DT V13 - Wood Carving


DT V13 - Wood Carving
Technical Description
V13 – Wood Carving
Sculture sur Bois
Summary of the contest:
Making a wood carving according to given drawing
Running of the contest:
The duration of the contest will be maximum 6 hours.
According to a given drawing, candidates must realise a wood carving using provided hand
A creative part, or a personnal interpretation might be part of the contest.
Main skills required:
Be able to:
 Interpret and reproduce a drawing
 Manage wood carving techniques, cutting…
 Create shape and volume harmony in a creation
Rating criteria:
Workplace, cleanliness and security management
Precision and respect of the provided guidelines and drawing
Originality and creativity
Overall design, wood carving quality
ABILYMPICS FRANCE, 102 avenue de Canéjan, 33600 PESSAC
SIRET : 803 936 756 00011
Association déclarée en préfecture de Gironde le 15/07/2014 ; annonce 408 du JO du 26/07/2014

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