Tunnel (Le) - Les Films du Jeudi


Tunnel (Le) - Les Films du Jeudi
Tunnel (Le)
Drama comedy - 1933 - Black & White
Director :
72 minutes
Production : Vandor
Distribution : Les Films du Panthéon
visa # 8 274
With :
Jean GABIN, Madeleine RENAUD, Robert LE VIGAN, Edmond VAN DAELE, André
NOX, Raymonde ALLAIN
Engineer Mac Allan is in charge of building a tunnel under the Atlantic between Europe and
America. In spite of the intrigues and the sabotage, and a disaster that kills his wife, Mac Allan
manages to carry out his mission, and this thanks to the commitment and enthusiasm of his
collaborators and workers.
3, rue Hautefeuille 75006 PARIS - Tél. 33 1 40 46 97 98 - [email protected] - www.filmsdujeudi.com