Progress of the LUNEX5 Project - HAL


Progress of the LUNEX5 Project - HAL
Progress of the LUNEX5 Project
M.-E. Couprie, C. Benabderrahmane, L. Cassinari, J. Daillant, C. Herbeaux,
N. Hubert, M. Labat, A. Loulergue, P. Marchand, O. Marcouillé, et al.
To cite this version:
M.-E. Couprie, C. Benabderrahmane, L. Cassinari, J. Daillant, C. Herbeaux, et al.. Progress
of the LUNEX5 Project. 35th International Free-Electron Laser Conference (FEL 2013), Aug
2013, New York, United States. Joint Accelerator Conferences Website, WEPSO05, pp.502-506,
2013. <in2p3-00973440>
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Proceedings of FEL2013, New York, NY, USA
M.-E. Couprie#, C. Benabderrahmane, L. Cassinari, J. Daillant, C. Herbeaux, N. Hubert, M. Labat,
A. Loulergue, P. Marchand, O. Marcouillé, C. Miron, P. Morin, A. Nadji, P. Roy, T. Tanikawa,
Synchrotron SOLEIL, L’ Orme des Merisiers, Saint-Aubin, BP 48, 91 192 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
S. Bielawski, E. Roussel, C. Szwaj, C. Evain, M. Le Parquier,
PhLAM/CERCLA, Univ. Lille, Lille, France
N. Delerue, LAL, Orsay, France
G. Le Bec, L. Farvacque, ESR, Grenoble, France
B. Carré, D. Garzella, CEA/DSM/DRECAM/SPAM, Saclay, France
G. Devanz, M. Luong (CEA/IRFUL SACM, Saclay, France
A. Dubois, J. Lüning, LCPMR, Paris, France
G. Lambert, R. Lehe, V.Malka, C. Thaury, A. Rousse,
LOA, Polytechnique, ENSTA, Palaiseau, France
c 2013 CC-BY-3.0 and by the respective authors
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LUNEX5 (free electron Laser Using a New accelerator
for the Exploitation of X-ray radiation of 5th generation)
aims at investigating the production of short, intense, and
coherent pulses in the soft X-ray region. A 400 MeV
superconducting linear accelerator and a laser wakefield
accelerator (LWFA), will feed a single Free Electron
Laser line with High order Harmonic in Gas and Echo
Enable Harmonic Generation seeding. After the
Conceptual Design Report (CDR), R&D has been
launched on specific magnetic elements (cryo-ready 3 m
long in-vacuum undulator, a variable strong permanent
magnet quadrupoles), on diagnostics (Smith-Purcell,
electro-optics). In recent transport studies of a LWFA
based on more realistic beam parameters (1 % energy
spread, 1 μm beam size and 1 mrad divergence) than the
ones assumed in the CDR, a longitudinal and transverse
manipulation enables to provide theoretical amplification.
A test experiment is under preparation. It is noted in this
context that among the French scientific community’s
interest in experiments at operating FELs is increasing.
Fifty years after the laser discovery, the emergence of
several mJ femtosecond X-ray lasers for users in the
Angström range at LCLS (USA) in 2009 [1] and in
SACLA (Japan) [2] and in the VUV/soft X-ray at
FLASH(Germany) [3], SCSS Test Accelerator (Japan) [4]
and FERMI (Italy) [5] constitutes a major breakthrough
and open unexplored multidisciplinary investigations of
matter. Because of the small mirror reflectivity at short
wavelength limiting FEL oscillators to the VUV [6], short
wavelength FELs are usually operated in the so-called
SASE scheme. Though efficient in terms of power,
emitted radiation is constituted of random spikes, giving a
poor temporal coherence. After the first Coherent
Harmonic generation experiments in the VUV [7, 8, 9],
since more than one decade ago, seeding with
conventional laser has demonstrated the suppression of
the spikes, the reduction in gain length and an increase in
coherence [10]. FERMI@ELETTRA is the first seeded
FEL open for users in the soft X-ray region. It also
efficiently up-frequency converts the wavelength along
different stages. Short wavelength seeding with High
order Harmonics generated in Gas (HHG), demonstrated
on the Japanese SCSS FEL [11], on SPARC (Italy) [12],
and on FLASH (Germany) [13] enables to decrease the
FEL wavelength. The recently proposed self-seeding in
particular with a crystal monochromator efficiently cleans
the SASE spectrum [14, 15, 16]. The Echo-Enabled
Harmonic Generation (EEHG) [17] enabling to generate
short wavelengths has been experimentally evidenced so
far in the UV [18, 19], opening perspectives for very short
wavelength (Å) and short duration at moderate cost.
Present FEL user facilities usually provide only a
restricted number of beamlines, making the acceptance of
user proposals quite difficult. Superconducting
technology enables to produce long electron macro-pulses
which can be split into different FEL branches,
approaching thus a multi-user facility such as synchrotron
radiation light sources. In addition, a superconducting
linac enables the operation of the FEL at high repetition
rate, beneficial for coincidence experiments for example.
The European XFEL, when coming to operation, will
provide a major step in this direction [20].
In parallel, novel acceleration schemes such as
dielectric ones [21], inverse FELs [22] and Laser
Wakefield acceleration [23] are actively developed. Laser
Wakefield Acceleration (LWFA) by using intense laser
beams interacting with cm long plasmas can now provide
high quality electron beams of very short bunches (few
fs) with high peak currents (few kA) [24]. Indeed,
spontaneous emission from LWFA has already been
observed [25], but the presently still rather large energy
spread (଩1 %) and divergence (mrad) prevent from a
straightforward FEL amplification.
[email protected]
ISBN 978-3-95450-126-7
Short Wavelength FELs
Proceedings of FEL2013, New York, NY, USA
Figure 1: LUNEX5 scheme.
In this context, LUNEX5 [26] proposes to develop a
demonstrator for investigating the production of short,
intense, and coherent pulses in the soft X-ray region. It
will comprise two types of accelerators (see fig. 1) : a
superconducting linac for enabling high repetition rate
and multi-user operation and a low repetition rate LWFA,
to be qualified in view of FEL application. The common
FEL line will apply the most advanced seeding
configurations (HHG seeding, EEHG) and provide
flexibility. To assess the performance of these sources
from a users' perspective, the facility will include a
photon transport beamline equipped with an optional
monochromator. This bemaline will serve two end
stations, which are optimized for experiments on gazeous
and solid samples, respectively. The precise equipment
will be identified in close collaboration with the growing
French XFEL user community, which is organized within
the XFEL-Science research network and financially
supported by the CNRS. User representatives will also
participate in defining the science vision going beyond
the LUNEX5 demonstrator project towards the needs for
a further full scale facility.
LUNEX5 Conceptual Design Report has been
completed [27] and the project has entered the next phase
of targeted complementary studies and associated R&D.
The organizational structure is shown in Fig. 1 where
tasks deal with the main subjects of studies whereas
specific programs are funded actions relevant to some
particular aspects. These programs involve additional
partners as compared to the ones of the original LUNEX5
With respect to conventional accelerators, LWFA
beams exhibit very different characteristics of phase
space: in longitudinal, short bunch duration and large
relative energy spread and in transverse, large divergence
and micrometer size.
Whereas in the LUNEX5 CDR, rather optimistic
LWFA performance had been anticipated, more recent
LUNEX5 studies have been devoted to the optimization
of the electron beam transport from the gas cell to the
undulator, with currently achieved parameters, as given in
Table 1. Electron beam distributions calculated with PIC
or CALDER-PIC codes have been calculated
independently [28]. However, the Table 1 baseline
parameters have been mainly used first for designing the
transfer line. They typically correspond to what is
expected with the 60 TW laser of the Lab. d’Optique
Appliquée, to be used for a demonstration of LWFAbased FEL amplification in the frame of LUNEX5, as a
step before the use of a dedicated laser. Typical U15
LUNEX5 undulators are considered [29] as well as a
spare U20 undulator of SOLEIL [30]. Considered
wavelengths are 200 and 40 nm.
The design of electron transfer lines aims at an electron
beam longitudinal and transverse manipulation. In a first
step, the divergence can be handled by strong quadrupoles
located very close to the electron source [31]. Then,
electrons are sorted in energy by a “demixing”
(decompression) chicane [32, 33], reducing the slice
energy spread from 1 % to 0.1%. In a third step, the
transverse density is maintained constant all along the
undulator (supermatching) thanks to the particular energy
position correlation in the electron beam phase space [34].
This chicane scheme has been studied, even though the
transverse gradient undulator [35] approach is also
Figure 2: LUNEX5 organisation.
ISBN 978-3-95450-126-7
Short Wavelength FELs
c 2013 CC-BY-3.0 and by the respective authors
Copyright ○
Proceedings of FEL2013, New York, NY, USA
considered [36, 37]. Finally, in the case of 200 nm
wavelength, seeding enables to avoid a long lethargy and
limitations due to slippage. First series of simulations
suggest that the conditions for lasing are fulfilled.
With respect to the usual magnet holder design of the
in-vacuum 20 mm period undulators, the design is under
revision for ensuring a proper holding and an easier
swapping of the modules.
Table 1: LWFA Parameter Set for Electron Beam
400, 200
μm RMS
energy spread
mrad RMS
Peak current
c 2013 CC-BY-3.0 and by the respective authors
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Permanent magnet quadrupoles are of interest for
different types of applications, such as colliders, low
betatron function optics and LWFA transport. Designs
derived from the Halhach configuration are under way, in
particular to introduce a variability of the strength. The
requested gradient is 200 T/m for the LWFA based FEL
test experiment while maintaining the bore radius at 10
Figure 3: Expected magnetic field calculated with
RADIA versus gap for various radiator periods : 15 mm
(+), 14 mm (x), 13 mm (o), 12 mm (square).
A prototype of the 3 m long PrFeB [38] cryo-ready
LUNEX5 radiator is under study. First, various studies
have been carried out to confirm the period choice.
Indeed, the magnetic field has been calculated for periods
ranging from 12 mm to 15 mm, as shown in Fig.3.
Whatever the linac choice, the tuneability is reduced with
shorter periods. In the case of the superconducting linear
accelerator, only 14 and 15 mm periods enable the
cascade configuration. Higher power is obtained with a 14
mm period, but 15 mm is chosen to keep a safety margin.
Figure 4: Smith-Purcell apparatus installed in the
SOLEIL injector linac.
Strategies for electro-optic sampling diagnostic are
currently investigated by the PhLAM and SOLEIL teams.
The tested options include scanning setups, which are
expected to yield high temporal resolution diagnostics.
Single-shot strategies based on spectral encoding are also
tested [39]. Both types of strategies are tested using TiSa
lasers as well as Yb fiber lasers.
For bunch length measurement, analysis of the Smith
Purcell (SP) radiation spectrum produced by the bunch
itself can be used [40]. SP radiation is emitted when a
charged beam travels close to a metallic grating and
becomes coherent when the bunch length is about the
grating period. SP monitors are intensively studied since
they may allow single-shot, fs-short, low-charge bunch
length measurements. Currently, in the framework of an
ANR project, several monitors are under study. A first
one is installed at FACET (USA) for the measurement of
few hundred fs bunch lengths and enables already to
confront experiment to theory [41]. A second one has just
been installed in the SOLEIL injector linac, for the
measurement of ps bunch lengths. This device is aimed at
systematic studies for detector optimization and
confrontation to theory. Two additional monitors are
foreseen: for SPARC (Italy) and finally for a Laser Wake
Field Accelerator in France, aiming at the measurement of
few pC, few fs bunches. Those monitors should benefit of
the preliminary work done at SOLEIL.
ISBN 978-3-95450-126-7
Short Wavelength FELs
Proceedings of FEL2013, New York, NY, USA
LUNEX5 R&D with specific funding has started.
Complementary studies with respect to the CDR include
sensitivity to the parameters and an electron beam
transport from a LWFA to the undulator enabling FEL
amplification with more realistic parameters. Parameter
studies continue for a better design of the test experiment
under preparation.
The authors would like to acknowledge funding from
ANR (DYNACO, SP), Triangle de la Physique
(QUAPEVA, RASYCO), Université Lille 1 for BQR
funding on electro-optical sampling, the French Swedish
collaboration and the ERC. C. Benabderrahmane thanks
in particular the Sigmaphi collaborators for QUAPEVA
contract. M. E. Couprie also thanks E. Wallen
collaborator for the joint French-Swedish work on
insertion devices.
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ISBN 978-3-95450-126-7
Short Wavelength FELs
c 2013 CC-BY-3.0 and by the respective authors
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ISBN 978-3-95450-126-7
Short Wavelength FELs