to - Asbury United Methodist Church Cedar Rapids


to - Asbury United Methodist Church Cedar Rapids
November 2015
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NKJV)
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing,
in everything give thanks;
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
Rev. Kiboko I. Kiboko was welcomed as the new Superintendent of the
East Central District in a worship service on Sunday, September 27, 2015.
Minouche and the IFFM Band participated in the ceremony.
List of sermon texts for
November for 9:30 services
November 1: Mark 12:28-34
November 8: Mark 12:38-44
November 15: Mark 13:1-8
November 22: John 18:33-37
November 29: Luke 21: 25-36
All Saints Day
Sunday, November 1st, the following people were
honored and remembered.
Members: Gary Hyde, Leonard Booth, Lois Wade,
Lura Winterowd.
Ina Mae Untiedt, friend of Pat and George Pealer,
Elizabeth Robertson, daughter-in-law of John and
Betty Johnson, and Edna Askam, Pastor Diane’s
The following memorials were recognized:
Outside Bench in memory of Lois Wade and Lura
Winterowd, Picture of the Last Supper in the Wesley
Room in memory of Lura Winterowd, Table outside of
the sanctuary in memory of Bob Hills, and the Picture
outside of the Fellowship Hall in memory of John and
Betty Robertson.
Asbury Day Care Center will regretfully close at the end of October. This has not been an
easy decision to make. There have been difficulties with cash flow for over a year and the
church can no longer continue to supplement and sustain the Center. We have had increasing difficulty attracting qualified staff. The facility and playgrounds are in need of updating and we simply do not have the capital funds to do this. The Day Care has been a
mission of the church for 12 years and both the Asbury Day Care Board and the Administrative Council of Asbury are saddened by this decision. We are grateful to our staff, past
and present, who have worked to make our program successful for so many years. We
sincerely wish our ADCC children and families all the best in the future.
Dear Friends,
The season is changing! In a short time, we will be celebrating Thanksgiving. It's one of my favorite holidays. The family gathers and folks just enjoy
time with each other without the 'distraction' of gifts or egg hunts or other
such things. I love gifts and egg hunts, but Thanksgiving is one of the few
holidays without quite so many trappings and trimmings.
In the Old Testament, we read of the festivals and celebrations that God
commanded His people to observe. Some of them resembled our current concept of Thanksgiving and all of them commemorated and brought to remembrance the things that God had done for His people. By observing these festivals annually, the people were continually reminded of their history and God's
acts of deliverance.
How are we doing with the remembrance of all that God has done for us? I
saw a poster once that said: "What if you woke up today with only the things
you thanked God for yesterday?" Oh, my! I'd be in trouble! How about you?
The first Thanksgiving was a time of celebration by those folks long ago to
God for His care of them during some very hard times. I think that our modern day celebration isn't very similar to that first one. I don't have to shoot
the meat for the meal, unless I want to. I don't have to raise the corn, unless
I want to. I don't have to grow the pumpkins and process them for the pies,
unless I want to. I have a warm, dry house to gather with my family to celebrate and hot running water and soap purchased at the grocery store to wash
the dishes.
But one thing remains the same: Thanksgiving is a day to remember and
thank God for all the ways He's blessed us and for all the times He's helped
us. Take time today and every day to thank God!
Serving Christ with you,
Pastor Diane
Novrmber Birthdays
Virginia Robinson
Rosie Grady
Jerry Buttleman
Terrell Blackbourn
Mary Glasford
Lois Spina
Logan Grady
Connie Bachman
Janette Mallicoat
Addison Grissom
Tim Hennick
Howard & Shirley Lannom
United Methodist Women
November 5
General Meeting 1:00 pm
World Thank Offering
Leader: Billie Forrestal
Hostess: Jo Myers
November 12
Jessie Circle 9:30 am
Reader and Hostess: Randy Baty
Ruth Circle - 7:00 pm
Lesson: Barbara Wyckoff
Hostess: Bev Parizek
Congratulations to the Asbury UMW
for achieving the East Central District Iowa
Mission Today Gold Award for 2014-2015!
Pastor Diane Townsley
319-551-3648 Cell
Mes freres et soeurs ce que j’ai recu, je vous le donne aussi pour l’edification
du corps du Christ
International French
Dans Esae 54: 1-17 il nous dit ceci: Tu seras affermie par la justice ; bannis
l'inquiétude, car tu n'as rien à craindre, et la frayeur, car elle n'approchera
pas de toi. Si l'on forme des complots, cela ne viendra pas de moi ; quiconque se liguera contre toi tombera sous ton pouvoir.
Toute arme forgée contre toi sera sans effet ; et toute langue qui s'élèvera en
justice contre toi, tu la condamneras.
Pastor Patrick Munyakazi
Business Administrator
Sharon Busch
Starting November 1, the Finance Committee will start an additional way to add to the General Funds. It will be an ‘activity’ that can be fun, will help us to appreciate the things we do
have and teach stewardship to young people. Each week the Finance Committee will give
families two challenges to match. You can choose one or both challenges. Each choice
will give the families an opportunity to place a small amount of change in their cup. At the
end of the week we will have you bring the change and place it in special buckets during
Sunday morning worship. The amounts will be tallied and posted each week. This is a
great way to help the church in a fun and relatively painless way. It will be interesting to see
which weeks or ‘challenges’ bring in the most funds. Please join us in this new way to add
to the General Fund and meet our 2015 expenses.
The Saturday morning Bible study is moving!
It will now be meeting on Sundays from 8 to 9 a.m. in the Wesley Room. The group is currently studying the New Testament book of Hebrews. Everyone is welcome to attend, no
prior experience necessary. Just bring your Bible, or if you forget, there are extra copies in
the Chada Pautz parlor.
If you have questions: talk to Terry Blackbourn or Darrell Winterowd.
Que l'opposition vienne de Pharaon avec ses chariots, ou d'Amalek avec son
épée; Des Philistins avec leur lances ou de Satan avec ses flèches enflammées, aucune arme forgée contre un enfant de Dieu ne prévaudra ! N'arrivera à le détruire.
Nous sommes dans la main du Père et de Jésus son Fils et personne ne
peut nous en ravir !!!
Choir Director
- Ce texte nous dit que non seulement il y a des armes mauvaises, mais il y
a aussi des individus méchants qui s'élèveront contre nous !
Alice Lindsey
Le travail de Satan c'est d'essayer de nous détruire.
- Le livre d'Esther nous rapporte l'histoire d'Haman qui avait préparé une potence de 50 coudées de haut. Il avait l'intention d'y pendre Mardochée le Juif
et de proclamer la fin du Royaume de Dieu !
Nicole Day
Kids Club Coordinators
Cheerful Giving
Kim Pilkington, Valorie
Bowman, Nicole Day
Volunteer Coordinator
Janice Kralik
Asbury House Manager
Mary Glasford
Mais en un instant, le Dieu Tout-Puissant a inversé les événements en élevant Mardochée et c'est Haman qui fut pendu sur le bois !
Souvenez-vous sans cesse de ce que dit Romains 8 : 31 :
" Que dirons–nous donc à l'égard de ces choses? Si Dieu est pour nous, qui
sera contre nous ? Lui, qui n'a point épargné son propre Fils, mais qui l'a
livré pour nous tous, comment ne nous donnera–t–il pas aussi toutes choses
avec lui?
Qui accusera les élus de Dieu? C'est Dieu qui justifie! Qui les condamnera?
Christ est mort; bien plus, il est ressuscité, il est à la droite de Dieu, et il intercède pour nous! Qui nous séparera de l'amour de Christ?....
Mes freres et soeurs tenons BON, ayons la FOI, et soyons COURAGEUX
car Nous avons LA VICTOIRE EN JESUS.
Que Dieu nous benisse.
Ecumenical Thanksgiving Eve Service
Asbury will host this year’s service on November 25th at 7:00 pm. This is a shared ministry
of Asbury UMC, Hope Lutheran, Hus Memorial Presbyterian and St Ludmila’s Catholic
church. Everyone is invited to remain after the service for refreshments. Asbury will need
volunteers to serve as greeters, ushers, child care and baking cookies.
See the sign up sheet in the hallway or contact Sharon Hills.

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