The Teddy Bear Club – Le Club Nounours


The Teddy Bear Club – Le Club Nounours
The Teddy Bear Club – Le club nounours
Le petit bulletin de la semaine
Semaine du 23 au 27 mars
Cette semaine au Petit Jardin…
Un éléphant et son bébé…
Academic Activities:
Literacy: E is for Elephant! The children will search for the letters E spread out
on the floor and stomp on them like elephants.
Math: How many animals do you see? We will count animals as we place
them in their enclosures at the zoo.
Book: Zoo Animals, Eye Openers Edition.
Science: What do you feel? The children will continue to explore textures.
The children will learn the words: les animaux (animals), l'ours (bear), le zèbre
(zebra), la girafe (giraffe), le kangourou (kangaroo) and le zoo (zoo).
Livre: Les animaux, Éditions Fleurus.
Creative and Performing Arts:
Art: Let's paint a picture of an elephant at the easel!
Movement/Drama: We will dance and move like animals while listening to
“The Animal Boogie.”
Song: "Alligator Pie."
Practical Life:
The children will continue to practice washing their hands and using soap
and paper towels independently.
Bonne semaine!
Le Petit Jardin