CV EN sans N - L`Institut d`Asie Orientale


CV EN sans N - L`Institut d`Asie Orientale
Chao Zhang 張超 – Curriculum Vitae
Born: 1st August 1980
Email: [email protected]
Since 2015
Post-doctoral research fellow, Lyon Institute of East Asian Studies (IAO).
Research interests: Buddhist Studies, Chan/Zen Buddhism, Historiography and Biography, Chinese Intellectual
History, Song Dynasty, Chinese Classical Literature.
PhD in Historical and Philological Sciences, École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE)/Centre
de recherche sur les civilisations de l'Asie orientale (CRCAO)
Supervisors: Jean-Pierre Drège (EPHE) and Kuo Li-ying (EFEO).
Dissertation title: Formation des paradigmes religieux entre essai et hagiographie — étude de
deux biji du bouddhisme Chan des Song du Sud (1127-1279). [Formation of the religious
paradigms between essay and hagiography – a study of two Chan Buddhism biji of the
Southern Song (1127-1279)]
Grade: Très honorable avec félicitations du jury à l’unanimité (summa cum laude).
Examiners: Bernard Faure (Colombia University), Romain Graziani (ENS Lyon)
Committee members: Jean-Pierre Drège (EPHE), Vincent Durand-Dastès (INALCO),
Stéphane Feuillas (Paris Diderot), Romain Graziani (ENS Lyon), Kuo Li-ying (EFEO),
Françoise Wang-Toutain (CNRS).
University Degree (D.U.) in Japanese Language and Civilisation, Université Paris DiderotParis VII.
Master’s degree in Chinese Studies, Université Paris Diderot – Paris VII.
Thesis title: Arguments pour promouvoir la rectitude de Hu Yin (1098-1156) — un cas de
l’évincement des confucéens à l’égard du bouddhisme. [Hu Yin’s (1098-1156) Arguments to
promote uprightness – a case of Confucian rejection of Buddhism]
Grade: Très bien (A).
Bachelor's degree in Psychology, Université Paris Descartes – Paris V.
Doctoral Scholarship at the École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE).
Attaché Temporaire d’Enseignement et de Recherche (ATER, Teaching Assistant) in Chinese
Studies, Lyon Institute of East Asian Studies, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon.
Audience: students of École Normale Supérieure and postgraduate students.
Courses: 192h/year, writing and speaking Chinese, translation, preparation for the competitive
examination of the “Certificat d’aptitude au professorat de l’enseignement du second degree”
(CAPES) in Chinese.
Chinese language tutoring for French speakers, Association « Passeport pour la Chine »
Audience: adults
Group size and frequency: 8-12 people, 1.5-4.5h/week
Level: from beginner to advanced
• Participation in collective research projects:
Since 2014
Member of the CRCAO Research Program « Identités et conduites lettrées dans la Chine des
Song (960-1279) », co-directed by Stéphane Feuillas (Université Paris-Diderot, CRCAO) and
Christian Lamouroux (EHESS, CECMC).
Since 2009
Assistant of the CRCAO Research Program « Études sur Dunhuang, Turfan et sur les oasis de
l’Asie centrale sous influence chinoise », directed by Éric Trombert (CNRS, CRCAO).
• Administrative and scientific responsibilities:
Since 12/2014 Secretary of the French Association of Chinese Studies (AFEC).
• Publications:
Chan Master Dahui Pujue’s arsenal for the Chan school (Dahui Pujue Chanshi zongmen wuku 大慧普覺禪師
宗門武庫). Buddhist text from the twelfth century, annotated translation in preparation.
“Aperçu sur le biji du bouddhisme Chan.” Études Chinoises XXXIV-1 (2015), journal article, submitted.
“Les grand-mères vulgaires: l’évolution d’une représentation féminine du bouddhisme chan.” Études Chinoises
XXXI-1 (2012): 67-80.
• Conferences and talks:
“Introduction à la littérature biji des Song (960-1279).” (2h) Seminar “Initiation aux études
chinoises” of Professor Laure Zhang (B.A. Program, Unit of Chinese Studies), University of
Geneva, Geneva. November 25.
“The Tang and the Song representations of old women in Chan literature” 唐宋禪宗文學婆子
形象之比較研究 (in Chinese). 9th Young Scholar Symposium of Buddhist Studies and
International Conference on the Studies of Chinese Buddhism, Centre for the Study of
Humanistic Buddhism, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. July 25-28.
“Lignage religieux et relation maître-disciple du bouddhisme Chan des Song (960-1279).”
Doctoral and postdoctoral annual meeting of the Lyon Institute of East Asian Studies (IAO),
École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Lyon. May 30.
“Entre les nonnes vaillantes et les grand-mères vulgaires : les représentations féminines du
Chan à travers un Biji des Song du Sud (1127-1279).” Annual meeting of the French
Association of Chinese Studies (AFEC), Paris. July 23.
• Translation et interpretation :
Extrême-Orient, Extrême-Occident, N°38 “La Guerre en perspective. Histoire et culture
militaire en Chine.” Translation from French to Chinese of the article abstracts.
Chen Juxia. “Zhai Farong and the Mogao cave 85.” Translation from Chinese to French of the
conference organized by the Centre de recherche sur les civilisations chinoise, japonaise et
tibétaine (CRCAO, UMR 8155).
Presses universitaires de France (PUF). Translation from French to Chinese of a catalogue of
works in Humanities and Social Sciences.
Extrême-Orient, Extrême-Occident, N°34 “Political Rhetoric in Early China” and special issue
“Père institué, père questionné.” Translation from French to Chinese of the article abstracts.
International Symposium “Rencontre franco-chinoise des études de Dunhuang”, organized by
the Centre de recherche sur les civilisations chinoise, japonaise et tibétaine (CRCAO, UMR
8155). Translation from Chinese to French and from French to Chinese of several conferences.
Arts Asiatiques, N°66 “Imagerie en Asie orientale.” Translation from French to Chinese of the
article abstracts.
Wang Jinyu. “Preservation works in the Mogao and Yulin caves - Some recent examples.”
Interpretation from Chinese to French of the conference organized by the Centre de recherche
sur les civilisations chinoise, japonaise et tibétaine (CRCAO, UMR 8155).
Chinese: Mandarin and Shanghainese (native)
Classical Chinese (excellent)
French (excellent)
English (proficient)
Japanese (reading)
German (basic)
Sanskrit (basic)