IGCSE expo Scheme of Work/Fifth Year 6 lessons per 2 week cycle


IGCSE expo Scheme of Work/Fifth Year 6 lessons per 2 week cycle
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IGCSE expo Scheme of Work/Fifth Year
6 lessons per 2 week cycle
Module 6
(By half-term of the Autumn Term)
Learning Objectives Module 6 Il faut bosser!
Déjà Vu 1 (L’argent, l’argent)
Unité 1 (Avez-vous un job ?)
Unité 2 (Au boulot !)
Unité 3 (C’est de la part de qui ?)
Unité 4 (Ce n’est pas juste !)
Unité 5 (Les stages – pour ou contre ?)
Core Vocabulary
Pages 124 and 125
Core Structures
Indirect object pronouns
Du/de la/d l’/des = some
Qui or que
Grammar Points
Asking questions
ICT Resources
Kesmoodle course for additional work sheets, power points and links to a variety
of web sites to reinforce new language.
Homework from kesmoodle. All expo listening files can be accessed via moodle
and so can be used for HW.
Sanako activities on moodle course.
Expo 4 assessment material (listening and reading) and expo OCR GCSE active
teach on School network, (videos etc…that follow the book).
Coloured work sheets can be used to reinforce verbs and tenses.
Reading comprehension and writing practice on kesmoodle.
Épate l’examinateur! Use Comme je l’ai déjà dit – for speaking test
Learning Outcomes;
Pupils will be able to speak and write with increasing confidence and accuracy
about part-time jobs and helping at home. They need to cover the vocabulary
needed for work experience even though they themselves do not do this at KES.
They will be developing their ability to answer reading comprehension questions
using accurate French. They will be practising their writing – learning how to
produce high quality French in 150 words.
JVJ June 2011
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IGCSE expo Scheme of Work/Fifth Year
6 lessons per 2 week cycle
Module 7
(by end of the Autumn Term)
Learning Objectives Module 7 Tourisme!
Déjà Vu 1 (Destinations touristiques)
Déjà vu 2 (La météo)
Unité 1 (Mes projets pour les vacances)
Unité 2 (Camping la forêt)
Unité 3 (Visitez la Côte d’Amour, Bretagne)
Unité 4 (La nourriture)
Unité 5 (Plage, mer et soleil)
Unité 6 (L’année dernière)
Core Vocabulary
Pages 146 and 147
Core Structures
Après avoir/après être
Grammar Points
The future and conditional tense s(revision)
Future perfect/past conditional
Revision of if sentences
ICT Resources
Kesmoodle course for additional work sheets, power points and links to a variety
of web sites to reinforce new language. Homework from kesmoodle. All expo
listening files can be accessed via moodle and so can be used for HW. Sanako
activities on moodle course.
Expo 4 assessment material (listening and reading) and expo OCR GCSE active
teach on School network, (videos etc…that follow the book).
Coloured work sheets can be used to reinforce verbs and tenses.
Assessments via kesmoodle
Épate l’examinateur! J’aurais préféré + infinitive
Learning Outcomes;
Pupils will be able to speak and write with increasing confidence and accuracy
about travelling abroad and the advantages and disadvantages of a holiday
abroad as opposed to the UK. They will be developing different ways of giving
opinions using a variety of tenses. They will be developing their skills in dealing
with reading comprehension and learning how to write high quality French in 150
JVJ June 2011
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IGCSE expo Scheme of Work/Fifth Year
6 lessons per 2 week cycle
Module 8
(by half-term of the Spring Term)
Learning Objectives Module 8 Mode de vie
Déjà Vu 1 (Ce qu’on mange et ce qu’on boit)
Déjà vu 2 (Mon corps et moi)
Unité 1 (Ça ne va pas)
Unité 2 (Garder la forme)
Unité 3 (La dépendance)
Unité 4 (Veux-tu me marier ?)
Core Vocabulary
Pages 164 and 165
Core Structures
Expressions that take avoir
The use of ‘y’ and ‘en’
Grammar Points
‘Falloir’ in various tenses
Adverbs/Revision of negatives
ICT Resources
Kesmoodle course for additional work sheets, power points and links to a
variety of web sites to reinforce new language.
Homework from kesmoodle. All expo listening files can be accessed via
moodle and so can be used for HW.
Sanako activities on moodle course.
Expo 4 assessment material (listening and reading) and expo OCR GCSE
active teach on School network, (videos etc…that follow the book).
Coloured work sheets can be used to reinforce verbs and tenses.
Assessments Assessments via kesmoodle
Épate l’examinateur! Il y en a qui…il y en a d’autres qui…
Learning Outcomes;
Pupils will be able to speak and write with increasing confidence and
accuracy about health related issues, in particular on personal health.
They will be able to write and talk about healthy lifestyles and the
problems associated with unhealthy lifestyles, (smoking, drinking, drugs).
Emphasis should still be on coping with reading comprehension and
practising writing about health related issues using sophisticated and
complex language.
JVJ June 2011
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IGCSE expo Scheme of Work/Fifth Year
6 lessons per 2 week cycle
Module 9
(by end of the Spring Term)
Learning Objectives Module 9 Le monde en danger
Unité 1 (On devrait faire ça !)
Unité 2 (Les problèmes locaux)
Unité 3 (L’environnement va mal !)
Unité 4 (Avant et après)
Unité 5 (A la une)
Core Vocabulary
Pages 180 and 181
Core Structures
Modals + conditional
Quand + future
Grammar Points
The passive voice
Revision of negatives/irregular verbs
ICT Resources
Kesmoodle course for additional work sheets, power points and links to a
variety of web sites to reinforce new language.
Homework from kesmoodle. All expo listening files can be accessed via
moodle and so can be used for HW.
Sanako activities on moodle course.
Expo 4 assessment material (listening and reading) and expo OCR GCSE
active teach on School network, (videos etc…that follow the book).
Coloured work sheets can be used to reinforce verbs and tenses.
Assessments via kesmoodle
Épate l’examinateur! à titre individuel, je ferai tout ce que je peux
Learning Outcomes;
Pupils will be able to speak and write with increasing confidence and
accuracy about environmental issues. These will include local issues as well
as global concerns about the environment. They should still be working on
their reading comprehension skills and practising writing 150 word essays.
JVJ June 2011
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IGCSE expo Scheme of Work/Fifth Year
6 lessons per 2 week cycle
(Summer Term)
Learning Objectives
The oral examinations will be the main focus for the start of the Summer Term.
After this legacy IGCSE papers can be used in readiness for the examinations.
Students will have a few weeks of lessons before examination leave.
JVJ June 2011