

VOL. 9, N°1, FEBBRAIO 2015
Cari Governatori e Amici,
A nome del Consiglio dei Fiduciari, desidero
augurare a tutti voi Buon Anno. Nonostante
un anno difficile per la raccolta fondi, sono
felice di annunciare che la Fondazione, l’anno
scorso, ha raccolto oltre $ 775,000 netti. Ci
teniamo a ringraziare tutti i nostri Governatori
ed amici per il loro continuo sostegno e per
aiutarci a ridare alla NOSTRA comunità.
Sono felice di informarvi che il progetto
Unitas è stato ufficialmente impiantato nel
2014. Dopo lunghi mesi di collaborazione, è
Welcome to the first
issue of Infondazione
for 2015! Here at the
Foundation, we are
beginning the year
with renewed energy and an intense drive
to reach new goals and develop more exciting projects. It goes without saying that
I am eagerly anticipating your personal
involvement throughout this ambitious year.
As most of you will agree, 2014 was quite
a year! The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
raised over $100 million as it became the
social media hit of the summer. Hollywood
bachelor George Clooney finally tied
the knot! Team Canada won the gold
medal in the 2014-2015 Hockey World
Junior Championship with 4 Quebec
players among them. European scientists
successfully landed their Philae probe on
a comet. However, 2014 also reminded
us of the humanitarian work that is left to
be done. Over the course of the last year
stato ideato un piano in modo che ora la
CCPI-Casa d’Italia, la Canadian-Italian Business
Professionals Association, il Congresso Nazionale
degli Italo-Canadesi e il Centro Leonardo da
Vinci siedono nel Consiglio dei Fiduciari della
Fondazione. Insieme lavoriamo alla creazione di
una ‘’Unita’’ o ‘’Unificata Comunità”. La Unita
Comunità non soltanto simboleggerà la forza
della nostra collaborazione, ma permetterà
anche di ottimizzare i servizi e di scoprire nuove
piste di sostegno.
Dalla formazione del nuovo consiglio d’amministrazione, sono stati compiuti importanti
progressi. Attualmente lavoriamo su un comune
piano strategico da impiantare quest’anno,
che permetta alla nuova Fondazione di servire
da braccio di raccolta fondi della comunità e
le consenta di ritornare alla funzione per la
quale è stata creata, distribuire i suoi ricavati
principalmente agli organismi operanti all’interno
della comunità italiana. La ufficialità di
Unitas è prevista in primavera con l’eventuale
messa in opera a partire dall’autunno. Fino ad
200 Nigerian female students were kidnapped,
the Ebola epidemic was the largest in history
spreading to 9 countries, terrorist attacks struck
several countries and killed many, and Malaysia
Airlines tragedies killed a total of 537 people.
Close to home tensions rose on the subject
of cultural values and families continue to go
hungry and battle sickness in our country.
allora, la Fondazione e i partner di Unitas
collaboreranno ad eventi di raccolta fondi e a
altre iniziative che saranno introdotte durante
il periodo di transizione. Il primo evento
congiunto sarà il torneo di golf comunitario
ad Agosto.
Quest’anno è anche un anno molto speciale
per la Fondazione di cui celebriamo il 40°
anniversario. Desidero cogliere questa
occasione per ringraziare tutti i Governatori
che hanno sostenuto la Fondazione durante
gli ultimi 40 anni, senza di voi non saremmo
dove siamo oggi.
In attesa di incontrarvi in occasione della
prossima attività, rinnovo l’augurio per un
prospero 2015.
Joey Saputo, Presidente FCCI
With that, friends and Governors, I say let’s
start by changing the community. Let’s enter
2015 with the strength and dignity of those who
truly understand the depth of their roots and the
importance of their values. Change will start
with us.
It is with the utmost urgency that I ask our
Governors to become involved in the events we
have planned for the upcoming year. With the
help of your influence, resources and generosity,
we are able to complete the work we set out
to accomplish for our rich community. Among
other projects, we will continue our membership
drive to recruit New Governors this year for the
FCCI’s 40th anniversary. If you would like to join
the recruitment committee, please let us know!
Date : 3 mai 2015
Visitez le site web pour plus de détails!
As we move on from 2014, let us remember the
words of one of the leading voices we are so
sorry to have lost.
Date : 25 mai 2015
Lieu : Club de Golf Le Mirage, Terrebonne
“No matter what people tell you, words and
ideas can change the world.” -Robin Williams
Anna Giampà, Executive Director
Date : 31 août 2015
Lieu : Club de Golf Saint-Raphaël, Île-Bizard
Date : 24 octobre 2015
Lieu : Hôtel Sheraton Laval
MTL DEC-JAN 1-18_Layout 1 2015-01-27 9:57 AM Page 15
PG 2
Spotlight on
Carmine D’Argenio
I Nuovi Governatori
PG 7
Back row: Sam Spatari, Anna Giampà, Pino Asaro, Angela Minicucci, Silvio De Rose, Tony Loffreda
Front row: David Ferrante, Joey Saputo, Marie Anna Bacchi, Carmine D’Argenio
Absent: Nicola Di Iorio
United We Stand
PG 8
Photo by Joseph Simone
30e Bal des
PG 4-5
The Italian-Canadian Community Foundation adopts Unitas
By Adam Zara
here comes a time in the life of every organization where internal critique and
reform are the only ways to hope for progress. Stagnation and status quo are
seldom ingredients in a recipe for success. It is in that vein that this past May,
the Fondation Communautaire Canadienne-Italienne (FCCI), led by then-president Carmine D’Argenio, voted to adopt Unitas, a project whereby the leaders of the
four main organizations of Montreal’s Italian community would have a seat on the
FCCI’s Board of Fiduciaries.
As the main fundraising arm of Montreal’s Italian community, the FCCI redistributes funds to not-for-profit organizations, charities, and community groups
endeavoring in the areas of health and medicine, social causes, education and the
promotion of Italian language and culture. Created in 1975 by visionary community
leaders, the FCCI funded Saint-Leonard’s Leonardo Da Vinci Centre and is now supporting the Casa D’Italia’s redevelopment project and many other noteworthy causes.
In 2014, the FCCI’s annual poker and golf tournaments brought in
inefficient and inconvenient for everyone involved,” says Executive Director Anna
Giampà. “By combining our efforts, we will look for ways to reduce the number
of activities, while maintaining the same level of quality and uniqueness that
each Unitas partner is known for.” Yes, that means fewer galas, golf and poker
tournaments – but bigger and better ones.
It’s important to note that the switch in tone is not only about fundraising.
Unitas’ first priority is to “help salvage and strengthen the Italian language, culture
and heritage” in Montreal’s Italian community. “The need has never been stronger,”
says D’Argenio. “Italians are becoming more and more integrated and we’re slowly
losing our identity.”
The sense of urgency seems unanimous. “The older generation is moving on,
and if their children don’t share that sense of belonging to the community, they
won’t give back. They also need to know and feel that they’re getting something out
of contributing,” says Saputo. “We have to get the second and third generations to
care, because once they start having kids, it could be too late,” echoes D’Argenio.
250 000 dollars amassés au 30e Bal des Gouverneurs
Le 18 octobre 2014, à l’Hôtel Sheraton de
Laval, le 30e Bal annuel des Gouverneurs de la
Fondation Communautaire Canadienne-Italienne
a remporté un vif succès. L’événement, organisé
par M. Tony Loffreda, président du Bal et
vice-président régional, services financiers
commerciaux, RBC Banque Royale, sous la
présidence d’honneur de M. Carmine D’Argenio,
principal marchand, BMW-MINI Laval, a recueilli
250 000$ pour la Fondation.
Sous le thème Piazza dei Governatori, cette
soirée a été dédiée à symboliser l’unité de la
communauté italienne avec la mise sur pied du
projet Unitas.
La Fondation à aussi pris l’occasion de rendre
hommage aux pionniers de la communauté
italienne, les Gouverneurs qui, il y a 30 ans ou
plus, ont cru en un projet nommé Fondation
Communautaire Canadienne-Italienne.
Lors de la soirée, M. Joey Saputo, Président de
la FCCI, a annoncé qu’il était fier que M. Carmine
D’Argenio, véritable perle de notre communauté,
ait accepté la présidence d’honneur du Bal des
Gouverneurs. Pour la FCCI, M. D’Argenio, est un
homme qui s’est distingué par la qualité de son
engagement envers la communauté italienne.
Il a présidé la Fondation Communautaire
Canadienne-Italienne de 2006 à 2014, une
période au cours de laquelle il s’est illustré par
ses nombreuses contributions à la Fondation et
à la communauté. Il s’est démarqué par sa vision,
sa générosité et son approche collaborative.
Nul doute qu’il continuera d’être à nos yeux un
modèle de philanthropie.
La Fondation Communautaire CanadienneItalienne a accueilli des invités de marque:
l’Ambassadeur d’Italie au Canada, S.E. Gian
Lorenzo Cornado, et son épouse Martine
Laidin Cornado, le Consul général d’Italie a
Montréal, Dr. Enrico Padula et son épouse
Mme Milena Padula, le président de la FCCI,
M. Joey Saputo (Président, Impact de Montréal/
Stade Saputo) et son épouse Mme Carmie
Saputo, le fondateur du Bal des Gouverneurs,
M. Giuseppe Borsellino (Président du Groupe
Petra) et son épouse Mme Elina Borsellino,
le président du 30e Bal des Gouverneurs,
M. Tony Loffreda (Vice-président régional,
Services financiers commerciaux / RBC Banque
Royale) et son épouse Mme Angie Loffreda, le
président d’honneur du 30e Bal des Gouverneurs,
M. Carmine D’Argenio (Principal marchand,
BMW-MINI Laval), et son épouse Mme Rosine
D’Argenio, la Sen. Marisa Ferretti
Barth, accompagnée par le Juge Antonio
Discepola, Députée de l’Assemblé Nationale
pour le circonscription de Bourassa-Sauvé,
Me Rita De Santis, et son conjoint M. JeanMarcel De Magistris, représentante du Ministre
de l’Emploi et du Développement social et
Ministre du Multiculturalisme, l’Honorable Jason
Kenney, elle est Conseillière principale régionale
Multiculturalisme, Mme Barbara Pisani,
représentant du Maire de Laval Marc Demers,
il est conseiller municipal du district SaintVincent-de-Paul, M. Paolo Galati, et son épouse
Mme Paola Tomaro, la directrice générale de la
FCCI, Mme Anna Giampà et son conjoint, le
De gauche à droite: M. Joey Saputo, Président FCCI, Mme Rosine Izart D’Argenio,
M. Carmine D’Argenio, Président d’honneur du Bal des Gouverneurs, et M. Tony
Loffreda, Président du Bal des Gouverneurs.
Gouverneur M. Matteo Fiorilli (Président, Les
Constructions Angelco).
La FCCI a profité de cette occasion prestigieuse
pour présenter : 15 Nouveaux Gouverneurs:
M. Mario Antinori (Gestionnaire de portefeuille
associé, BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc., Commodari
Antinori Group), M. Vincenzo Belmonte
(Associé, Belmonte Léger et Associés), M. Carlo
Cammalleri (Président, Emballages Netpak
Inc.), M. Renato Cantoni (Président, Vita &
Vino, Les Sélections Soly-Leblanc Inc.), M. Tony
Catania (Vice-président Exécutif, Group Brunet),
Mme Connie Ciccarello (Secrétaire-trésorier,
Ciccarello Assurances Ltee), M. Giuseppe
Ciliberto, M. John Cioffi (Gestionnaire,
Couvreur de Toitures Mont-Rose (Qc) Ltée),
M. Umberto Delucilla (Associé directeur,
Leader de marché, Grand Montréal, Grandes
entreprises, Deloitte), M. Filippo Ferrara
(Notaire et conseiller juridique, Ferrara Notaire
Inc.), M. Giuseppe Ferraro (Associé, Deloitte),
M. Giancarlo Massironi (Président, Bistro Il
Centro Da Carlo), M. Salvatore Novello (Viceprésident, Emballages Netpak Inc.), M. Jacques
Tozzi (Président, Gestion Zircon), M. Alessandro
Zambito (Associé, Zambito Paolino Santoianni);
4 Successeurs: M. Marco D’Onofrio
(Président, Groupe D’Onofrio), M. Domenico
Fuoco (Confondateur et Directeur Scientifique,
XOmeca), M. Alexandre Germanotta
(Président, Les Constructions Alexandre Inc.),
Mme Sabrina Marchetti (Directrice, Classy
Formal Wear).
Le thème Piazza dei Governatori à été choisi comme symbole de ralliement, d’unité.
La Fondation Communautaire Canadienne
Italienne du Québec tient à remercier les
membres du conseil des fiduciaires soit M. Joey
Saputo, Mme Marie Anna Bacchi, M. David J
Ferrante, Me Nicola Di Iorio, M. Pino Asaro,
M. Silvio De Rose, Mme Angela Minicucci, M.
Sam Spatari, le fondateur du Bal, M. Giuseppe
Borsellino, le comité organisateur, les présidents
de l’événement, M. Tony Loffreda et M. Carmine
D’Argenio, les Gouverneurs ainsi que les
généreux commanditaires de la soirée de gala
entre autres: RBC Banque Royale, Saputo, Ernst
& Young, Selectcom Telecom, TLN Telelatino
Broccolini Construction Inc., Uniprix, La Fondation
Bellini, Tidan Hospitality Real Estate Group et
Styrochem. Un grand merci également au maître
de cérémonie: Mme Marianna Simeone.
Les membres qui nous ont épaulé pendant 30 ans, voire davantage.
Les Nouveaux Gouverneurs
Assis – De gauche à droite: Michael Palermo, Terrie Lynn Brophy, Moraldo
Discepola, Karina Bessoudo Début – De gauche à droite: Matteo Maggio,
Anna Cortese, Pat Savoia, Lia Modesto, Eugenio Mannarino, Lora Ottoni
De gauche à droite: M. Tony Loffreda, Président du Bal des Gouverneurs, M. Carmine D’Argenio, Président d’honneur du Bal des Gouverneurs,
M. Giuseppe Borsellino, fondateur du Bal des Gouverneurs, M. Joey Saputo, Président FCCI, M. Lino Saputo, Gouverneur FCCI, S.E. Gian Lorenzo
Cornado, Ambassadeur d’Italie au Canada, M. Enrico Padula, Consul Général d’Italie.
Spotlight on Carmine D’Argenio
The Italian-Canadian Community Foundation
can certainly attest to these qualities. Carmine
joined the Foundation as a Governor in the
year 2000 and quickly became involved in the
organization’s activities and projects. He was
elected president in 2006 and was instrumental
in promoting its advancement and development
during his 8-year tenure.
Over the years, Carmine’s interpersonal skills
and undeniable charisma enabled him to
build relationships with leading community
organizations, government agencies and many
cultural institutions.
As president, Carmine made it his mission to
reinforce the Foundation’s philanthropic role in
the Italian community, as well as to increase its
visibility within the Greater Montreal Area.
Mr. Carmine D’Argenio
Born in Montreal to Italian parents, Carmine
D’Argenio inherited an entrepreneurial spirit
and a passion for automobiles from his father.
As the old proverb says: like father, like son.
There is no doubt that Gerardo D’Argenio and
his son Carmine had their sights set high.
Fittingly, Carmine is currently the Dealer Principal
for BMW-MINI Laval, ranked one of the top
among Canadian car dealerships, as well as
a Board Member of the Montreal Automobile
Dealers Corporation.
The D’Argenios’ secret to success resides in
large part in their ability for unification and an
overwhelming spirit of family and solidarity.
During his term as president, many important
contributions were made to community
organizations, including the Conseil régional
des personnes âgées italo-canadiennes,
the National Congress of Italian-Canadians,
the Canadian-Italian Business Professionals
Association, the Casa d’Italia, and the Centro
Leonardo da Vinci, among others.
FCCI donations during his tenure facilitated the
purchase of much needed medical equipment,
the training of guide dogs for the visually
impaired, disbursement of academic bursaries,
promotion of cultural events such as Montreal’s
Italian Week, and the development of numerous
other noteworthy projects.
As a fervent
promoter of the Italian language and culture,
in 2012, Carmine spearheaded an important
partnership with the English-Montreal School
FCCI Governor Enzo Reda, FCCI President Joey Saputo, Honorary President Carmine D’Argenio,
FCCI Governor Peter Comito Sr., and FCCI Governor Peter Pomponio at the 30th Governors’ Ball.
Board to ensure the continuation of Italianlanguage courses in four Montreal-area schools,
through the Programme d’enseignement de la
langue d’origine, better known as PELO.
Furthermore, under Carmine’s leadership, the
FCCI significantly expanded its reach.This was
achieved through the recruitment of over one
hundred new Governors and Friends, the largest
membership increase since the Foundation’s
creation in 1975.
With the support of his board members,
Carmine’s enthusiasm and creativity also led to
new fundraising and social events, such as the
Cento Miglia Car Rally, the Texas Hold’Em Poker
Tournament, the Tir al Piatello Tournament, and
the Sugar Shack outing. No one can deny that
Carmine’s innovative spirit breathed new life
into the Foundation’s activities.
Aside from being an entrepreneur and a
community leader, Carmine is a devoted
husband to Rosine and father of three
children: Anita, Massimo, and Sara. Carmine’s
extended family includes fellow Governors,
loyal employees, and countless friends and
Not surprisingly, Carmine was named Knight of
the Order of Merit in 2011. This is the highest
distinction awarded by the government of Italy.
The Foundation is very proud to count Carmine
D’Argenio as an esteemed Governor and pillar
of our community. We are pleased to have
honored him on the occasion of the 30th edition
of the Governors’ Ball.
Mr. Carmine D’Argenio and wife Rosine
Izart D’Argenio
I Nuovi Governatori
I Governatori costituiscono labase vitale della Fondazione. Abbiamo il piacere di presentarvi i membri che hanno aderito alla FCCI nel 2014.
Nouveaux Gouverneurs 2014 – Nuovi Governatori 2014
Mario Antinori & Fabiola Barone
Renato Cantoni
Gestionnaire de portefeuille associé
Vita & Vino, Les Sélections Soly-Leblanc Inc.
Giuseppe Ciliberto &
Clementina Lazzara Ciliberto
Vincenzo Belmonte
Tony Catania & Sara Catania
John Cioffi
Carlo Cammalleri &
Giuseppina Catania
Connie Ciccarello
Umberto Delucilla & Anna Badia
BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc., Commodari Antinori Group
Belmonte Léger et Associés
A ssocié
Emballages Netpak Inc.
Groupe Brunet
Vice-président Exécutif
Ciccarello Assurances Ltee
Couvreur de Toitures Mont-Rose (Qc) Ltée
Associé directeur, Leader de marché, Grand
Montréal | Grandes entreprises
Filippo Ferrara & Mariella De Ciccio
Giuseppe Ferraro
Giancarlo Massironi
Ferrara Notaire Inc.
Notaire et conseiller juridique
Bistro Il Centro Da Carlo
Salvatore Novello & Dina Garreffa
Emballages Netpak Inc.
Jacques Tozzi & Pascale Beala
Gestion Zircon
Alessandro Zambito &
Domenica Moneta
Zambito Paolino Santoianni
Successeurs 2014 / Successori 2014
Marco D’Onofrio &
Guylaine Paiement
Domenico Fuoco &
Cristina Girolamo
Alexandre Germanotta
& Julia Vavatsikos
Groupe D’Onofrio
Confondateur et Directeur
Les Constructions Alexandre Inc.
Sabrina Marchetti
Classy Formal Wear
Cocktail di Natale 2014
La Fondazione Communitaria Italo-Canadese
ha concluso l’anno in grande stile con il Cocktail
natalizio annuale tenutosi mercoledi 10 dicembre
2014 presso il Centro Leonardo da Vinci. Più
di 100 Governatori e amici hanno festeggiato
un anno di successo per l’organismo. È stata
l’occasione perfetta per riconoscere il prezioso
lavoro svolto durante l’anno dai membri del
Consiglio e dai diversi comitati degli eventi.
È stata anche l’occasione per riconoscere il
significativo impegno filantropico dei membri
della Fondazione.
Il cocktail è stato anche l’occasione per
presentare un rapporto sul progetto Unitas. Il
calcio d’inizio di Unitas è previsto per la prossima
primavera con la sua attuazione nell’autunno
del 2015. I partner di Unitas e la Fondazione
collaboreranno con eventi di raccolta fondi
comuni ed altre iniziative che saranno introdotte
nel corso del periodo di transizione. Infine, Sig.
Saputo ha ringraziato tutti i Governatori per il
loro generoso e abituale appoggio e ha augurato
a tutti i presenti un buon 2015.
Da sinistra a destra: Silvio De Rose, Direttore della FCCI, Sam Spatari, Direttore della FCCI, David Ferrante,
Vice-presidente della FCCI, Marie Anna Bacchi, 1° Vice-presidente della FCCI, Carmine D’Argenio, Presidente
ex-ufficio della FCCI, Anna Giampà, Direttrice Generale della FCCI, Joey Saputo, Presidente della FCCI, Nicola Di
Iorio, Segretario della FCCI, Tony Loffreda, Tesoriere della FCCI
CTV Media and Press
Release Presentation
Quatres bourses d’études
aux jeunes italo-canadiens
The FCCI and the Leonardo da Vinci Center partnered up with CTV
to provide an exclusive event for all members of our organizations.
Over 60 guests came to this informative event to mingle with the CTV
guest speakers and got to know how to get their stories on air. Guest
speakers included CTV Anchor, Paul Karwatsky, CTV Weather person,
Lori Graham, CTV Movie Reviewer, Mosé Persico, CTV Director of
News and Public Affairs, Jed Kahane, CTV Sales Executive, Stefano
Guadagnino, CTV Retail Sales Manager, David Plaa, and CTV
Vice-President and General Manager, Louis Douville.
Intéressée à l’éducation des jeunes italo-canadiens, la FCCI a eu aussi
cette année le plaisir de participer activement au Programme de bourses
de la CIBPA avec un don de 10 000 $. La FCCI a été honorée de remettre le
13 décembre dernier les quatres bourses suivantes: une bourse d’études
pour le troisième cycle à Samantha Polito, Doctorat en Pharmacie,
Université de Toronto; une bourse d’études pour le deuxième cycle à
Cybelle Abate, Maîtrise en Arts & Sciences (Psychologie), une bourse
d’études pour le premier cycle à Virginie Amyot-Ghirotto, Baccalauréat
en Sciences de la gestion (Administration des affaires), UQAM; une
bourse d’excellence à Isabella Albanese, Doctorat en médicine, McGill
University. Les Gouverneurs souhaitent à tous les récipiendaires des
bourses d’études 2014 un grand succès académique.
Left to right: Frank Sorrentino, Claudia Mastrocola, Josie Verrillo, Silvio De
Rose, Donato Caivano, Anna Giampà, Paul Karwatsky, Mosé Persico, Louis
Douville, Lori Graham, Pat Buttino, Jed Kahane, Angela Minicucci, Stefano
Guadagnino, Vincenzo Giangaspero
Joey Saputo • [email protected]
1° Vice-presidente
Marie Anna Bacchi • [email protected]
David Ferrante • [email protected]
Nicola Di Iorio • [email protected]
Tony Loffreda • [email protected]
Pino Asaro • [email protected]
Silvio De Rose • [email protected]
Angela Minicucci • [email protected]
Sam Spatari • [email protected]
Presidente ex-ufficio
Carmine D’Argenio • [email protected]
Mme Isabella Albanese avec Tony Loffreda lors de la remise des bourses d’études.
Personale amministrativo
Anna Giampà • Direttrice Generale • [email protected]
Claudia Mastrocola • Eventi e Relazioni Pubbliche • [email protected]
Cristina Cugliandro • Comunicazioni • [email protected]
Fondazione Comunitaria Italo-Canadese
Indirizzo: 8370, Boul. Lacordaire, Suite 301
Saint-Léonard (Québec) H1R 3Y6
Telefono: 514-274-6725 Fax: 514-274-6353
www.fcciq.com • [email protected]
Grafica : Cassi Design, www.cassidesign.com
Foto : FCCI, John Oliveri Photography, Simone Portraits,
Pacifica Productions
Back row: Sam Spatari, Anna Giampà, Pino Asaro, Angela Minicucci, Silvio De Rose, Tony Loffreda
Front row: David Ferrante, Joey Saputo, Marie Anna Bacchi, Carmine D’Argenio
Absent: Nicola Di Iorio
Photo by Joseph Simone
United We Stand
The Italian-Canadian Community Foundation adopts Unitas
By Adam Zara
here comes a time in the life of every organization where internal critique and
reform are the only ways to hope for progress. Stagnation and status quo are
seldom ingredients in a recipe for success. It is in that vein that this past May,
the Fondation Communautaire Canadienne-Italienne (FCCI), led by then-president Carmine D’Argenio, voted to adopt Unitas, a project whereby the leaders of the
four main organizations of Montreal’s Italian community would have a seat on the
FCCI’s Board of Fiduciaries.
As the main fundraising arm of Montreal’s Italian community, the FCCI redistributes funds to not-for-profit organizations, charities, and community groups
endeavoring in the areas of health and medicine, social causes, education and the
promotion of Italian language and culture. Created in 1975 by visionary community
leaders, the FCCI funded Saint-Leonard’s Leonardo Da Vinci Centre and is now supporting the Casa D’Italia’s redevelopment project and many other noteworthy causes.
In 2014, the FCCI’s annual poker and golf tournaments brought in
a combined $200,000, and its showpiece gala, the 30th annual
Governors’ Ball, raised a whopping $250,000. Membership dues
totaling over $325,000 make up the second component in the
Foundation’s 2014 year-end proceeds.
“We’ve been working hard to increase the visibility of the Foundation and get
more people involved in the last few years,” says newly elected President Joey
Saputo. “For example, the Governors’ Ball was thought to be an exclusive event
targeted to a small segment of the population, when in fact, the aim in recent years
has been to get the younger generation involved as well.”
Involvement can mean attending an event or volunteering, but the FCCI’s
lifeblood are its Governors who, on top of contributing an important sum upon
induction, continue giving on a yearly basis. “Before, the role of the FCCI was basically to manage the funds that were coming in and redistribute them to
various groups that needed it. We were the gatekeepers of the funds,” says Saputo.
In time, the realization that the community was in need of additional capital led the
FCCI to change course and adopt Unitas as a way forward.
“With the new board that’s in place, we’ve taken a step back; we are holding off
on granting donations and giving priority to answering needs within the Italian
community,” says Saputo. Under the presidency of Joey Saputo, the Unitas representatives join Foundation members Marie Anna Bacchi, David Ferrante, Nicola Di
Iorio, Tony Loffreda, and Carmine D'Argenio on the Board of Fiduciaries. With the
leaders of the National Congress of Italian-Canadians, Quebec region (Pino Asaro),
the Canadian-Italian Business and Professional Association Foundation (Sam
Spatari), CCPI-Casa D’Italia (Angela Minicucci) and the Leonardo Da Vinci Centre
(Silvio De Rose) sitting in and having their equal say, the principle goal is to develop a common strategic plan that will unify all fundraising efforts in the community, to ultimately better serve present and future generations of Italian-Canadians.
Evidently, tough decisions will need to be made in upcoming board meetings.
“It’s about give and take and better understanding what each organization does,”
adds Saputo. “We are putting a plan in place, and until that plan is finalized, I think
we’ll be very cautious as to how the money is being redistributed.”
A streamlined approach will be the key to avoiding overlap and ultimately
seeing Unitas through. “We realized that often times, we would be soliciting the
same donors and participants for our respective events and this has become
inefficient and inconvenient for everyone involved,” says Executive Director Anna
Giampà. “By combining our efforts, we will look for ways to reduce the number
of activities, while maintaining the same level of quality and uniqueness that
each Unitas partner is known for.” Yes, that means fewer galas, golf and poker
tournaments – but bigger and better ones.
It’s important to note that the switch in tone is not only about fundraising.
Unitas’ first priority is to “help salvage and strengthen the Italian language, culture
and heritage” in Montreal’s Italian community. “The need has never been stronger,”
says D’Argenio. “Italians are becoming more and more integrated and we’re slowly
losing our identity.”
The sense of urgency seems unanimous. “The older generation is moving on,
and if their children don’t share that sense of belonging to the community, they
won’t give back. They also need to know and feel that they’re getting something out
of contributing,” says Saputo. “We have to get the second and third generations to
care, because once they start having kids, it could be too late,” echoes D’Argenio.
And it’s primarily through the funds collected that the FCCI can attempt to
reverse the tendency and put programs in place to further its mission. For instance,
in 2012, the FCCI teamed up with the English Montreal school board to ensure that
Italian language courses within the Programme de l'enseignement des langues
d'origine (PELO) were given at the elementary level in four local schools. “The
response was outstanding,” says Giampà. “We will soon be in a position to review
that partnership, with the hopes of repeating and expanding it to more schools.”
If the younger generation is to be called upon to help with funding, it’s important to first put things into perspective. “The sacrifices of the older generation make
it possible for the younger generation to be in a better position to give back,” says
Giampà. “The younger generation is able to focus on building their careers and
professions – building wealth – whereas the previous generation was focused on
building a life – surviving. Giving back to the community is one of the things we are
trying to promote; we want to encourage people to spread the wealth.” And the only
way this can occur is if new Governors step up to the plate each year in numbers.
Perhaps, until now, emphasis was never put on just how imperative giving
back really is. “Through Unitas, we want to ensure that the community sees the
need to give back,” adds Giampà. “It will be the only way to bridge the generations,
salvage the language and culture, and thereby ensure the continued vitality of a
strong and prosperous community.”
The official Unitas kick-off is planned for next spring with eventual implementation to start by fall 2015. Until then, the FCCI and Unitas partners will be
collaborating on joint fundraising events and other initiatives to be introduced
during the transition period. Stay tuned for more info!
Italian-Canadian Community
Foundation of Quebec
Insieme per la nostra comunità
8370 Boul. Lacordaire
Suite #301
St. Leonard, Québec
[email protected]