Auto-assemblage d`ADN – polymère π


Auto-assemblage d`ADN – polymère π
Séminaires & Conférences Chimie École Doctorale 459
Jeudi 22 Octobre 2015, 13h45
Salle de Cours SC-16.01 – UM Faculté des Sciences (campus Triolet)
Auto-assemblage d’ADN – polymère π-conjugué
Dr. Mathieu SURIN
Laboratory for Chemistry of Novel Materials, Université de Mons, Belgique
Professeur invité Chaire Total Fondation Balard
π-Conjugated polyelectrolytes (CPEs) constitute an emerging class of
(nano)materials, as these combine solubility in water and the unique optoelectronic
properties of the π-conjugated polymer backbone, with prospective applications in
biosensing and medical diagnosis.
During this seminar, we will particularly emphasize the binding and self-assembly
mechanisms of DNA with CPEs, which have been overlooked in the design of CPEbased biosensors. Importantly, we will show that DNA sequence-specific interactions
are at play upon the self-assembly with CPE, related to conformational chirality of the
polymer backbone within the complexes. Moreover, we establish the mechanisms of
DNA-DNA hybridization in complexes, which strongly depend on the DNA
sequences. This constitutes a step forward towards a rational design of DNA-CPE
materials for biosensing applications.
J. Rubio-Magnieto, et al., Chem. Commun. 2013, 49, 5483.
J. Rubio-Magnieto, et al., Soft Matter 2015, 11, 6460.