FREN 102. Mastery of spoken French language through discussion


FREN 102. Mastery of spoken French language through discussion
Beatrice Russell, Ph.D.
Office: Solano #5013
Office Hours: Check SacCT website
Office Phone: 916-278-6379
Catalog Description
FREN 102. Mastery of spoken French language through discussion of
personal readings to develop vocabulary and syntactical skills. Conducted in
French. May be taken for credit twice. Prerequisite: Four semesters of
French or equivalent. 3 units.
Course Description
FREN 102 is a HYBRID course. Students must have a SacLink account and access to a
computer. See for information on how to create your SacLink
account. FREN 102 course is designed to offer students the means to improve written
and oral proficiency in French through practice in speaking and listening and writing .
We will use written texts, videos, films as mediums to explore cultural and literary
aspects of France and the Francophone world from a variety of perspectives. The course
will be organized around a sequence of themes and accompanying group and/or
individual presentations. The overall objectives of this course include revising and
reinforcing French vocabulary and structures that students have already learned, in
addition to learning new conversation skills. The course will deepen the students'
linguistic capacities by employing the four language skills: listening, reading, writing,
and most importantly speaking.
Required Texts:
Course content (available on SacCt)
Other course materials: SacCt Powerpoint presentations, audio and/or videos
Method of Instruction
The Instructor reserves the right to change anything on this syllabus
The course has a mixed lecture/ discussion class format. The lectures will be kept
reasonably informal, with opportunities for participation by the students. The beginning
(first) week of the course will be presented as lecture, substantial introductions to
linguistic terminologies and skills involved in conversational settings, focusing attention
to some aspects of language acquisition and inviting students to read with certain
questions in mind. As the semester progresses increasing class discussion, group
activities and finally working through selected exercise materials will occur.
We will not meet in class on days you have Online Assignments. Online
Assignments promote an active attitude toward learning. Critical Reading questions test
your ability to understand oral or written texts and to answer questions on the basis of
what is stated and implied from your reader, SacCt materials or some other internet sites.
Student Learning Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course students will
be able to:
1). Recognize and analyze functions of language which enhance ability to analyze texts
and films.
2) Use appropriate language needed in situations in which French must be used. You
already know how to speak, listen and read to an intermediate-high levels. This class will
give you an opportunity to improve those skills
3) Increase oral fluency in French and vocabulary needed to communicate in everyday
life. Use formal and informal speech in contexts.
4) Use appropriate communication style in given situations: description, narration,
argumentation, or injunction (order, admonition).
5) Improve listening skill and expand vocabulary knowledge in discussing and debating
ideas in French, practice interviews and structuring both oral and written arguments and
uses of paralinguistic features in communication.
6). Understand culture through popular films and increased awareness of historical, and
contemporary socio-cultural issues as they relate to France and the Francophone world.
7) Orally express views on socio-cultural issues in the target language and improve oral
and writing skills in French through short essays, oral presentations and /or conversations
using appropriate cinematic vocabulary as well.
9). Draw links between French and/or francophone cultures and their own. Develop
interest in the French and Francophone cultures even after the course is completed.
10). Demonstrate skills in using computer technologies
The Instructor reserves the right to change anything on this syllabus
Online assignments.
Weekly Online Assignments (which replace class periods on Wednesday) must be
completed on the
due date and they count also for attendance and Participation points.
Assignments will be available on SacCT. They may include a listening comprehension
section, vocabulary, grammar exercises, and a culture section.
Students may be required to go to the lab in MRP 2002 (walk –in lab) or other labs on
Campus and complete assignments on SacCT if they don’t have a computer at home, or
work from home if they do. It will be the student’s responsibility to complete the
assignments, on time, before the deadline. These SacCT assignments will be graded.
Students can use any of the IRT managed student computer labs on campus. Visit the
University Labs website
for information about locations, hours, and resources available.
Participation and attendance
Participation/ attendance is immensely important in order to do well in FREN102.
Emphasis will be placed on oral expression. Participation through oral discussion in
French on a regular basis is critical. Students are expected to come to class with
something to say. Active listening cannot replace your vocal participation in this course.
Rubric for scoring preparation and participation in class discussions
60 points.
A student receiving 30 points comes to class prepared; contributes readily to the
conversation but doesn’t dominate it; makes thoughtful contributions that advance
the conversation; shows interest in and respect for others’ views; participates
actively in small groups.
54 points
Student comes to class prepared and makes thoughtful comments when called upon;
contributes occasionally without prompting; shows interest in and respect for
others’ views; participates actively in small groups. This score may also be
appropriate to an active participant whose contributions are less developed or
cogent than a student who receives 30 points.
50 points
A student receiving 20 points comes to class prepared, but does not voluntarily
contribute to discussions and gives only minimal answers when called upon. Nevertheless
the student shows interest in the discussion, listens attentively, and takes
notes. Student in this category may be shy or introverted. The instructor may
The Instructor reserves the right to change anything on this syllabus
choose to give such student 45 points if he participates fully in small group discussions
or if he makes progress in overcoming shyness as the course progresses.
40 points
A student receiving 15 points participates in discussion, but in a problematic way. The
student may talk too much, makes rambling or tangential contributions, continually
interrupts others with digressive questions, bluffs his way when unprepared.
30 points
Student receiving 10 points often doesn’t participate because he hasn’t read the material
or done the homework, and does not routinely come to class.
0- 20 points
Student in this range often seems on the margins of the class and may have a negative
effect on the participation of others. Student may be disruptive, hostile, or rude.
NOTE: This scoring guide assumes regular attendance; the instructor may lower
participation scores for absences, tardiness, or if a student disrupts the class with his cell
You have the opportunity to earn points for preparing the day’s lesson and participating
in class. You must present a documented excuse otherwise, you will receive a zero. With
an excuse, the zero will be replaced with your average daily preparation/participation
Oral Exams
Total of three (3) oral Exams. They may be conducted in class or submitted online (to
be determined by the professor). Sample topics are available in the FREN102 course
reader. Written scripts will be submitted (and graded) after oral presentations.
Oral Exam Recording software and Devices
Audio file: Using a laptop with built in mic and speakers may result in feedback and poor
audio quality for you and your professor. The important thing is to keep files small (mp3)
and to not upload .wav files; they are so large that they can shut down your submission
capabilities into SacCT.
Oral Exam submission guidelines
Student will submit an oral exam audio file (mp3 file PREFERED) . The important thing
is to keep files small (mp3) and to NOT upload .wav files; they are so large that they can
shut down your submission capabilities into SacCT.
The Instructor reserves the right to change anything on this syllabus
1. If you don’t already have a microphone, you may buy a microphone at the CSUS
bookstore. Use the microphone in a CSUs computer lab to record your Oral exam
(you may go to Mariposa 2002, AIRC2004, the Library on the third floor or other
computer labs). Send the audio file as mp3 file to your professor.
2. You may use your cell phone to record your oral exam and convert your cell phone
audio file (“voice mail”) into MP3 format using a free online converter program.
Submit the audio file as mp3 file to your professor.
3. You may use a tape recorder to record your oral exam. Give the cassette/ tape to
the professor or leave it in the Department of Foreign Languages mailbox (leave
the tape with a staff in the department of Foreign Languages).
4. You may record your Oral Exam on a CD. Give the burned CD to the professor or
leave it in the Department of Foreign Languages mailbox (leave the tape with a
staff in the department of Foreign Languages).
Links for a free download of an mp3 voice recorder . (Students need a microphone to use
these recorders )
MP3 Audio Recorder Free at:
Audacity : Audio Editor and Recorder at:
Other software can do the same.
Grading Criteria for Oral Presentations
Structure: Introduction; organization, sequence, and development of ideas; and
Content: Clarity and complexity of ideas
Grammar: Correct use of complex forms studied in class
Style: Effective use of appropriate style for given assignment (description, narration,
argumentation, or exposition)
Oral Expression: Pronunciation, articulation, volume, and tone
Written Outline: Organization of ideas and main points
The Instructor reserves the right to change anything on this syllabus
Grading Criteria for Oral Presentations/ written script
Structure: Introduction; organization, sequence, and development of ideas; and
Content: Clarity and complexity of ideas
Grammar: Correct use of complex forms studied in class
Style: Effective use of appropriate style for given assignment (description, narration,
argumentation, or role plays)
Final Exam
One comprehensive Final Exam. Questions may include of small essays , identification
questions (terms and concepts for the identification portions of the tests) and multiple
choices, a listening comprehension section, dictée, vocabulary and grammar exercises,
and a culture section.
Dictées: Students are expected to write. Dictée materials will be chosen from previous
texts or films covered in class. In this way, they learn that the art of spelling is merely a
means of recording a language (rather than the language itself).
- If you are absent from class on an “exam” day, you will take a make-up exam within
one (1) week of the scheduled exam day at a time that is mutually convenient for you and
your instructor.
- Videos : We will watch videos in class if we have time. If you are absent and you
didn’t watch the video, you will need to check out the video at CSUS library, Media
Center, or you will read the video transcripts (if available) in order to complete
Policy on Late Assignments and Exams:
All assignments must be submitted on time. You must present a “documented”excuse (
i.e. an excused medical absence must be documented from a doctor or the student clinic,
on campus) for any late assignments; otherwise your work will be downgraded.
Note: If you are absent from class on an exam day, you will take a make-up test within
one week of the scheduled test day at a time that is mutually convenient for you and
your instructor.
No make- up exams or assignments beyond the official last day of instruction for this
particular course.
The Instructor reserves the right to change anything on this syllabus
Grades will be based on the following grade calculation1:
Preparation and participation
(Attendance and active participation)
points Online Assignments
points Oral Exams
Final Exam ( Written comprehensive exam )
Points TOTAL
Grading Scale
To calculate your percentage grade, divide your Total Points by FREN 102 Total
Possible Points, and multiply by 100. This is your percentage grade.
Example: John earned total points 835.95 out of 1, 000 (FREN 102 total possible
(835.95 (divided by) 1 000) x 100 = 83.595 % ( B)
Grade Calculation. Total number of points earned 1,000 = %
930-100 = A
730 -769 = C
900-929 = A-
700 -729 = C-
870 -899 = B+
670 -699 = D+
830 -869 = B
630 – 669 = D
800 -829 = B-
600 – 629 = D-
770 -799 = C+
0-599 = F
Grading scale: %
93%-100% = A
73% -76. 9% = C
90%-92.9% = A-
70% -72.9% = C-
87% -89. 9% = B+
67% -69.9 %= D+
83% -86.9% = B
63% – 66.9 %= D
80% -82.9% = B-
60% – 62.9 %= D-
77% -79.9% = C+
0-59.9% = F
The Instructor reserves the right to change anything on this grade calculation.
The Instructor reserves the right to change anything on this syllabus
Special needs
Students with Disabilities and accommodations at CSUS:
Services to Students with Disabilities (SSWD) offers a wide range of support services
and accommodations to students in order to ensure equal access and opportunity to
pursue their educational goals.
Services and accommodations are provided to students with visual, hearing, mobility
impairments, specific learning disabilities, psychiatric disorders, and/or other types of
disabilities. Student must submit medical or professional documentation prior to meeting
with a counselor for needs assessment and accommodation plan. For more information
call 916-278-7825.
The Instructor reserves the right to change anything on this syllabus
Semaine 1
Thème 1
Introductions, la Francophonie, les registres du français et Types de textes
Introduction au cours, au SacCT et au contenu de FREN102
Faire connaissance
Situation : Comment se présenter et se saluer ?
Introduction -Qu’est-ce que la conversation? Registres de langage. Situations
Semaine 2
Thème 1
« L’aura du français dans le monde ». Lecture et discussion
Mercredi. Devoir en ligne (online assignment) (pas de classe)
Semaine 3
Thème 1. Le français et votre expérience au niveau académique, professionnel et
Semaine 4
Thème 2: L’économie, le travail, le chômage et le crime.
L’économie et le travail en France et aux Etats-Unis.
Mercredi. Devoir en ligne (pas de classe)
Semaine 5
Thème 2. Le chômage, le crime.
Film : Sur mes lèvres
Mercredi. Devoir en ligne (pas de classe)
Semaine 6
Thème 2. Egalité ? Homme-Femme au travail
Mercredi. (pas de classe) Examen (Ecrit & Oral 1)
Semaine 7
Thème 2. Expression Orale: vocabulaire du Travail et la Traduction
Politique de l’emploi. Le chômage et les jeunes
Lecture et questions de compréhension
Mercredi. Devoir en ligne (pas de classe).
Semaine 8
Thème 2. Film : Sur mes lèvres
Expression Orale: Sur mes lèvres de Vincent Cassel. Interview avec Vincent Cassell.
Lecture et questions de compréhension
The Instructor reserves the right to change anything on this syllabus
Mercredi. Devoir en ligne (pas de classe).
Semaine 9
Thème 2 . Film : Sur mes lèvres
Expression Orale: Sur mes lèvres de Vincent Cassel. Interview avec Vincent Cassell.
Lecture et questions de compréhension
Mercredi. Devoir en ligne (pas de classe).
Semaine 10
Thème 2. Film : Sur mes lèvres
Expression Orale: Sur mes lèvres de Vincent Cassel. Interview avec Vincent Cassell.
Questions de compréhension et exercices
Mercredi. Examen 2 (écrit et Oral) (pas de classe)
Semaine 11
Thème 2. Le monde du travail
Comment écrire et présenter son CV ?
Mercredi. Devoir en ligne (pas de classe).
Semaine 12
Thème 2. Le monde du travail
Comment écrire et présenter son CV? Expression Orale: L’interview
Mercredi. Devoir en ligne (pas de classe).
Semaine 13
Thème 3. La pollution. Lecture : « Notre terre crie au secours »
Mercredi. Devoir en ligne (pas de classe) et Révision de l’examen écrit
Semaine 14.
Thème 3
Examen écrit
Révision: Examen Oral: Envoyer par e-mail le fichier audio examen oral: fichier mp3 ou
wav. (Submit via email oral exam audio file: mp3 file or wav).
Semaine 15 (ou 16).
Examen Oral : Envoyer par e-mail le fichier audio examen oral: fichier mp3 ou wav.
(Submit via email oral exam audio file: mp3 file or wav).
Semaine des examens finals : Pas d’examen final
Aucun examen ou devoir ne sera donnée au-delà du dernier jour de l'instruction
FREN102 (No make- up Exam or assignment will be given beyond the last day of FREN102
instruction) .
The Instructor reserves the right to change anything on this syllabus