Numéro: _____ Français 1 Les devoirs de


Numéro: _____ Français 1 Les devoirs de
Nom: ________________________________________ Numéro: _____ Français 1 Les devoirs des vacances du printemps Parti I : Use each vocabulary list to answer each question. Unité 1: 1. What is the opposite of “Merci”? 2. List 5 ways of saying goodbye in French: 3. If I want to know someone’s name, and they are older than me, what should I ask? 4. “Enchanté” might look like, “Enchanted,” but it more correctly means what? 5. If I am not sure that the class understands, I will ask … 6. If I want to SEE what you are doing, I will say … 7. The opposite of “une dame” is … Unité 2: 1. At a restaurant, your server will say ___________________________ instead of “De rien” 2. Des frites, une salade, une glace, un croissant … sont __________________________. 3. Quelle est la différence entre un croque-­‐monsieur et un croque-­‐madame ? 4. Que veut dire, « quelque chose » en anglais ? 5. J’ai soif. Qu’est-­‐ce que je veux ? 6. When someone asks, « Ça fait combien ? » what are they asking ? 7. When might I say, “À la vôtre!”? 8. The best way to hydrate is to drink lots of ____________________. 9. Il fait mauvais! Il pleut beaucoup! Il fait du vent ! Il y a _______________________. 10. Dans quelle saison est-­‐ce qu’il fait très chaud ? 11. Dans quelle saison est-­‐ce qu’il neige ? Unité 3 : 1. OK = ______________________-­‐ 2. If it doesn’t matter to me, I’ll say _______________________________ 3. If I wanted to rename the Now-­‐n-­‐Later candy in French, I’d say … 4. An appropriate/polite “No” response to an invitation would be … 5. The opposite of “C’est super” = ________________________________ 6. The opposite of “ici” is _____ 7. Mademoiselle DiBiase has this pet: ____________________ 8. This is a Unit 3 vocab word that has “LL” in it that you pronounce “Y” = _______________________ 9. A synonym for “Absolument!” would be … 10. Instead of saying “est-­‐ce que” to ask a question, I could just add ________________________________ at the end of a statement Unité 4: 1. I use this tool to cut paper: 2. I use this tool to tell time: 3. The opposite of Devant: 4. A synonym for “Vraiment” 5. On the first day of school, I get my _____________________________________ to know what classes to go to 6. Each of the four years of high school are called … 7. The test students in France have to take to pass high school is called … 8. This word is a FALSE cognate because it does not actually mean university level school. 9. This is how I ask to use the bathroom: 10. Mademoiselle gives this type of assignment each night: ___________________________ Parti II : Une carte de France Look up a map of France, and fill in the following geographic information. Montagnes Rivières Villes Les Alpes La Seine Paris Nantes Les Pyrénées La Rhône Montpellier Toulouse Les Vosges La Rhine Lyon Strasbourg Massif Central La Loire Marseille La Corse (île)