French 102 - Leçon 15 - Souvenirs de vacances À la pratique: 1. Le


French 102 - Leçon 15 - Souvenirs de vacances À la pratique: 1. Le
French 102 - Leçon 15 - Souvenirs de vacances
À la pratique:
1. Le passé composé avec “être”. By using 5 of the following verbs of motion, which, you will notice,
are always followed by a preposition, (aller à, arriver à, partir de, entrer dans, sortir de, monter à ou
dans, descendre à, tomber de, passer par, rester à, rentrer chez, retourner à), ask your partner 5
different questions using “Est-ce que…”, about what he/she did last summer, and your partner will do the
same. Here is a model question: “Est-ce que tu es allé(e) à la plage, l’été dernier?” You may write
your questions one by one as you write them. Please emphasize speaking first and then writing. Do not
forget that all of these verbs must be conjugated with the helping verb “être” before the past participle.
2. Le passé composé avec “être” with 2 more verbs of motion, “naître and mourir”. Turn to page 215 so
that you and your partner can read the 2 model sentences with these additional verbs of motion. Now ask
your partner, and vice versa, “Quand es-tu né(e)?” by using inversion of the helping verb. Then, if a
grandparent is deceased ask, “Quand est-il mort? or “Quand est-elle morte? If both grandparents are
living, then ask when a family dog or cat passed away. If that is not relevant, ask your partner a question
about when a famous person they know of died. Now write your 2 questions down for practice. Please
read page 217 as well so that you include the year of birth and the year of death in your sentences below.
3. The use of “…il y a…” with elapsed time expressions with a verb in the “passé composé. Turn to page
216 so that you and your partner can read the model sentences aloud. Then write 2 sentences in the
“passé composé” using a verb conjugated with “avoir” and another verb conjugated with “être”.
4. The use of an adverb with verbs in the “passé composé”. Please turn to page 218 so that you and your
partner can read the model sentences in the present tense compared to those in the past tense. Now write
2 sentences in the past tense using 2 of the 3 adverbs, “bien, souvent, beaucoup”.