Courrier hebdomadaire d`ENAR n° 315


Courrier hebdomadaire d`ENAR n° 315
Courrier hebdomadaire d’ENAR n° 315
4 mai 2012
Manifestation européenne pour condamner la participation de la ministre suédoise de la
culture à une représentation artistique d’un gâteau raciste
ENAR launched a coordinated protest on 4 May to condemn the involvement of Lena Adelsohn
Liljeroth, Swedish Minister of Culture, in a racist act at the Stockholm Museum of Modern Art on
15 April. The Minister accepted to cut a cake depicting a stereotypical racist representation of a
naked black woman who screamed every time the abdomen was cut, thus playing the role of the
mutilating white woman. This incident was deeply insulting to people who suffer racist taunts on a
daily basis and particularly to women who are affected by female genital mutilation. Pour en
savoir plus
Une coalition d’ONG - dont ENAR - continue de soutenir le défenseur des droits de
l’homme Doros Polykarpou à Chypre
Le 30 avril, le juge a décidé que le dossier ouvert pour émeutes contre Doros Polycarpou, directeur
exécutif de KISA suite aux événements tragiques survenus lors du Rainbow Festival tenu à Larnaca,
Chypre, en 2010, était recevable. Le juge a expliqué qu’à ce stade la Cour pouvait seulement
decider de rejeter le cas ou non. Or les conditions d’un tel rejet ne sont, d’après le juge, pas
remplies. Alors que la prochaine audience aura lieu le 9 mai 2012, une coalition d’ONG, dont
ENAR, a réaffirmé son soutien a Doros Polycarpou and à un examen juste des faits, ainsi que le
maintien de la mission d’observation et de leur action tout au long de la procédure. Pour en savoir
 Fiche d’information d’ENAR: Inclusion sociale et collecte de données
This fact sheet aims to clarify the links between social inclusion policies and data collection and
provide a state of play on the situation in the EU regarding the collection of disaggregated data for
social inclusion purposes. The focus of this report is to encourage the use of target setting,
monitoring and benchmarks to ensure that those most excluded in society are enabled and
encouraged to participate fully and equally. Reference is often made about disadvantaged ethnic
and religious minorities and migrants, but this should not be misinterpreted. ENAR is fully
conscious of the many ethnic and religious minorities and migrants, who are highly successful and
contribute in numerous ways to society. Pour en savoir plus
Courrier hebdomadaire d’ENAR n° 315 - 4 mai 2012
 Ouverture du prix de la diversité à Bruxelles – Appel à candidatures
Nearly two hundred people made the trip to Brussels European Parliament buildings to celebrate
the launch of the second inaugural European Diversity Awards on Thursday 26 April, sponsored by
global brand Google and Royal Bank of Scotland. Submissions are now open for the Awards, which
celebrate the work and commitment of passionate individuals, groups and businesses who have
made a positive impact on improving the lives of others. The Awards seek to recognise the efforts
of those who are building a society across Europe which embraces all citizens, irrespective of race,
gender, physical and psychological abilities, sexual orientation, and religious belief. The closing
date for entries is 15 June. The Awards event will take place on 20 September 2012. Pour en savoir
 ENORB: Réseau européen sur les religions et les croyances
The lack of any grassroots network concerned with the religion and belief strand of EU Equalities
and Fundamental Rights was described as ‘a serious anomaly’ by a DG Employment official in
2009. Major steps have been taken to fill this gap over the past two years. An ENORB Exploratory
Group has been meeting and has now registered as an association in Brussels. On 29 May an initial
seminar will take place at the European Parliament, introduced by Vice-President Laszlo Surjan, at
3 pm, followed by a reception, and a meeting on 30 May of organisations interested in joining
ENORB at the ‘Espaces’ in Brussels. Information/application form from [email protected]
AEDH: L’Assemblée générale condamne le procès de Doros Polykarpou à Chypre et
l’expulsion de Roms en Serbie
Des représentants de l’Association Européenne pour la défense des Droits de l’Homme ont tenu
leur Assemblée générale à Brno en République tchèque. L’Assemblée générale s’est interrogée sur
les conditions dans lesquelles des poursuites judiciaires récurrentes ont été engagées à l’encontre
de M. Doros Polycarpou, Directeur Exécutif de KISA, et ont appelé les autorités chypriotes à lever
les charges contre Doros Polycarpou et garantir aux ONG la possibilité et les moyens effectifs de
soutenir les migrants dans la défense de leurs droits. Ils ont également adopté une motion
condamnant l’expulsion forcée de familles Roms d’un campement à Belgrade. Pour en savoir plus
 AGE: Avec la crise, nous redécouvrons la solidarité et la coopéation entre les générations
The 29th of April, the European Day of Solidarity between Generations, is a good opportunity to
give visibility to the many initiatives across the EU and remind of the need of greater solidarity and
cooperation between age groups in our ageing societies. In the framework of the 2012 European
Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations, this 4th EU Day offers the opportunity
to further highlight the need to develop and support grass root initiatives that support greater
participation of older people for the benefit of all age groups in society. Pour en savoir plus
 Les femmes musulmanes britanniques font entendre leur voix
Recently, there has been talk about an explosion of grassroots feminist organisations – and there
is also a new generation of confident, articulate Muslim women who are at the forefront of
fighting inequality, which has become part and parcel of everyday life for many British Muslim
women. As diverse as Muslim women are, many face cultural, ideological and societal barriers that
affect their social mobility. Muslim women are now actively beginning to challenge the inequalities
that face them. Increasingly, Muslim women know they are able to exert their rights through the
Courrier hebdomadaire d’ENAR n° 315 - 4 mai 2012
British equalities and legal framework. Despite differences in education, profession and income,
what many of these Muslim women have in common is the belief that they cannot allow these
barriers, which existed in the previous generation, to continue into the next generation. Pour en
savoir plus
 Ziauddin Sardar: A la défense du multiculturalisme
Multiculturalism is an idea that appears under attack these days. Professor Ziauddin Sardar argues
it has been “very good for Britain as a whole, but particularly for Muslims.” A leading British
intellectual, who specializes in Muslim thought, science policy, and cultural criticism, he sat down
with Cities of Migration’s Kim Turner to talk multiculturalism, interculturalism and integration.
Their conversation began after a lecture called, “Writing Connections: Bridging the Divide between
Islam and the West,” at the University Club of Toronto in April 2012. Pour en savoir plus
 La Grèce ouvre son premier centre de détention des migrants
Greece on 29 April set up its first detention centre for undocumented migrants, composed of box
homes, surrounded by high wire, and meant to house some 1,200 people. Citizens’ Protection
Minister Michalis Chrysochoidis said the centre - situated in Amygdaleza, northwest of Athens will help the country to deal with immigration. Athens expects to build another 50 similar centres
between now and mid-2013. Athens has been struggling to contain and process some estimated
130,000 migrants who cross into the country by sea or along the porous Turkish border every year.
Pour en savoir plus
L’interdiction de la burka aux Pays-Bas pourrait être levée après la chute du
With the collapse of the Dutch centre-right government, the Netherlands may now drop some of
its most eye-popping proposals aimed at Muslims and other immigrants and could soften its
strong anti-immigration rhetoric. A ban on Muslim face veils, such as the Arabic-style niqabs that
leave the eyes uncovered and Afghan-style burqas that cover the face with a cloth grid, is less
likely to go ahead after the government collapsed at the weekend. Pour en savoir plus
 Les bulldozers ne parviennent pas aplatir les aspirations nationales des Roms
On the closing day, president of the World Roma Congress Jovan Damjanovic, an MP in the
Serbian Parliament, declared that the possibility for Europe's 12 million Roma realizing their civil
and national rights had up to now been thwarted. He might have been referring to the fate
of the nearby Belvil shanty-town, where even as delegates met in the parliament building,
Belgrade city authorities were conspiring without any pre-consultation with the families
concerned to send in the bulldozers and crush the homes of a thousand Roma. Pour en savoir plus
 Redefining racism: Romanian dictionary corrects anti-semitic and anti-roma words
The Romanian Academy has corrected the definitions of anti-Semitic and racist words in the latest
edition of a widely-circulated dictionary, after protests from Jewish and Roma groups. “The
definitions of 30 words related to the Roma have been revised in the latest edition of the DEX
dictionary,” Roma rights group Impreuna said Thursday. The dictionary now stresses that several
words derived from “Tsigan” (gypsy or Roma) are “pejorative.” The previous editions had
“promoted discriminatory identifications and racist stereotypes without mentioning their
disparaging meaning,” the rights group stressed. Read more
Courrier hebdomadaire d’ENAR n° 315 - 4 mai 2012
 Les ministres européens soutiennent une nouvelle loi visant à aider les victimes de crime
Justice ministers meeting in Luxemburg on April 27 have backed a new EU law to strengthen legal
and police protection for victims of crime. The measures would help streamline judicial and
legislative procedures for EU nationals in civil law cases who currently risk struggling with different
languages, cultures and legal systems when moving to another member state. Pour en savoir plus
Liberté de circulation: la Commission demande au Royaume-Uni de garantir les droits des
citoyens européens
The European Commission has given the United Kingdom two months by to comply with European
Union rules on the free movement of EU citizens and their families across the EU or face an EU
court case. The Commission's request takes the form of a reasoned opinion (the second step in the
three-step EU infringement process). The Free Movement Directive (2004/38/EC) aims to ensure
that EU citizens can fully enjoy their rights to freely travel, live and work anywhere in the
European Union. The Commission may refer countries that are not fulfilling their obligations to the
Court of Justice of the EU. Pour en savoir plus
 Campagne publicitaire de l’UE ‘Pour la diversité. Contre les discriminations.’
Cette campagne d'information vise à sensibiliser le public à la discrimination et à mieux faire
connaître la législation européenne anti-discrimination. Elle a également pour but de promouvoir
la diversité et ses vertus pour la société européenne. Organisée par la Commission européenne,
cette campagne a lieu dans tous les États membres de l'UE. Pour en savoir plus
 Fonds des Nations Unies sur les formes contemporaines d’esclavage
The United Nations Voluntary Trust Fund on Contemporary Forms of Slavery allocates grants (as a
rule, for a maximum of US$15,000) for projects aiming to provide humanitarian, legal and financial
assistance to individuals whose human rights have been severely violated as a result of
contemporary forms of slavery. Contemporary forms of slavery include, inter alia, chattel slavery,
serfdom, forced labour, debt bondage, the worst forms of child labour including children in armed
conflict, forced and early marriage, sale of wives, widow inheritance, trafficking in persons, sexual
slavery, and sale of children. Pour en savoir plus
 Pillay: Les nouvelles restrictions visant les ONG sapent les droits de l’homme
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay on 25 April 2012 expressed deep concern
about current or recent moves in a number of countries to curtail the freedom of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and other civil society actors to operate independently and
effectively. A draft law on regulation of NGOs in Egypt “will, if passed in its current form, seriously
undermine the spirit of Egypt’s revolution, in which civil society played such a pivotal role,” Pillay
said. “It gives the Government too much power to regulate, monitor and restrict the work of civil
society organizations.” Pour en savoir plus
Courrier hebdomadaire d’ENAR n° 315 - 4 mai 2012
 Rapport annuel de la Commission européenne contre le racisme et l’intolérance
Les pays européens doivent apprendre à gérer la diversité faute de quoi ils risquent de se priver
d’un vivier de talents économiques a tenu à souligner la Commission européenne du Conseil de
l’Europe contre le racisme et l’intolérance (ECRI) dans son rapport annuel. Les coupes dans les
programmes sociaux, la réduction des possibilités d’emploi et le développement de l’intolérance
envers les immigrés et certaines minorités historiques qui s’ensuit sont des tendances
inquiétantes, comme l’ECRI l’a constaté lors de ses visites pays-par-pays en 2011. Le discours
xénophobe fait désormais partie du discours général et les extrémistes ont de plus en plus recours
aux médias sociaux pour transmettre leurs points de vue à l’heure où la discrimination à l’égard
des Roms s’intensifie. Pour en savoir plus
Rapport: Comment les services peuvent mieux soutenir les handicapés appartenant à
une minorité ethnique
This report presents new, wide-ranging evidence about disabled people from black and minority
ethnic (BME) backgrounds and recommends how policy-makers, local authority commissioners,
and service providers can improve BME disabled people’s access to services. Pour en savoir plus
Une étude montre que l’intégration des Roms est freinée par le climat économique de
A report on the conditions faced by the Roma population across six EU countries has found that
the current financial climate across the EU is having direct and indirect impacts on the integration
and life chances of Roma; who are the largest ethnic minority in Europe. Partnered in the UK by
the University of Salford and comprising teams in Greece, Spain, Italy, Hungary and Bulgaria, the
Roma SOURCE project has so far found wide-ranging effects of austerity on the living standards of
the 10 million Roma across the continent. Pour en savoir plus
 Nouveau numéro de Respect Mag: L’Europe en panique identitaire
Au moment où la France est durement touchée par l'importance du vote populiste et les
surenchères de l'actuel gouvernement, Respect Mag fait son tour d'Europe. Populismes,
ethnocentrismes, radicalismes. ruptures, fermetures, monocultures. Créativité, diversité, place des
minorités, afropéanité... Multiculturel, pluriel, le « Vieux continent » ? De Londres à Munich, de
Copenhague à Bruxelles, le mag urbain, social et métissé trace la route des crispations identitaires.
Et des réponses multiculturelles, certes fragiles mais existantes. Pour en savoir plus
Magazine du Lobby européen des femmes: la solidarité intergénérationnelle de la
perspective de l’égalité des genres
The Spring 2012 edition of the European Women’s Lobby’s magazine European Women’s Voice. is
dedicated to discussing intergenerational solidarity from a gender equality perspective and it is
the EWL’s contribution to the ongoing European Year on Active Ageing and Solidarity between
Generations. Until now, gender equality issues have not been at the core of the European debate
on active ageing and solidarity between generations. The third edition of the European Women’s
Voice, entitled ‘Her Future – Intergenerational solidarity from a gender equality perspective’, fills
this gap and outlines a life-cycle approach to women’s rights and gender equality. Pour en savoir
Courrier hebdomadaire d’ENAR n° 315 - 4 mai 2012
Tribunal 12: Manifestation pour les droits des réfugiés, des demandeurs d’asile et des
On the 12th May, Tribunal 12 takes place at Kulturhuset in Stockholm and all over Europe.
Tribunal 12 presents four artistically outlined sessions on the themes: Border control, Asylum
process, Undocumented migrants and Detention & Deportation. Members of the jury are
internationally acclaimed persons active within the fields of philosophy, sociology, international
law, literature, arts and activism. The evidence will consist of witness statements, expert
presentations, statistics, reports and stories. Everyone is invited to attend the sessions at
Kulturhuset, or view the broadcasts live on the website. Pour en savoir plus - Voir la vidéo
Conférence: “Droits des mineurs: l’accès à la justice pour les enfants souffrant
d’exclusion sociale ”
This conference will be held within the framework of the European Project "Minor Rights" in
Brussels on 18 June 2012 by Save the Children Italy, A.S.G.I. Associazione Studi Giuridici
sull’Immigrazione, Università Roma Tre, EPLO European Public Law Organization and the
Universidad Pontificia Comillas. It aims to share the results of research on access to justice for
children at risk of social exclusion conducted in Italy, Spain and Greece and to present
recommendations to the UN, the EU and National Institutions. A report of the project will be
distributed to participants as result of 18 months of researches, surveys, and workshops carried
out in Italy, Spain and Greece. Children involved in the project made a video clip with a rap song
on the theme and the product will be shown during the conference. Pour en savoir plus
 Semaine de l’équité d’EuroHealthNet
On 29th - 31st May 2012, in Brussels, EuroHealthNet will host a week of activities to discuss the
strengths, weaknesses, challenges and opportunities posed by the current socio-economic context
for future action on health equity, within and between European countries. Equity Week 2012 will
bring together policy makers from the EU, national and regional level, leading practitioners in the
health and social field, and representatives from the research community in order to identify
pathways to better health outcomes through effective policy and practice. Pour en savoir plus
Briefing de COMPAS: Les politiques migratoire et des aptitudes: substituts ou
There is a very significant tension at the heart of UK immigration policy. Basic economic intuition,
as well as considerable empirical evidence, suggests that skilled immigrants will benefit the
economy. In many innovation-intensive sectors, cross-border flows of people - and hence of ideas
and knowledge - make important contributions to innovation. However, inward flows of skilled
migrants may under certain conditions reduce the pressure on host-country employers to upgrade
the skills of the resident workforce. Date: 11 May 2012 in London. Pour en savoir plus
Du MONOlogue au DIalogue: Renforcer et entendre les voix des migrants dans le débat
sur la migration
Migrant Voice is holding its second annual conference examining public attitudes and media
representation of migrants and further developing our strategies for migrants' engagement in the
public conversation on migration. The conference will bring together members of their networks
in the three cities (London, Birmingham and Glasgow) with other migrants, the media and
academics to exchange their learning, build solidarity and develop alternative and positive media
messages on migration. Date: 11 - 12 May 2012 in London. Pour en savoir plus
Courrier hebdomadaire d’ENAR n° 315 - 4 mai 2012
 Appel à contributions: ‘Le visage humain de l’Union européenne: l’est-il assez?’
Call for papers that examine this balance in the development and state-of-affairs of the key EU
policy fields that affect people's lives and are object of criticism, including: Economic
regulation; Labour and employment law; Free movement, citizenship, and third-country
nationals; Social benefits and social security; Discrimination law and minorities; European private
law; Criminal justice; Asylum and refugees; Security and defence; Neighbourhood and external
policies. Deadline for papers: 11 May 2012. Pour en savoir plus
 Stage rémunéré au Citizenship Foundation
The Citizenship Foundation is seeking a Research and Evaluation Intern to work on the
InterACT project, which brings together 16-25 year old asylum seekers and refugees with local
young people to tackle issues of joint concern. The purpose of this role is to contribute to the final
evaluation of the InterACT project and support with marketing and promotion. The closing date
for applications is 11th May. Pour en savoir plus
Le projet ‘Inclusion sociale et conseil des femmes migrantes’ recherche des conseillers
The Arbour is a community centre based in Tower Hamlets, London in the United Kingdom. It is a
unique place where members of the local community can feel supported, listened to and
empowered. All of their diverse range of activities and programmes are designed with their service
users. The Centre provides opportunities for leisure and educational activities, volunteer work,
advice, counselling services and one-on-one support. The Migrant Women’s Mentoring & Social
Inclusion Project supports migrant women who have been in the UK for less than 2 years to
develop their English language skills, practical life skills and confidence to become more
independent and empowered. Pour en savoir plus
Courrier hebdomadaire d’ENAR n° 315 - 4 mai 2012