version du 28 août 2006 - University of St. Thomas


version du 28 août 2006 - University of St. Thomas
Syllabus and Schedule
French 1332 A
Office Malloy 216; Téléphone 713-444-9116;
extension on campus : 3146 ; [email protected]
Office Hours, TBA, or before class, best to call.
Elementary French II, Fall 2006
(version du 28 août 2006)
Salle : Malloy 241
TTH 2:10-3:30 pm
Lab Work TBA in Language Laboratory;
generally, it will involve 2 hours per
week in four one-half-hour sessions.
Oates / Oukada / Altman, Houghton Miflin
Company, 2002
--Workbook and Lab Manual ;
the Video Workbook is also in this volume.
Textes : Entre amis, fourth (fifth) edition ;
an interactive approach to first-year French;
Entre amis, cahier d'activités;
plus an audio tape on line, your own tape as well;
INDEX cards*
Buts (objectives) : During the second semester, instruction will be given mostly in French. The
goal is to anchor what is already acquired and to learn new ways of
expressing oneself in French. At the end of this, your second semester of
study, you should be able to :
1) understand native or near-native speech at normal speed on material we
will have seen;
2) read material considered to be within the grasp of a 1st year university
3) speak on a variety of relatively simple subjects;
4) write along controlled guide-lines.
Tests (testing) :
A) Seven quizzes (see schedule on reverse). The lowest grade among the
quizzes will be dropped. The Workbook is due the day of the Quiz.
B) Regular questions and responses to homework will be noticed; parlez
C) A final written and oral comprehensive examination :
Thursday Dec. 14
Devoirs (homework) : We A) Daily assignments from both texts; please take the cahier and the
will be listening to music
textbook to all labs.
as well and there will be
B) Homework is exercises to be done plus listening to the tape and
assignments concerning the repeating exercises; you will be expected to speak much more often
music; we have access to
in class and to participate.
many sources, written, oral C) Video Workbook chapters I-V
etc. on the internet.
D) Finally, two films, White & La Belle et la Bête
Notes (grading) :
C = Normal work, completion of all expected assignments; it is difficult to
earn a "D";
18/20 = A (17 = A-) B = Good work, above what is expected; not impossible to attain.
15/20 = B
A = Superior work, without course absences.
12/20 = C
THAT IS, in percentages :
9/20 = D
40% Quizzes ;
15% Lab Work
8/20 = F
20% Class participation, homework
25% Final Examination (oral and written)
Absences : Attendance is vital for language study. Three absences will mean automatic loss of
one letter grade. No grade of "A" is possible after missing any more than two classes
of 75 minutes. There are no makeup quizzes under any circumstances. Please plan
accordingly. A missed quiz counts as zero (0), but you may drop the one lowest
Studying Part A: There are study skills that you need in this course that are specific to
languages: 1) memorization of vocabulary; 2) syntax recognition and drilling, 3)
dictionary tag, and 4) integration skills. Each takes time, depending on talent in these
aspects. In general, you must count 2 (TWO) hours of study for every 1 (ONE) hour
of course work; this means about 12 hours of outside work each week.
Part B: There are always stronger and weaker students in a course like this. The
stronger will be partnered with the weaker and both will work together, the former
getting “credit” and the latter benefiting as well. Studying together is encouraged and
required for some assignments. Part of the final is an oral by the partnership. The
teacher will assign partners, with consultation.
If a student has special needs, please relay the information to me, tout de suite, so
we can avoid difficulties.
Important Dates
First week, no labs
Aug. 29, 31
Monday Holiday; jeudi, Messe de l’Esprit Saint, 12h30; Quiz ch 8 ;
Sept 5, 7
Messe le 17 à 18h00; potluck après
S. 12, 14
Quiz ch. 9, jeudi; workbook; lab 8 due also
S. 19, 21
Lab 9 due jeudi, as well as video worksheet I (a); watch movie w/
S. 26, 28
questions. Due Oct. 3 (White);
Quiz ch 10 jeudi, workbook.
Oct. 3, 5
Lab 10 jeudi., video work I (b); begin movie La Belle et la Bête;
Oct. 10, 12
messe le 15 oct. à midi
Mid-semster break. No classes mardi
O. 17, 19
Quiz ch 11 mardi., Tape 1 due jeudi.;
O. 24, 26
Lab 11 jeudi., video work I (c);
O. 31, nov. 2
Quiz ch 12 mardi., or to the page reached in class
N. 7, 9
Lab 12 mardi.; Tape 2 due jeudi.; La Belle et la Bête, fin
N 14, 16
Quiz ch 13 mardi; jeudi c’est la journée de l’action de grâce
N. 21, 23
Lab 13 mardi.; tape due
N. 28, 30
Déc. 5, 7
Dernière semaine; jeudi review
Jeudi, examen final de midi à 14h30
Déc. 14
This syllabus is subject to change (especially dates of quizzes and labs)
because of unforeseen difficulties or other botherations. Call 3146 for
Please no food or drink in class, and cut the cell phone before coming in!!
Cheating is out; sharing is in. Partnerships are helpful, except on quizzes and
exams. Check out the student policy on plagiarism. No dictionaries for testing;
use your head!