
FAM RJ 496 .L4 R82 2004
Reflections from a different journey: what adults with disabilities wish all parents knew -- New York:
McGraw-Hill, 2004.
This book presents 40 stories by successful adults who grew up with disabilities. They provide
insights into what it is like to persevere in the face of community prejudices, and what it takes for
families and children with disabilities to work together toward fulfillment.
FAM HQ 759.913 .R43 2004
Sexuality: your sons and daughters with intellectual disabilities / Schwier, Karin Melberg -- Baltimore,
MD: Paul H. Brookes, 2000.
This book helps parents interact with their children in a way that increases self-esteem, encourages
appropriate behavior, empowers them to recognize and respond to abuse, and enables them to
develop lifelong relationships.
FAM HQ 54.3 .S38 2000
Steps to independence: teaching everyday skills to children with special needs / Baker, Bruce L -Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing, 2004.
Proven strategies for teaching life skills to children from age 3 through young adulthood. It includes
a step by step guide for teaching seven types of skills.
FAM HV 891 .B16 2004
Troubles envahissants du développement: guide de stratégies psychoéducatives: enfants verbaux
-- Montréal: Éditions du CHU Sainte-Justine, 2008.
Ce guide s'adresse aux parents et aux professionnels engagés auprès d'enfants âgés de 2 à 8 ans,
atteints de troubles envahissants du développement (TED). Il fait un point sur les caractéristiques
cognitives des TED, puis propose des moyens d'intervention adaptés à chaque enfant comme la
communication, les interactions sociales et les comportements inappropriés.
FAM LC 4704 .T762 2006
Understanding motor skills in children with Dyspraxia, ADHD, Autism, and other learning
disabilities: a guide to improving coordination / Kurtz, Lisa A. -- London: Jessica Kingsley
Publishers, 2008.
The author explains how to recognize normal and abnormal motor development, when and how to
seek help and includes specific teaching strategies to help children with coordination difficulties
succeed in the classroom, playground and home.
FAM RJ 496 .M68 K877 2008
The ultimate guide to sex and disability: for all of us who live with disabilities, chronic pain, and
illness / Kaufman, Miriam -- San Francisco, CA: Cleis Press, 2003.
This complete sex guide is for people who live with disabilities, pain, illness, or chronic conditions.
Useful for absolutely everyone, regardless of age, gender, or sexual orientation, the book
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addresses a wide range of disabilities — from chronic fatigue, back pain, and asthma to spinal cord
injury, hearing and visual impairment, multiple sclerosis, and more. It provides readers with
encouragement, support, and all the information they need to create a sex life that works for them.
FAM HQ 54.2 .K38 2003
When your child has a disability: the complete sourcebook of daily and medical care -- Baltimore:
Paul H. Brookes, 2001.
This book provides practical information and guidance for parents and user-friendly information for
nurturing and caring for children with disabilities.
FAM HV 888 .W53 2001
Yoga for the special child: a therapeutic approach for infants and children with Down Syndrome,
cerebral palsy, and learning disabilities / Sumar, Sonia -- Sarasota, FL: Special Yoga
Publication, 1998.
An easy-to-follow program for parents, educators, yoga teachers, and health care professionals
which includes: a step-by-step, integrated system of yoga poses designed to increase cognitive
and motor skills in children with learning and developmental disabilities. Specialized breathing
exercises and relaxation techniques to improve concentration and reduce hyperactivity.
FAM HV 888 .S85 1998
You will dream new dreams: inspiring personal stories by parents of children with disabilities /
Klein, Stanley D -- New York: Kensington Books, 2001.
In this insightful and deeply moving collection of essays, readers will discover the common ground
of emotions shared by parents of children with disabilities. Real-life fathers and mothers of kids
with cerebral palsy, juvenile diabetes, autism, mental retardation, and other life-changing illnesses
or injuries speak from the heart on how they mourned for the child of their dreams, learned the
importance of turning to friends instead of being "strong" all the time, experienced the
disappointment of letting go of certain expectations for their child and found the unexpected joy of
discovering new dreams.
FAM HQ 759.913 .K53 2001
General Information and Resources for Siblings of Children with Special Needs
L'Accident de Marika: une histoire sur -- le handicap physique / Boonen, Stefan -- Saint-Lambert, QC:
Chronos Magazines Inc. Éditions Enfants Québec, 2007.
Marika a été victime d'un accident qui l'a rendue paraplégique. Désormais en fauteuil roulant, elle
appréhende son retour à l'école. Alexis, son frère, doit aussi s'adapter aux changements qu'a
provoqués cet accident dans la vie familiale et dans ses relations avec sa sœur. Cette histoire
raconte, à travers les yeux d'Alexis, comment Marika affronte sa nouvelle vie d'enfant.
FAM HV 888 .B6614 2007
Being the other one: growing up with a brother or sister who has special needs / Strohm, Kate -Boston, MA: Shambhala, 2005.
This book reveals the difficulties faced by siblings at all stages of life, from early childhood through
adulthood, when siblings must often assume responsibility for the care of their disabled brothers
and sisters. Though the book looks honestly at the many challenges that siblings face, it is full of
encouragement and practical strategies.
FAM HV 888 .S77 2005
Brothers and sisters of children with disabilities / Burke, Peter -- London: Jessica Kingley, 2003.
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Examining the overlooked subject of non-disabled siblings in families where there is a disabled
child, this book details the experiences of these children and explores what it means to them to
have a disabled brother or sister. Through family interviews and one-to-one meetings, the author
records siblings' views on issues ranging from the everyday social restrictions on their lives, the
discrimination they face at school, through to their concerns about the future.
FAM HV 888 .B87 2003
Day by day: children tell their journeys of faith and determination living with a sick brother or
sister / Frisbee, Christine. -- New York: Frisbee Foundation Publishing, 2008.
This book gives siblings who have a sick brother or sister a voice, allowing them to tell their own
stories. The purpose of this book is to bring understanding and hope to families with a seriously ill
child, as well as to educate others about how to take a difficult situation and use it to make you
stronger and wiser.
FAM BF 723 .S431 2008
Deedah [DVD] / May, Brooke. -- [Savannah, GA]: Deedah Productions, 2009.
Deedah is the honest, heart-warming and often humorous account of a seven-year old girl's
relationship with her six-year old brother, who has Down syndrome - or as he calls it 'up' syndrome.
FAM RJ 506 .D68 M39 2009
Et moi alors? : grandir avec un frère ou une sœur aux besoins particuliers / Blais, Édith. -- Montréal:
Éditions de l'Hôpital Sainte-Justine, 2002.
Ce livre met en vedette des jeunes qui partagent leur vie avec un frère ou une sœur aux besoins
particuliers. Aussi présente aux jeunes et aux parents des exercices et des stratégies de
FAM HV 888 .B52 2002
Fighting tackle / Christopher, Matt -- Boston: Little, Brown, 1995.
Terry suddenly feels jealous of his younger brother Nicky who was born with Down syndrome and
who outdistances him on the track. Nicky was born with Down syndrome and is practicing to be a
sprinter for the Special Olympics. Appropriate for ages 9-12 years.
FAM RJ 506 .D68 C47
Grandir avec toi: une fratrie singulière -- Montréal: Fédération québécoise de l'autisme et des autres
troubles envahissants du développement, 2005.
Partager son enfance avec un frère ou une sœur souffrant d’un trouble envahissant du
développement (TED) présente d’indéniables difficultés. La gêne, la jalousie et la colère
s’entremêlent souvent à l’amour et à la culpabilité. L’attention des parents, nécessairement mal
répartie entre les enfants de la famille, fait parfois défaut à ceux d’entre eux qui, au fond, savent
bien qu’ils en ont moins besoin. Par la force des choses, ces derniers font souvent preuve d’une
grande maturité.
FAM RJ 506 .A9 G62 2005
Hi, my name is Jack: a book for the healthy siblings of chronically ill children / Beall-Sullivan,
Christina. -- Park City, UT: Bopar Books, 2005.
Eight-year-old Jack tells what it is like to have a sister who is chronically ill. Appropriate for Ages:
4-8 years
FAM RJ 380 .B42 2005
Living with a brother or sister with special needs / Meyer, Donald J --Seattle: University of Washington
Press, 1996.
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Written for young readers, the book discusses specific disabilities in easy to understand terms. It
talks about the good and not-so-good parts of having a brother or sister who has special needs,
and offers suggestions for how to make life easier for everyone in the family.
FAM HV 888 .M49 1996
Oh brother!: growing up with a special needs sibling / Hale, Natalie -- Washington, DC: Magination
Press, 2004.
An eleven-year-old girl finds ways to handle the unique challenges presented by her thirteenyear-old mentally disabled brother by looking for his good qualities and taking the rest in stride.
FAM HV 888 .H25 2004
The sibling slam book: what it's really like to have a bother or sister with special needs -- Bethesda,
MD: Woodbine House, 2004.
Over 80 teenagers share their thoughts on living with a sibling who has special needs. Appropriate
for Ages: 10-17 years
FAM HV 888 .S58 2005
Views from our shoes: growing up with a brother or sister with special needs -- Bethesda, MD:
Woodbine House, 1997.
Essays from 45 children who have siblings with a variety of special needs, including autism,
cerebral palsy, developmental delays, visual and hearing impairments, Down and Tourette
Syndromes. Appropriate for all Ages.
FAM HV 891 .V54
What about me?: growing up with a developmentally disabled sibling / Siegel, Bryna -- New York:
Plenum Press, 1994.
Laura sometimes finds her little brother Tom a nuisance, but when he gets sick and spends a long
time in hospital, she feels guilty, but angry at all the attention he gets. Appropriate for Ages: 4-8
FAM HV 891 .S55
When Molly was in the hospital / Duncan Debbie -- Windsor CA: Rayve Productions Inc, 1994.
Anna’s little sister Molly needs to go to the hospital for an operation. In this sensitive and emotional
story, Anna tells about the experience from her point of view. Appropriate for Ages: 4-8 years
FAM RJ 242 .D863
Web Sites
Disabilities – MedlinePlus from the U.S National Library of Medicine
Financial Tips for Parents of Children with Disabilities – CHEO
Just for you – People with Disabilities – Health Canada / Spécialement pour vous - Personnes ayant des
incapacités - Santé Canada
Everything you want to know about… Special Needs – TVO Parents
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Société pour les enfants handicaps du Québec / Québec Society for Disabled Children – Supports for Parents of Children with Special Needs
Local Contacts
Ottawa Children’s Treatment Centre (OCTC) – Le centre de traitement pour enfants d’Ottawa (CTEO)
395 Smyth Rd
Ottawa, ON K1H 8L2
[email protected]
Ottawa-Carleton Association for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (OCAPDD) / L’Association
d’Ottawa-Carleton pour personnes ayant une déficience intellectuelle
229 Colonnade Rd
Ottawa, ON K2E 7K3
[email protected]
Coordination des services pour les personnes ayant une déficiene intellectuelle / Service Coordination for
People with Developmental Disabilities
200-150 Montreal Rd
Ottawa, ON K1L 8H2
613 748-1788
[email protected]
This guide provides medical material for information purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice
of your physician. The information may not always apply to your individual situation.
The guide represents material available in the Family Resource Centre collection at CHEO. It is not
intended to be an exhaustive list. Your local public library may also be able to provide valuable information.
If you require materials in alternative formats, please contact the library at 613-737-7600 ext. 2157 or at
[email protected].
Last Updated: Oct 2014
Links Tested: Oct 2014
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Parenting a Special Needs Child Resource List
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