Courrier hebdomadaire n° 317


Courrier hebdomadaire n° 317
Courrier hebdomadaire n° 317
18 mai 2012
 ENAR fait l’objet d’une surveillance rapprochée de l’extrême droite belge
ENAR fait l’objet d’une surveillance du ‘Vlaams Belang’, parti d’extrême droite belge, suite à notre
demande de désactiver leur site web anti-immigrés. Philip Claeys, Député européen membre du
Vlaams Belang, a récemment demandé à la Commission européenne si cet appel d’ENAR était
compatible avec la position de celle-ci contre la censure sur internet et si les initiatives qu’elle
finance devraient appeler à la censure sur internet dans l’Union européenne. ENAR avait en effet
condamné la mise en ligne de ce site en avril et nous réitérons notre appel au gouvernement belge
de l’interdire. Pour en savoir plus
Déclaration conjointe d’ONG sur l’accès aux soins de santé pour les migrants sans-papiers
en Espagne
ENAR signed a joint civil society statement urging Spanish MPs to uphold the basic right of all
human beings to healthcare. Indeed, on 20 April, the Spanish government issued a Royal DecreeAct which restricts the level of health care access for irregular migrants stipulated in the
Foreigners Act (Ley de Extranjería). The current Foreigners Act establishes that irregular migrants
registered at the municipality are entitled to access health care under the same conditions as
nationals of the country. The proposed new legislation would limit access to vital health care
services for irregular migrants in Spain to emergency care, maternity and child care only. Pour en
savoir plus
Déclaration conjointe d’ONG sur le droit à la vie de famille et au regroupement familial
pour les migrants
On International Day of Families, ENAR and 19 other NGOs called on the European Commission
and EU Member States to guarantee the effective right to family life and family reunification for all
migrants and beneficiaries of international protection. It is in the interest of Member States to
harmonize practices and legislation in the field of family reunification. We also reminded that
Member States have the obligation to properly implement the EU Family Reunification Directive
and to remove the many legal and practical obstacles to family reunion that exist. Pour en savoir
La réduction de la pauvreté nécessite des fonds européens : ENAR est partenaire de cette
Le 15 mai, 14 ONG sociales ont lancé la campagne “Des fonds européens pour la réduction de la
pauvreté maintenant !” pour exhorter les Etats membres à respecter leurs engagements sur la
réduction de la pauvreté et garantir que les fonds européens nécessaires soient alloués à
Courrier hebdomadaire d’ENAR n° 317 - 18 mai 2012
l’inclusion sociale et à la lutte contre la pauvreté, tandis que la plupart de ces Etats semblent prêts
à y renoncer. La campagne a pour but de garantir l’allocation d’au moins 25% du budget de la
politique de cohésion au Fonds social européen (FSE) et un minimum de 20% du FSE alloué à
l’inclusion sociale et à la réduction de la pauvreté. Vous pouvez signer la pétition et faire passer le
message : nous voulons présenter 5.000 signatures aux Etats membres lors du prochain sommet
européen de juin. Pour en savoir plus
 Pré-lancement de plateforme en ligne pour contrer les stéréotypes
ERGO Network pre-launched its website on the occasion of the Europe Day on 9
May. is an interactive multimedia mapping platform building a global online
community seeking social change and justice by engaging both Roma and non-Roma to share their
stories and report on Roma realities to challenge stereotypes and prejudices. RomaReact is made
for and by its users: “RomaReact is about us. They are people - both Roma and non-Roma - who
want to shape the public debate on Roma inclusion. They are connecting through RomaReact, an
interactive multimedia mapping platform that allows us to share everyday Roma realities and to
challenge the stereotypes and prejudices that Roma face.” Pour en savoir plus
Act Against Racism appelle Google à suspendre les blogs du parti néonazi grec sur
Act Against Racism call on Google to follow the example of Wordpress and stop providing a free
platform for Golden Dawn's hate speech and intimidation of journalists by suspending the official
Golden Dawn blogs hosted on their platform and sign the petition. The Greek Nazi 'Golden Dawn'
political party which recently achieved a historic high in the parliamentary elections uses Google's
Blogger platform to host what appears to be a majority of their regional and outreach
organizations as well as their online store. Pour en savoir plus
Social and Educational Services for Muslims in Germany ''We Want Participation, Not
While German politicians continue to argue whether Islam is part of Germany or not, German
Muslims have for quite some time been making a contribution in many social spheres. But many
institutions in Germany are still at the beginning of a process of intercultural opening. The political
debate in Germany has masked the fact that Muslims have long been participating in many social
spheres. They have been insisting on more participation in communities, schools, and social
welfare institutions. A new generation of young and well-educated Muslims is confidently raising
the issues that affect their community, just like their Christian and secular co-citizens. Read more
 Pourquoi l’Europe ne peut se défaire de sa faiblesse pour le nazisme
Like vermin in a time of pestilence, neo-Nazi groups appear to be enjoying a resurgence in a
Europe plagued by increasing financial chaos and uncertainty. As Europe celebrated the 67th
anniversary of V.E. Day and the defeat of Hitler’s Nazis this week, it also reeled in disbelief as an
angry Greek electorate gave 7% of their votes to the neo-Nazi, anti-immigrant Golden Dawn party.
Pour en savoir plus
Courrier hebdomadaire d’ENAR n° 317 - 18 mai 2012
 Le kit pour aider les candidats immigrés à devenir de bons Flamands
Migrer vers la Flandre demande une grande adaptation. "Les autorités flamandes souhaitent vous
y aider" en mettant à votre disposition un "coffret d'introduction". C'est en quelques mots le
message affiché sur la brochure que la Flandre met à disposition des candidats à l'immigration.
Cette brochure d'une trentaine de pages est une initiative du ministre flamand des Affaires
intérieures, Geert Bourgeois (NV-A). Si quelques informations générales sur la Belgique, ou plutôt
la Flandre, y sont reprises, une bonne partie du contenu ne laisse pas indifférent. On y apprend
que les Flamands vivent sainement, qu'ils ne vivent pas dans la rue, qu'ils aiment le calme ("Après
10 heures du soir, on ne peut plus faire de bruit"), qu'ils ne rendent pas visite sans prévenir, qu'ils
sont attachés à leur intimité ou encore que leurs fils ou filles ne vivent pas chez leurs parents ou
beaux-parents mais qu'ils "essaient d’aller habiter seuls en tant que famille le plus vite possible".
Pour en savoir plus
 Peter Mangs plaide non-coupable pour les meurtres racistes à Malmo
A man has pleaded not guilty to murder and attempted murder following a series of shootings in
southern Sweden. Peter Mangs, 40, entered the plea at the start of his trial in Malmo. He is
accused of carrying out more than a dozen attacks in the city in 2009 and 2010, and two murders
in 2003. Most of his victims had foreign backgrounds. They were shot through the windows of
their homes or workplaces, in parked cars, or on the street. Mr Mangs denied three counts of
murder and 12 counts of attempted murder. Pour en savoir plus
 L’Allemagne va garder les données sur les néonazis, y compris les tchèques
Deutsche Welle reports that the German government approved draft legislation which would
enable it to keep files on neo-Nazis. The database would include not just Germans, but also foreign
neo-Nazis, i.e., also Czech people who actively collaborate with their German "tribes-people". This
might first and foremost include several members of the Workers' Social Justice Party (Dělnická
strana sociální spravedlnosti - DSSS) who are in close contact with German neo-Nazis and have
violent tendencies. The bill will now be submitted to the lower chamber of the German
parliament, the Bundestag. Pour en savoir plus
 YLE expose les liens anti-islamiques du Parti des Vrais Finlandais
Anti-Islamic, far-right factions in Finland are well-connected, with influence reaching into the
chambers of Finnish parliament, finds Yle's Swedish-language investigative programme Spotlight.
The programme links several Finns Party members to the Finnish Defence League (FDL), a Finnish
chapter of a far-right street movement in the UK which claims to protest against "militant Islam."
Reporters found that several local Finns Party politicians have been active on the FDL’s website.
Spotlight’s investigative journalists discovered that the Finns Party has expelled one of its
members active in the FDL to prevent negative publicity. Pour en savoir plus
La question raciale ne peut être évitée dans le cas de prédation sexuelle à Rochdale au
The racial ethnicity of the men involved in the sexual exploitation of children in Greater
Manchester cannot be ignored, the chair of the Equalities and Human Rights Commission has said.
Trevor Phillips said it was "fatuous" to deny racial and cultural factors. But the head of the CPS in
the North West, Nazir Afzal, said it was wrong to put race at the centre of the case. On 12 May,
police said nine men have been arrested in a second sexual grooming inquiry in Rochdale. It
follows the sentencing of eight men of Pakistani origin and one from Afghanistan for their part in
an unrelated grooming case in the town. Pour en savoir plus
Courrier hebdomadaire d’ENAR n° 317 - 18 mai 2012
 Un consortium financé par l’UE dévoile son robot de contrôle aux frontières
An EU-co-financed project is aiming to mass-produce autonomous land vehicles designed to stop
irregular migrants. Using a €13 million grant from the European Commission's research budget
and €7 million of private funding, a consortium of researchers and private firms has after four
years of work produced a functioning prototype of the "transportable autonomous patrol for land
border surveillance" or "Talos." The unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) was demonstrated in Poland
in mid-April at a military training ground in front of a hundred-or-so people, including officials
from Frontex, the EU's Warsaw-based border control agency, Polish ministers and border guards
from around Europe. Pour en savoir plus
Le sans-abrisme et le droit au logement dans un contexte de crise: 11ème réunion
européenne de personnes en situation de pauvreté
On 10-11 May 2012 the 11th European Meeting of People Experiencing Poverty addressed the
question of Homelessness and Housing Rights in the Context of the Crisis. The meeting brought
together over 150 people with personal experience of poverty and homelessness from 30
European countries. The Meeting was an occasion for an exchange of views and experiences on
how to ensure that people experiencing poverty can have access to adequate, affordable and
energy efficient housing and accommodation. Pour en savoir plus
 Bruxelles veut créer des cartes d’identités électroniques pour les citoyens de l’UE
The European Commission is set to launch a substantial review of rules governing personal
documents with the aim of making electronic identities take off across the EU. But the proposal
faces likely opposition from civil rights groups and member states where identity cards do not
exist. Brussels has long been trying to facilitate the emergence of a parallel system of electronic
identification, on top of the the real-world existing documents. This has mainly been linked to the
struggle for establishing a truly functioning single market, rather than on security grounds. Pour en
savoir plus
Un niveau de qualification élevé offre de meilleurs possibilités d'emploi, tandis que la
demande générale de travail recule
D'après le dernier Observatoire européen des postes vacants, un niveau de qualification élevé
reste un atout pour accroître les possibilités d'emploi. Le nombre de personnes ayant trouvé un
emploi chez les «professionnels» a poursuivi sa croissance pour atteindre un pic au cours du
troisième trimestre 2011 par rapport à la même période en 2010 (+16%), tandis que le nombre de
demandeurs d’emploi ayant trouvé un poste de législateur, de haut fonctionnaire et de dirigeant a
augmenté de 13%. D’autres signes témoignent du déclin de la demande de travail depuis le
deuxième trimestre 2011. D’après des données Eurostat, de plus en plus de pays connaissent une
diminution des postes vacants. Pour en savoir plus
FRA: des données fiables sont nécessaires pour lutter efficacement contre l’homophobie
et la transphobie
Les personnes lesbiennes, gays, bisexuelles et transgenres (LGBT) continuant à rencontrer de
graves difficultés dans l'exercice plein et entier de leurs droits fondamentaux, la FRA en appelle à
des données fiables pour mieux comprendre et faire face à l'ampleur de la discrimination et des
crimes de haine dans l'Union européenne. La FRA a lancé une enquête en ligne dans toute l'UE le
2 avril 2012. Cette enquête couvre tous les États membres de l'UE ainsi que la Croatie. La portée
géographique et la teneur de cette enquête sont sans précédent, dans la mesure où sont abordés
Courrier hebdomadaire d’ENAR n° 317 - 18 mai 2012
l'éducation, les crimes de haine, l'emploi et bien d'autres sujets. Elle restera accessible pendant
plusieurs semaines. En 2013, les résultats de l'enquête permettront de disposer d'une vue
d'ensemble fiable des expériences des personnes LGBT dans l'UE. Pour en savoir plus
 Homophobie dans l'Union européenne: la situation s'améliore
Le 17 mai était la journée internationale contre l'homophobie, domaine dans lequel le Parlement
européen est très actif. Le thème de cette année : "Combattre l'homophobie et la transphobie
dans et par l'éducation". Qu'en est-il en Europe ? Quels pays protègent les gays, lesbiennes,
bisexuels et transsexuels (LGBT) et leur accordent les mêmes droits que les autres citoyens ? Pour
en savoir plus
Un expert des Nations Unies appelle la Lettonie à s’assurer que les groupes vulnérables
bénéficient des mesures économiques
Latvian authorities must ensure that vulnerable groups are not disproportionately affected by
austerity measures and other economic policies, a United Nations independent expert said. “Any
measures to promote economic growth and macroeconomic stabilisation should be directed to
ensuring that the benefits of growth accrue to the people, especially the poorest and most
vulnerable groups,” the UN Special Rapporteur on the effects of foreign debt on human rights,
Cephas Lumina, said in a news release, at the end of a five-day visit to assess the impact of Latvia’s
external debt burden on its human rights situation and development. Pour en savoir plus
Principes directeurs à l'attention des éducateurs pour combattre l'intolérance et la
discrimination à l'encontre des musulmans: aborder l'islamophobie à travers l'éducation
Les ‘Principes directeurs à l'attention des éducateurs pour combattre l'intolérance et la
discrimination à l'encontre des musulmans: aborder l'islamophobie à travers l'éducation’ ont été
élaborés pour aider les éducateurs à lutter contre l’intolérance et la discrimination dont sont
victimes les musulmans. Ils sont destinés à un large public, dont les responsables de l’élaboration
des politiques éducatives et les services de l’éducation, les enseignants et leurs formateurs, les
chefs d’établissement et les directeurs d’école, le personnel des syndicats d’enseignants et des
associations professionnelles, et les membres des ONG. Les Principes directeurs sont applicables
tant dans le primaire que dans le secondaire, et peuvent également être exploités dans les cadres
éducatifs non formels.Les Principes directeurs ont été élaborés par l’OSCE/BIDDH, l’Unesco et le
Conseil de l’Europe. Pour en savoir plus?
ILGA-Europe: “Revue annelle de la situation des droits humains des lesbiennes, gays,
bisexuels et trans en Europe en 2011”
This 2011 edition of the Annual Review of the Human Rights Situation of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,
Trans and Intersex People in Europe is ILGA-Europe’s very first edition of what will become an
annual publication. It provides a snapshot of what happened during the year, at both the
international and national levels, with the purpose of documenting progress and trends regarding
the human rights situation of LGBTI people. Pour en savoir plus
Courrier hebdomadaire d’ENAR n° 317 - 18 mai 2012
Intégration citoyenne et migration en Europe: les musulmans ont-il un parcours
Of the various immigrant and minority groups in Western Europe, Muslims are frequently singled
out for their alleged cultural distance and lack of interest to participate in social and political life.
Mutual distrust between Islamic organizations and political actors seems to be rising. This paper is
interested in patterns of discursive interaction between Muslim groups on the one hand, and
other political actors on the other hand. It examines seven European societies with varying
proportions of Muslims among the population, distinct traditions of citizenship policies, and
different levels of electoral success of parties voicing anti-Islam positions. Using a political claims
analysis covering 1995 to 2009, they show that there are substantial differences between
countries in the use of migrant-group categories. Pour en savoir plus
 Enquête sur l’intégration des migrants
The Committee of Regions has commissioned the Centre for Strategy and Evaluation Services
(CSES) to carry out a Study on Practices of Integration of Third-Country Citizens at Local and
Regional Level in the European Union. The main objective of the assignment is to collect and
analyse information on projects and policies implemented by Local and Regional Authorities in EU
to promote the integration of third country migrants. This survey is part of the follow-up to the
recently adopted CoR opinion on the new "European Agenda for the Integration of Third-Country
Nationals", which welcomes the proposed strategic partnership between the CoR, the European
Commission and European networks of cities and regions. Pour en savoir plus
Conférence/débat sur l’intégration des migrants en Europe: autorités locales et
organisations de migrants
Within the scope of the ELCI project “European Local Cooperation for Integration”, the
International Organization for Migration (IOM) has been working in several EU countries on the
identification of good practices on integration in cooperation between the local authorities and
NGOs. The objective of this conference is to share the outcomes of this cooperation with the
professionals in the EU working on integration, local policies and civic participation of migrants.
Four sets of good practices, identified among very different migratory contexts and illustrated by
short videos produced during the project, will be presented by a panel of the project partner
institutions, leading to an interactive discussion on these practices and best ways to go forward.
Date: 23 May in Brussels. Read more
 La Stratégie de l’UE sur les Roms et les stratégies nationales: Une évaluation critique
This lunch debate by the Brussels office of the Heinrich Boell Stiftung and MEP Barbara Lochbilder
will analyse the recent EU Roma Framework and assess the various strategies prepared by national
governments as a response to this strategy. Date: 29 May, Brussels. Pour en savoir plus
Webinaire: “Villes accueillantes: le leadership des municipalités en matière d’intégration
des migrants ”
Learn about the power of city-led public service campaigns in Barcelona (Spain) and Sheffield (UK)
that create safe, welcoming communities by challenging myths and changing misconceptions
about immigrants and refugees. These local responses to anti-discrimination help us understand
the role and capacity of local government to integrate migrants and provide equal opportunities
for all residents. Date: 30 May. Pour en savoir plus
Courrier hebdomadaire d’ENAR n° 317 - 18 mai 2012
Conférence SOLIDAR: “Recadrer les relations industrielles: jeunes, migrants et
travailleurs à revenus bas ”
Over the past decade, they have slowly seen the erosion of the classical employer-employee
relationship to a complex system involving three or more parties including temporary workers
agencies, workers and companies. In addition, factors such as the significant increase in nonstandard labour agreements, are meaning that an more and more workers are falling outside of
the traditional security nets provided by trade unions and collective bargaining agreements. Date:
30 May in Brussels. Pour en savoir plus
 Forum annuel de la Plateforme pour une Europe interculturelle
This event will explore cultural participation as an element of “active citizenship” and ask what
role cultural institutions play. This Forum will bring together academics, cultural practitioners and
NGO activitist who work for interculturalism. It takes place in the context of the Platform for
Intercultural Europe’s involvement in the Structured Dialogue between the EU with Civil Society.
The Forum will be followed by our General Assembly of Members (non-members interested in
membership can attend it as guests). Date: 5/6 June in Brussels. Pour en savoir plus
 Tournoi de football antiraciste international
Registrations to the 2012 Antiracist World Cup is now open! Mondiali Antirazzisti is organising the
International antiracist Football Tournament in Bosco Albergati, Italy from 4 to 8 July. It is an
annual camp site with sport tournaments and direct involvement of 1000s activists from all over
Europe, mixing anti-racist and migrant communities. The organizers will give priority to mixed and
migrant community teams. There will also be concerts, meetings, sport events. Pour en savoir plus
 Appel à candidatures: Programme de langue anglaise pur les Roms 2012-2013
The Roma English Language Program (RELP) aims to improve the personal development of young
Roma university graduates from Central and Eastern Europe. The goal of the training is to enhance
participants’ English language skills in order for them to successfully apply for the European
Commission Internship for Young Roma University Graduates, the Roma Access Program at CEU,
and other internship, career and educational opportunities. Furthermore, RELP works to build
strong Roma youth leadership in terms of skills, knowledge, pride and commitment for the
betterment of Roma communities. Application deadline: 4 June. Pour en savoir plus
 L’ERRC recrute un membre de personnel et des stagiaires
The European Roma Rights Centre employs a diverse and dedicated staff committed to the
protection and promotion of human rights and equality for Roma in Europe. Our staff members
include both Roma and non-Roma from more than 12 countries. The ERRC is currently recruiting a
Researcher (application deadline: 4 June) and interns for the period September 2012 to February
2013 (application deadline: 18 June). Pour en savoir plus
 Appel à candidatures: Consultant pour la Décennie pour l’inclusion des Roms
The Decade of Roma Inclusion Secretariat Foundation is seeking Decade Intelligence Consultants
for each of the countries participating in the Decade of Roma Inclusion 2005-2015. The current
member states of the Decade of Roma Inclusion 2005–2015 are Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia,
Slovakia and Spain. Application deadline: 18 May. Pour en savoir plus
Courrier hebdomadaire d’ENAR n° 317 - 18 mai 2012

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