IUKB Liste des mémoires (état au 7 mars 2013) Master of Advanced


IUKB Liste des mémoires (état au 7 mars 2013) Master of Advanced
Liste des mémoires (état au 7 mars 2013)
Master of Advanced Studies in Children's Rights Abu Alzulof, G. The political arrest and detention of children in Palestine and
South Africa : a comparative analysis of human rights issues.
Adam, Y. Child Marriage in Muslim Countries.
Alejos, M. Babies and small children residing in prisons.
Andrijasevic-Boko, M. Considerations related to the desirability of introducing
an individual complaints : mechanism under the Convention on the
Rights of the Child.
Balestra, C. Les droits de l'enfant dans l'arène politique fédérale suisse :
l'exemple de la loi sur l'interdiction des châtiments corporels au sein de la
Baskott, J. Representing children and child rights a study of NGO Fundraising
Becker, J. Institutionalization of children in the age between 0-3 and the
principles of the UN-CRC : a contradiction?
Bentley, R. Child headed households : ensuring the rights of these children are
Bergsma, M. L. E. Judging the young by considering them competent adults :
an investigation of the application of adult penal law in relation to
juvenile delinquents.
Boéchat, H. Adoption internationale : une évolution entre éthique et marchés.
Bunkers, M. K. Informal family-based care options : protecting children's
rights? : a case study of Gudifecha in Ethiopia.
Bussien, N. Les mineurs non accompagnés et le maintien/rétablissement des
liens avec leur famille dans leur pays d'origine : la situation en Suisse.
Cave, G. Are children "the seeds of peace"? : exploring the intersection of
children's rights, development assistance and peace-building.
Chaimontree, W. Promoting the right to nationality of ethnic minority children
in the north of Thailand through National Child Rights Monitoring.
Clerico, T. I have the tight to be me*: Translating LGBTI children's rights into
Cueva, K. Non registration at birth and its consequences in children's lives : the
Honduran case.
Curry Messer, A. Les enfants en situation de rue au Brésil : droit et réalité : une
approche juridique et sociolgique.
Décosterd, A. Concept de bientraitance en milieu institutionnel.
Mémoire MCR
Dempsey, C. "Children, young people & [and] the effects of domestic abuse"
: what are the influences or implications of the Convention on the rights
of the child?
Des Roches, S. Les enfants et les drogues : un enjeu de droits.
Dimitripoulou, G. Unaccompanied children in conflict with the law from a
child's rights perspective.
Dlamini, K.S. Assessment of the level of knowledge on the primary prevention
of sexual violence against children amongst key stakeholders : the case
of the Kingdom of Swaziland, Southern Africa.
D'Ovidio, F. A multidisciplinary reconstruction of the child labour paradigm.
Dozsa, K. Your present, our future: Children’s Rights, Status and Chances to
Influence Climate Change Policies
Dube, C. The Child Head of Household as a meaning maker: The opinions
(ideas, desires, wishes and thoughts) of children heading households on
service accessibility, specific risks and protective processes as they affect
their basic development and realization of their rights - The Case of
Durgnat Levi, A. La Suisse, les étrangers, et les droits de l'enfant : l'intégration
des enfants étrangers en Suisse au regard de la Convention des droits de
l'enfant (CDE) et des lois sur l'asile et sur les étrangers.
Farstad, S. Protecting children's rights in sport : the use of minimum age.
Franchi, P. Researching young women's experiences of early pregnancy in an
angolan suburban district : social norms and implications for their rights.
Gachet Negro, C. Child participation rights within the family : in our best
interest : from a global perspective to a practical application.
Gambaro, A. The child in the marketplace : right to information in the italian
Geerinckx, S. The right to education of children in street situations :
preconditions for true empowerment.
Gkamoulou, E. The Greek ban of school and domestic corporal punishment
under examination : Parents' perspectives.
Graziani, L. International justice and children victims of armed conflicts : a
children's rights perspective.
Hanny-Alemon, J.-J. Inspection du travail et travail des enfants en Afrique
occidentale francophone : actions et défis.
Hassan, M. Cultural relativism and children's rights : the case of female genital
mutilation in Sudan.
Hatt, A.-C. Rechte von Kindersoldaten in internationalen Strafverfahren.
Mémoire MCR
Hjortdal, N. Strengthening the role of NGOs in the work of the Committee on
the Rights of the Child.
Hochuli, M. Kantone als Akteure der Kinderrechte? Der Beitrag und das
Rollenverständnis der Kantone für die Umsetzung des Übereinkommens
der Rechte des Kindes – eine Untersuchung anhand einiger
Højsteen, S. The right to quality education for children with disabilities :
differences in quality of education for children with and without
disabilities in the Danish primary school.
Homsi, M. Juvenile justice in Jordan : reality and aspiration.
Johansson, S. Cash transfers : a way of supporting the fulfilment of children's
rights? The case of Madagascar.
Jolley, J. A study of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) from the perspective
of Children's Rights.
Käppler, C. "Alle finden's gut, keiner weiss Bescheid" : der Status von
Kinderrechten bei in Ausbildung befindlichen oder berufstätigen
Fachpersonen aus dem Gesundheitsbereich in Brasilien und der Schweiz.
Kobayashi, Y. Informal foster care for children in Zimbabwe.
Kouvaritaki, I. Le droit à l'éducation inclusive des enfants atteints d'un trouble
de développement : analyse juridique du droit à l'éducation inclusive
des enfants atteints d'un trouble envahissant de développement,
l'autisme ….
Krattinger, E. Die Partizipationsrechte von Kindern und Jugendlichen im
öffentlichen Bereich.
Kunz, M.-C. Droit d'asile et droits de l'enfant : une analyse de la pratique suisse
au travers des articles 3 et 12 de la Convention relative aux droits de
Lachat Clerc, M. Les mineurs non accompagnés en Suisse : aperçu de la
situation et de la législation applicable en Suisse, sous le regard de la
Convention relative aux droits de l'enfant.
Le Borgne, C. Children's participation : the way to apply better children's rights
in Chile.
Li, V. Children, peace and security : exploring the relation between peace,
security and children's rights in the UN system.
Lombardo, F. La promotion des droits de l'enfant dans le sport : construire un
environnement protectif pour les enfants dans la pratique sportive :
l'exemple du quartier "Le Semine" de Bellinzona.
Lüdeke, A. Reducing (Over-) reliance on residentioal care for children in need
of special protection - An analysis of current child care legislation,
Mémoire MCR
policies and practices aiming to reduce reliance on residential care in
Maas, L. Girl's activities in rural households in Afghanistan : an exploration of
girl's participation in decision-making.
Mammadzade, M.
The State, the family and the child: Child-care Reform in CIS countries Example of Azerbaijan.
Manfrina, E. Working together or working apart ? The protection of the rights
of children affected by armed conflict : the Committee on the Rights of
the Child and the Security Council Working Group on Children and
Armed Conflict.
Marfisi, L. IN THE BEST PARTICIPATION Pathways to child participation in
alternative care.
Martin, J. Child sexual abuse : specificities of male children.
Melo, E. R. Enfants et adolescents en situation de rue : droits de l'homme et
justice : réflexion critique sur la manière de garantir des droits de
l'homme aux enfants et adolescents en situation de rue et sur le système
judiciaire au Brésil.
Merico, F. Children's rights and HIV/AIDS : caring for children living with or
affected by HIV : examples from Thailand and Vietnam.
Mikkola, H. Regionalization of International child rights : the case of South East
Asia and the Pacific.
Milliet, A. Le droit de parler sous condition : la capacité de discernement.
Moser Jenni, C. The best interests of the child in intercountry adoption : From a
developmental psychology perspective (based on the work of E.H.
Erikson) : The case of romani children in Bulgaria.
Muca, S. Challenges and Solutions to the Roma Children’s Right to Education
in Albania.
Muskinja, M. Best interests and participation of children in street situations.
Muyambo, V. The Right of the Child to Education in Zimbabwe.
Ngugi, L. Examining the relevance and applicability of the convention of the
rights of the child, in the context of children affected by armed conflict
in Kenya.
Nuurah, M. The Ghanaian child in domestic child labour: Analysis of the
responsibility of parents, relatives, employers and the State.
O'Brien, E. L. The many ways of student voice : an examination of student
participation in decision-making in United States Schools.
Mémoire MCR
Oguagha, N. The children's participation in Nigeria : a case study of the east
central region.
Olldashi, J. The right to education : the case of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians
in Kosovo.
Ono, M. Migrant children on the streets of Karachi with special focus on
children of bangladeshi origin.
Paratore, J.-P. Rights of the child and development: Towards a holistic and
integrated approach. The application of UNICEF's Child Friendly School
model in Aceh, Indonesia.
Poretti, M. L’enfance paysanne en Suisse. Silences, mythes, réalités.
Procofieff, S. Le secteur privé et les droits de l'enfant : responsabilité morale ou
normes contraignantes ?
Raj Sapkota, D. A thesis on prevention of disability in Nepal : froma right based
Ramaboea, B. HIV status disclorure to HIV-infected children : the perspectives
and experiences of adolescent girls with maternally acquired HIV ; a
comparative analysis between two socio-cultural contexts of London,
United Kingdom and Harare, Zimbabwe.
Ribar, E. Convention on the rights of the child as a communication vehicle :
from an abstraction to social change.
Ross, F. Abandoned babies' rights in Romania today : reasons of and
remedies for a failure.
Ruiz Coll, D. A. Voluntary migrant children : are there avenues to rights-based
Sacino, S. W. Freedom of expression of children in the media : real or ideal?
Salle Levy, R. End of residential institutions in Brazil : an appropriate measure
for the protection of children and adolescents or just a response to an
increasing call for de-institutionalization?
Santos Souza, A. The right to participation and its implementation in the
brazilian legal system.
Schaub, C. Die UN-Kinderrechtskonvention und ihre Vermittlung in
Schulklassen : welche Auswirkung zeigt das Vermitteln der Kinderrechte
in Volksschulklassen? eine Studie mit Primarklassen im Kanton Zürich.
Scheffel, B. Children's literature : a context-specific analysis in the light of
children's rights : Austria Côte d'Ivoire Uruguay.
Schumacher, S. Children in Street Situations in South Africa Including best
practice from Mexico, Tanzania, the Asian Development Bank and
Dynamo International.
Mémoire MCR
Sermet, A. Le droit de vote à 16 ans, à la lumière de la Convention relative
aux droits de l'enfant.
Skhiri, H. Quand l'enfant devient maman. Confrontation des droits de l'enfant
& des codes socioculturels en Tunisie.
Sopjani, P. Promoting children's rights under the UN-administrated Kosovo :
lessons learned from a humanitarian post-conflict intervention.
Souchet, F.-X. Enfant contre enfant : la problématique de l'abus sexuel entre
Stössel, S. Die Befragung von Kindern in strafrechtlichen Ermittlungsverfahren :
Herausforderungen bei der Umsetzung der UN-Konvention über
Suvilaakso, T. Girl Maoists in Nepal : voluntarily or involuntarily?
Tarazi, R.N. Young Peoples' Work in Gaza : Working Conditions in Family
Businesses versus non-Family Businesses.
Tronchet, C. Participation in the child and youth clubs of Nepal and
experience of non-discrimination and equality rights - A field testing with
the kaleidoscope of experience.
Van der Huls, I. B. Orphans of justice : the impact of female imprisonment on
Vanaspongse, C. The Right to Education from the Perspective of Migrant
Children in Thailand.
Vassilaki, A. Unaccompanied children in migration, or seeking protection in
Europe and their rights under the CRC : practical and theoretical
approaches through the example of Greece as a receiving country.
Vega, R. Progresses and challenges in the transition from a tutelary approach
to an integral protection system : the case of children deprived of their
liberty in Argentina.
Veiga Vaz, M.S. Participated protection : The article 12 of the UN Convention
on the Rights of the Child and the children's experience in the
Portuguese Commission of Protection of Children and Youth : an
exploratory study.
Veronesi, C. Adozione e sistema familiare : una ricerca intervento.
Voide-Proske, J. La participation de l'enfant devant les tribunaux civils.
Wata, A. La justice des mineurs face aux requérants d'asile mineurs non
accompagnés : ordre public et droits de l'enfant : aperçu de la situation
en Suisse, en France et en Belgique.
Weber, C. Die Funktion der Menschenrechtsbildung in der Schule für die
Umsetzung der Konvention über die Rechte des Kindes.
Mémoire MCR
Werner, E. Domestic violence against children in Guatemala : study on the
compatibility of the LIPCA with the Convention on the rights of the child.
Winkler, E. Living children's rights throug programmes within international
development cooperation.
Wuilloud, S. La Suisse face à la mutilation génitale féminine : protection et
Youssef, Ayed The immunity of children within the Palestinian Tribal Justice
Zogaj, B. The search for participation : children's involvement in Albanian
primary schools.
Zug, K. Gesetze zum Jugendstrafvollzug in Deutschland und ihre Vereinbarkeit
mit bundesverfassungsrechtlichen Vorgaben sowie internationalen
Normen : Vergleich und Analyse der gesetzlichen Regelungen zum
Jugendstrafvollzug von Bayern, Hessen und Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.