Weekly Mass Schedule


Weekly Mass Schedule
Weekly Mass Schedule
Monday, Dec. 21st - No daily Mass
Tuesday, Dec. 22nd - English
8:30am Mass
Betty Jean Vaillancourt (2nd)
Dec. members of the Finn family
Clayton Gervais
Wednesday, Dec. 23rd - English
8:30am Mass
Lloyd Monforton
Florence McGuire
Dennis Averill
Don & Sheila Petrozzi
Maureen Nye
Janet Meloche
Earl Porky Ryan
John & Catherine Gagnon
Priscilla Drouillard
CHRISTMAS EVE - Thursday, Dec. 24th
At Villanova High School Gym
5pm - English
8pm - English
22h - français
Imitating Mary and
Elizabeth, we should
not rejoice alone that
the Lord is in our midst.
We need to share in
our joy by our gentle
and humble charitable
services to others, as
Mary did for her cousin.
Part of the meaning of Christmas is also that of
contemplating the experiences of Jesus and Mary, and
learning from them how to say an unqualified and
unconditional “Yes” to God’s plan
for us. That is where the real joy
and happiness of Christmas lies.
All the rest is tinsel.
4e dimanche de l’Avent: Nous
CHRISTMAS DAY - Friday, Dec. 25th
At Villanova High School Gym
11am Mass - English
Saturday, Dec. 26th
In the parish hall (No confessions)
5:00pm Mass - English
For the intentions of the people of God
Holy Family Sunday
sommes appelés à faire de la place
pour Jésus! L’anticipation de Noël
nous remplis de l’Esprit du Seigneur qui nous permet de
proclamer La Bonne Nouvelle. Comme Jean Baptiste,
encore dans le sein d’Élizabeth, nous proclamons Celui
qui est plus grand que nous.
Jubilee Year of Mercy: “Forgiveness
Reminder to all those involved
in liturgical ministries!
strengthens families in love and, through
them, makes society as a whole more
loving and humane. It is a solid rock on
which to build our lives and an eloquent
sign of our Christian discipleship and
obedience to the Father’s will. May the
Jubilee of Mercy encourage families
everywhere to rediscover the power of forgiveness,
and enable the great family of the Church to proclaim
the power of God’s reconciling love at work in our
world.” Pope Francis
Please be present at least 15 minutes before mass
begins and sign in! This is particularly important for
the Christmas and New Year’s liturgies. We need to
confirm everyone’s attendance for
the Commentator and to make
certain all ministries are covered.
Your participation in parish life is
greatly valued and appreciated!
Cette Année Sainte extraordinaire est aussi un don de
grâce. Entrer par cette Porte signifie découvrir la
profondeur de la miséricorde du Père qui nous accueille
tous et va à la rencontre de chacun personnellement.
Ce sera une Année pour grandir dans la conviction de la
miséricorde. Nous devons faire passer la miséricorde
avant le jugement, et dans tous les cas le jugement de
Dieu sera toujours à la lumière de sa miséricorde.
Dimanche/Sunday, Dec. 27
Dimanche de la Sainte Famille
In the parish hall
9am Messe - français
Pour les intentions du peuple de Dieu
11am Mass - English
Holy Family Sunday
For the intentions of the people of God
VOCATION CORNER: Mary's obedience to God reverses the original disobedience of Eve.
Mary stood for humanity that is willing to be redeemed. Mary welcomed God's plan with readiness
and total abandon to do God's will after she learned that nothing is impossible with God. Are we
as open and as welcoming to His vocation plans for us?
L’obéissance de Marie à Dieu est totalement l’inverse de la désobéissance d'Êve. Marie représente
l'humanité qui est prête à être rachetée. Marie a accepté le plan de Dieu avec empressement et
abandon total à faire la volonté de Dieu après avoir appris que rien n'est impossible à Dieu.
Sommes-nous aussi ouverts et aussi accueillants à la vocation que Dieu nous présente ?