Въпроси за Подготовка за Интервюто за Селекция на Квебек


Въпроси за Подготовка за Интервюто за Селекция на Квебек
Въпроси за Подготовка за Интервюто за Селекция на Квебек
Този списък съдържа до 99% от въпросите които могат да ви бъдат зададени на интервюто.
Скоро тук ще намерите и примерни отговори на всички въпроси.
1. Pendant combien d'années avez-vous fait vos études? / How many years of education do you have?
2. Combien d'années avez-vous passé à l'école primaire? / How many years have you spent in
elementary school?
3. Combien d'années avez-vous passé à l'école secondaire? / How many years have you spent in
secondary school?
4. Pendant combien d'années avez-vous fait vos études à l'université? / For how many years did you
study at the university?
5. Avez-vous fait vos études à une école professionnelle? / Did you attend a professional-vocational
6. Какъв колеж сте посещавали / завършили? / / Which college did you attend?
7. Какъв университет сте посещавали / завършили? / / Which University did you attend?
8. Какъв беше главният предмет, който изучавахте в университета? / Quelle était votre spécialité à
l’institut ? / What was your major subject at the university?
9. Работехте ли срещу заплащане / Имахте ли платена работа докато учехте в университета? /
Aviez-vous un travail payé lors de vos études à l’institut ? / Did you have a paid job while studying in the
10. Vous avez été étudiant de …………….. Est-ce correct ? / You have studied at ………….. Is that
11. Quand avez-vous terminé vos études à l’institut? / When did you finish your studies at the university?
12. Au quel département avez-vous fait vos études? / In which department of your university have you
studied? What department of your university have you studied at?
13. Quelles disciplines avez-vous étudiés à l’institut? / What subjects have you studied at the university?
14. Quel diplôme avez-vous écrit ? / What Thesis did you prepare for your Diploma?
15. Quels étaient les sujets principaux de votre diplôme? / Tell me about your Thesis?
16. Avez-vous travaillé sur des projets scientifiques quand vous étiez étudiant de l’institut? / Did you work
on any scientific projects at the university?
17. Quelles cours de formation avez-vous terminé? Quand? Ou? Pourquoi? Quelle est votre formation
(études, spécialisation)? / What courses of education have you completed? What school and university
have you graduated from? What have you majored in? What have you studied? When? Where? Why?
What is your educational background?
18. Avez-vous terminé les études du troisième cycle? Quand? Ou? Pourquoi? Quel était le sujet de votre
thèse du troisième cycle? / Did you attend any university? Have you studied at a university? When?
Where? Why? What was the Thesis of your diploma paper?
19. Qu’est-ce que vous avez fait après la fin d’études à l’Institut? / What did you do after you graduated
from the university?
20. Où êtes-vous nés? / Where were you born?
21. Quelle est votre date de naissance? / What is your date of birth?
22. Quel est votre lieu de résidence à présent? Où habitez-vous à présent? / What is your present place
of residence?
23. Quelle est votre citoyenneté? / What is your citizenship?
24. Avez-vous été mariés plus d’une fois? / Have you been married more than once?
25. Combien de fois étiez-vous mariés? / How many times have you been married?
26. Quel est le nombre des membres de votre famille? Combien de membres comprend votre famille? /
How many members are there in your family? How many members does your family consist of?
27. Avez-vous un passeport ou une pièce de voyager? / Do you have a foreign passport or a travel
28. Quel est votre lieu de résidence au cours des dix dernières années? / In the last ten years where did
you reside?
29. Avez-vous de proches parents en Bulgarie? / Do you have any family in Bulgaria?
30. Avez-vous autrefois/jamais visité le Canada / Québec? / Have you ever visited Canada / Québec?
31. Работили ли сте някога в Канада? / Avez-vous autrefois/jamais travaillé au Canada / Québec? /
Have you ever worked in Canada / Québec?
32. Учили ли сте някога в Канада? / Avez-vous autrefois/jamais étudié au Canada / Québec? / Have
you ever studied in Canada / Québec?
33. Кой ви помогна / Помагал ли ви е някой да подготвите кандидатурата си за постоянно
пребиваване в Квебек? / Est-ce que quelqu’un vous a aidés à préparer votre candidature de résidence
permanente au Québec? / Who helped you prepare your application for permanent residence? Did
anyone help you prepare your application for permanent residence?
34. Имате ли някакви спестявания? / Avez-vous quelques épargnes / économies? Avez-vous de
l’argent à côté? / Do you have any savings?
35. Имате ли някаква собственост / някакво недвижимо имущество? / Avez-vous des bien-fonds? /
Do you have any property?
36. Имате ли някакви дългове? / Avez-vous des dettes? / Do you have any debts?
37. Кога започнахте своята кариера? / Quand avez-vous commencé votre carrière? / When did you
start your career?
38. Колко време работихте на първото си работно място? / Combien de temps avez-vous travaillé
dans votre première place d’occupation? / How much time / many years did you work at your first place of
39. Бяхте ли повишен/а? / Avez-vous été élevé? / Were you promoted?
40. Кога бяхте повишен/а? / Quand avez-vous été élevé? / When were you promoted?
41. Какво сте работили преди? / Qu’est-ce que vous avez travaillé auparavant? / What have you
worked before? What else have you worked? What were your previous jobs?
42. На какви други места сте работили? Къде другаде сте работили? В какви други фирми сте
работили? / Quels sont les autres places d’accupation où vous avez travaillé ? Dans quelles autres
entreprises avez-vous travaillé? / What other places have you worked at? Where else have you worked?
What other companies have you worked for?
43. Какви бяха вашите задължения? Какви функции изпълнявахте? / Quelles étaient vos tashes /
responsabilités? / What duties did you perform? What were your responsibilities?
44. Какво точно правехте? С какво точно се занимавахте? В какво се състоеше работата ви? /
Qu’est-ce que vous faisiez exactement ? Précisément, quel sort de travail faisiez-vous ? En quoi votre
travail consistait-il? / What exactly did you do?
45. En 19... vous avez changé la place d’occupation. Pourquoi? Pourquoi avez-vous quitté cette position?
/ Why did you change you place of work in 19… – didn’t you like your previous position? Why? Why did
you leave this position?
46. Какво работите в момента? / Qu’est-ce que vous faites comme travail à present? / What do you do
for a living? What do you work at present?
47. Трудно ли намерихте настоящата си работа? / Avez-vous trouvé difficilement votre travail actuel? /
Was it difficult to find your actual / present / current job?
48. Някога били ли сте поканени от шефа си в дома му за уикенда или по друг повод? / Est-ce que
votre patron vous a jamais invité venir chez lui pour le week-end ou sur une autre occasion? / Have you
ever been invited to your Boss’s house for a weekend or another occasion?
49. Имате ли препоръки от своя работодател? (Ако “не” - ) Защо? / Est-ce que vous avez une lettre
de recommandation de votre patron ? (Si "non" -) Pourquoi ? / Do you have a letter of recommendation
from your Boss? Why?
50. Бихте ли назовали някои ваши чуждестранни партньори? / Pourriez-vous mentionner quelquesuns de votre partenaires étrangers? / Could you name any partners you have abroad / foreign partners of
51. Били ли сте член на професионално сдружение? / Avez-vous jamais été membre d’une
association professionnelle? / Have you ever been /were you / are you a member of a professional
52. Où travaillez-vous maintenant? / Where do you work at the moment? Where do you work at present?
53. Защо решихте да се насочите в друга (толкова различна) сфера на работа? Защо сте работили
в 2 толкова различни сфери? Защо решихте да се преквалифицирате / смените професията си? /
Pourquoi avez-vous décidé de changer votre profession? Pourquoi avez-vous travaillé dans deux
domaines tellement différents l’un de l’autre ? Pourquoi avez-vous décidé d’acquérir une nouvelle
qualification professionnelle? / Why did you decide to change your profession? How come you have
worked in 2 areas / fields so different from one another? Why did you decide to re-qualify yourself?
54. Quelle est votre profession (poste) à votre place de travail? Quelle est vore position actuelle? / What
do you do at your actual / current / present place of work? What is your post at your actual / current /
present place of work? What is your present job?
55. Може ли човек без вашата квалификация да върши вашата работа? / / Can a person / man
without your qualification do this job?
56. Quel sort d’entreprise est-ce? / What kind of enterprise is it? What does it do?
57. Quelle est la structure de votre entreprise? / What is the structure of your enterprise?
58. Dans quel département travaillez-vous? / What Department do you work at?
59. Est-ce que votre entreprise est celle de production? / Does your enterprise have any production?
Does your enterprise have a manufacturing facility?
60. Quel sort de production votre entreprise produit-elle? / What kind of production does your enterprise
have? What kinds of products does it manufacture?
61. Quelles sont vos responsabilités / tashes à l’entreprise? / What are your duties / tasks /
responsibilities / attributions at work / at the enterprise?
62. Vous coordonnez / contrôlez le ..................... n’est-ce pas? / You coordinate / control the ………, don't
you / is that right / is that correct?
63. Qu’est-ce que vous faites exactement? Précisément, quel sort de travail faites-vous? / What is it
exactly that you do? What precisely do you do?
64. Combien des subordonnés travaillent-ils sous votre surveillance? / How many employees are at your
charge? How many specialists are at your charge?
65. Quels spécialistes travaillent-ils dans votre groupe? / What kind of specialists work in your team /
66. Comment coordonnez-vous le travail de votre groupe? / How do you coordinate your work in the
67. Quel sort de problèmes résolvez-vous? / What kind of problems do you solve?
68. Comment résolvez-vous ces problèmes? / How do you deal with these problems?
69. Qu’est-ce que vous faites exactement quand d’autres membres de votre groupe ............................... ?
/ What is it exactly that you do when the other members of your team ……………?
70. Защо никога не сте сменяли работното си място? Никога ли не сте мислили за работа в друга
фирма? / / Why haven’t you aver changed your place of work? Haven’t you ever thought of going to work
for another company?
71. Avez-vous des projets quelconques? / Do have any Projects at your office right now?
72. Quels projets avez-vous faits? / What Projects did you perform at your office till now?
73. Est-ce que c’est votre travail personnel ou ce projet à été développé en coopération avec votre
groupe? / Was that a personnel Project or in cooperation with other members?
74. Quelle partie du projet est la votre? / What did you do specifically, while working at the project? Which
part of this project is yours?
75. Quelle est l’efficacité de ce projet? / Are the results efficient? If so, in what way?
76. Où ces innovations peuvent-elles être utilisées? / Where could be used the results of your projects?
77. Avez-vous le brevet de ce projet? / Do you have the copy of your project?
78. Combien de temps avez-vous travaillé sur ce projet? / How long did it take you to work at the project?
79. Combien de projets avez-vous fait? / How many projects have you worked on?
80. Décrivez, s’il vous plait, comment cet équipement fonctionne-t-il? / Please, explain how this
equipment functions.
81. Revenons à votre travail. Est-ce que vous recevez des ordres? / Back to your work. Do you receive
any orders from your boss? In what way?
82. Quelles entreprises sont vos fournisseurs? / Who are your suppliers?
83. Quel sort d’ordres recevez-vous? / What kind of supplies do you get?
84. Est-ce que vous les recevez souvent? / How frequently do your supplies come?
85. Dans quelle manière rédigez-vous les documents pour votre clientèle? / What is your way to prepare
the necessary papers with your clients?
86. Quel était votre ordre le plus récent? / Name the most recent transaction.
87. Quand l’avez-vous reçu? / When did you get it?
88. L’avez-vous accompli ou non? / Did you already finish the last transaction or is it still in course?
89. Comment contrôlez-vous le progrès du travail lequel a été ordonné? / How do you control the
progress of the work which / that has been given / assigned to your team?
90. Quand votre entreprise a-t-elle été fondée? / By the way, what year did you say your enterprise was
91. Qui est le Directeur de votre entreprise? / What’s your Director's name?
92. Какъв е телефонният номер в офиса на / за връзка с вашия шеф? / / What is the phone number
where we can reach your Boss? What is the phone number at your Boss’s office?
93. Combien de personnes travaillent-elles dans votre entreprise? / What is the number of employees?
94. Колко човека работят във вашия отдел? / / How many employees are there in your department?
95. Quel est l’adresse postale de votre entreprise? / The postal address you specify here, is it correct?
96. Какъв е телефонният номер в офиса ви / за връзка с вас на работното ви място? / / What is the
phone number where we can reach you during the working day / at work ? What is the phone number at
your office?
97. Qu’est-ce que l’entreprise “.......................” a-t-elle produit? (Dans quel sort d’activité a-t-elle été
engagée?) / What kind of production does " …………" have? What kinds of products does "………"
manufacture? (In what sort of activities is it engaged? What is its scope of activities?)
98. Votre entreprise collabore-t-elle avec d’autres entreprises en Bulgarie ou à l’étranger? / Does your
enterprise collaborate with other enterprises in Bulgaria or abroad / other Bulgarian or foreign
99. Quel est le salaire moyen dans votre entreprise? / What is the average salary at your enterprise?
100. Каква заплата получавате на сегашното си работно място? / / What salary do you currently get?
What salary do you get at your present place of work?
101. Décrivez, s’il vous plait, votre journée de travail. Décrivez une journée de travail. / Please, describe
your working day. Tell us how does a working day of yours pass. Describe your working day in the office /
of yours .
102. Qu’est-ce que vous faites exactement quand ..................... ? / What is it exactly tat you do when
103. Avec quels spécialistes consultez-vous quand .................... ? / What kind of specialists do you
consult when …………?
104. Често ли ви се налага да се консултирате с други специалисти? / / Do you often consult other
105. Quelles questions discutez-vous avec eux? / What kind of problems do you discuss with them?
106. Avez-vous d’expérience quelconque de travail à l’étranger? / Have you (ever) worked abroad? Do
you have any work experience with international or foreign companies?
107. Quel air votre place de travail a-t-elle? / Describe your working place /desktop at your office.
108. Посещавали ли сте някакви курсове за обучение? Преминали ли сте през някакви
тренировъчни курсове? Завършили ли сте някакви квалификационни курсове? Какви? Защо? Кога?
/ / Did you get any Training courses? What kind? Why? When?
109. Писали ли сте някакви курсови работи по времето на тези курсове? Правили ли сте някакви
проекти по времето на тези курсове? / / Did you write any Thesis at the courses?
110. Vous avez servi dans l’armée n’est-ce pas? / Did you serve in the Military? You have served in the
Military, right?
111. Où avez-vous servi? / Where exactly have you served?
112. Dans quelles troupes avez-vous servi? / What kind of Units?
113. Quel grade militaire avez-vous? / What military rank do you have?
114. Quelles étaient vos responsabilités dans l’armée? (Qu’est-ce que vous avez fait dans l’armée?) /
What were your duties? (What did you do in the army?)
115. Avez-vous de contacts avec le Bureau de sécurité? / Did you cooperate with Security Office?
116. Получавали ли сте някакви инструкции от Секретните Служби? / Quel sort d’instructions
receviez-vous du Bureau de sécurité? / Any instructions from the Security Office? What sort of
117. Avez-vous été invité pour coopération avec ce Bureau? / Have you been invited/asked to cooperate
with Security Office?
118. Qu’est-ce que vous avez fait après le service militaire? / What did you do after you left the Military /
finished your military service?
119. Pourquoi avez-vous pris la décision d’emigrer? / Why did you decide to emigrate? Why do you want
to leave Bulgaria? Why do you want to leave your present place of residence?
120. Кога взехте решението си да емигрирате в Канада / Квебек? / / When did you make the decision
to emigrate to Canada / Québec?
121. Каква е вашата мотивация за емиграция в Канада / Квебек? / Pourquoi voulez-vous emigrer au
Canada / Québec? Pourquoi avez-vous choisi le Canada / Québec? Pourquoi Canada / Québec? / Why
Canada / Quebec? Why do you want to immigrate to Canada / Quebec?
122. Vos parents supportent-ils votre décision d’immigrer? / What do your parents say about your
decision to emigrate? Do they support it?
123. Que savez-vous sur le Canada / Québec? Quelles sont vos connaissances du Canada / Québec?
Qu’est-ce que vous connaissez sur Canada / Québec? / What do you know about Canada / Québec?
124. Какво представлява Canada / Québec за вас? / Qu'est-ce que le Canada / Québec repésente pour
vous? / What does Canada / Québec represent for you?
125. Откъде черпите информацията си за Canada / Québec? / / Where do you seek for information on
Canada / Québec? Where do you get you information about Canada / Québec from?
126. Dans quelle ville ou région du Québec désirez-vous vous établir? Où voulez-vous aller quand vous
serez au Canada / Québec? Pourquoi Montréal? / Where would you like to reside in Canada / Québec?
Why? Where in Canada / Québec do you plan to live? Where in Canada / Québec would you want to
127. Мислили ли сте за това какво ще работите в Canada / Québec? / Est-ce que vous avez pense à
ce que vous ferez la bas comme travail? / Have you thought about what you are going to do / work in
Canada / Québec?
128. Quelle est la profession / Quel est l'emploi que vous envisagez au Québec? Quel sort d’occupation
voulez-vous obtenir au Canada / Québec? / What do you want to do / work in Québec? What is the future
profession you are planning on practicing there in Québec? What kind of occupation would you like to
obtain in Canada / Québec? What kind of work would you want to do in Canada / Québec?
129. Comment vos habilités (expérience de travail) peuvent-elle satisfaire les exigences du Canada /
Québec? / What do you think your skills are necessary in Canada / Québec? How can your abilities /
skills / work experience satisfy / meet the needs of Canada / Québec?
130. Защо мислите, че ще можете да се справите / реализирате / успеете в Canada / Québec? / /
Why do you think you will be able to cope with life / manage / find realization / succeed in Canada /
131. Avez-vous l’intention de vous reformer? / Would you like to take any training courses in Canada /
Québec? Do you have any intentions to change your qualification / engage in training courses or any
other education in Canada / Québec?
132. Avez-vous considéré la possibilité de changer votre occupation au Canada / Québec? / Are you
planning any changes in your profession in Canada / Québec? Have you considered the possibility to
change your occupation in Canada / Québec? (If you don’t find an Economist / Engineer position, are you
ready to go on and change your profession?)
133. Comment pensez-vous, pourquoi le Canada / Québec doit-il vous accepter (recevoir)? / Why do you
think Canada / Québec should accept you / your application?
134. Pourquoi vous-êtes le déclarant principal dans votre famille? / Why did your family decide to choose
you as the principal applicant?
135. Êtes-vous prêts de soutenir les examens (tests) qui seront offerts par des employeurs canadiens? /
Are you ready to pass tests and exams by Canadian employers?
136. С какво възнамерява / планира да се занимава вашата половинка в Канада? / / What will your
spouse do in Canada / Québec?
137. Какво ще правите, ако не успеете да намерите работа по специалността си когато отидете /
дойдете в Канада? / Et si vous ne trouverez pas du travail dans votre profession? Qu'est-ce que vous
ferez? / What will you do if you cannot find a job in your profession when you arrive?
138. Каква друга работа бихте могли да вършите? / Qu'est-ce que vous pouvez faire comme travail
d'autre? / What else can you do? What other work / job can you do?
139. Как / По какъв начин възнамерявате да си търсите работа в Канада? / / How are you going to
look for a job in Canada / Québec?
140. На кого ще разчитате за помощ в Канада / Квебек / Монреал и за какво? / Qu'est-ce que vous
attendez de la part de vos amis? / Who will you rely / count on for help in Canada / Québec / Montréal
and for what kind of help?
141. Има ли някой, който ще ви помогне да си потърсите работа в Канада? / / Do you have anybody
to help you look for a job in Canada / Québec?
142. Имате ли някакви роднини в Канада? / / Do you have any family in Canada / Québec?
143. Имате ли някакви приятели в Канада? / Est-ce que vous avez des amis au Québec? / Do you
have any friends in Canada / Québec?
144. Какво са ви разказвали вашите приятели за Канада / Квебек / Монреал? / Qu'est-ce que vos
amis vous ont raconté du Canada / Québec / Montréal? / What is it that your friends have told you about
Canada / Québec / Montréal?
145. Откога познавате тези свои приятели в Канада? / Quand / Depuis quand / Combien de temps les
avez-vous connus? / How long / Since when have you known your friends?
146. Откъде познавате тези свои приятели в Канада? / Ou les avez-vous connus? / How do you know
/ have you met your friends there? From where do you know these friends?
147. Какво работят вашите приятели в Канада? / / What do your friends in Canada do for living?
148. Каква е професията на вашите приятели? / / What professions do your friends have? What is
your friends' profession?
149. Колко членно е семейството им? / / How many members does your friends' family consist of? How
many people are there in your friends' family?
150. Откога са в Канада? / Depuis quand / combien de temps sont-ils au Canada? / Since when / How
long have they been in Canada?
151. Къде живеят? Под наем ли живеят, в собствено жилище или в жилище на изплащане? В къща
или в апартамент? Колко голямо е жилището им? / / Where do they live? In what kind of lodging do
they live? Do they live in a rented house / apartment, in their own house / apartment or in paid by
installments house / apartment? Is it a house or an apartment? How big is their house / apartment?
152. Какъв е точният им адрес? Запишете / Напишете го тук, ако обичате. / / What is their address?
Write it down here please.
153. Поддържате ли контакт с тях? Как? / Est-ce que vous êtes en contact avec eux? Comment? / Are
you in permanent contact with them? How do you keep contact with them?
154. По какъв начин ще ви помогнат те да се установите? / / Qu'est-ce que vous attendez de la part
de vos amis? / In what way will your friends there help you as a start? What do you expect your friends to
help you with?
155. Ще можете ли да останете в тяхното жилище на първо време докато си намерите квартира? /
/ Will you be able to stay in their house / apartment until you find one of your own?
156. Ще ви помогнат ли да си намерите работа? / / Will they help you find a job? Will they help you
seek / look for a job?
157. Мислите ли, че ще можете да намерите работа (по специалността си) в Канада / Квебек /
Монреал? / Pensez-vous que vous trouverez du travail (dans votre profession) au Canada / Québec /
Montréal? Est-ce que vous êtes sûr(e) que vous reussirez trouver un travail là bas? / Do you think you will
be able to find a job in Canada / Québec / Montréal (according to your qualification)?
158. Имате ли вече уговорка / договор за работа в Канада? Намерили ли сте си вече работа в
Канада? Avez-vous une offre d'emploi au Québec? / Do you already have a job offer in Quebec?
159. Търсили ли сте вече работа в Канада? Подали ли сте документи в някоя фирма? / Est-ce que
vous avez fait des démarches pour trouver un embauche là bas? / Have you already looked for a job in
Canada / Québec / Montréal? Have you already applied for a job in a Canadian company where you are
160. Кога и къде сте изучавали френски? / Ou est-ce que vous avez appris le français? Quand …? /
Where and when have you studied French?
161. Защо сте прекъснали курсовете си по френски през месец …, … г.? / / Why did you interrupt
your French courses in ……? Why have you stopped studying French in ……?
162. Къде и кога сте изучавали английски език? ? / Ou est-ce que vous avez appris l'anglais? Quand
…? / Where and when have you studied English?
163. Кандидатствали ли сте и преди за имиграция в чужбина? / / Have you already applied for
immigration to another country? Have you already tried to emigrate to another country?
164. Кандидатствали ли сте и преди за имиграция в Канада? / Avez-vous déjà présenté une demande
d'immigration pour Canada / Québec? / Have you ever applied for immigration to Canada / Québec
165. Avez-vous déjà présenté une demande de séjour temporaire au Canada / Québec? / Have you ever
applied for permanent residence in Canada / Québec before?
166. Avez-vous déjà présenté une demande de revendication du statut de réfugié au Canada / Québec? /
Have you ever applied for a refugee status in Canada / Québec before?
167. Били ли сте досега в чужбина? / / Have you ever been / lived abroad before?
168. Работили ли сте досега в чужбина? / / Have you ever worked abroad before? Have you ever
worked for a foreign company?
169. Имате ли опит в работа с чужденци? Имате ли канадски опит? / / Do you have any experience in
working with companies / people from other countries? Do you have any experience with work with
foreigners? Do you have any Canadian experience?
170. Учили ли сте досега в чужбина? / / Have you ever studied abroad before?
171. Има ли промяна по банковата ви сметка? Има ли промяна в обявената от вас сума пари, с
които ще разполагате? / / Is there any change in your bank account? Is there any change in the amount
of money you will have / dispose of?
172. С каква сума пари разполагате в момента? / / What is the amount of money you have / dispose of
at present?
173. С каква сума пари ще разполагате при пристигането си в Канада? / ………… montant d'argent
dont vous disposerez à votre arrivée au Québec? / What is the amount of money you will have at your
disposal when you go to Quebec?
174. От къде сте се сдобили с тази сума? / Comment avez-vous obtenu la somme d'argent que vous
emporterez au Québec? / How did you get / obtain the amount of money you plan to take with you to
175. Как е името ви? / / What is your name?
176. Какъв е вашият постоянен адрес? / / What is your permanent address?
177. Какъв е вашият телефонен номер? / / What is your telephone number?
178. С какво се занимавате понастоящем? / / What do you do (for a living) / work at the moment?
179. С какво се занимава вашата фирма? / / What does your company / firm do? What is the scope of
activities of your firm / company?
180. Колко клиенти имате? / / How many clients do you have?
181. Какви са вашите клиенти? / / What are your clients? What kind of clients do you have? Who are
your clients?
182. Какъв е средният годишен оборот на фирмата ви? / / What is the average annual turnover of your
company / firm? How many sales do you make annually?
183. Каква е средната годишна печалба на фирмата ви? / / What is the average annual profit of your
company / firm?
184. Има ли фирмата ви партньори в чужбина? / / Does your firm / company have any partners
185. Откъде доставяте (резервни) части? / / From where do you deliver / supply (spare) parts for your
186. Как намирате своите клиенти? / / How do you find your clients? What do you do to get new
187. Защо решихте да започнете работа в … в допълнение към работата в собствената си фирма?
/ / Why did you decide to start working for … in addition to your work in your own firm / company?
188. Как успявате да се справите във времето, работейки и в …, и в собствената си фирма? / / How
do you find time for both your work for … and your work in your own company? How do you manage
189. Кога открихте фирмата си? / / When did you open / establish your firm / company?
190. Как решихте да откриете фирмата си? Защо я открихте? / / How did you decide to establish /
open your own company / firm? Why did you do it?
191. От колко години функционира фирмата ви? / / For how long has your company been operating /
192. Имате ли препоръки от ваши клиенти / бизнес-партньори? / / Do you have references from your
clients / business-partners?
193. Известно ли ви е, че ви очакват трудности с намирането на работа в Квебек? / Savez-vous qu'il
sera difficile de trouver du travail au Québec? / Do you know that it will be difficult for you to find a job in
194. Как смятате да се справите с пречките / трудностите? / Comment pensez-vous pouvoir depasser
les obstacles? / How do you think you will cope with / manage / handle the holdbacks / difficulties?
195. Наясно ли сте с трудностите, които ви очакват в Квебек? / / Are you aware of the difficulties you
are going to experience / have in Québec?
196. Как смятате да се справите с тях / в Квебек на първо време? / / How do you plan to cope with
them in the beginning? How do you plan to manage in Québec in the beginning?
197. Имате ли и вие някакви въпроси към нас? / / Do you have any questions you would like to ask us?
198. Говорите ли френски? / / Do you speak French?
199. Говорите ли английски? / / Do you speak English?
200. За знанията си по френски език сте отбелязали Х точки на разбиране и Х точки на говорене.
Тогава защо не разбирате / говорите френски добре? Защо точките не съответстват на знанията
ви? / Alors, pourquoi vous ne parlez pas français très bien? / For your knowledge on French you have
marked X points on comprehension and X points on oral expression. Then why don't you understand /
speak French well? Why don't your points correspond with / match your knowledge?
201. За знанията си по английски език сте отбелязали Х точки на разбиране и Х точки на говорене.
Тогава защо не разбирате / говорите английски добре? Защо точките не съответстват на знанията
ви? / Alors, pourquoi vous ne parlez pas anglais très bien? / For your knowledge on English you have
marked X points on comprehension and X points on oral expression. Then why don't you understand /
speak English well? Why don't your points correspond with / match your knowledge?
202. Разкажете ни нещо за себе си. / / Tell us something about yourself.
203. Какво ще направите, ако парите ви свършат, а все още не можете да намерите работа в
Квебек и няма кой да ви помогне? / / What would / will you do if you run out of money and you still have
no job or anybody to help you in Québec?
204. Защо сте се забавили толкова с изпращането на втория комплект документи? / / Why did it take
you so long to prepare and send the second set of documents for your DPI?
205. Защо в акта ви за раждане не е посочен ЕГН както в този на съпруга ви? Защо липсват цифри
от вашето ЕГН в акта ви за раждане? / / Why do you have missing figures in your Personal ID number
in your Certificate of birth? Why isn't your Personal ID number in your Certificate of birth with as many
figures as the one of your husband?
206. Наистина ли сте родени на една и съща дата или има някаква грешка? / / Were you really born
on one and the same date or that's some kind of a mistake?
207. Това сумата пари, с която ще разполагате при влизането си в Канада ли е или от нея ще
изтеглите / вземете пари за визи, право на влизане в Канада, самолетни билети? / / Is this the
amount of money you will have at your disposal upon landing in Canada or you will take money from it for
the visas, the Right of Landing fees, the airplane tickets?
208. Que faisiez-vous lors de votre service militaire? / What did you do while you served in the Military?
209. Vous travaillez dans l'entrprise … et dans la … à la fois?! Vous le faites comment? / You work at …
and at … at the same time?! How do you do it?
210. Vous travaillez à …, n'est-ce pas trop loin de … où vous habitez? Comment arrivez-vous à travailler
dans une autre ville que …? Vous voyagez chaque jour? Comment déplaces-vous pour aller au travail? /
You work at …, isn't that too far from … where you live? How do you manage to work in another town
while living in …? Do you travel every day? How do you go to work every day? How do you go to work?
211. … въпроси по Квебек - история, география, за знамето им, за икономиката, културата и
прочее …
212. Откъде научихте за тази процедура за емиграция?