No 13 Telopea Topics - Telopea Park School


No 13 Telopea Topics - Telopea Park School
Telopea Topics
Les Nouvelles de Telopea
No 13 – Friday 19 August 2016
Report from the
Le Mot Du
High School
Secondary News
Primary News
School Term Dates
Contact Us
Uniform Shop
After School Care
Community News
Finance Office
Important Dates
professeurs sont toujours aussi actifs! Une
nouvelle année scolaire a commencé pour
nos élèves du secondaire bilingue et nous
22 August – 26 August
Book Week
23 August
SW Athletics Carnival
leur souhaitons beaucoup de réussite avec
24 August
RAP committee Meeting
une mention spéciale pour les élèves de
26 August
Primary Choir at Limelight
troisième et de terminale qui viennent de
31 August
Gifted and Talented Committee Meeting
débuter une année très importante puisqu’ils
passeront les examens du Brevet et du
baccalauréat dans moins d’un an.
Nouveaux professeurs français
Cette année, nous avons accueilli 10 nouveaux professeurs comme annoncé précédemment. Trois d’entre eux ont pris leur
service avec un léger retard car ils attendaient leur visa.
Ils sont tous à présent bien installés et ont été ravis de recevoir leurs cadeaux de bienvenue de la part de l’association P&C. Je
profite de cette occasion pour remercier à nouveau tous les parents pour leur accueil chaleureux.
Les nouveaux professeurs français du primaire ont pu rencontrer les parents de leurs
élèves le 11 août à l’occasion d’une réunion spéciale. Cette réunion a rencontré un vif
succès et je remercie les parents d’être venus si nombreux.
Les nouvelles de l’AEFE (Agence pour l’Enseignement Français à l’Etranger)
Du 25 au 28 juillet, nous avons eu la chance d’accueillir le Dr Emmanuel Bernet dans
notre lycée. Il est spécialiste de la motivation scolaire et travaille au lycée français de
Singapour où il cumule les fonctions d’enseignant et de conseiller pédagogique. Il a
Term 3 2016
18 July – 23 September
Term 4 2016
10 October -16 December
Term 1 2017
30 January -7 April
Term 2 2017
26 April – 30 June
prodigué conseils et formation à nos professeurs et a réalisé une conférence sur la
technologie à nos professeurs français et australiens du primaire comme du
Je suis également ravi d’annoncer que l’AEFE nous a accordé trois missions de conseillers pédagogiques au secondaire français
(en SVT, SPC et Français) pour l’année scolaire 2016-2017. Ces trois conseillers pédagogiques viendront d’un autre
établissement AEFE de la zone Asie Pacifique pour réaliser des formations à Telopea Park School à l’attention de nos professeurs.
Je profite de ces quelques lignes pour remercier l’AEFE pour son soutien régulier. Ces missions très importantes pour maintenir
la qualité de notre enseignement sont fournies gratuitement à notre école.
Il y a un an exactement, j’utilisais cet espace pour annoncer la création de l’Association des
Ecoles à Programme Bilingue Français – Anglais (AAFEBS – Australian Association of French
English Bilingual Schools). Cette association est maintenant très active et nous échangeons sur
la pédagogie et la gouvernance avec les autres établissements pratiquement tous les jours. 10
établissements ont maintenant rejoint ce réseau qui représente à présent plus de 3500 élèves
sur 4 Etats ou Territoires.
En 2016, grâce à cette association et avec le soutien de l’Ambassade de France en Australie, nous organisons une formation
à l’attention de tous les enseignants du réseau (Cette formation devrait être organisée à Melbourne) et un Symposium en
partenariat avec l’ANU et l’Ambassade de France sur le bilinguisme en milieu scolaire.
Un événement public sur ce même thème sera organisé en soirée à l’ANU le 17 octobre et sera bien entendu ouvert aux parents
d’élèves. Nous reviendrons prochainement vers vous à ce sujet.
Comme vous le savez, Pronote, notre logiciel de notes, est maintenant disponible pour tous les parents de la Sixième à la
Terminale. Les parents peuvent accéder aux résultats de leur enfant et voir les bulletins scolaires quelques jours seulement
après les conseils de classe. Cette application est liée à l’année scolaire française et nécessite une mise à jour importante en
juillet. Ce service a donc été interrompu pendant quelques semaines et reprendra très prochainement. Si vous rencontrez une
difficulté particulière, merci de contacter Mme Bucholz au front office de Telopea Park School.
Telopea Park School / Lycée Franco-Australien est présent sur Twitter et
Facebook avec un nombre croissant de vues. N’hésitez pas à nous suivre sur ces
médias. Nous continuons également à proposer une communication papier et
consolidons actuellement notre base de données afin de pouvoir informer les parents par courriel et cibler notre communication
pour mieux répondre aux besoins de tous.
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Certifications de langue
Nos élèves peuvent à présent passer deux certifications de langue : Le DELF (Diplôme d’Etude en Langue Française) et l’examen
de langue anglaise de Cambridge. En avril dernier, nous avons organisé le premier examen de Cambridge sur Canberra à
Telopea Park School.
Bientôt en octobre, nos élèves pourront passer le DELF à Telopea Park School. Nous sommes convaincus que la possibilité
d’enrichir un diplôme du secondaire avec une certification de langue ne peut que mieux préparer nos élèves à leurs études
supérieures et à leur future vie professionnelle.
Le Petit Journal de Telopea
Notre groupe de jeunes journalistes de Première est toujours très actif. C’est
un excellent projet qui permet à nos élèves d’écrire, parler et pratiquer la
langue française dans un environnement quasi-professionnel. Je voudrais
remercier M. Medhi Trabelsi, Attaché de Presse adjoint à l’Ambassade de
France pour son soutien et l’aide qu’il apporte à nos élèves.
Compétition de Débat de l’ACT
Nos deux équipes qui ont remporté la demi-finale il y a deux semaines, se sont disputées
mercredi 10 août dans la bibliothèque du secondaire, le trophée Murray de la compétition de
débat de l’ACT.
La qualité des débats a été remarquable. Les deux équipes ont reçu le thème une heure avant le
début de la compétition et ont préparé sans ressource électronique leurs arguments.
Le public a été ébloui par le niveau de maîtrise et la confiance en soi des deux équipes. Notre
école est maintenant, bien sûr, récipiendaire du trophée Murray et du trophée pour la deuxième
équipe. Bravo à nos élèves Camille, Olivia, Neha, Selina, Joanne, Sam, Rhys and Yvette!
Un grand merci à la Faculté d’anglais et plus particulièrement Mme Singh, Executive teacher et à Mme Nguyen, professeure
d’anglais pour avoir organisé ce magnifique projet pour nos élèves.
80 élèves du primaire ont participé au spectacle Wakakirri Mercredi 3 août au Théâtre de Canberra. Ils ont été fantastiques et
ont été sélectionnés pour la finale ! Nous leur souhaitons beaucoup de courage pour la préparation et une belle réussite pour le
prochain spectacle qui se déroulera en semaine 10.
Un grand merci à leur professeur Cathy Marot qui a pris beaucoup de temps pour organiser cet événement exceptionnel
Concert des élèves du primaire (CE2-Sixième)
Mercredi 18 août, nos élèves du primaire ont participé au concert annuel à l’attention des parents d’élèves. Un magnifique
concert bilingue avec des chansons en anglais et en français dans une belle ambiance festive. Le chant est toujours une
excellente occasion de pratiquer la langue et nos élèves ont donné, à cette occasion, le meilleur d’eux-mêmes ! Un grand merci à
Susan Cribb (Professeure de musique) et à Cathy Marot (professeure des écoles) pour leur belle collaboration au profit de tous
nos élèves bilingues.
Vous pouvez écouter un extrait de ce concert ici
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(Lien complet : )
Excursions et échanges scolaires
Excursion au ski
En semaines 4 et 5, nous avons organisé deux excursions au ski. Environ 200 élèves ont
participé à ces excursions qui ont remporté un franc succès auprès de nos élèves
enchantés de se ressourcer sur les pistes de Thredbo. Pour certains d’entre eux, c’était
une première ! Merci à la Faculté d’EPS pour avoir organisé cette belle opportunité
sportive pour nos élèves.
Echange avec Nouméa et la Nouvelle Calédonie
Les élèves du lycée Garnier vont bientôt arriver à Canberra début septembre. Ce sont
des élèves de Première qui seront hébergés par nos élèves de Première. Pendant une semaine, ils visiteront Canberra et
assisteront à des cours dans notre école. Nous espérons qu’ils passeront un agréable séjour ici. Nos élèves de Première visiteront
Nouméa fin juin 2017 après la première partie de leur baccalauréat.
Fin septembre 2016, nos élèves de sixième vont inaugurer notre échange avec le
collège Baudoux. Ce sera une excellente opportunité pour eux de faire
l’expérience du secondaire puisque la sixième fait partie du secondaire dans le
système français. Le collège Baudoux va bientôt démarrer un programme de
section internationale – français / australien en 2017. Nous serons également
candidat à cette labellisation dès qu’elle sera disponible pour les établissements
français à l’étranger.
Ces projets d’échanges n’auraient pas été possibles sans le soutien régulier de
l’Ambassade de France et du Vice Rectorat de Nouvelle Calédonie. Nous les remercions chaleureusement pour leur implication
qui nous permet de mettre en place des projets exceptionnels au bénéfice de tous les élèves qui nous sont confiés.
Je souhaite à toute notre communauté, élèves, parents et professeurs une très productive et belle deuxième partie de troisième
Bien cordialement,
Emmanuel Texier, 16 août 2016
We are now in the middle of Term 3 and our students and teachers are very active as usual. A new French academic year has
started for our EFS Secondary students and we wish them all the best with a special thought for EFS Year 8 and Year 11
students who have just begun an essential year as they will sit the Brevet and Baccalauréat examinations in less than a year.
New French teachers
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This year we welcomed 10 new teachers as previously announced. Three of them were delayed as they were waiting for their
They are now all well settled and were delighted to receive their welcome pack from the P&C association. Once again I wish to
take this opportunity to thank all parents for their warm welcome.
New Primary teachers had the opportunity to meet with their students’ parents on 11th August for a special meeting.
This meeting was well attended by primary parents.
AEFE (Agency for French Education Abroad) news
From 25th to 28th July, we had the opportunity to welcome Dr Emmanuel Bernet in our school. Dr Bernet is a specialist in school
motivation, he works at the Lycée français de Singapour where he works as both primary teacher and educational adviser. He
spent time to advise and train our teachers and delivered a conference on ICT to our French and Australian teachers from
Primary and Secondary sectors.
I am also pleased to announce that AEFE has granted us with three missions in the Secondary sector from a Pedagogical
Counsellor in French, in Biology / Earth Science and in Physics / Chemistry for school year 2016-2017.
Three Pedagogical
Counsellors teachers will come from another Asia Pacific AEFE school to conduct professional training at Telopea Park School for
our teachers.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank AEFE for its ongoing support as these missions, essential to maintain a high
teaching quality, are always provided at no cost to our school.
Precisely a year ago, I was using this space to announce the creation of the Australian Association
of French English Bilingual Schools. This association is now very active and we share on pedagogy
and administration with other bilingual schools on an almost daily basis. 10 schools have now joined
this network which represents more than 3,500 students across 4 States and Territories.
In 2016, through the association and with the help of the French Embassy we are organising a Professional Learning for all
teachers in the network (This should take place in Melbourne) and a Symposium on Bilingualism in schools, in partnership with
ANU and the French Embassy.
An evening event will be organized at ANU on 17th October and will be open to all parents, we will get back to you soon with
further information.
As you are aware, the Pronote software (reporting software) is now available to all parents (Y6-Y12) from any computer. Parents
can access their children results and view the term reports a few days only after the Class Councils. This software is timed with
the French school year and significant maintenance and update is necessary in July. This service has therefore been interrupted
for a few weeks and will resume shortly. Should you have any issue with passwords or access, please contact Ms Bucholz at the
main front office of our school.
Telopea Park School / Lycée Franco-Australien is present on Twitter
and Facebook with an ever growing number of followers. At the same
time, we continue to offer paper based communication and are trying
to consolidate our email database in order to be able to deliver more targeted
communication to parents such as invitations to particular meetings.
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Language examinations
Our students can now sit for two language certifications: The DELF (Diplôme d’Etude en Langue Française) and the Cambridge
examination. Last April, we held the first Cambridge language examination in Canberra ever. This took place at Telopea Park
Soon in October, our students will be offered to sit the DELF examination also at Telopea Park School. We strongly believe that
the possibility to enhance a secondary diploma with a language certification is a very good preparation for our students’ future
studies and professional life.
Le Petit Journal de Telopea
Our group of EFS Year 10 journalists is still very active. This is an excellent
project where our students write, speak and practise a lot of French in a very
different setting than the classroom.
I would like to thank Medhi Trabelsi, Deputy Press Attaché from the French
Embassy for his support and all the advice he gave to our students.
ACT debating Union Competition
Two of our debating teams, who each won their semi-finals two weeks ago,
debated against one another on Wednesday 10th August in the School Library in
the ACT Debating Union Competition for the Murray Trophy.
The standard of their arguments was excellent. They each received the topic an
hour only before the debate was due to start, and with no electronic devices,
prepared their arguments.
The audience was amazed by the level of skills and confidence that both teams
demonstrated. Of course the school is now the proud recipient of the Murray
Debating Trophy as well as the Runners’ Up Trophy! Well done to our students,
Camille, Olivia, Neha, Selina, Joanne, Sam, Rhys and Yvette.
Thank you to our English Faculty and in particular Ms Singh, Executive teacher and Ms Nguyen, English teacher for this excellent
project for our students.
80 primary students participated to Wakakirri show on Wednesday 3rd August at Canberra Theatre.
They all did very well and were selected for the semi-final! We wish them all the best for the preparation and their next show
that will happen in week 10.
Thank you to their teacher, Ms Cathy Marot who has dedicated so much of her time to make this exceptional event possible.
3-6 Primary Concert
On Wednesday 18th August, our primary students performed in front of their parents, families and friends. This was a wonderful
bilingual concert with songs both in English and French and a great festive atmosphere. Singing is always a perfect occasion to
practise language and our students did their best! Thank you to Suan Cribb (our Music teacher) and to Cathy Marot (Primary
teacher) for their beautiful collaboration which benefits all our bilingual students.
You may listen to an extract of the concert here
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(Full link : )
School excursions and exchanges
Ski Trip
In week 4 and 5 two ski excursions were organised. With about 200 participants, these
excursions were a great success and our students were delighted to refresh at Thredbo’s
resort. For some of them, this was their first skiing experience. Thank you for the PE
Faculty for organising and leading this wonderful sport opportunity for our students.
Exchange with Noumea and New Caledonia
Year 11 students from Lycée Garnier are about to visit Canberra at the beginning of
September. They will be hosted by our Première students from Telopea Park School. For a whole week they
will visit Canberra and attend our school. We hope they will enjoy their time here. Our Première students will visit Noumea at the
end of June 2017 after completing the first part of their Baccalauréat.
At the end of September, our Year 6 students will inaugurate our partnership with
Collège Baudoux. This will be an excellent opportunity for them to experience
Secondary school as Year 6 is, in the French system, part of Secondary. College
Baudoux will also start a “Section Internationale” Australian – French in 2017 for
their Year 6. We will also apply to Section Internationale Australian French as soon
as it becomes available for French Schools abroad.
All these projects of student exchanges would not have been possible without the
support of the French Embassy and the Vice-Rectorat of New Caledonia. We
warmly thank them for their commitment which allows us to implement
exceptional projects to the benefits of all our students.
I wish our school community, students, parents and teachers a very productive and successful second part of term 3,
Bien cordialement,
Emmanuel Texier, 16th August 2016
To celebrate book week 2016
Book fair!
quality books for students in kindy to year 10
Telopea Park secondary library
Wednesday, Thursday, friday
August 24-26
8:00am – 6:00pm
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Secondary Parent Teacher Evening Term 3 2016
Secondary Parent/Teacher interviews will be held on:
Tuesday 20 September 2016 - 4:00pm to 6:30pm and
Wednesday 21 September 2016 - 6.00pm to 8:00pm
The online booking system, called “PTO”, will again be used. All parents will need an email address to access this system.
This is a good time to update your email contact details with the school because this is how you will access PTO. Please
contact the school on 61423388, to update your details.
A link to “PTO” will be available on the school website from Wednesday 7 September to obtain login details only.
Interviews can be booked from 4pm on Wednesday 14 September.
Accessing PTO:
1. Access the school website
Use the link for “Secondary Parent Teacher Evening” to gain access to the login page of the online booking system.
Click on the “Obtain PIN/Password”. Enter your Surname, then in the next space type in the current email address that you
have supplied to the school. Your PIN will then be forwarded to you via email, which will also include a ‘clickable link’ for the
booking system.
4. Use your PIN OR the ‘clickable link’ to access the booking system.
If you don’t have access to a computer or have any problems accessing your PIN (you may have changed your email address)
please call the front office reception on 61423388, for assistance.
Year 10 Parents:
Narrabundah College Careers & Transition Officers will be available during the Parent Teacher interviews, for parents of Year
10 students who may have queries about Narrabundah College. Parents will be able to book these interviews on PTO.
Ona Siakimotu
Executive Teacher Science
International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS)
by Tom Spollard
Telopea Park School congratulates those year 7 to year 10 students who sat the ICAS Digital technologies test in April, 2016.
Our students achieved above national averages in all year groups. Results include:
Year 7 Australian average (24.8) Telopea (25.9)
Year 8 Australian average (26.2) Telopea (31)
Year 9 Australia average (23) Telopea (29.4)
Year 10 Australia average (24.6) Telopea (32)
Significantly, congratulations to the following students for attaining distinctions or higher:
Hi Distinction:
Chris Beck (year 8)
Ren Ren (year 7)
Michael Chen (Year 8)
Vivien Deng (Year 9)
Selina Li (Year 9)
YudhishThiran Manikandan (Year 9)
Andrew Rapp (Year 10)
Well done to all participants! Certificates and results have been distributed via contact group. I look forward to working with
students in sitting for the ICAS Digital Technologies Test for 2017.
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Telopea Park School BAND CALENDAR DATES – Terms 3 and 4 2016
France/Belgium/England (European tour)
Parent Information Evening
Thursday 21 September – Thursday 5 October
Thursday 31 August 5.30pm – Secondary Library
2nd deposit, France 2017
Friday 28 October 2.30pm
(the excursion code is 8232-000-00)
Sydney Tour
Thursday 15 September
September 2016
Final payments due Friday 12 August
(Year 8-10 Wind Ensemble).
(excursion code – 8299-000-00)
Excursion Full. Reserve list now active
When Do We Rehearse (and where?)
Wednesday Band - 8.00am
8.00am Before School Wind Ensemble in the Hall
Wednesday after school
Wind Ensemble until 5.00pm in the Hall
All Year 8-10 Band members rehearse before and
after school
Thursday Band - 8am
8.00am Combined Year7 Bands (Year 7 EFS and
Australian Stream) in the Band Room
Thursday Combined Year7 bands also rehearse during
enrichment in the Band Room - Term 3 only.
Friday Jazz Band
7.45am in the Hall
Important Calendar Dates
Thursday 25 August 2016
Wind Ensemble Workshop at RMC TBC
Wednesday 31 August 5.30pm
Thursday 8 September 2016
France Tour Parent Information Evening
Secondary Library
ACT Schools Band Festival TBC
Friday 14 October 2016
Tuesday 25 October 2016
Thursday 27 October and Friday 28 October
Friday 28 October 2016
Tuesday 1 November 2016
Floriade Performance, Year7 Bands TBC
Music: Count Us In at Llewellyn Hall TBC
South Coast trip; Year7 Bands TBC
2nd (non-refundable) deposit – France 2017
LunchTime Fundraising Concert in Garema Place TBC
Saturday 5 November 2016
Friday 2 December 2016
12hr Band-a-Thon and Fete
3rd deposit France 2017
How much does band cost?
Course Costs and Materials: New Semester – same old rates.
Costs: $45 per student for the semester if the student possesses their own instrument.
$90 per semester for students using a school instrument.
$60 per semester for students using school drums, school guitars or keyboards.
A big thankyou to all who assisted in the sausage sizzle in fornt of the hall on election day on the first day of the school holidays.
Mr C is now considering a new career in barista-ing after being recognised widely at the election as Barton’s Baron of Baristas!
Chamber String Ensemble and Music Tuition.
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Private tutors are available and lessons can be arranged through Charlotte Winslade at ACTAM on 0419 308 918. Their website is if you would like to look into this area.
Guitar tuition on site is also available through Mojo Guitars – Cameron can be contacted on 0431 550 005 if you are interested in
pursuing after school guitar lessons.
Please feel free to contact me on 6142 3382 or by email (more reliable) if you have any questions to do with band, tuition or just
to say bon jour or g’day.
Rob Clements
Secondary Music Teacher
The Student Services Team of Telopea Park School provides a wide range of support for students and their families. Please feel
welcome to contact myself, Mrs. Kylie Louis (614 23379), Ms. Mary De Poorter (614 23393) or the appropriate Year Co-ordinator
to discuss concerns and enable us to facilitate relevant appointments and communication on your behalf.
Year Coordinators
include Year 10, Mr John Daniels, Year 9, Mrs. Kirsty Hilson, Year 8, Mr Nick Rothwell and Year 7, Ms Hollie Aerts. I would also
like to extend a warm welcome to Ms Diana Lawrence who joins our team as the Year 6 Transition Coordinator.
It has been an extremely busy start to this semester in Student Services. Students have settled into their classes extremely
well, and are already working diligently with their curriculum and assessment.
To support our students Study Group will
continue on Wednesday afternoons (from 3.15-4.30pm) in A1. Students are welcome to access Study Group by providing a
signed parental consent note, available from Student Services.
Mr Cherian is also available for Mathematics support in the
Secondary Library during Thursday lunchtimes and many of our teachers are offering subject-related support within their various
faculties, advertised via the Student Daily Notices. Students were provided with a Telopea Park School Diary at the beginning of
this year to support organisation and provide information about school for both your student and your own reference. Parents,
as well as students, are now able to access Managebac and I encourage everyone to take the time to review the curriculum
documents, assessment items and calendars to organise their homework schedules accordingly.
Communication between parents/carers, students and school is extremely important to the success of each students. Please be
reminded to inform Student Services of any change in contact details such as phone numbers or addresses as soon as possible.
It is imperative that the school has up to date information with which to communicate as required.
Telopea Park School prioritises attendance as crucial for students to achieve to their potential and maintain connectivity to the
school. Absences are reported on each student’s record as a legal requirement. We have an electronic absence program which
is marked each school session including every class, Contact Group, Assembly and Personal and Social Sessions, to monitor
attendance. School hours are 8.45am – 3.15pm, Monday – Friday. Students arriving late to school are expected to sign in at
Student Services, regardless of time, with a note explaining their absence. A parent/carer must contact the school within five
days to explain an absence from school.
Students repeatedly attending school late, without explanation, may receive a
[email protected] or phone: 614 23385 (with a subsequent letter or email).
Parents/carers are also
encouraged to have signed up for SMS/emails which notify when a student is marked not in attendance at school by 11.00am
each day. Please, also, note that students are not to attend school before 8.15am each day. Students requiring leaving the
school, for any reason, during the day are must provide a permission note from a parent/carer, collect a Leave Pass at Student
Services and wait at the Front Office at the requested leaving time. It would be greatly appreciated if students could gain their
Leave Pass as early as possible in the day and are punctual when waiting for their parents/carers. Attendance records were
included in the Semester 1 reports last term for your reference, with an A denoting un-explained absences.
Students who become unwell during the school day should first get a note from their classroom teacher and then attend First Aid
in the Secondary Library.
First Aid staff will contact parents/carers, facilitate students going home and amend attendance
records as required.
Telopea Park School students are required to wear appropriately-coloured clothing as part of the school dress code, promoting
unity and membership of our school community.
Black leather shoes are an Occupational Health and Safety requirement of
many subjects and students not adhering to these regulations may be excluded from taking part in classes in Arts, Technology
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and Science. Please refer to Pages 32-33 of the Telopea Park School Diary for more detail regarding the Uniform Dress Code
The security of personal items, including Bring Your Own Devices, is the responsibility of students. If students bring valuable
items to school, please secure the valuables and do not leave items in bags whilst unattended.
Students are strongly
encouraged to keep their valuables in lockers, PE storage or on their person whilst at school. PE provides a secure storage of
items during class. Student Services can store valuables for the day when items must be brought to school. Please be aware
students are not allowed to use mobile phones in class, nor inside the school buildings.
Please refer to Pages 36-37 of the
Telopea Park School Diary for more information.
Please feel welcome to communicate any information or concerns to Student Services so we can best assist your student in
achieving to their potential.
Kylie Louis
SLC Student Services
France Tour update:
August 31 at 5.30pm will be the next parent info session on the France tour in 2017. We will be meeting in the secondary
library. Michael Fiechtner from Intercultural Consulting Group will be in attendance. ICG will be hosting the tour and they come
with a wealth of experience touring large musical ensembles throughout Europe and Asia.
Sydney tour update:
The band members will need to be at school by 7.30am on Thursday 15 September ready for an 8.00am departure. Please
ensure that the smallest possible bags are brought – space is at a premium as we have a 72-piece band on tour!
Also, band members will need to arrive dressed in uniform as we are going straight to our first performance. Jazz band members
will not require their jazz blacks as they will be performing during Wind Ensemble concerts – remember to bring a packed lunch
on the first day too!
The RMC workshop is coming up soon on the morning of Thursday 25 August – a great opportunity to work alongside
A reminder that the senior bands are now rehearsing in the secondary hall – this new venue involves the 8-10 Wind ensemble
and Jazz Band. All band members are expected at all rehearsals – it would greatly assist us here at school if an email or note
from home was provided in the case of absences.
Rob Clements
Secondary Music Teacher
We have already reached the middle of Term 3! Next week, we will be celebrating Book Week, so the students and teachers will
be enjoying some very special events.
SRC Cupcake fundraiser for RSPCA
The student members of the Student Representative Council (SRC), with the expert guidance of our Deputy Principal, Ms Robin
Egerton, raised an amazing $530 from the sale of delicious cupcakes on Monday 15 August. These funds will go towards the
important work of the RSPCA. Thank you to all those parents who baked and donated cupcakes for this valuable cause.
The Annual Years 3 to 6 Concert
On Wednesday 17 August, a captivated audience enjoyed this annual event, proudly presented by our students in years 3 to 6.
Under the professional direction of our music teacher, Susan Cribb and their class teachers, the students dazzled the audience
with beautiful song and dance. It was truly a wonderful evening and we sincerely thank you for attending. The Kindergarten to
Year 2 Concert will be held on Thursday 1 December.
Book Week Parade Assembly- Wednesday 24 August
Teachers and students from Kindergarten through to Year 6 will be celebrating Book Week in style next week, with a special
parade assembly on Wednesday 24 August. It is time to research your childs’ favourite Book Week character and put their
costume together. Please refer to the letter sent home three weeks ago for further details.
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Parent Semester Overviews
Each semester we send a Parent Overview home with the students. These overviews are designed to provide important dates for
your calendar, a guide to the topics your children will be studying this semester as well as information on curriculum to be
covered. Please take some time to read the overviews, that were sent home last week, and then put them on the fridge for
future reference.
Spring Sausage Sizzle
This is a pre-alert for a collaborative project being planned by a year 8 ‘Service in Action’ class and year 5.2 with assistance
from years 5.1 & 5.3. The students will be running a sausage sizzle for students from kindergarten to year 6, on Thursday 1
September. The aim is to raise funds for two charities as selected by the students. They will be well guided and supported in
this endeavour by their teachers. A note will come home shortly and students will be able to pre-order to help with the planning
and cooking.
Term 3 Progress Reports and Parent-teacher interviews
Term 3 Progress reports will be going home with students on Friday 2 September. We will be holding parent-teacher interviews
again in term 3 on Tuesday 6 and Wednesday 7 September. Please look out for the information coming home shortly, so
that you will be able to log in to the Parent Teacher Online (PTO) program to book your interviews.
Collection of students/play equipment
Supervision at school is between 8.30am and 3.15pm daily. Please ensure your children are not at school outside these hours,
unless they are in supervised After School Care activities. Students should be brought to school between 8.30am and 9.00am
each morning, and collected from school when the bell rings at 3.15pm. If you are unable to bring or collect your child from
school during these hours, please enrol them in the After School Care program.
Students who are enrolled in After School Care are supervised when playing on the climbing equipment after school . Due to
safety concerns, other students must not be playing on the equipment at this time, even if their parents are present. Thank you
for supporting us in keeping all of our students safe.
Partnership between home and school
If your child reports an issue or incident that took place at school, please contact the school directly in the first instance. The
Communication Book is a reliable means of relaying messages or a phone call to the Primary Office is recommended for more
sensitive issues. We will investigate concerns and discuss the outcome and follow up with families. Thank you for working in
partnership with the school to resolve issues.
Wakakirri 2016
We received exciting news last week! Our wonderful “Wakakirrians” are through to the finals!! Well done to the students and to
Cathy Marot and Susan Cribb for preparing this outstanding story. We wish you all the best of luck in the finals!!
Lost Property
For new families to the school, lost items that are found at school are placed in cupboards just outside the Primary Office. These
cupboards tend to fill very quickly and we are continually relying on the good will of generous parents who give their time to sort
the items in an attempt to return them to their owner. This task is much more efficient when all items are marked with a
student’s full name.
Please support us in encouraging students to take care of their belongings and to check Lost Property for their missing items
promptly. Ensuring that any item coming to school is clearly marked with your child’s full name will alleviate the problem of
unclaimed items being discarded, or donated, at the end of each term when the cupboards are emptied.
Achievements of our students
We love to celebrate the achievements of our students. Jasper (year 4), Atticus (year 2) and Indigo (kindergarten)
Jackson have achieved recognition for their original hand-made quilts. Jasper was awarded the Allan Armistead Award
encouraging first-time youth entrants. Atticus won first place and Indigo won second place in the primary school category.
Canberra Quilters are celebrating their 40th anniversary this year and encouraged children to enter in the primary and secondary
exhibition categories with the opportunity to win prizes. Canberra Quilters rooms are based in Cook and there are many
opportunities to meet and sew with enthusiastic quilters of all ages. Anyone interested in joining or finding out more about CQ
and next year’s exhibition should contact Jan Gordon (exhibition coordinator) [email protected]
0414185416. You can see their quilts on the website along with the other quilts that received ribbons – Jasper made the
peacock, Atticus made the Dr Who star quilt and Indigo made the beach one. We are very proud of them!
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Hatching Chicks
Our kindergarten students have spent the last two weeks observing the life cycle of a chicken. Each classroom has had an
incubator with ready to hatch eggs. The students have been very excited as the eggs hatched and the cute little chicks freed
themselves from the egg shells. To continue their study of life cycles, we will be receiving tadpoles at the beginning of term 4.
School Uniform
Winter brought out many colours, but it is time for students to wear their correct school uniform. Please ensure your child wears
the colours and items that are part of our school’s uniform. For your convenience, our uniform shop is located in the canteen
area of the school, where you are able to purchase school uniforms all year round. Please note that jeans are not an acceptable
substitute for navy blue pants. Hats must be broad-brimmed or legionnaire styles. Caps are not a SunSmart choice.
Parent Reading Helpers
We are very grateful for the contribution parents make to assisting our students in Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 through the
learning to read process. If you are able to volunteer any time to support students, please contact the class teachers directly. A
“Working with Vulnerable People” card is required for anyone working with students and details on how to apply for one is
available at the Primary Office.
Year 3-6 ICAS Results 2016
We congratulate all students who took part in the ICAS Science examinations recently. They received their awards at an
assembly held on Thursday 11 August. Students who received Distinctions and Credits are listed below. Well done to these
students! We have some potential future scientists in our school!
Science: Distinctions
Ella Roberts
Siobhan Hall
Rebecca Kriticos
Aarushi Rao
Adrian Lehane
Science: Credit
Sam Bannerman
Imogen Burge
Lucas De Poorter
Noah Polishuk
Carla Tenthorey-Vinuesa
Quy Christie-Nguyen
Thomas De Poorter
Paul Petitididier
Olivier Beauvais
Kalman Thoms
Zone Athletics
After some necessary changes we now have the final squad to attend the 26-schools zone carnival on Thursday 18th August;
Coen Storer, Oscar Villegas, Sam Bannerman, Stellan Lindrud, Grégoire Bories, Edwin Roach, Joshua Coates, Tian Yu Uksi,
Augustin Leonhardt,
Jack Martin, Cedric Souksavat, Abhinav Das, Nicholas Grandy, Amédée Dewynter, Chris Ryan, Clément
Gelebart, Nathan Lanfear, , Tomas Keily, Marc-Andre Beauvais, Olivier Beauvais, Kami Schmutz
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Anastassia Stauffacher, Emily Chevreau, Ella Roberts, Sophie Munro, Audrey Bradshaw, Liesel Freyens, Katy Brown, Maria Ait
Aissa, Isabella Andrews, Jana Stauffacher, Sara Wallace, Iwa Munro , Aurelia Longchampt, Alicia Amani, Kira Tenthorey-Vinuesa,
Aline Souksavat, Audrey Suckling, Naomi Binga, Demi DeAndrade, Lou Ann Oillic , Mathilde Lavieuville,
We wish them all the very best in team spirit and competition enrichment. Thank you to all parents for supporting their child’s
Chess Tournament
The Primary School has a lunchtime chess club for students in years 2-6, run by Vincent Boutraud and Vincent Severac.
Recently, two teams were entered in the Primary section of the ANU Chess Festival; Paul Petitdidier, Amédée Dewynter, Stylian
Guillin, Amine Hamiti, Jaiden Barriga, Tian Yu Uski, Adrian Herzog, Kami Schmutz, Olivier Beauvais. In their first participation the
teams came 6th out of 20 participating schools. This enrichment activity was much appreciated by the students and parents.
Thank you Vincent Boutraud for organising this experience.
Shoe drive for Palumpa School
Thank you for your generous donations to support this charity drive. Donations of new or clean, used joggers are still welcome.
There is a drop-off box outside the Primary Library.
Parent Satisfaction Survey
Don’t forget to complete this valuable survey. Your feedback is important to us, so please spend a few minutes to provide us
with much needed information. If you do not have access to a computer at home, you are most welcome to come to the school
and use one here at school.
Telopea Fête- Saturday 5 November
Our wonderful Parents and Citizens (P&C) Fête Committee is busily planning yet another fabulous fête this year. The students
benefit greatly from the proceeds of the fête and we truly appreciate the enormous amount of work that goes into the
organisation each year. This year, the Fête will be held on Saturday 5 November. Naturally, “Many hands make light work”
and we are appealing to our generous parent community for assistance in any way possible to ensure another successful fête
this year. If you are able to provide any assistance, please contact the P&C. Details may be located on the school website.
Thank you to everyone who supports us to make our unique school so successful.
Until next time,
Kathy Solomko
Executive Teacher K-2 (Kindergarten, year 1 and year 2)
Nous sommes déjà au milieu du troisième trimestre ! La semaine prochaine, nous célébrerons la Semaine du livre, les élèves et
les enseignants pourront ainsi participer avec plaisir à des événements très spéciaux.
Vente de cupcakes par le SRC au profit de la RSPCA
Les élèves membres du Conseil représentatif des élèves (SRC), sous la direction experte de notre principale adjointe, Mme Robin
Egerton, ont récolté la somme incroyable de 530 $ lors de la vente de délicieux cupcakes le lundi 15 août. Ces fonds serviront à
l'important travail accompli par la RSPCA. Merci à tous les parents qui ont fait ou donné des cupcakes pour cette belle cause.
Concert annuel des classes de CE2 à Sixième
Le mercredi 17 Août, un public captivé a apprécié cet événement annuel, fièrement présenté par nos élèves de CE2 à Sixième.
Sous la direction professionnelle de notre professeure de musique, Susan Cribb et de leurs professeurs, nos élèves ont ébloui le
public avec de beaux chants et de la danse . Ce fut vraiment une excellente soirée et nous vous remercions sincèrement de votre
présence. Le concert des classes de Maternelle à CE1 aura lieu le jeudi 1er décembre.
Assemblée et parade de la Semaine du livre – mercredi 24 août
Les enseignants et les élèves de la Maternelle à la Sixième vont célébrer la Semaine du livre avec éclat la semaine prochaine,
lors d’une assemblée spéciale et d’une parade le mercredi 24 Août. Il est temps de rechercher le personnage préféré de votre
enfant et de confectionner le costume. Vous avez reçu une note donnant tous les détails de cet événement il y a trois semaines.
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Programmes du semestre 2 à l’attention des parents
Chaque semestre, nous remettons un document réalisé à l’attention des parents reprenant le programme enseigné lors du
semestre. Ces documents sont conçus pour fournir les dates importantes, un résumé des thèmes abordés en classe ce semestre
ainsi que des informations sur les points de programmes couverts. Nous vous remercions de bien vouloir prendre le temps de lire
ce document qui a été envoyé à la maison la semaine dernière, puis de le mettre en évidence sur votre réfrigérateur pour l’avoir
facilement sous les yeux.
Spring Sausage Sizzle
Un projet organisé par le cours « Service en action » des élèves de Quatrième aura lieu avec les élèves de CM2-1 et CM2-3, et
avec l’aide des élèves de CM2-2. Les élèves organisent une vente de saucisses grillées à l’attention des élèves des classes de
Maternelle à la Sixième le jeudi 1er septembre. L'objectif est de recueillir des fonds pour deux organismes de bienfaisance choisis
par les élèves. Ils seront bien guidés et soutenus dans cette entreprise par leurs professeurs. Une note sera envoyée à la maison
dans peu de temps et les élèves pourront commander leurs saucisses à l’avance, dans le but de gérer au mieux les ingrédients et
faciliter la cuisson le jour même.
Bulletins du troisième trimestre et réunions parents/professeurs
Les bulletins du troisième trimestre seront remis aux élèves le vendredi 2 septembre. Nous organisons des entrevues
parents/professeurs les mardi 6 et mercredi 7 septembre. Nous vous remercions d’être attentifs aux prochaines informations qui
vous seront données, en particulier pour pouvoir vous connecter au site PTO pour réserver les entrevues avec les enseignants.
Sortie des élèves et utilisation des jeux dans la cour
La surveillance à l'école est assurée de 8h30 à 15h15 chaque jour. Merci de vous assurer que vos enfants ne sont pas à l'école
en dehors de ces heures, sauf si elles sont supervisées par le personnel de la garderie. Les élèves doivent arriver à l'école entre
8h30 et 9h00 chaque matin et quitter l'école quand la cloche sonne à 15h15. Si vous ne pouvez déposer ou récupérer votre
enfant au cours de ces heures, nous vous demandons de l inscrire à la garderie.
Les élèves inscrits à la garderie du soir sont surveillés lorsqu’ils jouent sur les structures de jeux de l'école. Pour des raisons de
sécurité, les autres élèves ne doivent pas jouer sur les structures à ce moment-là, même si leurs parents sont présents. Nous
vous remercions de nous aider à garder tous nos élèves en sécurité.
Partenariat entre la maison et l’école
Si votre enfant vous signale un problème ou un incident qui a eu lieu à l'école, nous vous remercions de bien vouloir contacter
l'école directement en premier lieu. Le cahier de communication est un bon moyen de transmettre des messages. Il est
recommandé d’appeler le secrétariat du Primaire pour les problèmes plus délicats. Nous examinerons les problèmes et
discuterons des conclusions et du suivi avec les familles. Nous vous remercions de travailler en partenariat avec l'école pour
résoudre les problèmes éventuels.
Wakakirri 2016
Nous avons reçu d'excellentes nouvelles la semaine dernière ! Notre merveilleuse troupe de Wakakirri est en finale !! Bravo aux
élèves et à Cathy Marot et Susan Cribb pour avoir imaginé cette histoire exceptionnelle. Nous vous souhaitons tous nos meilleurs
vœux de réussite en finale !!
Lost Property
For new families to the school, lost items that are found at school are placed in cupboards just outside the Primary Office. These
cupboards tend to fill very quickly and we are continually relying on the good will of generous parents who give their time to sort
the items in an attempt to return them to their owner. This task is much more efficient when all items are marked with a
student’s full name.
Please support us in encouraging students to take care of their belongings and to check Lost Property for their missing items
promptly. Ensuring that any item coming to school is clearly marked with your child’s full name will alleviate the problem of
unclaimed items being discarded, or donated, at the end of each term when the cupboards are emptied.
Pour les nouvelles familles de l'école, les objets et vêtements égarés qui se trouvent à l'école sont placés dans des armoires
juste en face du secrétariat du primaire. Ces armoires ont tendance à se remplir très rapidement et nous comptons
continuellement sur la bonne volonté des parents qui donnent généreusement de leur temps pour trier les objets et vêtements
pour les rendre à leur propriétaire. Cette tâche est beaucoup plus efficace lorsque tous les objets et vêtements sont marqués
avec le nom complet de l'élève.
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Merci de nous aider à encourager les élèves à prendre soin de leurs affaires et de vérifier les armoires rapidement lorsqu’un
objet ou vêtement est égaré. Veillez à ce que tout objet ou vêtement apporté à l'école soit clairement marqué avec le nom
complet de votre enfant. Nous règlerons ainsi le nombre croissant d’objets ou vêtements non réclamés et jetés ou donnés à la
fin de chaque trimestre lorsque nous vidons les placards.
Réussites des élèves
We love to celebrate the achievements of our students. Jasper (year 4), Atticus (year 2) and Indigo (kindergarten)
Jackson have achieved recognition for their original hand-made quilts. Jasper was awarded the Allan Armistead Award
encouraging first-time youth entrants. Atticus won first place and Indigo won second place in the primary school category.
Canberra Quilters are celebrating their 40th anniversary this year and encouraged children to enter in the primary and secondary
exhibition categories with the opportunity to win prizes. Canberra Quilters rooms are based in Cook and there are many
opportunities to meet and sew with enthusiastic quilters of all ages. Anyone interested in joining or finding out more about CQ
and next year’s exhibition should contact Jan Gordon (exhibition coordinator) [email protected]
0414185416. You can see their quilts on the website along with the other quilts that received ribbons – Jasper made the
peacock, Atticus made the Dr Who star quilt and Indigo made the beach one. We are very proud of them!
A Telopea Park School, nous aimons célébrer les belles réalisations de nos élèves. Jasper (classe de CM1), Atticus (classe de
CE1) et Indigo Jackson (classe de Grande Section de Maternelle) ont obtenu un prix pour la réalisation de leurs courtepointes
cousues-main. Jasper a reçu le prix Armistead Allan encourageant les jeunes qui participent au concours pour la première fois.
Atticus a remporté la première place et Indigo a remporté la deuxième place dans la catégorie Ecole Primaire. L’association
Canberra Quilters célèbre son 40e anniversaire cette année et a encouragé les élèves du Primaire et du Secondaire à participer
au concours. L’association Canberra Quilters est basée à Cook et donne l’occasion de rencontrer et de coudre avec des
couturières quilteuses enthousiastes de tous âges. Toute personne souhaitant rejoindre l’association ou souhaitant davantage
d’informations sur l’association et sur l'exposition de l'année prochaine doit contacter Jan Gordon (coordinateur de l'exposition) à
l’adresse suivante :
[email protected] ou par téléphone au
0414185416. Vous pouvez voir les
courtepointes de nos élèves sur leur site ainsi que celles qui ont reçu des prix - Jasper a réalisé un paon, Atticus a réalisé la
courtepointe de Dr Who et Indigo a réalisé celle avec la plage. Nous sommes très fiers d'eux !
Nos élèves de Grande Section de Maternelle ont passé les deux dernières semaines à observer le cycle de vie d'un poulet.
Chaque classe a reçu un incubateur avec des œufs prêts à éclore. Les élèves ont été très enthousiastes de voir les œufs éclore et
les petits poussins tous mignons se libérer des coquilles d'œufs. Pour poursuivre leur étude des cycles de vie, nous allons
accueillir des têtards au début du quatrième trimestre.
Uniforme de l’école
Avec l’hiver, nous avons vu beaucoup de couleurs sur les élèves, mais il est temps pour eux de porter le bon uniforme scolaire.
Veuillez vous assurer que votre enfant porte les bons vêtements qui font partie de l'uniforme de notre école, et avec le bon code
couleurs. Pour votre commodité, notre boutique est située dans la cantine de l'école. Vous pouvez y acheter des articles de
l’uniforme scolaire toute l'année. Merci de noter que les jeans ne peuvent remplacer le pantalon bleu marine. Les chapeaux
doivent être à larges bords ou de style légionnaire. Les casquettes ne font pas partie des choix SunSmart.
Parents volontaires pour la lecture
Nous sommes très reconnaissants de l’aide apportée par les parents pour venir faire lire nos élèves en Grande Section de
Maternelle, CP et CE1 . Si vous êtes en mesure de faire du bénévolat à tout moment pour aider nos élèves, nous vous
remercions de bien vouloir contacter directement les enseignants de la classe. Une carte "Working With Vulnerable People"
(WWVP) est obligatoire pour tous ceux qui travaillent auprès des élèves. Vous trouverez au secrétariat du Primaire les
informations nécessaires pour en faire la demande.
Résultats ICAS 2016 (classes de CE2 à Sixième)
We congratulate all students who took part in the ICAS Science examinations recently. They received their awards at an
assembly held on Thursday 11 August. Students who received Distinctions and Credits are listed below. Well done to these
students! We have some potential future scientists in our school!
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Nous félicitons tous les élèves qui ont pris part récemment aux épreuves de Sciences des examens ICAS. Ils ont reçu leur prix
lors d'une assemblée qui s’est tenue le jeudi 11 août. Les élèves qui ont obtenu une Mention Très Bien ou une Mention Bien sont
énumérés ci-dessous. Bravo à ces élèves! Nous avons très certainement quelques futurs scientifiques dans notre école!
Science: Mention Très Bien
Ella Roberts
Siobhan Hall
Rebecca Kriticos
Aarushi Rao
Adrian Lehane
Science: Mention Bien
Sam Bannerman
Imogen Burge
Lucas De Poorter
Noah Polishuk
Carla Tenthorey-Vinuesa
Quy Christie-Nguyen
Thomas De Poorter
Paul Petitididier
Olivier Beauvais
Kalman Thoms
Compétition Zone Athletics
Après quelques changements nécessaires, nous avons à présent l'équipe définitive pour participer aux compétitions d’athlétisme
avec les 26 écoles de la zone le jeudi 18 août .
Equipe masculine pour la compétition ZONE ATHLETICS:
Coen Storer, Oscar Villegas, Sam Bannerman, Stellan Lindrud, Grégoire Bories, Edwin Roach, Joshua Coates, Tian Yu Uksi,
Augustin Leonhardt,
Jack Martin, Cedric Souksavat, Abhinav Das, Nicholas Grandy, Amédée Dewynter, Chris Ryan, Clément
Gelebart, Nathan Lanfear, , Tomas Keily, Marc-Andre Beauvais, Olivier Beauvais, Kami Schmutz
Equipe féminine pour la compétition ZONE ATHLETICS:
Anastassia Stauffacher, Emily Chevreau, Ella Roberts, Sophie Munro, Audrey Bradshaw, Liesel Freyens, Katy Brown, Maria Ait
Aissa, Isabella Andrews, Jana Stauffacher, Sara Wallace, Iwa Munro , Aurelia Longchampt, Alicia Amani, Kira Tenthorey-Vinuesa,
Aline Souksavat, Audrey Suckling, Naomi Binga, Demi DeAndrade, Lou Ann Oillic , Mathilde Lavieuville,
Nous leur souhaitons de donner le meilleur d’eux-mêmes dans leur esprit d'équipe et de s’enrichir face à leurs concurrents. Merci
à tous les parents pour le soutien que vous apportez à votre enfant.
Tournoi d’échecs
L'école primaire a un club d'échecs sur la pause méridienne pour les élèves des classes de CE1 à Sixième, animé par Vincent
Boutraud et Vincent Severac. Récemment, deux équipes ont participé au Festival d'échecs de l’ANU dans la catégorie Ecole
Primaire. Les équipes étaient composées des élèves suivants : Paul Petitdidier, Amédée Dewynter, Stylian Guillin, Amine Hamiti,
Jaiden Barriga, Tian Yu Uski, Adrian Herzog, Kami Schmutz, Olivier Beauvais. Pour leur première participation, les équipes se
sont classées 6ème sur 20 écoles participantes. Cette activité d'enrichissement a été très appréciée par les élèves et les parents.
Merci à Vincent Boutraud pour avoir organisé cette belle expérience pour nos élèves.
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Des chaussures pour l’école de Palumpa
Nous vous remercions de vos dons généreux pour soutenir cette campagne de bienfaisance. Les dons de baskets neuves ou de
seconde main propres sont toujours les bienvenus. Il y a une boîte où vous pouvez déposer vos dons à l’entrée de la
bibliothèque du primaire.
Enquête de satisfaction des parents
N’ oubliez pas de compléter ce précieux questionnaire. Vos commentaires sont importants pour nous, nous vous remercions donc
de passer quelques minutes pour nous fournir des informations très utiles. Si vous n'avez pas accès à un ordinateur à la maison,
vous êtes les bienvenus pour venir à l'école et utiliser un de nos ordinateurs.
Fête de l’école – samedi 5 novembre
Les merveilleux membres du comité d’organisation de la fête de l’école (association de parents P&C) sont occupés à organiser
une nouvelle fête fabuleuse pour cette année. Les élèves bénéficient grandement du produit de la fête et nous réalisons vraiment
l'énorme charge de travail nécessaire à l'organisation de la fête chaque année. Cette année, la Fête aura lieu le Samedi 5
novembre. Naturellement, "l’union fait la force » et nous faisons appel à notre communauté de parents généreux pour aider de
quelque façon que ce soit pour assurer une belle fête réussie encore cette année. Si vous êtes en mesure d’apporter votre aide,
vous pouvez contacter le P & C. Vous trouverez leurs coordonnées sur le site de l'école.
Merci à tous ceux qui contribuent au succès de notre école unique.
A bientôt,
Kathy Solomko
Professeur cadre en charge des classes de Maternelle à CE1
Parents and Citizens (P&C) news
Invitation to the next P&C Meeting
All parents and carers of children at Telopea Park School are eligible members of the P&C. Please note that the next meeting of
the P&C is 7pm Wednesday 7th September in the Senior Staff Room. The initial Fête Committee meet just beforehand at 6pm.
We hope to see you there.
P&C eNewsletter
The P&C has its own eNewsletter that is used to keep Telopea parents and friends informed and engaged in a variety of school
and community activities and events.
Sign up here to receive our updates!
Do you have the Telopea Skoolbag app on your smartphone?
Don't miss school events or announcements anymore!
The TPS Skoolbag app features Events, School and Community News, Telopea Topics newsletters, school contacts and push
notification alerts direct from the school. Read about what’s happening at Telopea and add important events directly into your
phone calendar. Available on iOS from the Apple App and iTunes stores and Android through the Google Play store.
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The fete this year is on Saturday 5th November,
time is flying by so it will be here before we know it!!
Trolleys will be appearing in the foyers of the senior and junior school from week 7 so that gives you a couple of weekends to do
some sorting and gathering.
We are looking for:
Tombola jars – clean jars filled with lollies ready for our fabulous Tombola stall
And, of course, VOLUNTEERS!
If you are able to help out in any way we would love you to come to our next fete meeting so, send us an email at
[email protected] and we will be sure to add you to the
list of friendly, fabulous and enthusiastic volunteers.
Remember the fete is the major fundraiser for our school so,
let’s make 2016 a fantastic fete for all of our children.
Monday – 8.30 - 9.30am
Tuesday – 2.45 - 3.45pm
Thursday – 11.00am – 12.00noon
Order and pay securely on the web:
[email protected]
Place your order over the phone/fax 1300794179 (business hours)
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Marymead’s Spring Plant Sale
Come along to the Marymead Spring Plant Sale on Saturday 24 September from 9.00am – 1.00pm at 255 Goyder Street,
Narrabundah. There will be ground covers, herbs, perennials, shrubs and trees. Quality plants and competitive prices with all
proceeds to Marymead. There will also be books, toys, preserves, clothes and morning tea. For further information contact 6162
5800 or email [email protected].
invites new and returning families down to the oval to register for the
upcoming 2016-17 summer season!
Registration days
When: Saturday 10th & 17th September
Time: 9 am – 12 noon
Where: Kambah No 3 Oval, Kett Street
(opposite the Burns Club)
Online Registration
also available from 5th August 2016
Go to and follow the Join up/Register link.
Competition begins
Saturday 15 October 2016 at 8.45am
(This is also our Come & Try Day)
For more information
Follow us on facebook, visit our webiste
or email [email protected]
On behalf of Woden Valley Youth Choir and its Artistic Director, Alpha Gregory, we have great pleasure in inviting you and your
friends, to our Annual Concert. “Applause! Applause!”
DATE: Saturday 17th September
TIME: 7:30pm
TICKETING: Adults: $25, Children U/12 and Concession: $20, Families: $80 (2 adults 2 children/concession) Bookings can be
made through:
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The YMCA Space Camp is an initiative of the Canberra Innovation Network and sponsored by the YMCA of Canberra plus other
science partners. The camp runs over the long weekend from 30 September to 3 October 2016, and is designed to inspire
budding scientists. It is open to all high school age children in the ACT in years 7 – 9, however there are only 45 places
The successful applicants will spend the weekend at the YMCA’s student accommodation in O’Connor and will be supervised by
volunteer ACT teachers. I have attached the itinerary for this exciting weekend.
I have attached a PDF flyer and would appreciate it if it could go out in TPS’s next newsletter. I have also attached the web page
and the Facebook site for your reference. I also have posters available which I would be happy to bring to the school – please let
me know.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Applications are open now and can be found on the web site.
Bush Capital Lodge
Friday 30 September
1200 – arrive BCL
1230 – SKYPE session
Christopher Ferguson,
former NASA Astronaut
1430 – Team building
Creative Element
1630 – ANU Research
School of Astronomy &
Astrophysics, Mt
Stromlo for activities and
NSW Crescent
Phone: 61423388
[email protected]
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Saturday 1 October
Sunday 2 October
Monday 3 October
0830 leave BCL for
CSIRO Canberra Deep
Space Communication
Complex Tidbinbilla Rocketry
1230 Tidbinbilla lunch
0900 – BCL Creative
Element Robotics
0930 – BCL Creative
Element Robotics
1100 – BCL Geospatial
1300 – BCL Parent
1600 – return to BCL
1230 – BCL lunch
Free time
1330 – BCL UNSW
Canberra, Cool
1800 – Dinner and movie
night – Mars theme
1700 – Questacon
Excited Particles (with
Proviseur/Head of French
Kerrie Blain
Emmanuel Texier
Deputy Principal K-10 Peter Clayden
Deputy Principal K-6
Deputy Principal 7-10
Michele McLoughlin
Conseiller Pédagogique Julien Dugas
Business Manager
Mary Ryan
Mary Welsh
Robin Egerton
School Board Members 2016
Board Chair
Jacinda Still
Appointed Member
Staff Member
Cathy Marot
Staff Member
P&C Member
Student Member
Australian Government
French Government
Laura Beacroft
Divij Madan
Louise Hudson
Catherine Hodier
P&C Member
Student Member
French Government
Board Secretary
Katherine Solomko
Hugh Griffin
Timothy Rock
Eric Soulier
Mary Ryan
P&C 2016
Paul Haesler
Vice Presidents
[email protected]
Peter Roberts,
David Pullen
Pauline Cullen
Assistant Secretary
Anita Gardner
Justin Brown
Assistant Treasurer
Phillippe Moncuquet
Public Officer
Before and After School Care
Communication Officer
Lost Property Officer
Initial Fete Coordination Team
Catriona Dove
Andrea Grazziadelli
Emma Perkins
Christine Gustafson
Grants Officer
ACT P&C Delegate
Communication Officer
Returning Officer
Andrew Koc-McDonald
Julie Glasgow
Lisa Wallace
Peter Roberts
Vaishali Goel, Andrew Medlin, Clair Bannerman, Tran Tang, Nicola Smith
and Jacinda Still
The inclusion of advertisements in this publication is in no way to be interpreted as an endorsement of support by the school.
Readers are responsible for forming their own opinions as to the value or reliability of the information contained in such
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