DT V10 - Pottery


DT V10 - Pottery
Technical Description
V10 – Pottery
Summary of the contest:
Realization of a handmade pottery using the provided materials and respecting the imposed
Running of the contest:
The duration of the contest will be maximum 4 hours.
It consists in modeling and turning a handmade pottery based on a drawing.
Applicants use clay provided for the event.
Main skills required:
Be able to:
Prepare the material, the clay
Shape and turn the clay
Adjust, modify, correct your work to respect the imposed model
Put on the finishing touches and the decoration.
Rating criteria:
Creation identical to the drawing: shape, volume, dimension
Use of the clay
Technique used
Expression of creativity
General aspect of the work, aesthetic.
ABILYMPICS FRANCE, 102 avenue de Canéjan, 33600 PESSAC
SIRET : 803 936 756 00011
Association déclarée en préfecture de Gironde le 15/07/2014 ; annonce 408 du JO du 26/07/2014