1 Tu veux sortir ? vouloir – to want Tu veux … ? Do you want


1 Tu veux sortir ? vouloir – to want Tu veux … ? Do you want
1 Tu veux sortir ?
vouloir – to want
je veux
tu veux
il/elle/on veut
I want
you want
he/she/one wants
nous voulons
vous voulez
ils/elles veulent
we want
you want
they want
Vouloir is a modal verb. If a modal verb is followed by another verb, the
infinitive of the second verb has to be used, eg Je veux voir un film
Tu veux
aller à une soirée
aller au cinéma
aller au bowling
faire du patin à glace
faire une promenade
faire du vélo
jouer au football
jouer au baby-foot
jouer aux jeux vidéo
visiter …
voir …
Do you want …?
to go to a party
to go to the cinema
to go bowling
to go ice skating
to go for a walk
to go cycling
to play football
to play table football
to play computer game
to go out
to visit …
to see …
Work for Thursday 7th Jan
Learn the verb’ vouloir’ by writing it out and checking. Give
yourself a test after a while. Write it out without looking and
Using the vocabulary above, write five invitations starting ‘Tu
veux?’ ‘Do you want’ and translate.
Write five sentences starting ‘Je veux’ (I want ) followed by
verbs and translate
For extra marks. use a time phrase such as ‘ce soir’(this
evening) or use ‘avec’(with) and say with whom, or an
adverb of frequency eg ‘toujours’ (always)
Make sure your name and date are on work and the
handwriting is your best!